Mad Doctor

Chapter 1581: Shock

Seeing Ye Wutian showing surprise, Zhuang Susu said again: "Don't you understand?"

Ye Wutian seems to understand but does not understand: "Master, do you want me to jump out of the box?"

Zhuang Susu showed a hint of approval: "Do you really care about other people's eyes?"

Ye Wutian is speechless, do you care? He may not care about the eyes and opinions of others, but he still cares about Ouyang Xingyue and the others.

Zhuang Susu saw Ye Wutian's hesitation: "I know, you are worried about them."

Ye Wutian nodded silently, answering Zhuang Susu's question.

"Their opinions are equally unimportant." Zhuang Susu said.

These words shocked Ye Wutian, extremely surprised, and looked at the other party with doubts.

"not understand?"

This time, Ye Wutian shook his head. He really didn't understand. He didn't care about other people's opinions. Could he even care about the opinions of Cheng Kexin and the others? Wouldn't that be messed up?

"Why should you care? Xiaotian, life is too short, time cannot be wasted like this, my wife and I are the best example." Zhuang Susu sighed that she had fought with Lionhead for so many years, and looking back now, how naive it was thing.

Ye Wutian thought to himself, his situation is different from hers, can the two be confused?

"It's a good thing for you to think about them, but Xiaotian, being a man and a man, you have to be wild. Now that you have a few confidantes, what if you have one more? Being together doesn't mean you have to be alone to be happy. ."

Ye Wutian didn't know what to say, and it always felt weird. If a man told him this, it would be nothing, but Zhuang Susu is a woman, and she could say this, it would be incredible, or let people say it. Unbelievable, isn't she a woman? Shouldn't it be on the women's side?


"They are with you, and there are more or less other factors in themselves, so Xiaotian, don't think too much, and don't be ashamed of yourself."

"Master, what would happen to you if Master is also interested?" Ye Wutian summoned the courage to ask.

Zhuang Susu said, "I don't care about the women I met before."

"That means you can't do it now?" Ye Wutian laughed.

"Now? In his appearance? Who would want him?"

"Hey, Mistress, don't underestimate Master's charm, it's not too small."

Zhuang Susu didn't care: "you can let him try."

Ye Wutian was sweating, in a simple sentence, he could feel the murderous aura from it. This is terrible. Lionhead really dared to do that. It is very likely that the sharp scissors are waiting for him to deal with him in the middle of the night.

In the evening, An Xin asked Ye Wutian out. The woman looked at Ye Wutian and said confidently: "Grandma told you that she wanted you to take good care of me, but you didn't, Ye Wutian, you are dereliction of duty."

The stunned Ye Wutian didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How do you say it?"

An Xin said: "I came to Dongcheng for a few days, have you invited me to dinner?"

Thinking about it seriously, Ye Wutian thought that he didn't seem to have invited the other party to dinner, so he smiled slightly: "It's my fault."

"What about now? Shall I give you a chance?" An Xin deliberately asked.

"Thank you, thank you so much for your good intentions, please, I know that there is a restaurant that tastes good." Ye Wutian smiled and opened the car door.

An Xin giggled, with a variety of styles, making Ye Wutian fascinated, secretly swallowing saliva.

"What are you looking at?" When she walked to the car door, An Xin suddenly turned her head, Mei Mu blinked at Ye Wutian.

"I want to kiss you." Ye Wutian blurted out, not knowing where the courage came from.

An Xin was stunned, and suddenly felt that she was being molested, and she couldn't help but turn into anger. However, before she could start cursing, Ye Wutian took action.

I saw Ye Wutian stepped forward very domineeringly, holding An Xin's little head tightly in his hands, and then he lowered his head and kissed him regardless of whether An Xin agreed or not.

In normal times, Ye Wutian couldn't have this courage. Today, he is so courageous. I don't know if he was encouraged by Zhuang Susu or what. In short, Ye Wutian wanted to kiss An Xin at this moment.

An Xin was stunned by the direct kiss, Mei Mu glared at the boss, but she forgot how to react, dreaming that she would be forcibly kissed by Ye Wutian at this time.

It's not that An Xin has not thought about this scene. On the contrary, she has thought about it more than once in her mind. As the waiter of the family, An Xin knows that she has no other choice. In this life, except for Ye Wutian, she will not be able to marry again.

Ever since she was a child, An Xin thought that she would end up alone in her life, but one day the person she and her family were waiting for suddenly appeared, completely disrupting her current life.

On the surface, he has already admitted it. Fortunately, Ye Wutian's appearance did not disappoint An Xin. Except for the number of women, he is very strong in other aspects. Of course, on the other hand, the strong will naturally attract the attention of beautiful women. , which is inevitable.

How could he know that Ye Wutian forcibly took her first kiss on such an occasion?

After a while, Ye Wutian stopped, as if unfinished to release the peace of mind, this guy showed a smug smile, smiling very happily.

Seeing him like this, An Xin was even more angry, and asked coldly, "What do you mean?"

Ye Wutian replied with a smile: "It doesn't make any sense, anyway, sooner or later you will belong to my Ye Wutian's woman."

