Mad Doctor

Chapter 1600: Dog jumping over the wall (below)

"Bastard, stop." After a short period of daze, Chang Xiaomei drank coldly, at the same time, she rushed to Ye Wutian to stop: "You can't go out."

Ye Wutian stopped and asked, "Daughter-in-law, I know you care about me."

Chang Xiaomei said angrily and anxiously: "Since you know, you still have to do this? I don't know how dangerous it is when you go out? are dead, what should I do?"

Ye Wutian was secretly happy, it seemed that he still had a bit of a position in the heart of this female tyrannosaurus, and he couldn't force her to say such words until the critical moment.

"What are you looking at?" Chang Xiaomei blushed and her face was hot. Now she is a little bit regretful, what happened to herself? To say such a thing?

To help him, to comfort him, yes, it must be so.

Chang Xiaomei quickly gave an answer and used this answer to comfort herself.

"Hey, you are so beautiful now." Ye Wutian praised.

Chang Xiaomei was shy and wanted to find a hole to get in, thinking about her Director Chang, when was she ever molested like this?

"I have to go out, I have to go out." Ye Wutian said: "However, I promise you, I will live, you said, I am dead, what do you do? I don't want other men to sleep with you."

In the first half of the sentence, Chang Xiaomei was very moved, but in the second half of the sentence, she was furious, and the touch of emotion she finally produced was instantly thrown into outer space by her.

"Don't get excited, I'm just a metaphor, nothing else." Seeing this, Ye Wutian comforted quickly, knowing that what he just said was too much.

"Is there such a metaphor for you?" Chang Xiaomei, who was trembling with anger, cursed, her full pair of babies fluctuated because of her anger.

"Hey, I'm just a random metaphor, if that's true, I'll definitely be jealous." Ye Wutian smirked.

Chang Xiaomei was amused, she burst out laughing, I don't know if she was happy to hear Ye Wutian's words, or because of what.

Ye Wutian is dark and sweaty, the old saying is right, a woman changes her face as fast as she turns a book. One second, it was pouring rain and thunder rumbled, and the next second, the sky will be clear.

A woman's heart, a needle under the sea!

No matter what position she was in, it was the same, in the final analysis, she was always just a woman.

"Is it dangerous for you to go out like this?" Chang Xiaomei persuaded.

Ye Wutian smiled: "I know, but I can't help it."

With a frown, Chang Xiaomei asked, "There's no way? That's why you use this method to save the beauty as a hero? In order to help her, you risk your own life?"

Ye Wutian looked directly at Chang Xiaomei affectionately: "If that person is you, I will do the same, of course, I know that in your hearts, I am not a good person, a bastard, but in my opinion, a man Sir, do something and don't do something."

"I know, you are a good person, the greatest good person in the world, but no matter what, you have to think about yourself, right? You are great like this? A hero saves beauty and satisfies your little vanity. What about people? For me, have you considered our ideas?"

Ye Wutian was speechless when asked. He really didn't know how to answer Chang Xiaomei's question. Chang Xiaomei was right.

"Also, have you thought about it? Who is Wang Roosi? Who else can catch her easily?" Chang Xiaomei reminded.

Ye Wutian's heart moved: "You mean that this may be a conspiracy?"

Chang Xiaomei, who shrugged, said, "I didn't say that, that's what you said."

Ye Wutian laughed dumbly, that's what Chang Xiaomei thought.

Ye Wutian didn't care about Chang Xiaomei's reminder, Wang Roosi couldn't have done that, and it was impossible to stage such a bitter plan. The two are now close to each other and cooperate in many aspects. Why does Wang Roose do this?

There is only one possibility, and that is Wang Roosi's idea of ​​hitting the Hongyan Group.

"Thank you for your reminder, daughter-in-law, no matter what, I still have to go out." Ye Wutian still believed in Wang Roose.

Chang Xiaomei saw that her persuasion for a long time had no effect, and she was very angry, and immediately waved her hand: "Go, go, you are going to die, no one will stop you."

Ye Wutian stood still, just staring at Chang Xiaomei.

Chang Xiaomei couldn't stand this kind of look, and she said with a guilty conscience, "What are you looking at?"

Ye Wutian suddenly hugged Chang Xiaomei in his arms, just when Chang Xiaomei was stunned, this guy took another step and kissed Chang Xiaomei directly.

Ye Wutian didn't miss him, even though he really wanted to kiss him for a while longer.

"Don't be angry, this kiss may very well be our last kiss."

Hearing this, Chang Xiaomei, who was furious, felt like someone had poured a basin of cold water from the top of her head, making her anger disappear.

"Bah! What nonsense? The dog's mouth can't spit out ivory." Chang Xiao Mei was so angry that Ye Wutian spoke indiscriminately.

