Mad Doctor

Chapter 1597: plead

"That's right.--" After reading the plan, Ye Wutian said, "Even if you do what you say, Xingyue, you are the best at this kind of thing, so I'll leave it to you to handle it."

Ouyang Xingyue rolled her eyes when she heard it, she knew that this guy definitely wanted to be a dumping shopkeeper again.

Ye Wutian blushed, and said a little embarrassingly: "Hey, I'm not idle, there are more important things waiting for me to deal with."

Ouyang Xingyue didn't even have the heart to refute, what important thing could this guy have?

Ye Wutian said: "By the way, you have to be careful during this time, I'm worried that Li Jun will make a secret move."

"He's just a puppet."

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly: "This is exactly what I'm worried about. He is a puppet, and those people behind him really have to be careful."

"Do you have a clue?" Ouyang Xingyue asked.

Ye Wutian, who nodded slightly, said: "It's a little bit, but I'm not sure."

Ouyang Xingyue didn't ask any further questions, hesitated for a while, and said, "Be careful yourself."

"Of course, don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides, what do you do when I die? All of them are like 'flowers' and 'jades', aren't they cheap..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Wutian was so frightened that he hurriedly dodged to the side, because Ouyang Xingyue smashed him with something.

Seeing Ye Wutian fleeing in embarrassment, Ouyang Xingyue relieved her anger, her pretty face blushed inexplicably, and she secretly said, "A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory."

After separating from Ouyang Xingyue, Ye Wutian was going to go to Chu Qian, but when he walked to the parking lot, he saw a black 'color' commercial car parked there next to the car he was parked.

Before Ye Wutian stepped forward, the 'door' of the black 'color' commercial vehicle was opened, and Old Man Li's face appeared in Ye Wutian's sight.

"Little brother, are you free? Let's talk." Old man Li in the car was full of smiles.

In the past, Ye Wutian would definitely be very moved and very happy, but now, he feels disgusted.

"Commander Li, is something wrong?" Ye Wutian asked blankly.

In the face of Ye Wutian's indifference, the other party didn't care at all, and still smiled and said: "I still like you to call me old man."

Ye Wutian said unceremoniously: "That was in the past, now times have changed."

Old man Li smiled bitterly, but it didn't appear on his face. He was mentally prepared before coming, so he smiled again: "Little brother, I came here today to say sorry to you."

"Stop." Ye Wutian raised his hand and interrupted: "You are not sorry for me, and there is no need to apologize to me. We don't owe anyone."

"Little brother, can you listen to my explanation first?" Old Man Li didn't give up.

Ye Wutian interrupted ruthlessly again: "No need, what do you want, that's your business, you don't need to explain anything to me."

"Little brother, I was wrong last time, so you can't listen to me seriously?" Old Man Li was annoyed, he came to look for you Ye Wutian like this, you still don't appreciate it?

"No, Commander Li, I don't want to say it a second time if there are too many. You didn't feel sorry for me. There's really no need for us to do this. So, it's better for us to be ordinary strangers quietly, what do you think?" Ye Wutian asked.

Old Li's head didn't listen, and said, "Li Jun is being used by others, not to mention that you have taught him a lesson, should be able to relieve the disgusting anger in your heart?"

"These are two different things." Ye Wutian coldly trained.

Old man Li wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Wutian ruthlessly again: "Okay, don't say it anymore, no matter what you say, it's useless, I can't listen to it at all."

After speaking, Ye Wutian got into his car, leaving old man Li with a look of exhaust.

Looking at Ye Wutian's whistling car, Old Man Li stood there for a long time, as if he was thinking about something. Soon, a ruthless 'color' flashed on his face, and he also got into the car and left.

Ye Wutian in the car sneered, what is it? Now that you know that you are in trouble, go to the 'door' to ask for mercy? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

Even if he taught Li Jun a good lesson, Ye Wutian didn't want to let him go.

Since you are willing to become someone else's puppet, you must have the consciousness of being a puppet.

When the car just arrived at Chu Qian's 'door', the phone in Ye Wutian's pocket rang again.

This time, it was not Old Man Li who called, but Wang Roose.

"I want to see you." Wang Roose on the phone opened the door directly.

"Is there an emergency?" Ye Wutian asked in surprise.

"Yes, Room 1906 at the Garden Hotel, come right away." After speaking, Wang Roosi hung up the phone.

Ye Wutian was sweating darkly, but this guy's head was quickly filled with various thoughts, among which the most thought was, why did Wang Roose wait for him in that kind of place? Could it be that she has that need?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that there is a possibility in this regard. After all, Wang Roosi is a beautiful and beautiful 'woman'. She can take the initiative to do this. As a man, what else can Ye Wutian say? Even more impossible to refuse.

So, someone made a decision in an instant, changed his mind, and swiped the steering wheel directly, aiming at the Garden Hotel.

At this time, Ye Wutian is completely an animal that thinks about the lower half of his body.

