Mad Doctor

Chapter 1589: you don't have enough money

Everyone followed Ye Wutian into the company, only to see him rushing directly to his office, when he arrived, this guy screamed again.


Li Jun and others followed closely behind, all expressing puzzled over Ye Wutian's behavior.

"Who smashed it? Who smashed it?" Ye Wutian stared at the ground, his fierce light revealed, "Who smashed my night pearl?"

Hearing the words Ye Mingzhu, Li Jun was shocked. Those on the ground are Ye Mingzhu?

"Ye Dong, what's the matter? You want to play this hand? Want to spit blood?" Li Jun asked coldly.

The angry Ye Wutian said swear words: "I sprayed your mother, Li Jun, you are such a big eater? Can such a valuable thing be smashed?"

Li Jun was scolded until his old face was blushing continuously. Facing the insult, all he could do was anger: "Ye Wutian, put away your suit, Ye Mingzhu? Maybe it's glass, right?"

Even if Li Jun was killed, he wouldn't believe it. How could the incomparably precious Ye Mingzhu be packed in a cardboard box?

People who don't take money as money won't do it, at least Li Jun won't do it.

"Why do you think I'm bluffing you? Li Jun, open your dog eyes to see clearly, is this ordinary glass?" Ye Wutian roared.

With doubts, Li Jun bent down and picked up one of the things he thought was glass from the ground and looked at it.

After picking up the thing and looking at it, he intuitively told Li Jun that it was not like ordinary glass.

"Is it really the Pearl of the Night?" When Li Jun asked this question, Li Jun was at a loss. The ground was full of such fragments. If it was the Pearl of the Night, how many would there be?

At the same time, Li Jun also wondered, would the night pearl be so easy to break? How many can fit in a cardboard box so full? How much force does it take to smash them all at once?

"Li Jun, I hope you can keep your promise and compensate for my losses." Ye Wutian said with a sullen face.

Li Jun felt bitter in his heart. This was not the result he wanted to see. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Who can guarantee that your night pearls are real?"

Ye Wutian sneered: "You can rest assured, you are not an ordinary person, ordinary glass, can I fool you?" After that, Ye Wutian opened a safe on the wall, took out a document and handed it to Li Jun .

Li Jun, who took over the document, did not look at it immediately, but was thinking, Ye Wutian is not sick, right? For such a precious treasure as Ye Mingzhu, he just found a cardboard box to pack it? Instead, is such a broken document packed in a safe?

Li Jun smelled a hint of conspiracy!

The documents are divided into two parts, one is the purchase contract, and the other is the certificate, the identity certificate of these night pearls, and these certificates are issued from the largest jewelry company in the capital, and there is absolutely no possibility that it is fake.

9.6 billion!

When he saw the purchase price, Li Jun couldn't help gasping for breath. So much money?

Suddenly, Li Jun had the urge to turn around and leave. The price made his scalp numb, 9.6 billion, and thirteen luminous pearls, all of which were packed in such a broken cardboard box.

What made Li Jun speechless was that these night pearls were only bought yesterday, and Ye Wutian happened to be in the capital yesterday.

"Do you think I will believe it if you just take out such a thing?" Li Jun said, while speaking, he was somewhat guilty.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. The documents are here, and the fragments of the night pearl are here. You can use these things to identify them. I'm afraid I don't need to teach you about this, right?" Ye Wutian reminded.

Li Jun is like eating yellow lotus, how uncomfortable it is, how can it be such a coincidence? I want to come over today to smash things, Ye Wutian put the night pearl here, and there are more than one special one, it is a special box.

When did the night pearl become so worthless?

Li Jun, who couldn't quibble, said again: "What about the real thing? What about the fake one? Who can prove that I broke it? If it doesn't work, you may have broken it yourself. It has nothing to do with me."

Ye Wutian grinned: "Li Jun, you are indeed such a person. Fortunately, I am still prepared, otherwise I am afraid that I will not be able to wash it if I jump into the Yellow River." The monitoring pointed: "Did you see it? I have monitoring."

Looking at the monitor, Li Jun was even more speechless. At this moment, he really didn't know what to say. Who would install a monitor in his office? Has Ye Wutian really been kicked by a donkey in his brain? Why are things so weird?

Li Jun was speechless, he wanted to refute, but how should he refute?

"Li Jun, don't you want to tell me, you don't want to pay?" Ye Wutian asked: "These were smashed by your people."

Li Jun's face was ashen, his teeth were gritted, intentional, Ye Wutian definitely did it intentionally, however, he knew that it was intentional, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"It's not me." Li Jun replied, the implication was that I didn't smash it with my own hands, what can you do to me?

He couldn't take out such a large amount of money, and even if he could, he couldn't really take it out. Who would be willing to take out such a large amount of money at will?

9.6 billion, not 96 yuan, let alone the mere 50 million.