An Xin is more angry, the already full chest will be even more ups and downs, which is very interesting: "Who agreed?"

"Grandma." Ye Wutian said confidently: "Of course, and yourself."

"When did I promise?" An angry An Xin asked coldly, she could accept Ye Wutian, but she couldn't accept that she was treated as a plaything by a man.

"From childhood to adulthood, you have promised, otherwise you will be waiting for my arrival?"

An Xin was speechless, she waited, it was because of the mission of the family, she could not make a choice.

"Okay, let's not discuss this issue, let's go to dinner, of course, if you feel mentally unbalanced, it doesn't matter, I can let you go back in person, how about it?"

"You're so cheap." An extremely angry Anxin said and got into the car.

Ye Wutian smiled and touched his nose, thinking to himself, is he cheap? Really cheap?

Well, even if it's cheap, so what? What does it matter? Mistress is right, as long as you are happy, the rest is really not important.

In the car, Ye Wutian glanced at An Xin through the rear mirror and asked, "Are you angry?"

An Xin didn't answer, she turned her head and looked out the car window, wondering what she was thinking.

Just after taking Anxin to a famous restaurant nearby, Ye Wutian accidentally met Xu Ying's father, Xu Shoucheng, in the lobby.

Ye Wutian, who was slightly stunned, didn't want to say hello to the other party, but he didn't know that the other party had already seen him, so he waved to him quickly, walked up to him enthusiastically, and took the initiative to extend his hand: "Xiao Tian, ​​what a coincidence?"

Ye Wutian thought, shake hands? Are people familiar with you?

"Mr. Xu, what a coincidence." Ye Wutian took this to remind the other party that the two sides were not yet familiar with each other, so there was no need to climb up here.

Xu Shoucheng chuckled: "Yeah, I didn't expect it, Xiaotian, it's just right to meet you, I have to tell you something."

Ye Wutian stood still, but said: "Mr. Xu, I have friends."

"It doesn't matter, it won't take up much of your time, just a few minutes." After saying that, regardless of Ye Wutian's agreement or not, Xu Shoucheng directly pulled Ye Wutian and wanted to go to the box.

Ye Wutian sneered, these days, shameless is invincible! This is not false at all. He clearly said that he is not free, but the other party pretends not to hear it. His thick skin is really rare in the world.

An Xin didn't even know what to say, so she could only look at Ye Wutian, meaning that this matter was up to him.

"Xiaotian, you must give me a few minutes today." After forcibly pulling Ye Wutian to a box, Xu Shoucheng said: "Xiaotian, first of all, thank you for helping that girl, Xiaoying, I will keep this in my heart. ."

"You don't need to thank me, Mr. Xu just said this for a little effort?" Ye Wutian became impatient.

"Of course not, Xiaotian, it's better to meet by chance, let's have a meal together today, how?" Xu Shoucheng suggested.

"No need." Ye Wutian refused directly: "I still have friends here, please don't."

Only then did Xu Shoucheng look at An Xin, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart, this kid is really enviable, the women around him are always so beautiful, and all of them have excellent temperament, far from those who are beautiful on the outside, and the vases on the inside can compare. , At first glance, Xu Shoucheng can feel that this girl is not simple.

"Hehe, your friend is my friend, this lady, do you mind having a meal together?"

"No need." It was Ye Wutian who spoke, and he repeatedly stated his position, but Xu Shoucheng pretended not to hear it. This is what made Ye Wutian annoyed. He has already said this, what is Xu Shoucheng thinking about? Still can't understand?

Xu Shoucheng's face turned red from being yelled at. Maybe he didn't expect Ye Wutian to be so disrespectful, so that his old face couldn't hold back. As an elder, he has already done this. Ordinarily, everyone should give some face. , not to mention the relationship between the Xu family and Ye Wutian can be said to be extraordinary.

If it weren't for some reason, he, Ye Wutian, has now become the son-in-law of the Xu family.

God will make people!

"Sorry! Excuse me." Ye Wutian took An Xin out of the box, the other party's enthusiasm made Ye Wutian realize that the other party might not appear here by accident.

Thinking of what Xu Shishi said to him, the Xu family is currently facing an unprecedented crisis, which makes Ye Wutian even more vigilant and dare not be careless.

" Xiaotian, I know you are dissatisfied with me and the Xu family. Even so, there is something I have to tell you, the beauty pills in country M are still in production." Xu Shoucheng With Ye Wutian's back, he said loudly.

Ye Wutian was shocked, stopped, turned around and asked, "How do you know?"

Xu Shoucheng smiled bitterly: "The Xu family has some strength."

Ye Wutian didn't ask any more, wondering why Xu Shoucheng would take the initiative to tell him this.

"Ding Shengsheng took over from Sun Zhiyuan and became the legal representative of that company," Xu Shoucheng said.

Xu Shoucheng's words shocked Ye Wutian again: "Are you sure?"

"Xiaotian, you should know that I won't lie to you about this kind of thing."

Ye Wutian thought for a while, but still took An Xin's hand and left. The two asked for another box and sat down. From beginning to end, Ye Wutian frowned and quickly analyzed whether what Xu Shoucheng said was true or false. .

This article comes from watching Wang's novels

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