Mad Doctor

Chapter 1550: role change

How could Ouyang Hao ever think that Ouyang Xingyue would really hit him? Standing still, he didn't think to avoid it until he reacted and saw the iron rod smashing at him, but it was a little late to dodge at this time.

The iron stick was not big, but it got three points inside. Besides, Ouyang Xingyue didn't seem to be showing mercy. This stick would cost Ouyang Hao half of his life, causing him to scream in agony.

Everyone was frightened by Ouyang Xingyue's madness. Anyone who knew Ouyang Xingyue knew her personality and would never do such a rude behavior. But today, she has changed her image of a lady from the past and directly Hit people, or in front of so many people, what does she want to do?

The scream came from Ouyang Hao's mouth, but Ouyang Xingyue completely ignored it, and once again swung the iron rod towards Ouyang Hao.

Ye Wutian looked at it with a chill in his heart, and wondered why Ouyang Xingyue was so angry today? Are you dissatisfied with Ouyang Hao? Still dissatisfied with him? And then vent all his anger on Ouyang Hao?

It's not impossible to think about it.

Poor Ouyang Hao was swept away by the iron bar again. As normal, he could avoid it, and he could avoid it very easily, but he miscalculated Ouyang Xingyue's ruthlessness, and that Ouyang Xingyue really dared to fight. he.

This will bring him back to his senses, but he can lose his resistance after eating two sticks. Besides, Ouyang Xingyue is not only heavy, but also quick.

There were a large number of people at the scene, but all of them were silent, shocked by the current scene, first killing people, now beating people, the same is, whether it was Ye Wutian who ordered the killing, or Ouyang Xingyue who beat people by himself now , the identity is extraordinary.

What's wrong with this world? Are all crazy?

The reporter recorded the scene of Ouyang Xingyue beating someone, but as a party, Ouyang Xingyue didn't care and let the reporter film her, but she was still indifferent.

After a few sticks down, Ouyang Hao had completely lost his ability to resist, lying on the ground and letting Ouyang Xingyue clean up.

Ouyang Xingyue didn't stop there, he continued to use more than ten sticks in a row before he gave up. At this time, Ouyang Hao was already angry, and if he took two more sticks, Ouyang Hao would say goodbye to this world from now on.

Fortunately, Ouyang Xingyue was very measured and did not continue to do things.

Throwing away the iron rod, Ouyang Xingyue's anger seemed to have subsided a lot. She stared at Ouyang Hao who was like a dead dog on the ground and said coldly, "If it wasn't for the sake of my family, I would kill you today."

Ouyang Hao jumped out again and again to make troubles, while Ouyang Xingyue forgave him again and again, but instead of repenting, he turned even more into his own, which made Ouyang Xingyue very annoyed. Today is such a special day. However, Ouyang Hao dared to jump out and make trouble. This is what Ouyang Xingyue cannot tolerate.

On the ground, Ouyang Hao didn't even have the strength to refute, although he really wanted to refute a few words.

What makes Ouyang Xingyue angry is that Ouyang Hao jumps out from time to time to do things, and what makes her even more angry is that Ouyang Hao has to make a muzzle for others and be used by others, and his brain is like a pig.

"Mr. Wei, are you feeling better?" Ye Wutian squatted down, looking at Wei Qun, who had lost his arrogance with a bruised nose and a swollen face. How could Wei Qun dare to be as arrogant as just now? Not good enough.

"Ye Wutian, you are breaking the law." Wei Qun gritted his teeth and said, as soon as he spoke, it would involve the wound on his face, causing him to gasp in pain.

"Breaking the law?" Ye Wutian murmured: "That's really good, thank you Mr. Wei for your reminder, I forgot if you didn't say it, that's right, since I've already broken the law, if I don't know how to break the law, I'll beat you first. Say it again."

Wei Qun shivered all over, he was already injured enough at this moment, he couldn't stand the toss any longer, and if he beat him again, he would die.

"Don't, don't." Wei Qun was afraid, what about the high position and the power? Still can't stand such a heavy punch.

What do you do when you meet a rogue? The only thing you can protect yourself is to not let yourself get hurt too badly and get hurt less. This is the only thing you can do.

"Mr. Wei, you are a smart person. You should know what I want. Excuse me, can you give me what I want?" Ye Wutian asked.

Of course Wei Qun knew, but at this moment, his face showed hesitation and said, "The original video is not with me."

Ye Wutian was not surprised: "Oh, where is it?"

Wei Qun shook his head: "I don't know, the video was sent to my mailbox by someone else."

Ye Wutian sighed: "Wei Qun, I just praised you and said that you are a smart person. Now it seems that you are not as smart as I imagined."

Wei Qun shivered, "It's true, I didn't lie to you, you can check if you don't believe me."

"I'll check it out naturally, but Wei Qun, I'm very dissatisfied with your answer, sorry! It seems that people like you are born with itchy skin, and you can't take care of it."

"Ye Wutian, what I said is true, why don't you want to believe me? Will I still lie to you at this time?"

In the face of Wei Qun's explanation, Ye Wutian turned a deaf ear, pretended not to hear him, turned his head and said to his subordinates: "You guys, say hello to President Wei."

