Mad Doctor

Chapter 1601: why not shoot

Ma Shan?

Ye Wutian was obviously frightened. He thought about a lot of people and listed many people as suspect targets, but he didn't expect it to be Ma Shan.

It's something that can't be fought in eight lifetimes, why is it Ma Shan?

In this regard, Ye Wutian always wondered, there was not much hatred between him and Ma Shan at all, why did he treat him like this?

In fact, Ye Wutian was suspicious of Lin Qitao at the beginning, and that guy was the most suspicious. After all, he had just robbed the company from the other party, and now this scene is happening again, the first one who needs to be suspicious must be him.

"Evidence." Ye Wutian said, it is impossible for Ye Wutian, who is puzzled, to believe in a person casually, especially a person he has never seen before.

"You should know that I don't have to lie to you. Now you are just such a slaughtered sheep to me. To lie to you means nothing to me."

This sounds like an explanation, but Ye Wutian is too light, and the cake sheep to be slaughtered? Is it so exaggerated?

Of course, if he had to save Wang Roose, that was the only way.

"Are you ready? I'm going to shoot." The other party said with a smile.

Ye Wutian slowly closed his eyes, held his breath, and adjusted his state to the best.

Chang Xiaomei squeezed the sweat for Ye Wutian and wanted to drag Ye Wutian back, it was too dangerous for him to stand there like this.

At this time, Dongcheng was undoubtedly lively. Not only did the entire police system in Dongcheng operate, but even the national security aspect was operating. For nothing else, just because that person was Ye Wutian, in Dongcheng, in Huaxia, and even in the whole country The world can be shaken three times with a stomping of his feet.


Ye Wutian, who was standing there concentratingly, ran Xuanyuan Zhenqi to the extreme. When the bullets coming at high speed cut through the air and flew quickly, Ye Wutian opened his eyes instantly.


The speed of the bullets was very fast, Ye Wutian, who had run Xuanyuan Zhenqi to the limit, did not dare to be careless. Ye Wutian, who had come through the sky, heard the sound of the bullets flying. Following that direction, Ye Wutian looked at it. To the sniper lurking in the opposite building.

one of them!

Without the support of Xuanyuan Zhenqi, Ye Wutian would not dare to do so, dare not stand here and let the other side shoot.

Everyone in the hotel lobby was so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, and some of the timid ones had begun to close their eyes and dare not look, they couldn't bear to see Ye Wutian fall in a pool of blood.

No one is faster than a bullet, this is the thinking of most people.

No matter how fast an ordinary person is, it cannot be faster than a bullet.

That's just for ordinary people, the vast majority of ordinary people, but there are exceptions,

Ye Wutian is a human being, but he cannot be regarded as an ordinary person. Apart from the fact that he has traveled from the future to the present, he still possesses Xuanyuan True Qi, which is enough to make him look down on the heroes.

The sniper had already fired, but Ye Wutian was still standing there, as if the bullet that was already flying at high speed did not exist.

The atmosphere at the scene has solidified, and everyone dare not breathe, for fear that one of their natural breathing will disturb Ye Wutian.

Just when everyone secretly felt worried and anxious for Ye Wutian, suddenly, Ye Wutian suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to the right.

All the actions are done in one go.


The bullet was not unfortunate, and flew past Ye Wutian's ear.

This scene made the people in the hotel lobby look dumbfounded. Likewise, the sniper hiding in the dark was equally shocked.

Is this avoided?


It can't even be described as incredible. No one knows what happened, and how Ye Wutian avoided the bullet. Everyone just knew that Ye Wutian avoided it and successfully avoided the bullet that was supposed to be. Pointing at the bullet in his head.


Ye Wutian, who successfully avoided the bullet, secretly exclaimed that he was very dangerous. At the critical moment just now, he was able to successfully avoid the bullet because of Xuanyuan Zhenqi.

In meditation, Ye Wutian ran Xuanyuan Zhenqi to the extreme and found that he could feel the bullets flying, which would make him feel dangerous, and not only that, he could even feel that the bullets were not flying as fast. His imagination is fast, in other words that kind of flying speed is not enough to make him deadly.

It wasn't the first time Ye Wutian was assassinated, but he didn't feel this way before, only now, and only this time, did he feel that the speed of the bullet was slowing down.

Ye Wutian, who was calm on the surface and ecstatic in his heart, knew why, it was because of the improvement of Xuanyuan's true qi.

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Ye Wutian stood there expressionlessly, waiting for the other's second and third shots.

After successfully avoiding the first shot, Ye Wutian's confidence soared. What about the gun? What about snipers? Who can help him? Who else can hurt him?

Ye Wutian didn't know, because he successfully avoided the bullet just now, what kind of situation he is in the hearts of everyone at this moment, almost everyone present will have the same thought, is this still human? Too exaggerated, even bullets can be avoided? The secret shooter didn't tell him when to shoot, and he didn't give any hints at all. In this case, he was able to avoid it successfully.


