Mad Doctor

Chapter 1549: Who says women are inferior to men (Part 2)

Ye Wutian knew that what he said just now was basically a no-brainer, how could Ouyang Hao answer?

"What are you still doing? Give it to me." Ouyang Hao ordered that his bodyguards' ability to resist fights made his eyes shine. They were not as strong as Ye Wutian, but their ability to fight fights could throw Ye Wutian eight streets. I believe that even if Ye Wutian Wutian is not an opponent.

Ye Wutian is furious, these bodyguards of Ouyang Hao are not ordinary people, he is not afraid of the other party, but he is afraid that these people will hurt innocent people.

"Blood Cherry." Ye Wutian shouted.

The next second, everyone saw a cold light passing by, like lightning.

Many reporters present didn't even see what was going on. They saw Ouyang Hao's two bodyguards fall to the ground. This time, the two bodyguards didn't get up after they fell to the ground. Get up now.

Just when everyone was astonished, a blood line appeared on the necks of the two who had just fallen to the ground. When everyone saw it clearly, they realized that the two had been wiped on their necks, and they were wiped on their necks by an unknown weapon, and they died. .


This was everyone's first thought. The death of the two might have something to do with the cold light just now.

"Murdered." Someone in the crowd screamed, and even a timid female reporter fainted. They had never experienced such a **** and violent scene.

Ouyang Hao was also stupid, and was even more shocked. How could he know that Ye Wutian would be so arrogant? Dare to kill people in such a public place, even if he didn't kill him himself, he would definitely have nothing to do with him.

What's the difference between being in front of so many reporters and killing people in front of the whole world?

Is this guy crazy? What does it do for him? It will only cause trouble, doesn't he know?

As the company's public relations manager, Shen Manli forcibly suppressed her shock and fear at this time. With so many media around, today's events are probably enough. That is to say, she can only show her public relations ability at this time. After a short period of surprise, she has been hitting several calls.

"Manager Shen, don't need to deal with it." Ye Wutian called to Shen Manli.

Shen Manli, who wanted to call another number, was stunned and didn't understand what Ye Wutian meant. As the company's public relations manager, her responsibility at this time was to find a way to deal with this crisis, but Ye Wutian make her stop? What does it mean?

"No need to do anything." Ye Wutian added.

Shen Manli was confused and did nothing? How does that work? This is no joke, do nothing, really? Are the consequences what the company can bear?

"Chairman, this..." Shen Manli wanted to persuade, trying to tell Ye Wutian the seriousness of the consequences.

"I know, this is what I want." Ye Wutian raised his hand and interrupted Shen Manli: "Hongyan Group is not a company that anyone can pinch. Those people who want to provoke Hongyan Group have to see if we agree or not. "

There are also some things that Ye Wutian didn't say. The reason why he stopped Shen Manli from handling the public relations was because he wanted to take a gamble and wanted to see how Chu Sha would react. That unreasonable woman always said she wanted to help him.

Of course, even if Chu Sha doesn't help him, he doesn't care. Today's matter is not a big deal. The Hongyan Group can handle it. Aside from everything else, he is still holding a position in Guoan, a powerful figure.

Making things bigger will make it easier to figure out the source of Ouyang Hao's bodyguards. What is certain is that Ouyang Hao is definitely not the real master culprit behind this incident, and he can't make these masters.

Next to him, the little gangster who was kicked and kicked by Ye Wutian just now was immediately scared to pee, his neck was cold, and his hands were tightly covering his neck, for fear that others would also stab him in the neck.

"It's none of my business, it's none of my business, I just took the money to do things, let me go, please let me go." The little gangster collapsed in an instant and explained everything in one go.

Ye Wutian didn't expect this effect, and it really confirmed that sentence, violence is always the best way to solve things.

"Who gave you the money? Who told you to do this?" Ye Wutian asked coldly.

The little gangster pointed at Ouyang Hao tremblingly, "It's him, he gave me 100,000 yuan to do this, I really don't know anything."

The corner of Ouyang Hao's mouth twitched. The situation has developed to this point, which he never expected. Who would have thought that Ye Wutian, a lunatic, would dare to order a murder?

"Go away!" Ye Wutian drank coldly. From the very beginning, he knew that this **** was just a tool to be used.

The little **** shook his head: "Thank you, thank you." After he finished speaking, he even crawls and rolls away. He doesn't want to stay here for a second, and runs as far as he can.

"You... you dare to kill?" Ouyang Hao has had a hard time accepting this fact, how is it possible? How is this possible?

Ye Wutian sneered: "Nonsense, Ouyang Hao, haven't you seen it?"

Ouyang Hao was speechless.

At this time, Ouyang Hao had already lost the thoughts he had just now, and the idea of ​​wanting to teach Ye Wutian a lesson. The two bodyguards were killed in an instant, which completely shocked Ouyang Hao, making him afraid and making him dare not dare. fidgeting.

"Do you still want to fight?" Ye Wutian asked.

