Mad Doctor

Chapter 1557: Old Man Ning's Worries (Part 2)

These words came out of Ning's mouth, and Ye Wutian always felt so incredible.

"Trust me, there is nothing wrong." Ning old man added: "For your own good."

"Why?" Ye Wutian asked after he was dazed, at this time he desperately needed to figure out this problem.

"Your friend's father-in-law, the surname is Su." Old Man Ning hesitated for a while, and began to explain, "He is No. 2 now and is reaching the top."

Ye Wutian already knew about this, so what if they rushed to No. 1? Have a relationship with him for half a dime?

Seeing that Ye Wutian was silent, Old Man Ning knew that he probably hadn't reacted yet, "That's a battlefield, a battlefield without gunpowder smoke."

"I still don't quite understand." Ye Wutian thought that it was just someone else's business, what did it have to do with him? Besides, he's just a doctor, so what does that battle have to do with him?

Old man Ning was sullen, and had the idea that iron could not become steel. Is this kid really confused or just pretending? He has chosen this for his own sake, and he still doesn't understand? You don't have to draw intestines to draw dolls, right?

"That's the problem, Xiaotian, I treat you as a family, and I'm not afraid to tell you something. Many people in the Su family are not optimistic."

Ye Wutian suddenly realized that the problem is here, many people are not optimistic about Sister Yan's father-in-law, and this is the crux of the problem.

Ye Wutian is not a person in that system, I don't know how dangerous it is, but he is very grateful to Old Man Ning. He can remind him more out of his protection.

"Master, are you not optimistic?" Ye Wutian asked.

Old man Ning was stunned for a moment.

"Xiaotian, you don't understand the reason. Usually, the above should have set a quota earlier, but this time it has been delayed. You'd better not participate at this time, it is not good for you."

"Hehe, it can also be said that the Su family still has a chance of winning. As long as the result is not announced for a day, he still has a chance."

"You're right, the reason should be like this, but now it's not a matter of reason. The Su family is in a weak situation, and his chances of winning are not high."

Ye Wutian didn't fully agree with these remarks, not because Sister Yan was beautiful, nor because of Ouyang Xingyue's relationship. He had an intuition that things were far more simple than he imagined.

There is no threat, the quota should be set early, why is it delayed? This is very telling.

"Father, the icing on the cake is not as good as giving carbon in the snow. Everything has two sides."

Old man Ning was sullen and dared to say it himself for a long time, but this kid didn't listen to it, what is this called? With his own good intentions, this kid just pretended he was singing.

Damn it!

"Father, it's their business, it has nothing to do with me, I'm just an outsider, that kind of thing has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to be involved in it, I promised to help Sister Yan, that's because I'm a doctor , that's all." Ye Wutian said.

Old man Ning thought to himself, who would believe what you said? Anyway, he doesn't believe that there are so many patients in the world, and you can't see Ye Wutian staying in the hospital all day to save lives? I only remember picking up girls all day long, but now it's better to talk about it so great, what is this called? You have to be thick-skinned, right? If it gets thicker, it will be comparable to a city wall.

"Xiaotian, I'm afraid that you think this way, others don't." Old man Ning said earnestly, "It's far more simple than you imagined, your sister Yan, do you think she had an accidental miscarriage?"

"You mean she was murdered?" Ye Wutian didn't think about this issue.

"Also, do you think only you can help her?" Old Man Ning didn't answer directly, "It is undeniable that your medical skills are very good, but don't forget, you are not the only one with strong medical skills, because of her background , Are you worried that you won't be able to find a powerful medical skill? Do you think it's possible?"

Ye Wutian fell into deep thought. Ye Wutian didn't think about these words of old man Ning carefully. Now that he heard old man Ning mention it, Ye Wutian suddenly found out that things were really as hot as old man Ning said.

Seeing Ye Wutian's silence, old man Ning thought that Ye Wutian was moved, and even had the intention to retreat, so he continued: "That battlefield is cruel, Xiaotian, you really can't fall into it for such a person."

"But I've fallen into it." Ye Wutian didn't hesitate for a long time: "I have promised to help, and I am already helping."

"Old man, listen to me first." Ye Wutian raised his hand to interrupt the old man Ning: "I know you are good for me, but as I said just now, everything has two sides, you are good for me, of course I know, I’m also very grateful. Isn’t life a gamble? Every day and every moment, I make various choices. Many people don’t like the Su family, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t have a chance. As long as the result is not announced one day, he still has a chance. , Anyone can do the icing on the cake, I don't care about that, let alone do it, and besides, I'm just an ordinary doctor."

"Hey!" Old man Ning sighed and finally knew that what he said just now was basically a nonsense, and Ye Wutian didn't listen to it at all, "Xiaotian, do you know what this is doing? You are taking the whole Hongyan Group went to gamble, there are many things, there is no retreat, one step is wrong, and there is a cliff behind."