"No, Ye Wutian, you can't do this." Wei Qun was so frightened that his face was ashen, and he never wanted to be beaten.

"Oh, by the way, invite President Wei outside, don't stay here, the influence is not good." Ye Wutian said again.

So, under the struggle and roar of Wei Qun, he was forcibly carried out by the three big men.

When a reporter saw this, he finally couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Ye, do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes? Is this allowed by the law?"

Ye Wutian smiled slightly, took out a certificate from his pocket and pushed it in front of everyone, "With this thing, I have this right, now I suspect Wei Qun is colluding with foreign evil forces, for the sake of national security, I must do this Do."


Everyone at the scene was overwhelmed by Ye Wutian's shamelessness. If you want to add a crime, why don't you worry? Collusion with foreign evil forces? With such a big hat down, Wei Qun would have to lose his skin even if he didn't die.

Everyone finally understood why Ye Wutian was prepared, why he didn't care at all, and he was already prepared.

Shen Manli laughed to herself, wondering if the certificate in the boss's hand was true or not. If it was true, she really wasn't afraid of this matter today. No wonder he said from the beginning to ignore it.

Some reporters standing in front clearly saw that the document in Ye Wutian's hand belonged to Guoan. Look at that, it should be quite advanced, so everyone can't understand. relationship? Could it be that the Hongyan Group itself has a national security background?

With Ye Wutian showing his credentials just now, the reporters didn't ask any more questions. Even if they knew that the reason Ye Wutian just gave was far-fetched, they had nothing to do with him. Next, everyone would have to see Ye Wutian's meeting. How to end it, even if you are a member of Guoan, you can't kill people casually.

Zheng Zhongren left and returned, and attentive people found that compared to just now, Zheng Zhongren at this time was slightly different, his clothes were messy and dirty, and there was even a large footprint left on his abdomen.

This respectful face is undoubtedly telling others that he has just gone through a fierce battle to become what he is now.

"Director Zheng, World War? Why are you so embarrassed?" Ye Wutian asked, very surprised by Zheng Zhongren's embarrassment.

Zheng Zhongren smiled bitterly and glanced down at himself: "Don't mention it, I almost capsized in the gutter."

"What's the situation?" Ye Wutian became curious.

Zheng Zhongren didn't answer. He glanced at the many reporters at the scene, and said loudly: "My friends from the reporters, my name is Zheng Zhongren, Dongcheng National Security Bureau, I am very sorry for letting you see this scene today." At the same time, Zheng Zhongren took out his credentials. Yizhan, "The people we hunted down just now are the murderers that our national security has been secretly tracking down. In order to arrest them, we have paid a lot and sacrificed a lot. Today, fortunately they appeared on their own initiative, and fortunately for the secret cooperation of Hongyan Group, we can Let's capture them smoothly."

A few simple and clear words instantly turned the Hongyan Group into a meritorious person. In other words, Ye Wutian's murder was not only innocent, but also meritorious.

What is this called?

"Who are they? Foreign forces?" A reporter asked boldly.

Zheng Zhongren replied: "Good question, this reporter friend, they are not only evil forces, but besides this, they have another identity, they are half-human beings."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone including Ye Wutian was stupid, half-human? Isn't this a character that should only appear in fantasy movies? Why does it appear in reality?

"Everyone, please take a look." Zheng Zhongren walked to the corpses on the ground and pressed his finger on the face of one of the corpses, but he saw that the corpse did not move at all, and the muscles of the corpse were very stiff, not like an ordinary corpse.

"Their muscles have been specially modified to become very rigid. In addition, they do not feel pain. These are the characteristics of biochemical humans." Zheng Zhongren said.

After being reminded by Zheng Zhongren, many people remembered that when Ye Wutian fought with these people just now, these people really didn't seem to know the pain. They were knocked to the ground and they could get up immediately, which is definitely not something normal people can do. of.

Next to him, Ouyang Hao, who managed to survive, only felt a thunderbolt after hearing it, biochemical human? Are his bodyguards cyborgs?

If it is true, he Ouyang Hao will be doomed from now on, no one can save Even if he is used by others, who will believe it?

"Who made them?" Another reporter asked.

Zheng Zhongren said: "I'm very sorry, this question is confidential and I can't answer you for the time being. What I want to say is that Hongyan Group is a qualified company. As a citizen and a member of this country, Hongyan Group has always stood the test. If it wasn't for the cooperation of the Hongyan Group today, we would not have succeeded in arresting those biochemical people."

This is the second time Zheng Zhongren has mentioned the Hongyan Group. Hearing this, everyone can hear it a little bit. How to listen, Zheng Zhongren seems to be guilty of the Hongyan Group, and is connected with the praise of the Hongyan Group. What is it for?

Ye Wutian doesn't know what to say at this meeting. He has a conscience of the world. He never knew that the situation would develop into what it is now, and there is no so-called secret cooperation. After being explained by Zheng Zhongren, he suddenly changed from a bad person to a good person.

When he secretly smiled bitterly, the phone in his pocket rang. When he took out the phone, he instantly put the smile on his face. The other party called at this juncture. What's the matter?



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