Mad Doctor

Chapter 1558: wily

The two stayed in this posture, no, it should be said that they were half-lying. Anyone who saw it would have a word in their minds, ambiguous!

Ning Siqi had the urge to die, and she would come for whatever she was afraid of. What she was most afraid of was being seen by her family, but now it's better. Not only was she seen, but this person was still a grandfather, which made her feel ashamed.

Not knowing where she got the strength, she pushed Ye Wutian hard and successfully pushed him away.

Ye Wutian, who almost fell, scratched his head with his hand and smiled awkwardly: "Master, you are out."

"You don't want me to come out?" Old Ning's face was sullen. With his present respectful appearance, he was undoubtedly telling others that he was very angry.

Ye Wutian waved his hand quickly: "No no, that's not what it means, of course I want you to come out, old man."

Hearing this, Old Man Ning didn't let Ye Wutian go, "You want me to come out and watch you bully my granddaughter?"

Ye Wutian: "..."

Poor Ye Wutian found that no matter what he said, it was useless, and the old man could question him.

"Father, it's not what you think, I'm learning martial arts with Siqi." Ye Wutian tried to explain, and at the same time sighed that he was too proud of himself today, and his mind was full of thinking about picking up girls, but he didn't expect to be too proud all of a sudden, cause this trouble.

"Do you need to press the opponent under your body?"

Ye Wutian, who had nothing to say, simply didn't say anything. Anyway, he justified the loss, and it was useless to say anything.

"What? There's nothing to say? Or do you think you don't want to explain?" Old Man Ning asked coldly.

"Old man, I was wrong." Ye Wutian thought, don't you want me to admit my mistake, old man Ning? Am I wrong?

"That's it? That's it?"

Ye Wutian was stunned, still not? You're all wrong, right? What do you still want?

It is worth mentioning that Ning Siqi stood by without speaking, neither explaining nor crying.

"Young people are impulsive, I can understand, but you can't come around in this crowd, what does it look like? What kind of style?" Ning old man taught.

Ye Wutian became more and more confused as he listened, why was something wrong? What is this old man trying to express?

Ning Siqi couldn't understand it, Ye Wutian couldn't understand it, she couldn't understand it either. Isn't grandfather confused? How can you say something like that?

What can't be in the public eye? Is it possible to do it in other secluded places? What is this called? What is the reason?

"You're not allowed to do this in the future, have you heard it clearly?" Old Man Ning said.

Ye Wutian still couldn't understand, after he glanced at Ning Siqi who was not far away from the corner of his eyes, this fellow summoned the courage to ask: "Old man, you... what do you want to say?"

This old man is like this, so Ye Wutian is not sure, God knows what the old man is thinking? The more he is like this, the more unreliable Ye Wutian is in his heart, the more frightened he is, wondering if this old man should have been stimulated by something, right?

"Why are you pretending to be confused? Are you flat?" Old Man Ning was so angry that he blew his beard: "When you want to be smart, you pretend to be confused."

Ye Wutian is wronged, especially wronged, he is really confused now, can you blame him? Old Man Ning has always been against him for having his granddaughter, but what he said just now is easy to misunderstand. Could it be that Old Man Ning meant that he should not be in the public eye? Can he do something to Ning Siqi?

It must be my own misunderstanding, yes, that's it!

Ye Wutian didn't believe that old man Ning would be so generous, knowing that he had many confidantes, but still pushing his granddaughter to him, which would undoubtedly push his granddaughter into a fire pit.

"Old man, are you sick? How about I take the pulse for you." After thinking about it, Ye Wutian couldn't guess what the old man meant.

Old man Ning couldn't help laughing and laughing. He wished he had a gun, so he would blow this hateful boy out with one shot. What the heck? To draw dolls, do you have to draw intestines?

"Boy, remember it for me. If you dare to molest my granddaughter in public in the future, I'll kill you." Old Man Ning said bitterly.

What Ye Wutian wants to know, is it okay not to be in public? For example, in Ning Siqi's room, is that enough?

Grandma, what does old man Ning mean? I have to make it clear, or did he already agree to take Ning Siqi for him?

It is not clear, Ye Wutian's heart is like ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past, angry and helpless.

Today's old man Ning is too weird, so that Ye Wutian can't figure it out, or thirty-six strategies are the best way.

Seeing Ye Wutian fleeing, the corner of Ning's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile, but unfortunately, Ye Wutian couldn't see it, otherwise the number of grass and mud horses passing by in his heart would only be more.

Ye Wutian could take the opportunity to escape, but Ning Siqi couldn't. When she saw Grandpa's smile clearly, she was even more puzzled. Could it be that Grandpa's anger just now was faked? Not really angry?

"Girl, what's your expression?" Old Man Ning noticed his granddaughter's surprised gaze.

Do you know what Ning Siqi thinks I look like? Ask knowingly.

