Mad Doctor

Chapter 1603: be tough

The bearded man collapsed, and the defense line in his heart completely collapsed. He is an excellent and extremely talented sniper, which does not mean how tough he is. Being a good sniper has nothing to do with how tough he is.

The bearded man thought that he could die, but he couldn't accept this method of death. Seeing his companion's self-destruction form, he couldn't help but feel numb in his scalp. To Ye Wutian, the devil.

Ye Wutian secretly scolded the bearded man that he had no seeds, and he was afraid before he started the execution? What is this called? So unscared, how come out to the society to eat?

Of course, no matter what, this is a good thing for him, the collapse of the opponent's psychological defense line is at least a good thing for him.

"I knew this earlier, why was it in the first place?" Ye Wutian sarcastically said, on the one hand, he despised and even hated this kind of person, on the other hand, he didn't want the other party to be too tough, time waits for no one, and now it is still the most important thing to save people.

The bearded man was angry, but he had no choice but to hold back all his unwillingness and helplessness in his stomach.

"Ma Shan, everything was arranged by Ma Shan, he gave us 100 million." The bearded man said.

Ye Wutian was startled, 100 million? Is Ma Shan big enough? Generous, give such 100 million directly? There really is his.

"How did you contact him?" Ye Wutian asked in a deep voice, it was impossible to believe the other party just because of a word.

The bearded man said: "I have a cell phone in my pocket with his number on it.

Ye Wutian immediately stepped forward and took out the mobile phone from the other party's pocket. The mobile phone was turned off. After turning it on, the first call number was half an hour ago.

Ye Wutian, who was holding the mobile phone, thought for a while, and redialed the number. Soon, the phone was connected. After a few rings, the phone was connected.

"Hello!" said the man on the phone.

Ye Wutian's eyes lit up when he heard it. Although the other party just said a simple hello, it was enough for Ye Wutian. He knew this voice, and the bearded man was right, it was Ma Shan.

That was Ma Shan's voice.

Through the phone, Ye Wutian could feel Ma Shan's nervousness.

Ye Wutian didn't speak, and Ma Shan on the other side of the phone seemed to sense something. After a simple feeding, he stopped talking and became silent.

The two of them didn't speak, but the phone didn't hang up, and they were both silent. This move made the bearded man who was still **** with five flowers bewildered and wondered which song was this singing? The two big men just held the phone and didn't talk, what is this? Affectionate?

The atmosphere was extremely strange and strange, and the two of them were listening to each other's breathing.

After dozens of seconds, Ma Shan hung up the phone first, until a beeping sound came from the phone, Ye Wutian smiled and put down the phone, and threw the phone to the ground.

"I'm glad you didn't lie to me." Ye Wutian who threw away the phone said to the bearded man.

The bearded man squeezed out a smile that was even more ugly than crying. He didn't care about this, he only cared about what Ye Wutian would do to him next, did he let him go? Or continue to torture him?

Ye Wutian thought differently from the bearded man. He thought, since Ma Shan was the murderer behind the scenes, then Wang Roose must be in the opponent's hands now.

It is said that Ma Shan did not dare to treat Wang Roose like this, but the status of the Wang family was not what it used to be, not to mention that Wang Roose had left the Wang family.

"That, Ye...Mr. Ye, I've said everything I need to say, I don't know..." The bearded man asked carefully and ingratiatingly.

The companion next to him was dying, but his left hand kept on pulling the flesh on his body with all his might, looking like he was going to die.

The bearded man didn't want to do that, he didn't even dream of it, he really wanted to die, he would rather Ye Wutian give him a shot, at least that would make him happy.

Hearing the shouting, Ye Wutian just looked at the other party, "What's wrong? Want to leave?"

The bearded man trembled inwardly, thinking about what it meant? Don't let him go?

Thinking of this, the bearded man became anxious in his heart: "Mr. Ye, I have already said everything I know. I really don't know the rest. I don't know where they took Miss Wang."

"Well." Ye Wutian nodded: "I know, I believe you dare not lie to me."

The bearded man was relieved when he heard the words, but he didn't dare to be careless. He just looked at Ye Wutian with anticipation, hoping that Lord Ye Wutian would have a lot and let him go.

"Yes, I dare not, I dare not lie to you." The bearded man is like a pug, and he dares not object to what Ye Wutian says.

"You have no use value, it is not important to me." Ye Wutian said.

The bearded man was so nervous that he didn't know what to say. He could become an excellent sniper, and there was no need to doubt his psychological quality, but he was very nervous and worried that Ye Wutian would kill him.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you, thank you for your cooperation." Ye Wutian seemed to have made a decision.

Ye Wutian's words made the bearded man's eyes light up, and he saw hope in it: "You want to let me go?"

"It's cool to shoot me just now, isn't it?" Ye Wutian answered the question.

The bearded man was startled and shook his head again and again: "I don't dare, I really don't dare, Mr. Ye, you know, I have no choice in this business."

"Well, yes, you are right, well, I forgive you." Ye Wutian said.