After rushing to the 'Flower' Garden Hotel, Ye Wutian saw Wang Roosi, to be precise, Wang Roose who was wearing only a bath towel, looking at her, she should have just washed.

Ye Wutian, who saw his straight eyes, swallowed secretly, what does this 'woman' want to do? Shouldn't you want to 'seduce' and 'seduce' him?

If that's the case, Ye Wutian thinks that he will pounce on him like a hungry wolf. At the moment of beauty, no one can bear this fragrant 'temptation' and 'temptation'.

"Don't you want to 'tempt' and 'confuse' me, right?" Ye Wutian asked boldly, but his eyes still lingered on Wang Roosi dishonestly.

Wang Roosi stretched out two white and tender 'jade' fingers: "Two things, I'm looking for you today, just two things."


"The first thing, I want to ask you for mercy." Wang Roosi said.

Confused Ye Wutian was confused on the spot: "Ask me for mercy? Are you sure you're right?"

"Let Li Jun go." Wang Roosi said.

Hearing this, Ye Wutian was even more shocked, "Are you going to plead for Li Jun?"

"Is it okay?" Wang Roose asked without answering, her face full of anticipation.

Ye Wutian did not agree or refuse, his attitude was ambiguous, he thought about it, and said, "Tell me the reason."

"I owe them." Wang Roose said, "No matter what, I did something wrong with the Li family back then. Of course, you also have some responsibility for this."

Ye Wutian didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What does it have to do with me? Speaking of which, I'm still a victim. You framed me like that back then."

"Shameless." Wang Roosi said angrily, "Do you think I would do this to a man casually? Use others as a shield?"

Ye Wutian said: "Do you know what that is? It is the peach 'flower' robbery."

Wang Roosi blushed and was infinitely shy: "Whether the peach 'flower' is lucky or not, I just want to know, do you agree?"

"If I don't agree, what will happen to you? Will you ignore me?" Ye Wutian asked.


"Really?" Ye Wutian didn't believe it.

"Really." Wang Roose nodded affirmatively: "No matter what, you will have your reasons."

Ye Wutian said: "Okay, I promise."

Wang Roosi was startled, then overjoyed: "Really? You really agreed?"

"Of course it's true, it's absolutely true." Ye Wutian smirked: "If someone asks this kind of thing, I will definitely not agree, but if you make this kind of request, can I not agree?"

"Poor mouth." Satisfied and happy: "Is that important to you?"

"Am I important to you?" Ye Wutian asked back.

"Important, you are my man, of course important to me."

Ye Wutian smirked: "That's true, without me, how can I make you happy?"

At first, Wang Roose didn't understand, but when she thought about it later, when she matched the unbearable smile on Ye Wutian's face, she suddenly woke up, and she was very shy and secretive.

"Let's talk about the second thing." Ye Wutian closed it as soon as he saw it, thinking about Wang Roose's 'making' himself like this, and seeing that there must be another thing next, so Ye Wutian was thinking about the third This thing, this guy wants to solve Wang Roose's second thing as soon as possible, and then he can implement his third thing. How can he be worthy of himself if he doesn't enjoy himself so beautifully at the moment?

Wang Roosi's eyes were 'blinded', her teeth were biting Sakura's 'lip', and Lianbu gently moved towards Ye Wutian step by step.

This appearance made our brother think about it. Sitting on the sofa, he felt an inexplicable nervousness for some reason, and was excited, looking forward to Wang Roosi's next move.

Wang Roose, who came to the front, rode directly on Ye Wutian, winked like silk, and said with a fragrant aroma: "The second thing is to eat you."

Ye Wutian heard the words with a helpless and aggrieved look: "Okay... Okay, but I have a request, can you be gentle?"

Wang Roosi burst into laughter, she laughed so happily, the flowers trembled, and while laughing, Wang Roosi yanked the bath towel and said, "You bastard, I won't eat you, man. , you should obey Miss Ben obediently, from now on, Miss Ben can assure you that you will eat and drink spicy food."



After the 'excitement' contented and powerless Wang Roosei lay there softly, the red cloud on her pretty face was no doubt telling others that she was very happy and satisfied.

"The Li family didn't find me." Wang Roosi said.

Ye Wutian was quite surprised. She originally thought that why the Li family had found Wang Roosei, and she would only beg for Li Jun, but she knew that was not the case.

"It doesn't matter whether the Li family is looking for you or not." Ye Wutian stroked Wang Roose's hair lightly, "Just be happy."

"The Li family didn't look for me, but I looked for Li Jun. He told me something." Wang Roosei said.

Ye Wutian was stunned by these words, looking at Wang Roose quietly, waiting for her answer.

"He told me that it was also a last resort to go against you."

Ye Wutian sneered in his heart, only a ghost would believe this, hesitating whether to remind Wang Roosi a few words, suddenly, the bell in the hotel rang loudly, it was the bell of the fire alarm.

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