Mad Doctor

Chapter 1590: turnaround

Li Jun's answer was somewhat unexpected to Ye Wutian. He thought that Li Jun would agree to pay compensation, but the result was not the case.

It seems that the people behind Li Jun do not pay much attention to and care about the Li family, and are unwilling to take out the money.

"Are you sure?" Ye Wutian asked.

Li Jun has no way out, he can only bear the head and continue, what else can he do? Really let him spend 9.6 billion? Can he take it out?

Seeing that Li Jun was silent, Ye Wutian stopped asking and said loudly, "Get ready for the press conference, and prepare a team of lawyers at the same time."

Li Jun's ugly face turned even more discolored: "Ye Wutian, do you really want to play like this?"

"Would you be happier if I liked it?"

Li Jun was speechless, Ye Wutian's sarcasm made him unbearable, and it also made him have the urge to kill.

"The press conference can start at any time." Cheng Kexin came in and whispered.

Her voice was small, but Li Jun could still hear it clearly.

Ye Wutian nodded: "Well, let's go, bring the evidence with you."

"Wait, Ye Wutian, can you give me two more days of grace? Let me think of a way." Li Jun stopped Ye Wutian, his tone was low, all showing that he was begging for mercy.

"Do you need time to collect the money? Or let you think for two more days, and then come up with a way to deal with me?" asked Ye Wutian who was stopped.

Li Jun blushed: "That's not what I meant, I was just thinking that our relationship is extraordinary. In fact, it's really unnecessary to go this far."

Ye Wutian suddenly realized: "Oh, you just remembered that our relationship is not ordinary, strange, I thought you didn't know."

"So you agree?" Li Jun asked impatiently as if seeing a glimmer of light.

"Who said I agree? Why do I agree? Did I tell you when you forcibly demanded that the building be taken back, that there is no need for us to go this far? Do you want to give me some time to find someone else? An office? But what about you? Agree?"

The June account is coming soon!

"I'm begging you like that, but you're still unwilling? You keep saying that you want to compensate me, Young Master Li, but now you're going to compensate."

The bitterness in Li Jun's heart is very aggrieved. It is 9.6 billion. This building is not worth the money. Even if it is sold as a whole, it is not worth the money.

Knowing that he was trapped, he could only hold this sullen breath in his heart!

"If you don't want it, I won't either." Ye Wutian said: "If something is smashed by you, all you have to do now is to compensate, and the rest is not something you should consider."

"There's really no need to discuss?" Li Jun, who was still unwilling to give up, asked. He didn't want to completely fall out with Ye Wutian until he had to.

Now, Li Jun is very regretful in his heart. He has been involved in something, and he should not be so impulsive.

There is no regret medicine in the world, and now it is too late to think that you should not be impulsive.

A large number of reporters squatting outside have already seen through the autumn water, and they want to find out what is going on inside.

Just when they were worried, Ye Wutian and others strode out of the company.

Ye Wutian's appearance immediately made the reporters present to see hope, and all of them were full of expectations, even Wang Fansi in the crowd was no exception, hesitating whether to use her relationship with Ye Wutian to get the latest and greatest news.

"Mr. Ye, what do you have to say about the company being smashed?"

"Mr. Ye, what measures will you take?"

"Are you satisfied with the compensation?"



The reporters came in waves of questions one after another, which made people's ears dazed, and they didn't know which question to answer.

Seeing the reporters, Ye Wutian didn't speak, but just stood there with a smile on his face. When he was like this, those reporters began to calm down, especially some reporters who knew Ye Wutian's character even more. Ye Wutian will not answer any questions.

Wang Fansi was sullen, what is this guy wearing? Let him get a little scoop another day, or it'll be too cheap for him.

"Everyone, are you all finished? How about you continue? I'll just listen quietly." Ye Wutian asked with a smile.

When he asked this question, many reporters became more quiet. Although they had countless questions in their hearts to ask, they still couldn't calm down.

"Very well, since everyone has calmed down, listen to me carefully, how? Do you have any opinions?" Ye Wutian said.

Ye Wutian was very satisfied, he couldn't stand the noisy environment.

I thought about it a lot in my mind, and I was ready to think about how to open the topic in order to have more weight and shock.

At this moment, the phone in his pocket rang, Ye Wutian took it out and looked at it, but he smiled, not a smug smile, but a helpless smile.

The call was from Commander Li, using his private number that he had been unable to get through several times.

Ye Wutian didn't answer, just pressed the on-hook button, and since the other party displayed his number, there was no need for the two parties to continue to be friends.

After the call was hung up by Ye Wutian, the other party did not give up, and dialed Ye Wutian's number again, but this time Ye Wutian also didn't answer and hung up again.