"It's weird, isn't it?" Old Man Ning asked.

Ning Siqi bit her head and nodded, even though she wanted to leave this place immediately and didn't want to be so embarrassed, her grandfather's words still attracted her to bite the bullet and stay here.

Old Man Ning first sighed: "Sometimes, you have to admire that kid's luck."

Ning Siqi: "..."

"Girl, you are not too young, do you have someone you like?" Old Man Ning asked after changing the subject.

Ning Siqi blushed and bowed her head silently.

"Still thinking about that Chen Yang?" Old Man Ning asked.

Ning Siqi was stunned and shook her head to indicate no.

"Well, it's fine if you don't think about it." Old Ning's face softened a bit: "That kid is not worthy of your love."

Ning Siqi was silent. She knew what Grandpa did back then. A large part of the reason he did it was to test Chen Yang. Unfortunately, Chen Yang was too disappointing and she was disappointed, so she let go so quickly.

If Chen Yangruo could hold on for a while longer and try to get the consent of his grandfather, the result might be different now.

Ning Siqi thought that her grandfather was like most people when she did that. She only wanted to be in the right place all day long. At that time, she also hated her grandfather and hated his opposition. Now, she is so grateful. Chen Yang is an easy person to give up. Man, what about the number one expert in the army? What she needs to marry is a man, a man who has a sense of responsibility and will not give up easily, not the number one expert in the military.

"Girl, how is that kid Xiaotian?" Old Man Ning asked.

Ning Siqi was almost choked, she finally understood that she didn't hear it wrong just now, but her grandfather said that, just telling her and the **** that the two of them should not be in public.

Wanting to understand this, Ning Siqi was inexplicably wronged, what did grandpa think of himself? Use tools? Grandpa, how could he do this?


Ning Siqi shouted, and at the same time expressed her dissatisfaction, a strong dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, girl, don't be angry yet. Grandpa asked you, have you met someone you like after being separated from Chen Yang for so long?"

Ning Siqi was dumbfounded, but even so, she couldn't be pushed to Ye Wutian, who didn't know that Ye Wutian was a **** with a heart?

She doesn't want a few women to serve one husband.

"Do you hate Xiaotian?" Old Man Ning asked, "I mean from the heart, do you hate it?"

"Don't you hate it? Do you do this to other men?"

Ning Siqi couldn't listen anymore, she didn't want to be surrounded: "Grandpa, what are you trying to say?"

"I want to say that if you want to be with that kid, grandpa won't object."

Ning Siqi: "..."

"That kid's behavior is just a little bit, and he has no shortcomings. Apart from this, I really can't find any shortcomings."

"So what? Should I marry him?" Ning Siqi was very angry: "Grandpa, you said just now that he is very interested, knowing that he is like this, but you have to push me to him, what do you think of me? "

"Girl, you can't be so unconscionable. Grandpa didn't force you, just said that you like him."

"That's not possible either." Ning Siqi doubted whether she was the granddaughter of her grandfather.

"Hehe, girl, do you think Ouyang Xingyue and the others are not good?"

This question stopped Ning Siqi.

"They are all so good, and they are still willing to do that. Why? Can't they see Ye Wutian's fascination? Also, can't their family members see it? Their grandfather can't see it? Do this, and why?"

Ning Siqi had a hard time arguing. She knew that grandpa's theory was all false, but she still had no way to refute it.

"I suspect that when Ouyang Xingyue and Ye Wutian were together, it was designed by the old man Ouyang. He is such a smart person, he knows Xiaotianhua's heart, but he still insists on doing this, why? Yes, this can help the Ouyang family. Bringing benefits, but apart from this, is there nothing else?"

Ning Siqi was puzzled, besides the benefits, what else could there be? She was puzzled.

"Being with him, grandpa, rest assured, it is also good for you, girl, you are very good, and there are very few people who are worthy of you."

"Just because of this, you're going to push me to him?"

"Not only, of course, there are many things I can't tell you right now, and even if I tell you, you won't listen. Only you can understand many things. There is one thing I can tell you, that kid and Su Jiala. relationship."

Ning Siqi was startled for a said in surprise, "The Su family above?"

"Yeah." Old man Ning nodded, "It's the Su family."

"How could they be related?" Ning Siqi knew a little about the Su family, and knew what kind of family the Su family was.

"That's why I said that the boy is lucky. According to the current situation, the Su family has a good chance of winning the summit." Old Man Ning sighed incomparably, Ye Wutian's luck is really not covered, what good thing is he Can meet, really is more popular than dead people.

If Ye Wutian knew that the words Old Man Ning had said to him not long ago were all lying to him and testing him, I am afraid that the number of grass and mud horses in his heart would be countless.

It took so much effort to find Ye Wutian, just because he wanted to test Ye Wutian, whoever changed it would be mad.

"Girl, grandpa said it very seriously, you should think about it."



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