Mad Doctor

Chapter 1580: embarrassed

The corner of the young man sitting opposite Ma Feng raised his mouth slightly and asked without answering, "Do you know what I want to do now?"

Ma Feng was startled, then shook his head and said he didn't know.

"I want to beat you, like last time."

Ma Feng laughed, "Many people say this, but, can you give me a reason? Use this to scare me, don't give me a reason, it seems unreasonable, right?"

The young man on the opposite side seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and said, "It's very simple, there is only one reason, because you can pretend to be thirteen, I can't stand you like a bird."

Ma Feng laughed again: "This reason can also be regarded as a reason."

"He hasn't changed, he's still as arrogant as before," said the young man opposite Ma Feng.

Ma Feng nodded: "This is his style."

"Sun Zhiyuan's rubbish, I really didn't expect him to end in this way, it's really beyond my expectations."

"It doesn't matter. If you die, you will die. It's just a puppet. What if you die? We can find another one at any time." Ma Feng didn't care. These days, it's not difficult to find a ghost puppet.

The young man sitting opposite didn't think so, frowning. Sun Zhiyuan's death made him realize the sense of crisis and made him uneasy.

Ma Feng glanced at the other party, "What's wrong? Are you afraid?"

The young man opposite did not answer immediately, but raised his head and drank all the wine in the cup: "My old man seems to have found something."

Hearing this, Ma Feng sat up straight: "What's going on?"

The young man smiled: "Maybe I was suspicious. The old man once asked me during a meal if he had contacted Ye Wutian during this time."

Ma Feng frowned and thought for a while: "It's normal, I don't think there's anything wrong."

"It's a normal thing, but what's abnormal is that the old man asks about it during dinner. You don't know him. During dinner, he doesn't say anything."

"Never?" Ma Feng asked.

"Very few," replied the young man.

"It doesn't mean anything, it doesn't explain anything," Ma Feng said.

"Well, you're right, but I just feel uneasy, I always feel like something is going to happen."

Ma Feng smiled: "Don't worry, it may be because you think too much, it will be fine."

The young man sighed: "No matter what, you have to be careful in the future."

"Okay, just do as you said." Ma Feng readily agreed: "The new puppet has been found."

The young man was startled: "So fast?"

Ma Feng smiled smugly: "To do anything, you have to be prepared with both hands."

"Alas! I don't know now whether it is right or wrong to work with you."

Ma Feng smiled even more happily: "I regret it now? It's too late."

"Who is that person?"

Ma Feng didn't answer in a hurry, just said: "Allow me to sell a small pass, and promise not to disappoint you, nor to disappoint Ye Wutian."

Hearing the words, the young man didn't ask any more questions, he lowered his head and hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Where did you notice Ma Shan?"

"Did you find that he danced so happily?" Ma Feng asked back.

The young man was startled and smiled: "It seems that you already know, okay, don't tell me."

"Clowns are always clowns, don't jump high, don't worry."

The young man didn't say anything, stood up and left the villa, and shortly after the young man left the villa, Ma Feng suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg. He knew too well what this pain meant. This pain will remain for a while down.

The severe pain lasted longer and longer, and Ma Feng was very afraid of this.

Sweat like rain!

Ma Feng stretched out his trembling hand and took the mobile phone next to him, and pressed a number quickly despite the pain.

"Painkillers, I need painkillers."

After the phone call, Ma Feng was completely exhausted, lying on the sofa motionless, his face pale, and his clothes were already wet with sweat.

The painful waiting time was tormenting every second for Ma Feng, and every second was like a year. If he could, how much he hoped to get the painkillers in the next second.

The painkillers that Ma Feng needs to wait for are not ordinary painkillers. Ordinary painkillers have no effect on him at all. He has even tried some special drugs that ordinary people can't get. After an hour or so, the effect of the drug will be lost.

Finally, under Ma Feng's long wait, the painkillers he needed were finally delivered to the door, and the person who came was a middle-aged woman.

"Medicine, give me the medicine." Ma Feng was in such pain that he was about to collapse. If the pain continued, he would rather die. If the pain continued, what was the point of being a human being?

The middle-aged woman took out a thumb-sized pill and said to Ma Feng, "Young Master Ma, do you really want it?"

Ma Feng nodded madly. Would he have any other choice after being tortured by the severe pain and had no temper? No, there is no other option at all.

"The medicine can be given to you, but Mr. Ma, I have to tell you something. If you take the medicine this time, the distance between taking the medicine next time will only get shorter and shorter, so are you sure?"

Without any hesitation, Ma Feng also nodded vigorously. He had heard this last time, and the woman had said the same to him last time.

Seeing Ma Feng nod, the middle-aged woman handed the pill to Ma Feng, who immediately opened his mouth and swallowed it.

After about two minutes, the pain was not as exaggerated as before, and Ma Feng knew that the medicine had worked.

