Mad Doctor

Chapter 1604: weird

Appearing in Ma's house again, Ye Wutian has no feelings, no hatred, and no excitement.

Recalling the first time he came to Ma's house, Ye Wutian had an uncontrollable excitement in his heart, and that kind of excitement was difficult to describe in words.

After all, the Ma family is not that kind of ordinary guy, not even an ordinary family.

What Ye Wutian could not have imagined was that the old witch, Madam Ma, actually appeared at the gate to greet Ye Wutian, which was very unpredictable. It is said that the two had already fallen out, and the other party could no longer use this attitude. .

"Little genius doctor, it's been a long time since you've become handsome again." The old lady Ma showed a smile. In Ye Wutian's opinion, the other party's smile was very exaggerated.

Ye Wutian sweats a little, handsome? Does this still need your old lady to say? Of course I am handsome, which is recognized by the whole world.

Of course, Ye Wutian naturally wouldn't say it, he couldn't afford to lose face, God knows how the old woman would laugh at him?

"My time is precious, let's get down to business." Ye Wutian didn't show any respect for the old woman.

The old lady Ma seemed to be mentally prepared, and she didn't care, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's all over, let's have a meal together, how about it?"

In all honesty, Ye Wutian didn't want to eat at the same stage with the other party, which would affect his appetite.

"I'm free to eat? I'm not hungry."

"Little genius doctor, are you afraid of me being poisoned?" the old lady Ma suddenly asked.

Ye Wutian was stunned and said: "Well, I also have this worry, we are not friends."

"You don't take my old woman as a friend, but I treat you as a friend, a little genius doctor. Whether you believe it or not, I always think this way, and I have always regarded you as a friend."

The disdainful Ye Wutian thought, let's talk to the ghost, it might be okay to deceive children, but if you want to use it to deceive adults, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult.

"Really? Old lady, do you really think of me as a friend? I don't think so? If it doesn't work, you want me to die, right?"

The old lady Ma smiled: "I admit that there was a little misunderstanding between us, but it was not a big one, do you think so?"

"Where is Ma Shan?" Ye Wutian asked suddenly.

"Little genius doctor, what do you have to do with him?"

"You have to ask him about this, I believe he will give you a satisfactory answer." Ye Wutian asked back.

The old lady Ma thought about it for a while and asked, "Did he offend you?"

Ye Wutian, who held his thumb up, said: "You talked for a long time, and finally said something human."

Madam Ma's expression was stagnant, human words? This kid mocks her that she is not human?

Deceiving too much!

No one has ever dared to treat her like this, even if the old man is not alive now, no one feels that he treats her like this. The Ma family is still the same Ma family back then, and no one can bully her.

"Little genius doctor, can't our misunderstanding be passed over?"

"Let Ma Shan come out." Ye Wutian answered the question and decided to come to Ma's house. On the one hand, it was for Wang Roosi, and on the other hand, he also wanted to see what tricks the old lady Ma wanted to play.

The old lady Ma winked at the assistant next to her, and the assistant understood it, she took out her phone and dialed it on the spot.

The assistant hurriedly explained a few words to the phone and then hung up, "Ma Shan will be back soon."

The old lady Ma's old face showed a smile again, looking at Ye Wutian: "Little genius doctor, you heard, I can satisfy your request."

Ye Wutian didn't know how to answer. They did nothing wrong and did a good job.

"Little genius doctor, how about we wait while we eat?"

Ye Wutian, who hesitated again and again, finally agreed, and followed the old lady Ma to sit down at the table, looking at the four dishes and one soup on the table, this guy suddenly asked in disappointment: "Are you sure you didn't poison?"

This time, the old lady Ma was not angry, but laughed: "If the little genius doctor doesn't believe it, you can find someone to try it."

"That's not necessary." Ye Wutian also laughed: "You can eat first."

The other party is not very human, Ye Wutian has to be careful, with this old woman's behavior, she can do such a thing, what's the point of poisoning?

"I'm not afraid of poison, old lady, but I declared in advance that if you dare to poison your food, don't blame me for being rude. I will also kill you with a tooth for a tooth. I have the ability to do this."

The old lady Ma laughed: "Little genius doctor, you are still so humorous, how dare I treat you like this? You come to me, many people know that if you disappear after today, what will others think? You will definitely doubt it. on my head."

Ye Wutian was delighted: "You know yourself well."

The arrival of Ma Shan was faster than Ye Wutian had imagined. Before he could finish a meal, Ma Shan had already appeared in a hurry.

Seeing Ye Wutian here, Ma Shan was very surprised, shock flashed in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

"Grandma, are you looking for me?" Ma Shan walked up to the old lady Ma, bent down slightly, and was sincere.

Madam Ma, who put down her chopsticks, picked up a napkin to wipe her mouth, and then said, "I'm not looking for you, it's the little magician who is looking for you."

Ma Shan replied in a low voice, then turned to look at Ye Wutian: "Mr. Ye, I don't know why you are looking for me?"