"I know, someone once said that life should be optimistic and look on the bright side. If the person surnamed Su really succeeds in reaching the top, the benefits to me, have you thought about it, sir? It will bring us How much benefit? Take a step back and say, even if he really fails in the end, who would dare to do anything to me? It's not that I'm crazy, nor that I'm arrogant. Now I really don't fear anyone, who dares to disturb the Hongyan Group? They have Do you qualify?"

The world is so big, who will I take?

The world is big, only I am arrogant!

Ye Wutian performed his arrogance to the fullest, and his performance was penetrating.

In the past, Ye Wutian might still be afraid of rats, and he had some scruples. Now that Hongyan Group has moved to Hongyan Island, what is he afraid of?

Old Man Ning was speechless for a long time, he could clearly feel Ye Wutian's madness, the madness from his heart.

Today's hard-hearted persuasion is considered vain, no matter how much he persuades, this kid will not listen.

Old man Ning was not a stubborn person either. The topic changed and he said, "Siqi's girl is at home, let's chat with you young people."


This time, it was Ye Wutian's turn to be surprised, looking at the old man Ning with a stunned expression, he couldn't understand the meaning of the old man, wasn't he always worried that he would soak his granddaughter?

Old man Ning blushed and explained, "Don't think about it."

Ye Wutian was amused and said with a smile: "Old man, I didn't think about it, did you think about it?"

"Go away!" Old Man Ning yelled, and being foolish is this kid's strength.

Walking out of the study, Ye Wutian looked around, but did not see Ning Siqi's figure, so he lucked out his dantian and shouted in a deep voice, "Ning Siqi, come out."

Ye Wutian's sentence attracted the attention of many people, including Ning Siqi, who came out with a cold face, Mei Mei glared at Ye Wutian: "What are you yelling? What the **** are you calling?

Beauty is beauty, no matter how angry she is, she is so beautiful.

"I haven't seen you for a long time? I miss you." Ye Wutian said shamelessly.

Ning Siqi's face was red and her ears were red, and she was extremely shy. The other party was thick-skinned, but it didn't mean that she was also thick-skinned. She couldn't be as thick as Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian looked at Ning Siqi dumbfoundedly: "You are really beautiful at this time."

Ning Siqi was angry: "You mean I'm not usually pretty?"

"Pretty, of course beautiful." Ye Wutian wanted to hug Ning Siqi's waist, but Ning Siqi refused.

"what you up to?"

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to help you today." After Ye Wutian said, he wanted to come forward again.

Ning Siqi avoided it again, and said coldly in a deep voice, "If you do this again, don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, didn't care: "What do you want? You can't beat me anyway."

"..." Ning Siqi was dumbfounded.

While Ning Siqi was stunned, Ye Wutian successfully hugged Ning Siqi's slender waist.

"Let go." Ning Siqi hated that others would do something to her like this.

"You are my daughter-in-law, I won't let you go."

Ning Siqi didn't talk nonsense at the moment, and directly hit Ye Wutian's abdomen with a right elbow.

Ye Wutian, who is quick-witted and quick-witted, has been prepared for a long time. If so, he is still frightened. Damn! This woman really hits.

With the palm of his hand against the back elbow that was hit, Ye Wutian made a stronger move first. While blocking the move, this guy successfully subdued Ning Siqi and put him down on the sofa, and then this guy unceremoniously pushed Ning Siqi down. Press down.

Staying in such an ambiguous posture made Ning Siqi blushed and struggled desperately. There was humiliation, unwillingness, and even anger.

She struggled for a long time and couldn't get out of it. At this time, how much she missed the time when he first met this bastard. At that time, he was so weak that she could take care of him with any move, unlike now, when he There is no power to fight back.

How did this **** improve so much?

I don't understand, I don't understand!

"Let go of me." Ning Siqi, who couldn't struggle to get away, was furious and worried that she would be seen. If that's the case, she might as well just die.

"Be good, don't make trouble." Ye Wutian slowly let go of the other party, although it was very comfortable to press the other party like this, but after all, it was in someone's or in this living room.

After regaining her freedom, Ning Siqi was still angry, especially looking at the smug look on this bastard's face, she was even more angry, completely forgetting that she was in a weak position, and suddenly launched a sneak attack on Ye Wutian, and this The second time was more ruthless, and he directly lifted his knees and walked towards Ye Wutian's vital point.

"Fuck!" The shocked Ye Wutian was also angry, this girl is really ignorant, he was ready to let her go, but she didn't know what to do or what to do.

After jumping back and protecting the front with both hands, after successfully blocking the sneak attack from Ning Siqi, Ye Wutian did not stop and launched an attack on Ning Siqi. Once again, Ye Wutian successfully pressed him under him.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, what do you think I should do with you this time?" Ye Wutian's heart was so proud, he understood that the only way to deal with such a violent woman was to use violence to control violence.

"What are you doing?" Behind him, Old Man Ning's voice sounded, like thunder on a sunny day, it exploded directly, and the smirk on Ye Wutian's face froze there.



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