"If I'm still alive after today, I'll invite you to dinner another day, and let's go out to play together, okay?" Ye Wutian said softly, "Just the two of us."

Chang Xiaomei looked at Ye Wutian in surprise, and was surprised that Ye Wutian would say this, "Are you serious?"

"If I lie to you, you will shoot me out."

Chang Xiaomei felt a little happiness in her heart: "This is what you said. It's best to remember what you said today. If you dare to lie to me, I will never spare you, bastard."

Ye Wutian gently took Chang Xiaomei into his arms again, the latter did not resist, even though she knew the situation was wrong, she still did not resist, it was extremely rare to be a docile little sheep.

After a while, Ye Wutian let go of Chang Xiaomei, walked around her and walked outside the hotel.

As he got closer and closer to the hotel door, Ye Wutian's seemingly calm heart began to become nervous. He didn't know what kind of danger was waiting for him outside, and how many snipers were shooting guns. Mouth at him.

All of this is just a myth!

Before he walked out, Ye Wutian had secretly activated Xuanyuan Zhenqi, holding his breath, not daring to be careless. After all, bullets don't have eyes, and he didn't know what his Xuanyuan Zhenqi was. At this point, it is impossible to resist bullets.

"I'm here." After walking out of the hotel, Ye Wutian looked around and shouted loudly.

The answer to him was silence, and no one answered his question.

The more it is like this, the more Ye Wutian dare not be careless, and watch the surroundings cautiously, for fear that someone will shoot a cold gun from behind, it is not a joke.

Carefully took out the phone, and skillfully redialed the caller number just now.

"Ye Wutian, I have to admit, you have a kind." The voice of the man just now came over the phone.

Ye Wutian didn't dare to be careless, and his nerves were tense: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm out, let me go immediately."

The other party laughed: "Let me go? Did I hear it right? You asked me to let him go?"

Ye Wutian thought something wrong and asked: "What? Want to go back on it?"

"Repent?" The other party sneered at the phone: "Now is the first step. Next, we have more fun."

Ye Wutian snorted coldly: "I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood to play with you."

"Really? It's not your turn, Ye Wutian, don't you want to save your beauty?"

Ye Wutian was secretly mad, and he didn't like this feeling very much. This feeling of being restrained made him extremely unhappy, but he couldn't do anything right now, and he didn't even have the capital to negotiate with the other party.

"Your speed is very fast, I will give you a chance, stand there and don't move, I will shoot you three times, as long as you can successfully avoid three shots and not die, your beauty will come back to you."

Hearing such shameless conditions, Ye Wutian wanted to go crazy, and even wanted to greet the mother of the other party, even the woman at home, paralyzed, what the hell? Can you be any more shameless?

Stand still and let him fight? Still going to shoot?

I have to admit that the opponent's head is on the same level as that of a pig.

Knowing that the other party's head is abnormal, Ye Wutian can't resist unless he doesn't want to save Wang Roose.

I don't know when, Ye Wutian has regarded Wang Roose as his own woman, at least he thinks so in his heart.

"You are shameless." Ye Wutian said to the phone.

"Haha, thank you, many people say this to me, it doesn't matter, shameless is shameless, what's the point? The most important thing is to be happy, are you right? Ye Wutian."

"Yes." Ye Wutian likes the character of the other party a bit, and in this respect, he is somewhat similar to him.

"So you agree?"

Ye Wutian answered the question: "Why don't you shoot now?"

This matter makes Ye Wutian very puzzled. It is said that he is standing here, and the other party can shoot at any time, but it is not. Ye Wutian is puzzled about this.

"I could shoot, but it wouldn't be fun to do that, don't you?"

Ye Wutian said: "Let me stand still, no matter how I look at it, I will suffer, don't you think?"

"Do you still have a choice?"

"Of course there is." Ye Wutian said: "I can choose to retreat to the hotel, and then find you out through my connections and connections, don't believe it, with my strength, as long as you give me some time, I can guarantee find you."

"Well, I believe what you The other party didn't deny it: "Well, as long as you can avoid the three shots, in addition to letting go of your beauty, I will also tell you who invited us. "

Ye Wutian was startled: "Are you sure?"

"There should be no problem. Of course, in order to better reflect the fairness between us, you have to pay us a fee."

"It's fair." Ye Wutian didn't object, as long as the problem could be solved with money, it wouldn't be a problem.

"Two billion, is it okay?" the other party asked.

"I'll give you three billion, tell me now, who asked you to come here." Ye Wutian said, "Because, I'm not sure whether I can avoid your three shots."

The other party is silent.

Ye Wutian stood there quietly, the other party would definitely not be able to refuse his price.

"Ma Shan." A few minutes later, a sentence came from the phone the first book of the novel

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