Mad Doctor

Chapter 1582: Conspiracy reappears

After some analysis, Ye Wutian believed Xu Shoucheng's words, because there was no need for the other party to lie to him, or there was no benefit to lying to him.

According to Xu Shishi, Xu's group is now facing an unprecedented crisis, and she still wants to ask him to help the Xu family to tide over the difficulties. Therefore, Xu Shoucheng will lie to him unless his brain has been kicked by a donkey.

"Still thinking about that?" An Xin asked, tilting her head.

Ye Wutian sighed lightly, looked at An Xin, and clenched An Xin's little hand cheekily, completely ignoring her resistance: "You know? Actually, I really just want to live a simple life, not like this."

An Xin tried several times, but failed to withdraw her hand: 3w. In desperation, she had no choice but to stare at Ye Wutian: "Let go, Ye Wutian, don't go too far."

"What are you afraid of? There are no outsiders here. Besides, you are my wife anyway." Ye Wutian said shamelessly.

An Xin's eyes widened: "Who is your wife?"

"You, from childhood to adulthood, you are destined to be my wife." Ye Wutian is extremely proud, and now that he thinks about it, it is actually a good thing. Exotic.

Suddenly, An Xin's beautiful eyes turned, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, when Ye Wutian saw this, for some reason, he suddenly felt a bad feeling, as if he had been deceived.

Sure enough, An Xin asked, "So, I'm your first wife?"

At this moment, Brother Tian, ​​who smiled bitterly, wanted to give himself a slap, he was really too slapped, what did he do when he had nothing to mention?

"Why don't you talk? Hurry up, didn't you speak well just now? Why are you dumb now?" Da, I've been waiting for you, do you think so?"

Ye Wutian said with a bitter face: "Okay, you won."

An Xin was even more proud: "Are there any prizes? Would you give me the position of the main room? Let them be small?"

"The dishes here are pretty good, try it quickly, I'm sure you will be satisfied." Ye Wutian picked up the menu and opened it, using excuses to start the topic.

How could An Xin not know this guy's intentions, and was angry and hated at the moment: "I will take advantage of me in the future, be careful that I can't spare you."

Ye Wutian thought for a while and asked, "Then when can I take advantage of you?"

"Not at any time." An Xin Jiao said angrily, "Unless you give me the seat of the main room."

Ye Wutian, who was again dumbfounded, cocked his head, what else could he say? You can only smile bitterly, otherwise what else can you do?

"You never let me touch it?"

"What do you think?" An Xin asked, blushing.

After Ye Wutian heard this, Niu's temper suddenly came up, "Then what? Since that's the case, what are you waiting for? Who are you guarding for?"

Don't look out of the window, An Xin's face is extremely complicated. In fact, sometimes she doesn't understand whether Ye Wutian's appearance is good or bad for her. If she doesn't appear, she won't live long. If you don't live long, even if you can live long in the end, what's the result? Do you really want her to serve this man with other women?

She has never thought about it that way, since she was a child, An Xin was a woman. She was disdainful and shameless about that kind of thing, and she never thought that one day, such absurd things would happen to her. For this, let her Extremely depressing.

Ye Wutian was unprepared, and she jumped out without any thought preparation. That's all, just jump out when she jumped out, but why is she still such a sweethearted man?

After the meal, Ye Wutian returned to the company with peace of mind. Zhuang Susu was already waiting there. Ye Wutian arranged for the two of them to meet. It was time to resolve the merger.

"Master, congratulations." Situ Wei stepped forward with a coquettish appearance, and kept glaring at Ye Wutian.

Rao is that Ye Wutian has been used to the behavior of the Situ Fairy, but he is still secretly swallowing saliva. This Fairy must be intentional.

"Congratulations? I don't understand what you said." Ye Wutian pretended to be calm.

Situ Wei rolled her eyes at Ye Wutian: "You still pretend, do you pretend like this? Lord, do you really think we are fools? Can't you see? Another beautiful woman was settled by you."

Ye Wutian blushed and sweated inwardly: "What did you say? Any words will turn sour in your mouth."

"Isn't it?" Situ Wei asked.

"No, also, I don't understand what you said." Ye Wutian quibble.

Situ Wei said disdainfully: "Cut, you have the guts to be a guy who doesn't have the guts to admit it, sir, you are really disappointing me more and more."

Ye Wutian was provoked fiercely, and this guy didn't know where the courage came from: "So what? You all know it anyway, you already knew it."

"Look, what did I say?" Situ Wei smiled complacently: "Men, you just have to force it, look, as soon as I force it, I admit it, alas! If I knew it earlier, why would I have to do it in the first place? Lord, You and An Xin, we all know, why do you hide?"

Ye Wutian wanted to find a hole to burrow in, but was so depressed that he couldn't speak. The Situ Fairy had said it for his sake, what else could he say?

"The An family has paid a lot for us." Ouyang Xingyue said suddenly.

Ouyang Xingyue's words seemed to point towards An Xin, which made Situ Wei and Cheng Kexin stunned for a moment. Neither of the two women thought that Ouyang Xingyue would help An Xin speak, and even Ye Wutian didn't think of it.

A woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea, and there is a reason for this.

"Does any of you know what happened to the Xu family?" Ye Wutian changed the subject: "I met Xu Shoucheng."