While alleviating the pain, Ma Feng couldn't help but feel entangled, this situation was not what he wanted, Naibao, he had no choice.

"What do you need?" Ma Feng, who was exhausted, sat up with difficulty and tidied up his messy shirt.

The middle-aged woman smiled slightly, and she looked quite pretty, but at this moment her smile looked like a devil in Ma Feng's eyes.

"Be obedient, we need to be obedient, Master Ma, can you understand what I mean?" said the middle-aged woman.

Ma Feng's face sank: "Impossible, I can't be controlled by you."

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman was not in a hurry, shrugged and said, "Of course, this is your freedom."

Ma Feng didn't speak again, he knew exactly what the other party's next sentence was.

"On an offer, give me the painkillers." Ma Feng said, this is the only way to get rid of it once and for all.

"Oh, sorry! I don't have this right." The middle-aged woman replied with a smile.

Ma Feng was mad and roared: "Then find someone who can talk."

Facing Ma Feng's roar, the middle-aged woman was not in a hurry at all, she just said: "Miss said that there are only two paths in front of you, either agree or refuse, you can only choose one of them."

"I need the third rule." Ma Feng roared, this feeling of being threatened is uncomfortable, and he doesn't like it very much.

"No, as I said just now, you have no other choice." The middle-aged woman said.

Looking at the middle-aged woman who turned to leave, Ma Feng hesitated whether to force her to stay, but this idea was quickly rejected by him. It was unrealistic and unwise. The relationship between the two sides is even more tense, which is completely thankless.

"Are you leaving?" Ma Feng asked a very nutritious question.

The middle-aged woman turned around and asked, "What? You want to force me to stay?"

Ma Feng shook his head: "It's not Nasi, I mean, you are leaving, can you leave me a pill?"

"Oh, so you said this, sorry! I really can't help you with this, because I only have one pill with me."

Ma Feng was annoyed, he didn't know whether the other party's words were true or not, and he didn't dare to mess around.

Think of him, Young Master Ma, when was he so useless?

The middle-aged woman left, and there was only Ma Feng left in the villa. He sat there with a gloomy expression on his face. Ma Feng secretly investigated the middle-aged woman, and it was most likely someone from Poison Shadow Sect.

You must never let them control yourself, not anyone else.

The bombings in country m did not become dull with the passage of time. On the contrary, it became more and more noisy. I don't know who reported that Sun Zhiyuan, the legal representative of the company, was dead and poisoned.

Naturally, many people thought, could this be Ye Wutian's masterpiece again? Sun Zhiyuan is dead, who benefits the most? There is no doubt that it is most beneficial to Ye Wutian and the Hongyan Group, so the most suspicious person is naturally Ye Wutian.

In the face of all kinds of guesses and suspicions, Ye Wutian didn't take it to heart. Instead, it was Chu Fang's words that worried him. The little girl once told him that if the other party could get the Qingcheng Pill formula, he would naturally be able to get other formulas as well. , even if the formula is incomplete, it is enough for Hongyan Group to drink a pot.

In the past few days, Ye Wutian has been focusing on finding the traitor. Not only did he ask Chen Binwei to investigate secretly, but he could not let go of even the slightest abnormal clue. At the same time, he also asked Zhuang Susu to help, and the eighteenth generations of the ancestors of every employee on Hongyan Island were Check it again, if the kind of employees who can't find family relationships, they will all change positions.

Ye Wutian didn't dare to imagine, if it was as Chu Fang said, what would be the consequences? If it doesn't work out, the Hongyan Group is very likely to close down. It's not what he wants to see.

"Xiaotian, there is one more thing you need to pay attention to. During this time, Zhang Shao and the others have a close relationship with Ma Feng," Zhuang Susu reminded.

Ye Wutian murmured: "What are they going to do?"

"It shouldn't be a good thing." Zhuang Susu said.

"Miss, you continue to pay attention to this matter, I want to see what tricks they want to come up with."

From Ye Wutian's point of view, at most, those people are embarrassed, and Ye Wutian doesn't care about them.

"Miss An came to Dongcheng, what did you say? What's the progress of the last proposal?" Zhuang Susu asked She mentioned to me that this time is also for this matter. , you talk about this yourself, I will not participate. "Ye Wutian said.

"Well, arrange a time for us to meet."

"Just tonight, I'll let you meet." Ye Wutian said.

Zhuang Susu glanced from side to side and asked in a low voice, "Xiaotian, what are you going to do with Miss An?"

Hearing this, Ye Wutian's scalp couldn't bear to go numb for a while, and smiled bitterly: "I don't know."

"You boy, how can you not know about this? It's not the way to drag it." Zhuang Susu said.

Ye Wutian said helplessly: "Master, what do you think I should do? I don't know what to do now."

"Don't be ashamed of anyone who treats you well, that is a gift, a gift from God to you."--3809680134-->


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