Absolutely a monster!

This is everyone's evaluation of Ye Wutian, how can normal people successfully avoid bullets? Only monsters and gods can do it.

Is Ye Wutian really a monster?

People don't know, even if he isn't, he shouldn't be an ordinary person.

In addition to being shocked, Chang Xiaomei has mixed feelings, and once again has a new understanding of Ye Wutian. This **** can even avoid bullets. This is simply against common sense and impossible.

No matter how fast a person is, it cannot be faster than a bullet.

impossible! Absolutely impossible. Chang Xiaomei once thought she was dazzled, but the reality is that she is not dazzled, everything is true.

Who the **** is this bastard? What other secrets are there? I've known him for so long, and I've secretly investigated this **** more than once. I can't see any difference from the data. What I can see is that this **** used to be a scoundrel, a scoundrel that everyone hates, and a waste of life. Air, the **** that wastes land, why does it change so much? Incredible, unbelievable.

Chang Xiaomei also investigated that since Ye Wutian had an accident in that fishing village, his personality changed drastically, he changed his personality completely, started to use medical skills, and started to form the Hongyan Group. It's incredible, but it happened to Ye Wutian.

How could a former **** be able to avoid bullets? How is this going? Chang Xiaomei even thought more than once that Ye Wutian, such a scoundrel, would change his personality, from a **** to an outstanding young man, would he be as **** as in TV movies? cross? Is the current Ye Wutian not the original Ye Wutian?

Could something so weird really happen? Do the situations on TV really happen in real life?

Whether it will really happen, Chang Xiaomei doesn't know, but there is one thing, it is really doubtful, it is impossible for a person to change so much for no reason.

How could Ye Wutian know about Chang Xiaomei's complicated psychology? Standing there, he dare not relax, dare not be careless,

After waiting for a while, Ye Wutian did not wait for the second bullet as scheduled, which made him very puzzled, and looked in the direction of the sniper just now, meaning to ask, why not shoot?

Ye Wutian knew that the other party would definitely be able to see him, if the other party was still there.

After a while, he still hadn't waited for the other party to shoot, so this guy kept doing it. Since he wanted to be arrogant, he should be more arrogant, and stretched out his finger to tick the other side, signaling the other side to shoot.

There is no one who is the most arrogant, only the more arrogant. Whether Ye Wutian's move has hidden the sniper in the dark is unknown to others, but he has made Chang Xiaomei and others so popular, they all secretly scolded Ye Wutian, what? stuff? Can you be more arrogant? If it is someone else, I wish they would not shoot, but you, Ye Wutian, are so good, you even stretched out your fingers to provoke others? Too much.

The snipers in the dark don't know if they are angry or not, but Xiao Mei is very angry, and even wants to shout a few words at the snipers and ask them to shoot Ye Wutian a few times, to see if he can still be arrogant, don't think that he managed to avoid it just now. A bullet now has arrogant capital. I don't know if the bullet just now was a coincidence.

The provocative behavior has already been done, but still haven't waited for the arrival of the bullet, Ye Wutian is thinking, isn't it the promised three shots? Why don't you just keep shooting? Could it be that the other party was conquered by his handsomeness? Pooh! They are not women, so handsome or not has half a dime to do with them?

After thinking about it, Ye Wutian also thought that the other party is most likely to be intimidated by his strength and can successfully avoid the bullet, who can not be afraid?

After a while, Ye Wutian, who couldn't wait for the bullet to arrive, turned his head to look at Chang Xiaomei.

"What are you doing standing still? Come back soon." Chang Xiao turned back his anger, but he still cared about the **** in her heart.

Ye Wutian didn't move, what should I do if I leave now? Will the other party let Wang Roosei go? His main purpose is to save people, and now he doesn't know what to do.

I took out my phone and dialed the number just now, but the answer I got was that the phone was connected, but no one answered.

The more it is like this, the more worried Ye Wutian is, how is Wang Roosi's safety now? What the **** happened?

Until the automatic disconnection, the other party's phone was unanswered. In desperation Ye Wutian could only return to the hotel lobby.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wutian looked at Chang Xiaomei.

Police Officer Chang Da was questioned, how could she know what was going on? He was still confused and didn't know what was going on.

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Chang Xiaomei said angrily, paused, and then said, "How did you avoid that bullet?"

"Are you handsome?" Ye Wutian asked while lowering his head and pressing the phone.

Chang Xiaomei rolled her eyes. Although she didn't admit it on the surface, she still admitted in her heart that the flash just now was really handsome.

"Speak human words." Chang Xiaomei wanted to figure it out, even knowing that curiosity could kill the cat, she still wanted to figure it out.

"What are you talking about? Why didn't they shoot? What's the matter now?" Ye Wutian didn't listen at all, he just muttered to himself, just at this moment, the phone rang and saw After calling the number, Ye Wutian couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he answered the phone immediately: "Why don't you guys shoot?"

This was first published in

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