Mad Doctor

Chapter 1602: torture

"Why did you finally get on the phone, what's the matter now? What about the gun just now?" Ye Wutian who answered the phone was like a wronged daughter-in-law. "Also, let them go."

"You really want to be shot?" A voice came from the phone, but this voice made Ye Wutian stunned and stunned. The first reaction was how to change someone? Moreover, this time there was a different woman, what's going on?

Hearing it again, the voice seemed to be very familiar, I don't know where I heard it before, and when I thought about it seriously, it became more and more like Xiaoling's voice.



Ye Wutian instantly rejected this idea, how could it be Xiaoling?

"Little Spirit?" Ye Wutian shouted in a low voice, knowing that it was impossible, with tentativeness.

"What? Don't know me?" Xiaoling's voice came out again on the other side of the phone. This time, Ye Wutian finally knew that it wasn't a hallucination just now, everything was true.

"Really you?" Ignoring Xiaoling's teasing directly, Ye Wutian was overjoyed, feeling so incredible, so unbelievable, how is this possible?

"What's going on?" Ye Wutian asked. At this moment, he had too many questions to know: "How come the phone is in your hands?"

"Do you still need to ask? I saved you." Xiaoling's tone was a little playful, "What? Don't appreciate it? Or do you want to continue to eat bullets?"

Ye Wutian is dark and sweaty, who would want to eat bullets when he is okay? His brain has never been kicked by a donkey, and besides, he was completely forced to stand there just now.

"Thank you, Xiaoling, you are really my lucky star." Ye Wutian, who was overjoyed, was a little incoherent in language.

After being happy, Ye Wutian seemed to think of something, and quickly asked: "Wang Roosi is with you?"


Xiaoling's answer was like pouring a basin of cold water on Ye Wutian, directly letting him cool down.

I wanted to ask again, but Xiaoling didn't give him a chance and just hung up the phone.

"Hey, Xiaoling, what's going on? Answer my question." Ye Wutian asked to the already busy phone.

"What's wrong?" Chang Xiaomei asked.

Ye Wutian looked at Chang Xiaomei: "I don't need to be shot again."

"Your friend?" Chang Xiaomei asked again. Just now, she had ordered a blanket search of the area, trying to find the shooter.

After a while, Xiaoling appeared in front of Ye Wutian. After a while, Ye Wutian felt that she had lost weight, and even her skin was a little darker than before. It was estimated that she was going to perform the task.

"What? I don't know each other? Or is it that you didn't save your little lover, so you're not happy?" Xiaoling asked coldly, tilting her head.

"How? I don't know how grateful I am to you." Ye Wutian forced a smile.

"Hypocritical." Xiaoling cursed.

Ye Wutian didn't care about these and asked, "Where are the people you arrested?"

Xiaoling looked at Ye Wutian vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

Ye Wutian's depressed, said with a wry smile, "I'm not a bad person."

"Who would call himself a bad person?"

"Nothing else, I just want to ask them where they caught people."

"When we arrived, no one was there."

Ye Wutian frowned: "You only caught the gunman?"

Xiaoling nodded as an answer.

Ye Wutian, who thought about it carefully, asked, "How many?"


Ye Wutian continued to say cheekily: "Can you give me someone?"

"No, they must be handed over to me." Chang Xiaomei protested loudly.

"Go aside, it's none of your business." Ye Wutian turned his head and drank coldly.

Suddenly being yelled at, made Chang Xiaomei like an enraged lion: "Bastard, what do you mean?"

"I want someone." In the face of Chang Xiaomei's anger, Ye Wutian was not afraid, let alone giving in at all.


"Enough." Ye Wutian said impatiently: "Don't bother me anymore."

"You..." Chang Xiaomei was so angry that she couldn't stop shaking, but she had nothing to do with Ye Wutian.

"By the way, Xiaoling, how did you know I was here?" Ye Wutian was curious.

"Let's talk about this for another day. It's important to save people first." Xiaoling waved his hand very handsomely. After a while, several members of Guoan came with three gunmen.

Ye Wutian looked at the other three, and finally fixed his gaze on the bearded man in the middle. This guy was full of beards and looked scary, but not like those Taoist priests, he looked like a sloppy artist.

Of course, this guy has nothing to do with artists.

Ye Wutian looked at the other party, and the other party was also looking at Ye Wutian, with malicious intent, cruelty and murderous intent in his eyes.

"It must be you who talked to me just now, right?" Ye Wutian said.

The bearded man grinned, but his smile almost made Ye Wutian spit out the food he ate yesterday, because this guy smiled and showed his big yellow teeth, which looked very disgusting.

Can this guy be a sniper?

Ye Wutian can't figure it out, isn't the first condition to be a sniper be careful? Being so sloppy, coupled with the fact that he brushed his rhubarb teeth at some point, Ye Wutian didn't know what to say.

"You are very powerful." The other party answered the question, but his words undoubtedly amounted to acknowledgment.