Ye Wutian didn't answer right away. He also wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up. He walked around the dining table and walked in front of Ma Shan. His eyes were cold and he didn't say a word.

Ma Shan felt uncomfortable being stared at, but he still insisted: "Mr. Ye, is there any misunderstanding between us?"

Ye Wutian sneered secretly, as expected of a family, the tone of speech is the same, misunderstanding? The misunderstanding between this can be very big.

"What do you think?" Ye Wutian asked back.

Ma Shan shook his head and said he didn't know.

For a long time, Ye Wutian thought that his acting skills were good, but now I know that there are many people with good acting skills, far more than Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian still didn't say anything, still staring at each other gloomily, neither talking nor doing anything, just staring like that, which made Ma Shan's heart tremble.

"Mr. Ye, do I have anything to offend you?" Ma Shan asked bravely.

"By the way, little genius doctor, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can say it. If there is anything wrong with Xiaoshan, I will give you justice." The old woman next to Ma also said.

"Where is the person?" Ye Wutian finally spoke, believing that the pressure on Ma Shan just now was already enough.

Ma Shan let out a sigh of relief and asked, "Who is it? Mr. Ye, the more I listen, the more confused I get."

The increasingly unhappy Ye Wutian frowned tightly: "Are you sure you want to pretend to be so confused?"

Ma Shan smiled bitterly, looking rather helpless: "But the truth is, I don't know what you are talking about, who? Mr. Ye, you might as well speak more directly so that I can understand."

"Why are you pretending to be with me again, believe it or not, I will slap you to death?" Ye Wutian warned sharply.

Ma Shan's face sank when he heard the words: "Ye Wutian, are you sure you are normal? You came here to talk nonsense for a long time, are you sure you are a normal person?"

Ye Wutian was not angry, on the contrary, he showed a very mysterious smile. This smile made Ma Shan's scalp numb, and he felt that something was wrong.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny?" Ma Shan asked. On the surface, he was still calm, but in fact he was already guilty inside.

"I'll ask again, where is the person?" Ye Wutian put away his smile, murderous awe.

Ma Shan took a step back and looked at Ye Wutian vigilantly: "Don't mess around, this is not a place where you can run wild."

"Little genius doctor, who is that person you're talking about? I'm confused." Madam Ma asked.

"Wang Roose, he kidnapped Wang Roose." Ye Wutian didn't believe that the old lady Ma would not know, this old witch doesn't care about her age, but in fact she is a thief, what can she hide from her?

"Fart." Before the old lady Ma could speak, Ma Shan jumped like he had stepped on dog shit: "What nonsense are you talking about? What Wang Roosi? I don't understand what you are saying at all."

"Yeah, little genius doctor, is there any misunderstanding? I believe that Xiaoshan will not do that. He and the girl Roose are a family."

"Family?" Ye Wutian sneered: "A family like yours still has the concept of family?"

Ma Shan asked in a deep voice, "Why do you say that I kidnapped Wang Roosi?"

"Looks like you won't admit it."

"I didn't do it. Of course I won't admit it. Just put a **** pot on my head. Do you think I'll agree?"

In the face of Ma Shan's sophistry, Ye Wutian is not worried at all. Anyway, he had heard the voice from the phone and belonged to Ma Shan. Now Ma Shan is trying his best to sophistry, and Ye Wutian doesn't care. From the beginning, he has this Mental preparation, thinking that Ma Shan may be sophistry, now it seems that he really let him guess right.

Killing those snipers was not because Ye Wutian was impulsive, but because he didn't care whether Ma Shan would quibble.

Face to face? That kind of method is not what Ye Wutian needs to do, it is only the method that the police need, and he is not a policeman, so he doesn't need it.

"Little genius doctor, there must be some misunderstanding in this, Roose and I are family." The old lady Ma said, "Otherwise, I'll call that girl now."

Ye Wutian stood there and didn't speak, watching the old lady Ma motioning for the assistant to call, he began to sneer in his heart, make a call? It's weird to be able to get through.

I thought that the old lady Ma couldn't find Wang Roosei and couldn't get through to her phone, but the situation was not as expected.

After talking with Wang Roose for a few words, the old lady Ma handed over the phone to Ye Wutian: "Little genius doctor, please say a few words to Roose girl."

When she spoke, the old lady Ma was obviously displeased. Maybe she thought that Ye Wutian's actions today were too much. Wang Roose was still there, but she insisted that Ma Shan had kidnapped Wang Roose.

With doubts, Ye Wutian reached out and took the phone to his ear: "Hello."

"It's me, I'm sorry, I was about to call you." The person on the other side of the phone said, that voice was Wang Roosei's voice, a voice that Ye Wutian was familiar with.

"Are you all right?"

Wang Roosi said, "It's alright."

Ye Wutian is full of doubts and wants to solve it, what is going on? Wang Roose was obviously kidnapped, why did he appear again now?

Among them, there are too many doubts!

This novel comes from Kanwang

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