The bearded man was ecstatic when he heard it, as if he heard the best obedience in the world, that was directly Xianyin.

At this moment, the bearded man was a little excited. For the first time, he felt that Ye Wutian was very cute and very righteous.

"Thank you, thank you." The bearded man had the feeling of the rest of his life, and the whole person seemed to be locked in the gate of hell.

It's good to be alive!

This is what the bearded man is thinking at the moment.

"Thank me? Thank me for what?" Ye Wutian asked, confused: "What are you thanking me for?"

The smile instantly froze on the bearded man's face, "You want to kill me?"

Ye Wutian asked back: "Do you still have any use value?"

The bearded man was dumbfounded, unable to answer this question.

"Look, even you yourself think that you are useless. In that case, what are you going to do? Unless you can lend me some useful information, that's another matter."

How can the bearded man still not hear it? He was tricked, and was played by Ye Wutian ruthlessly. In fact, no matter what he said or not, Ye Wutian would never let him go. This is the truth.

When the bearded man was sluggish, Ye Wutian took out the small bottle just now, carefully unscrewed the bottle cap, and then, under the resistance of the bearded man and his companions, poured some powder on their faces.

"Don't say I won't give you a chance, if you can live now, I promise not to kill you." Ye Wutian screwed on the bottle cap, triumphantly.

"Just do it yourself." After **** the bottle cap on, Ye Wutian said something maddening to the two bearded men, then turned to leave, and at the same time muttered to himself: "What do you think? Everyone dares to shoot at brother? I hold revenge."

Not long after Ye Wutian left, the bearded man and his accomplice all made a screaming scream, one after another, very scary. However, in this barren mountain, no matter how they screamed, no matter how much they screamed. People can hear it, and they are bound by five flowers and can only struggle powerlessly in the end. The end is that they can only die in the struggle, and this is their ending.

As a murderer, Ye Wutian doesn't care about their life or death at all. Anyway, they deserve to die. Since they choose to do a line of business, they must be aware of this aspect at any time. You can kill people, and you must be ready to be killed at any time.

After returning to the city, Ye Wutian took a few people to go directly to Ma Shan. After learning that Ma Shan was in the capital, he immediately flew to the capital.

At the same time, the police and Guoan in Dongcheng did not stop, they were all looking for Wang Roosi.

The two major iron-blooded institutions acted together and cooperated in the search. It is estimated that even the flies in the ground will be found, let alone Ouyang Xingyue and the others.

After flying to the capital, Ye Wutian did not find Ma Shan. After going to Ma Shan's office, the secretary told him that Ma Shan did not come to work today.

Ma Shan didn't see him, but found Ma Feng instead.

"What are you doing here?" Ma Feng's hatred for Ye Wutian is absolutely to the bone. Ever since he met Ye Wutian, in front of Ye Wutian, Ma Feng has not gotten any benefits.

In the past, Cheng Kexin was obedient to his senior brother, and he was obedient, never like this now.

Ye Wutian stole Cheng Kexin, if it wasn't for his appearance, Cheng Kexin would definitely fall in love with his senior brother.

Aside from Cheng Kexin, what Ma Feng is like now is also his masterpiece by Ye Wutian, which makes him not like a human being, nor a ghost like a ghost.

"Tell me, where is Ma Shan?" Ye Wutian asked, knowing that Ma Feng didn't like Ma Shan.

Ma Feng didn't answer, just frowned slightly: "Why are you asking this?"

Ye Wutian replied coldly: "Ma Feng, don't you want Ma Shan to die? Now you have a chance, tell me, where is he?"

Ma Feng asked, "You mean you want to kill him?"

"What? Unwilling?"

Ma Feng didn't seem to hear it, and asked again, "Did he mess with you?"

Ye Wutian really didn't want to talk nonsense with Ma Feng: "What nonsense? Tell me directly, where is the person? I will help you achieve your wish. Once he dies, won't you just rightfully take back what belongs to you from him?"

"I don't want him to die Ma Feng replied: "Besides, let me tell you, knowing that you want to kill him, I am also an accomplice. "

Ye Wutian secretly scolded him. Ma Feng's words reminded him of the conversation he had with the old man Zhuo. Ma Shan was just a puppet of the Ma family. On the surface, Ma Feng was forced to abdicate by Ma Shan, but in reality he was afraid Not so, everything is only superficial.

Ma Feng really hates Ma Shan and will definitely tell him.

Ye Wutian turned around and left without saying a word. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed a number: "Master, no matter what method and how much you use, find Ma Shan as quickly as possible."

After ending the call with Zhuang Susu, Ye Wutian, who was standing in the same place, didn't know what to do, what should he do next? Which direction should we go?

In the afternoon of the day he stayed in the capital, Ye Wutian received a call from the old lady Ma. The other party had a clear purpose and asked him to go to the house for dinner. After hesitating for a while, Ye Wutian agreed to the invitation of the old lady Ma.

When the old witch called at this time, it was definitely not as simple as eating!

This article first appeared in Kan Wang

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