Mad Doctor

Chapter 1598: Dog jumps off the wall (Part 1)

The sound of the fire alarm bell made Ye Wutian and the two startled one after another, and they were almost scolding their mother in secret. At this time, the fire alarm bell sounded?

"Not right."

Ye Wutian blurted out, and his intuition told him that the fire alarm that sounded was not as simple as it appeared.

Wang Roosi was amused, and she kissed Ye Wutian's mouth fiercely: "Bad man, you are so cute, the fire alarm bell rang, you made me mysterious."

Ye Wutian didn't relax because of Wang Roosei's analysis, anyway, I felt something was wrong.

The Garden Hotel is a super five-star hotel in Dongcheng, and it has not been put into use for a long time. It is impossible for problems such as aging of wires to occur.

Whatever the reason, the two knew they had to leave the hotel since the fire alarm rang.

"Bad man, I forgot to tell you that this hotel is my property."

The startled Ye Wutian blurted out: "I can't tell, you are still a little rich woman."

Hearing that, Wang Roosi, who rolled her eyes, said angrily, "Does this count as rich?"

"Hey, it's okay, this hotel is well decorated and tasteful, at least it meets my appetite."

After the two hurriedly put on their clothes, they opened the door and prepared to leave the hotel. There was a fire alarm at this juncture. Fortunately, the two of them had already finished. Crazy.

There was chaos outside, and many guests left their rooms in a panic, preparing to go outside the hotel.

"You go out first, I have to go and see what's going on." Wang Roosi has recovered her capable image. As the boss behind the scenes, she has to go and see. Any hotel will be afraid of such a thing happening. Similarly, any hotel, once it happens Fire, the damage to the reputation of the hotel will be great.

Ye Wutian hesitated for a while and asked, "Do you need my help?"

Wang Roosi took two steps forward and walked to Ye Wutian, ignoring the sound of the fire alarm, Bai Nen wrapped her arms around Ye Wutian's neck: "What? In your eyes, I am so useless? Can't even do such a trivial thing?"

Ye Wutian is dark sweat! At this time, is she still in the mood to joke?

"Come on, don't get in the way of business." Ye Wutian quickly glanced around, seeing that there was no one around, and immediately slapped Wang Roose's pink buttocks heavily.

Wang Roosi let out a coquettish anger and winked like silk. Ye Wutian's heart was so excited that she could not wait to get this girl right on the spot.

Even though he just went crazy once, Ye Wutian still couldn't help it.

After the coquettish anger, Wang Roosi did not leave in a hurry, but pouted her **** mouth reluctantly: "Kiss me."

Ye Wutian was instantly scorched inside and out, when did this happen? Still coming? Does she not care about the hotel fire at all?


"Kiss me." The little woman Wang Roosi looks full, this is something that has never happened before. In the past, she has never shown this appearance in front of anyone, that is, after knowing Ye Wutian.

It can be said that Ye Wutian took away many of Wang Roose's firsts!

"Don't make trouble, go and do business." At this time, Ye Wutian twitched.

Ye Wutian's tweaking made Wang Roosi extremely unhappy, and her **** little mouth pouted even higher: "Are you still a man? Is it interesting to be like this? When you want to take the initiative, you don't take the initiative, making it seem like I am the man."

That crazy sweat in Ye Wutian's heart! However, without waiting for him to speak, Wang Roose took the initiative to kiss her, hugging Ye Wutian's neck and kissing it fiercely. Ye Wutian really didn't know what to say to this, so he could only stand there and let Wang Roose be hard-hearted. Dear.

Anyway, at this time, whoever takes advantage of whoever is the same.

People come and go in the corridor, and many residents are surprised and puzzled. When are they all? Still wasting kisses here?

These two are sick, this is the idea of ​​people in the past.

After reaching her goal, Wang Roose stopped. She was satisfied before she left and asked Ye Wutian, "Are you free at night? Let's have dinner together."

Ye Wutian smiled slightly: "Let's see the situation, contact me by phone." God knows how long Wang Roose will take to deal with this matter? What's more, Ye Wutian didn't know what was going on, he always felt that something was going to happen.

Under Ye Wutian's repeated urging, Wang Roosi left reluctantly, even though Ye Wutian thought that Wang Roosi's reluctance was somewhat of an acting element.

After sending Wang Roose away, Ye Wutian found that the corridor was empty, and besides him, he could never see anyone else.

Despite this, Ye Wutian still felt a hint of danger, and always felt that something dangerous would happen.

Looking at the empty corridor, Ye Wutian realized that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and he can stay here.

There is a huge floor-to-ceiling glass window at the end of the corridor. In order to protect the privacy of the guests, the inside cannot be seen from the outside, and the outside can only be seen from the inside.

After the fire alarm rang, the elevators of the hotel were stopped for the first time, and all guests in the building had to leave the stairs if they wanted to stop the hotel.