"Li Jun, you really disappointed me." Ye Wutian said coldly, turning his head to Cheng Kexin and saying, "Hold a press conference immediately and let someone call out the surveillance."

"Wait, I want to see the surveillance first." Li Jun asked.

"Okay." Ye Wutian agreed, and it didn't take long for the monitor to be sent up. On the screen, a strong man lifted the cardboard box that was on the desk and smashed it on the ground, and then it didn't stop there. , After smashing the carton, the big man didn't know what was wrong, picked up a chair and smashed the carton desperately, making people speechless.

Li Jun laughed. After watching the surveillance, he laughed, because although the surveillance screen was clear, he could only see the back of the big man and couldn't see the front of the big man at all. That's enough, enough to be on it. make a fuss.

"Who is he? Is it mine? Which?" Find out. "Li Jun asked knowingly.

Ye Wutian sighed lightly, with an expression of helplessness and disappointment: "Li Jun, you are really not a thing, I didn't want to hit you, but if you have to do this, you can't blame me."

Li Jun felt that something was wrong, but saw Ye Wutian walking to the bookshelf, took out one of the books, opened it, and took out a small pinhole.

Seeing the thing in Ye Wutian's hand, Li Jun's face turned green, and he couldn't smile anymore.

After that, Ye Wutian didn't stop, and took out this small pinhole from other angles in the office.

"Military grade." Ye Wutian Yang Yang's pinhole in his hand is undoubtedly telling the other party, don't doubt the clarity of these things, there is no need to doubt at all.

At this moment, Li Jun finally understood that he was overcast.

Ye Wutian handed these pinholes to Cheng Kexin, turned his head and said to Li Jun: "I can't help it, I'm a little famous person anyway, so I have to do this as a last resort, for the sake of my safety and my money. Method."

Li Jun suddenly had the urge to hit people, what is this called? Is it safe to install these things in your own office?

Hongyan Group's security work has been done so closely, why is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

"Li Jun, do you want to pay or not?" Ye Wutian said: "It's all people you know, so hurry up, pay or not."

"The surname is Ye, you're bashing me." Li Jun was mad, he had already jumped into such a trap, but he had nothing to do.

"Yin you? It's funny, Li Jun, Li Gongzi, are you okay? Who is yin you? No one will let you smash my things here."


Li Jun was so choked that he almost vomited blood. Looking back, it seemed that Ye Wutian was right. He put his things here. It was you, Li Jun, who had to bring people over to smash them. Now that they were smashed, who could blame him? No wonder others.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for overdoing it.

"Ke Xin, hold a press conference, I want to see how the law will treat this matter." Ye Wutian said.

"I understand, I'll deal with it immediately." Cheng Kexin nodded. There were a large number of reporters and media squatting outside the company. It would be easier to hold a press conference.

Li Jun said, "Do you think this can scare me?"

Ye Wutian smiled mysteriously: "Of course I can't scare you, but, Young Master Li, your Li family doesn't seem to be an ordinary family, right? Especially your grandfather, who is a high-ranking person. If there are any bad rumors about him, you Say what? Well, I'm starting to look forward to it."

The frightened Li Jun was most afraid of hearing this. Grandpa could not fall no matter what, especially grandpa might go a step further in the next term.

"Who are you scaring?" Li Jun forcibly calmed down and pretended to be relaxed. Being afraid at this time was undoubtedly equivalent to losing a while in front of the enemy.

"Hey, you don't have to believe it, let's just wait and see, Li Jun, don't blame me for not reminding you, to be a muzzle for others, you must have that kind of consciousness, since you want to be a puppet, you must play this role well, fight fast. Call and find your boss behind the scenes."

Up to now, Ye Wutian didn't want to hide it any longer, he was undoubtedly telling the other party that he was the one who was yin.

Li Jun is hesitant, all the evidence is against him at present, especially he doesn't know what move Ye Wutian will make, and what kind of impact it will bring to the Li family, he is not clear about these.

After hesitating for a while, Li Jun decided to make a phone call. The situation was beyond his imagination and beyond his control.

After Li Jun Situ Wei secretly gave Ye Wutian a thumbs up: "Master, you are so tall."

Even Ouyang Xingyue smiled beautifully, and it could be seen that she was very satisfied with this matter.

Ye Wutian was sweating and asked, "Are you praising me or hurting me?"

"What do you think?" The Situ Fairy asked back, her eyes as beautiful as the moon, extremely beautiful.

Feng shui turns, and now Li Jun can't be happy anymore, some are just frustrated, helpless, and unwilling.

"Master, what do you think will happen to that kid?" Situ Wei asked.

"I don't know." Ye Wutian shook his head. Whether Li Jun would lose money depends on whether the people behind him paid enough attention to the Li family. Of course, it's hard to say now.

Half an hour later, Li Jun just returned, and the arrogance just now disappeared.

"Ye Wutian, I won't pay for your conditions, it doesn't matter if things are The first book of online novels is published.

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