"What did I tell you?" Cheng Kexin asked concernedly, she didn't want Ye Wutian to have had many contacts with the Xu family. The Xu family is not a good thing, and the interests are the first. Cheng Kexin has already learned about this.

"Just tell me that Ding Shengsheng took over Sun Zhiyuan's seat, and that beauty pill will also start production again."

"Ding Shengsheng?" Cheng Kexin frowned: "How could it be him?"

Several people present were no strangers to Ding Shengsheng, he was Ye Wutian's first patient, and now this branch in Dongcheng is also the property of Ding Shengsheng.

This leaping thinking is too big, so that Cheng Kexin and the others don't know what to say, so good, why Ding Shengsheng join in the fun?

"I'll investigate." Ouyang Xingyue said that she didn't know anything about this matter. If Ye Wutian hadn't mentioned it at this time, they would have been kept in the dark.

"What happened to the Xu family?" Ye Wutian thought about it and asked, Xu Shoucheng is a person who doesn't get up early for no benefit. He tried to put down his old face and self-esteem to please, and he must have another purpose.

"Xu's Group was maliciously suppressed, its stock fell to a record low, and many shareholders expressed strong dissatisfaction." Ouyang Xingyue said.

Ye Wutian didn't pay attention to these, what made him strange was that if that was the case, what was the use of the Xu family looking for him? He couldn't help at all.

"You want to help them?" Cheng Kexin looked at Ye Wutian.

"No, it's just weird." Ye Wutian denied it, thinking of what the girl Xu Shishi had said to him, if he helped the Xu family this time, she would be his woman in the future.

This condition is a great temptation for a man. Xu Shishi is so beautiful that anyone can be tempted.

An Xin and Zhuang Susu finally came out after a two-hour conversation, but An Xin's face seemed to be not quite right, and her face was sullen, which made Ye Wutian and the others secretly realize that they might not be able to talk.

"What's wrong? What's going on?" Ye Wutian spoke first.

Zhuang Susu glanced at An Xin: "I have a disagreement with Miss An."

Ye Wutian opened his mouth wide, but he never thought about this, and he never thought that the two would have differences.

"Master, tell me quickly, what's going on?" Ye Wutian couldn't wait to find out the reason, what was going on.

Zhuang Susu smiled: "let's let Miss An speak. I still have something to do. I'll go first."

After speaking, Zhuang Susu turned around and left the company despite everyone's surprise and obstruction.

After Zhuang Susu left, several people turned their attention to An Xin, waiting for her explanation, why the good ones would collapse. In Ye Wutian's words, they were all a family, and they could still talk about collapse. It really shouldn't happen.

"I want to be quiet." An Xin gave such a sentence.

"Go to my office to rest for a while." Ye Wutian didn't rush to ask, although he wanted to know what was going on right away, he still held back.

An Xin did not object, and silently followed Ye Wutian away.

As soon as the two left, the more prosperous Situ Wei looked at Ouyang Xingyue and the two of them: "You ahref=\'//26576/8508860/\'>Force the judge Chu Junbr/>

Cheng Kexin and Ouyang Xingyue both shook their heads and said they didn't know.

"It's weird." Situ Wei could only mutter to herself when she couldn't get an answer.

After returning to the office with An Xin, Ye Wutian just closed the door of the office, but An Xin suddenly turned around and rushed towards him, quickly rushed into his arms and hugged him tightly.

In normal times, Ye Wutian would definitely be very happy, the beautiful woman took the initiative to give him her arms, and there was nothing that would make him more happy, but now, he knew that An Xin was not into his arms for this matter.

An Xin, who rushed into Ye Wutian's arms, cried, twitching silently, looking pitiful, as if he had suffered something sad.

Ye Wutian hugged An Xin lightly and let her cry, and all he had to do was stand and gently pat An Xin's back with his hands to give her a little comfort.

The sad Anxin cried for a while before she stopped crying, she lowered her head and dared not look at Ye Wutian.

"What happened? Tell me." Ye Wutian asked softly while holding An Xin's pretty cheeks.

"What do you think should be done for you to be considered a qualified waiter?" An Xin asked, who stopped crying.

Ye Wutian was inexplicably asked, and thought for a while: "Even if you don't pay a little bit for me now, you are still a qualified waiter."


"Really." Ye Wutian came from the heart, whether it was An Xin or Anjia, he had done enough for Xuanyuan Ancestor, and Ye Wutian didn't dare to expect anything more.

"Thank for getting Ye Wutian's comfort, An Xin's mood has improved, "Thank you for looking at it this way. "

The smiling Ye Wutian whispered, "Can you tell me what happened now?"

"Your mother-in-law asked me to give everything I have." After a pause, An Xin said again: "Including my life."

Ye Wutian was puzzled, and heard it in a fog.

An Xin went on to explain: "In addition to all the intelligence systems in my hands, she also wants me to only put the Anshi Group under the Hongyan Group, and let me find a way to train a group of dead men."

The more Ye Wutian listened, the more frightened he became, thinking about what Zhuang Susu wanted to do with this condition?

"I refused:" An Xin said: "She said I didn't really care for you, Ye Wutian, you want me, and now you want me."

Ye Wutian: "..."

This book was first published on


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