"Where is the person?" Ye Wutian also ignored the praise of the other party, just wanted to find Wang Roose quickly.

The bearded man grinned again: "You want to know? I don't know where your little lover is."

Ye Wutian raised his hand and wanted to slap him when he heard the words, but was stopped by Xiaoling, "Pay attention to the occasion."

Ye Wutian turned his head and saw that there were a lot of people looking at it.

So, with the help of Xiaoling, Ye Wutian took the three bearded men to a remote place, which belonged to the suburban area. No matter how the other party shouted or shouted, no one would be able to hear it, let alone come. save them.

"You go first." Ye Wutian said to Xiaoling.

Xiaoling asked, "Do you want to be rough again?"

Ye Wutian did not deny it: "I do not deny it, can they recruit?"

Xiaoling thought about it too, so she no longer refuted, but said, "I'll help you find Ma Shan."

Ye Wutian nodded gratefully, if it wasn't for someone else, he would have hugged Xiaoling into his arms long ago.

Soon, Xiaoling took people away. In the following scene, she is not suitable to be present, otherwise it will bring endless trouble to her and her colleagues.

"Ye Wutian, come on, planted in your hands, there is nothing to say, it's a man, give it a good time." The bearded man said.

Ye Wutian smiled: "You want to die? Want to be happy?"

"Your torture is useless to me." The bearded man said, "Don't do this, you can only scare children."

The sneering Ye Wutian asked back: "Really? Then I'll try it."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, I saw Ye Wutian personally untie the rope for one of the snipers, which made the bearded man puzzled.

Want to let them go? is it possible?

The bearded man knew that what awaited them today would be a near-death experience.

After untying the rope for the sniper, Ye Wutian grabbed the opponent's right arm, and at the same time, stepped on the opponent's ribs with his right foot, and then pulled hard.

In the next moment, the screams sounded, and the arm of the other party was torn down by Ye Wutian alive, and the **** scene was shocking.

The bearded man and the other sniper couldn't help but fight, some were frightened by Ye Wutian's brutality, and he never thought that Ye Wutian would do this.

The worst thing was that the bearded man couldn't understand why his accomplice had already untied the rope, so why didn't he resist at all? Let Ye Wutian handle it, this is a strange thing.

Also, is his companion so vulnerable? Being pulled like this, the whole arm was torn off?

Under the pain, the sniper fainted.

The bearded man glared angrily, killing intent Taotian, struggling desperately, if he could move freely, he would definitely rush to find Ye Wutian desperately.

"Ye Wutian, that's all you can do?" The bearded man who couldn't move roared coldly.

Ye Wutian with a mysterious smile shook his head: "No, I have more powerful ones."

The bearded man was startled.

Ye Wutian took out a small bottle and said to the bearded man, "Do you know what this is?"

Where did the bearded man know? Full of fog, I don't even know what it is.

"Oh, I forgot, it's useless to tell you, but it doesn't matter, you'll know soon." After speaking, Ye Wutian unscrewed the small bottle and moved it to the injured man. After a few flicks, some black powder-like powder fell on the wound of the injured man.

After doing all this, Ye Wutian smiled wickedly at the bearded man: "Be careful, I hope you won't be disappointed."

The bearded man didn't speak. At this time, his accomplice had woken up and started to twist his body, saying, "Itching, pain."

Immediately afterwards, an unbelievable thing happened. I don't know what happened to the injured man. He used his left hand to pull his wound, pulled a piece of meat with force, and pulled the piece of meat off.

This scene made the bearded man feel sick to his stomach. He has also killed people, but this is the first time I have seen such a brutal method. In the past, he killed the opponent with a single shot. How could it be like this?

After tearing off a piece of his own flesh, the other party did not stop there, and continued to tear another piece of meat, and for some reason, the other party seemed to be unaware of the pain.

Besides, the meat seems to be very crispy, and it can be torn off as soon as it is pulled.

What the hell, what's going on here? So a little powder can have such an effect?

"Don't show that surprised It will be your turn soon." Ye Wutian sneered at the bearded man.

The bearded man was trembling again, no doubt, he was frightened, frightened by Ye Wutian's crazy method.

The injured man stopped screaming, but moved faster and faster, as if pulling the flesh like this would make him feel more comfortable.

Not long after, with the injured man's own efforts, the ground was full of blood, and of course, there was also a lot of minced meat. Rao, a man with a beard who was murderous, couldn't stand it.

The white bones have been exposed, and the bearded man sees this, his stomach is constantly churning, and he has endured to the limit, maybe he will spit it out in the next second.

"Enough, I'll tell you where she is." The bearded man knew current affairs and knew that if he didn't give Ye Wutian a satisfactory explanation today, the consequences would be disastrous.

He is not afraid of death, but he doesn't want to die like this. Undoubtedly, Ye Wutian is a devil, a devil who can even avoid bullets.

Read the first edition of the novel

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