Ye Wutian, who had already reached the entrance of the stairs, had his eyes fixed on the floor-to-ceiling glass and looked at the window. For some reason, Ye Wutian felt extremely uneasy in his heart.

When he was in doubt, suddenly, Ye Wutian's heart jumped, and a strong unease hit his heart.


At the moment when his cat was frightened, a bullet penetrated the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window and flew directly towards Ye Wutian.

The position where the bullet flew was exactly where Ye Wutian's head was just now. Because of his cat's lower back, the bullet didn't hit his head, but hit the wall on the left.

Looking at the bullet that penetrated into the wall, Ye Wutian was instantly frightened into a cold sweat and stood there stunned.


The occasion did not allow Ye Wutian to be in a daze, and after reacting, he realized that a sniper was assassinating him.

Before he had time to think about it, Ye Wutian immediately took three steps and jumped to the corner of the stairs, where the terrain could be used to block his body, so that his body would not be exposed to the sniper's muzzle.

Ye Wutian, whose body was close to the wall, slapped his face coldly. His sense of danger was still very effective.

Since he cultivated Xuanyuan Zhenqi, his sixth sense was much stronger than ordinary people, and it was just because of this that he escaped.

Standing there, Ye Wutian was secretly celebrating, and he couldn't help but wonder, how could this be? Also, is it because of this reason that the fire alarm in the hotel is blaring?

These things still need to be investigated. Ye Wutian doesn't know whether it is the reason or not. It is not difficult to figure out these things, but it is not now.

Ye Wutian is worried that the gunman is just coming towards him? Or is even Wang Roose their target?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, Ye Wutian hurriedly took out his mobile phone to remind Wang Roose, but he didn't know if he called and the phone could not be connected.

Ye Wutian is even more nervous, looking left and right, thinking that he must leave here as soon as possible to get on the road.


Two consecutive shots were fired.

With his back against the wall, Ye Wutian could feel two strong vibrations, which was the force of the bullet hitting the wall.

Ye Wutian couldn't understand, what did the other party mean? Two shots in a row, what exactly is the other party trying to do? Can the other party see him?

Thinking of this, Ye Wutian once again felt a strong sense of vibration. At this time, he suddenly realized that there was more than one gunman.

And lo and behold, the gunman seemed to be able to see him, and that's the only way to explain why the killer still shot.

Don't stay here for long!

After figuring this out, Ye Wutian looked downstairs and continued to walk. When he walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass window below, there might be bullets waiting for him, and the same goes up, and he also had to pass through these floor-to-ceiling windows. .

To go is to die! If you don't go, you will die!

To resolve the immediate crisis, Ye Wutian found that it was not that simple.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Ye Wutian took a deep breath, jumped suddenly, and rushed downstairs.


Almost at the same time, as soon as Ye Wutian rushed to the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window, two bullets followed closely, whistling past Ye Wutian's ears.

The frightened Ye Wutian did not dare to hesitate in the slightest, and continued to rush down. He knew that he could only breathe a sigh of relief when he got to a safe place.

He ran a few floors in one breath, and there would be bullets chasing after him as before. Ye Wutian guessed that those gunmen had most likely left.

As an excellent sniper, once he loses the opportunity, he will no longer be nostalgic. Otherwise, he will most likely kill himself.

After another few floors, Ye Wutian couldn't feel the sense of crisis just now, so he let him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Someone assassinated me just now, check it out." Ye Wutian, who took out his phone, called Ouyang Xingyue.

After explaining a few words, Ye Wutian called Zhuang Susu again, and intuitively told him that the murderer behind this time must be an acquaintance again.

Going down to the hotel lobby, it was messy, all the guests who passed by were in a hurry, and their faces were all worried.

Ye Wutian didn't find Wang Roosi in the crowd, he pulled the staff of a nearby hotel and asked, "Where is your boss?"

The girl was frightened, frightened by Ye Wutian's unpredictable actions, "I... I don't know."

Ye Wutian didn't ask again after hearing the At the same time, he also understood that he may have asked a very stupid question. Wang Roosei is the boss behind the scenes here, maybe not many people know, just ask any waiter, How will people know?

After the firefighters came, it was soon clear that the fire alarm bell rang not because there was a real fire alarm, but because someone deliberately touched a switch on the 19th floor, which caused the current situation.

After figuring out the reason, the guests were all relieved, and the people in the hotel were also relieved, and the aftermath work was going on in a tense and orderly manner.

But until now, Ye Wutian has not found Wang Roose, and has asked almost everyone, but no one knows Wang Roose's whereabouts, and no one knows where she went.

At this moment, Ye Wutian began to regret it. If he knew what to do, he should have followed him just now.

"You guys came just right, help me find Wang Roosi immediately, she's missing." Ye Wutian immediately gave an order after seeing Chang Xiaomei's approach.

At the same time, the phone in Ye Wutian's pocket rang...

This article comes from the novel

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