After being hung up by Ye Wutian again, the other party did not fight again. Ye Wutian thought that he was afraid that the other party had known a strong relationship, or that his old face could not hang up.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wutian still underestimated the other party, and not calling him again does not mean that people give up.

After a while, Li Jun stepped forward, still holding the phone in his hand, and when he came to Ye Wutian, he whispered, "My grandfather wants to talk to you."

Ye Wutian hesitated for a while, took the phone in Li Jun's hand and put it to his ear: "Commander Li."

Old man Li's hearty laughter came from the phone: "Haha, little brother, what's wrong with the name change? Don't you think it's like this?"

Ye Wutian smiles on his face, but curses inwardly, paralyzed, thinking about climbing relationships now? Why are you going early?

"Commander Li, don't laugh at me, I'm just an ordinary businessman, how dare I have a relationship with a big man like you? As a businessman and a small citizen, I still know myself a little bit, lest others gossip." Ye Wutian drew a clear line with the other party Relationship.

"You kid, it's always this kind of headache." The other party joked with a smile.

Ye Wutian didn't want to argue with the other party, so he asked, "Commander Li, is there anything? I'm very busy right now, so I'll just do this first if I have nothing to do."

"Wait." The other party couldn't figure it out, and immediately changed his mind: "Xiaotian, what happened today is Li Jun's fault. I apologize to you for him."

"Apology? Commander Li, if an apology will cost you money, then I will accept it. After all, it's all Li Jun's fault, but if you simply apologize and don't make any compensation, I'm sorry, then I don't accept it. That's money, really. Gold and silver, far from being an apology, let alone Li Jun's apology is not so valuable."

Ye Wutian didn't say anything in the second half of the sentence, and he endured not to say it. It was already enough to give Old Man Li face. In fact, Ye Wutian wanted to say that your face, Old Man Li, is also not worth so much money.

I can't see the face of old man Li on the other side of the phone, but it is conceivable that old man Li will definitely look ugly. After all, with his status, he will talk about this, but Ye Wutian still has no face at all. No, this is not acceptable to him.

"9.6 billion is too much, Xiaotian, so much money, the Li family can't come up with it." Old man Li said truthfully, it is indeed impossible for the Li family to spend so much money.

However, Ye Wutian didn't take this set, and said coldly: "That's your Li family's business, it has nothing to do with me, whether I can get it is your business, I only care about, now my Ye Mingzhu is smashed, you have to pay, the real thing is there."

Old man Li secretly cursed his mother, Ye Mingzhu? This kid obviously wants to play yin, who would be like him? Just find a cardboard box to pack so many such valuable night pearls? Isn't this sick?

From the beginning, it was a trap!

Now that Fang Ming has come to his senses, it is too late. As Ye Wutian said, things were smashed, and the goods are genuine.

With the strength of the Li family, we can see that the batch of night pearls was indeed bought from a jewelry store in the capital. This incident has caused quite a stir in the capital. It is an alternative to spend nearly 10 billion to buy these things at once. .

If those people knew that Ye Wutian bought these things back in order to think about Li Jun, let alone how those people would feel, maybe they would be crazy and want to hit the wall? Prodigal son, spend so much money on such expensive things just to smear others? Can you, Ye Wutian, come up with a more yin and cheap way?

"You have to lose money, there is no negotiation, Commander Li, if you have more, you don't want to talk about it, that's all." After speaking, Ye Wutian hung up the phone directly and did not give the other party a chance to speak.

Next to him, the nervous Li Jun hesitated for a long time and wanted to ask Ye Wutian, but he couldn't bring himself to ask.

Ye Wutian glanced at it and threw the phone back to Li Jun: "Don't take chances, find a way to lose money, there is no other way to go."

Li Jun was very angry and glared at him. Today, he was capsized in the was slapped by Ye Wutian.

"Of course, you don't have to lose money, let's see." Ye Wutian smiled maliciously: "Now we don't know what the outcome will be, how about we fight?"

Li Juncai wouldn't believe it, Ye Wutian must have bad intentions, and he must not believe his words, otherwise he would have to help him count the money when he sold it, and that kind of thing would never be worth it.

"Don't dare to gamble?" Ye Wutian said, "Then go and don't hinder me."

Ye Wutian's phone rang again, this time it wasn't from Old Man Li, and the other party was also an old acquaintance of Ye Wutian.

"Brother Ye, I will pay the compensation." On the phone, Chu Fang's clear and childish voice came.

Ye Wutian was stunned, Rao was smart, and he didn't know what was going on. What song did that little witch of Chu Fang want to sing? Could it have something to do with her?

Beside him, Cheng Kexin whispered in Ye Wutian's ear that a sum of 9.6 billion had entered the company's account.

This was first published in

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