However, Ouyang Hao answered the question: "Ye Wutian, you will pay the price for your madness."

"Blood Cherry." Ye Wutian said again.

Ouyang Hao's face changed greatly, Ouyang Hao had heard of Ye Wutian's bodyguard, and he was definitely a master of masters.

"Protect, protect quickly." Ouyang Hao was already in a mess, and hurriedly shouted, worried that he would be injured.

The cold light flashed again, this time the goal was to move towards the other two people.

These bodyguards of Ouyang Hao have first-class fighting ability, but they don't seem to be very good in terms of skills. I don't know if Xue Ying's strength is too strong, or the strength of these bodyguards is too weak. During a meeting, two more bodyguards were cleaned up by Xue Ying.

In such a short period of time, Xue Ying had cleared up four places. Such a huge gap made Ouyang Hao very uncomfortable and unaccustomed to it. How could this be? Why is this so? Why have these bodyguards become so unbearable?

"My friends from the journalists and the media, I'm very sorry today. What was originally a good press conference has been turned into what it is now. Today, please release the truth. I just want to tell the world that the Hongyan Group is not someone who wants to mess with it. It can be provoked, not to mention some cats and dogs can deal with it.”

The media present were all dumbfounded, Ye Wutian's move was too arrogant to describe, and it was not enough to describe it.

If you kill someone, don't let the public relations department deal with it, and even arrogantly say that you let it develop and let the situation develop. What will be the consequences? Hongyan Company instigated murder in public, which in itself is a very scary thing.

Ye Wutian is crazy!

This is what everyone thinks!

How can normal people do this? How can we let the situation develop, no matter how arrogant, no matter how confident, it will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble to the company, doesn't Ye Wutian know?

Shen Manli wanted to say that as a public relations manager, she thought that Ye Wutian's move was not the best choice. However, Cheng Kexin and the others were here, but they didn't make any statement. It seemed that she acquiesced to Ye Wutian's move. Here, Shen Manli chose to keep her mouth shut. Several parties were present, but none of them said anything. She was an outsider, so what else could she say?

At this time, a few people came in again, two of them were Ye Wutian's old acquaintances, Xiaoling and Zheng Zhongren.

The appearance of these two people made Ye Wutian puzzled and curious, thinking about coming so soon? Even if someone reported the case, it wouldn't be possible to come so soon, right? Besides, even if they want to come, the police will come first, not the national security.

"Such a big scene?" Zheng Zhongren, who came in, was startled, and several corpses were already lying on the ground.

"Director Zheng, why are you here?" Ye Wutian asked.

Zheng Zhongren glanced at Ye Wutian quickly, then stared at Ouyang Hao's bodyguards, "Come for them."

Hearing this, Ye Wutian was even more curious, even if Ouyang Hao and these bodyguards were stronger, it shouldn't be worth such a big move, and they shot directly in the name of Guoan.

It is not the style of Guoan to be so aggressive.

"You guys, please cooperate with our investigation and squat down immediately." Zheng Zhongren said sharply as he locked Ouyang Hao's bodyguards.

Ouyang Hao's bodyguards didn't seem to hear it, and stood there with a calm expression.

"You don't need to talk nonsense with them, just arrest them." Xiaoling has a hot temper and can only fight.

After hearing this, Ouyang Hao's bodyguards who were still standing there suddenly moved. All of them flashed and rushed out of the door. Such a sudden change made many people present unable to react.


What kind of bodyguard is this? It's just a shame for the bodyguard world. You dared to ignore the employer and ran away immediately. If you invite such a bodyguard, what else can you say?

"Want to go? No way." Xiaoling sneered, and rushed towards those people almost at the same time. At the same time, Xiaoling's other companions also started to act.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Wutian didn't say a word to Xiaoling, but just after Xiaoling came in, the two exchanged glances.

Zheng Zhongren also rushed out. They came and walked faster. From the beginning to the end, Ye Wutian and others didn't know what was going on.

Ouyang Hao is In such a short time, he has become a bare commander, with no soldiers under his command, standing there, it is a pity, at this time he is no longer arrogant and proud. , No one is available under his hand, how can he be so arrogant?

Ye Wutian was delighted and sneered: "Ouyang Hao, Hao Shao, do you have anything else to say? Are there any subordinates who can be used? Call them all."

Ouyang Hao was as unpalatable as eating mouse feces, and all kinds of tastes came to his mind. Today's ending was completely unexpected.

Beside her, Ouyang Xingyue took a small iron rod from somewhere, about one meter in length, grabbed it in her hand and walked towards Ouyang Hao.

Everyone didn't understand Ouyang Xingyue's intentions. Looking at this posture, they were afraid that they wanted to hit someone.

Ouyang Hao glared at Ouyang Xingyue with a gloomy expression, "What do you want to do?"

"Beat you." Ouyang Xingyue went straight to the point, and swung the small iron rod towards Ouyang Hao.



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