Mad Doctor

Chapter 1605: Do you have an opinion on doing this?

After finishing the call with Wang Roose, Ye Wutian was still at a loss as to why things had turned into what they are now. Wang Roose was already kidnapped, why did it suddenly appear again?

It shouldn't be!

Even if Ye Wutian thought he was smart, he would still be puzzled, and he couldn't figure out why.

Ma Shan tied Wang Roose, why did he let her go? What is its real purpose?

"Speak, why don't you speak?" Ma Shan became arrogant and started to fight back.

Ye Wutian looked at Ma Shan, he didn't know what to say, Wang Roose was still alive and intact.

"Hehe, little genius doctor, I said that there might be some misunderstanding in this, now that it's alright, just clear up the misunderstanding," said the old lady Ma.

Ye Wutian always felt that it was not like that. What was the reason?

"Okay, just clear up the misunderstanding, Xiaoshan, sit down and eat together," said the old lady Ma.

Ma Shan nodded, took a chair and sat down, taking the clean tableware from the servant.

"I'm full." Ye Wutian looked at Mrs. Ma. At this time, he didn't have the heart to eat at all. He was thinking about what happened just now. Wang Roosi was obviously kidnapped, so why did he appear again?

Walking to the living room, Ye Wutian thought that he had to see Wang Roose immediately, but unfortunately Wang Roose was in Dongcheng now, and he had to go back if he wanted to see her.

"Little genius doctor, do you have something on your mind?" The old lady Ma came over and asked in a low voice.

Ye Wutian shook his head and denied it, but he cursed inwardly, isn't this a knowingly asking? Of course there are concerns.

Knowing that it was Ma Shan, but there was no more evidence, not to mention that Wang Roose was safe and sound now, Ye Wutian didn't know what to do for a while.

"Xiaoshan doesn't dare, and won't," said the old lady Ma.

These are no longer important to Ye Wutian, and it takes more time to find more evidence.

"If there is nothing else, I will go first." Ye Wutian stood up and looked down at the old lady Ma who was sitting in the wheelchair.

"Leaving so soon? I still have something to discuss with you." The old lady Ma looked surprised.

Ye Wutian really has no interest in the matter of the old woman Ma, not to mention that he doesn't think this old woman will do anything good.

"Is it necessary to talk?" Ye Wutian asked back.

The old lady Ma laughed: "If you don't talk about it, how can you know if it's necessary?"

Ye Wutian was silent, the old lady Ma's words were not unreasonable, not to mention, I wanted to see what she had to say.

Seeing that Ye Wutian was silent, the old lady Ma immediately gave the assistant next to her a hint of a wink.

The assistant turned to leave, and returned after a while, followed by Ma Shan.

"Xiaoshan." The old lady Ma said lightly.

Ma Shan nodded and took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian did not pick up the document immediately, but first glanced at the old lady Ma, and wanted to get an explanation from her.

However, the old lady Ma didn't say anything, she just smiled the whole time.

Ye Wutian, who took over the document, looked down, but before he could read the document, he was already frightened and shocked.

The Ma family wanted to buy him again, and the content and conditions on the document were so terrifyingly good, or so good that Ye Wutian couldn't refuse at all.

Shock! Ye Wutian was incomparably shocked and generous. This time, the Ma family can be considered to have invested in the capital, and directly took out half of the property of that interest group. That is to say, as long as Ye Wutian agreed, he would immediately get half of the property of that interest group. .

The most conservative estimate is that it is also a huge wealth of hundreds of billions.

"What do you mean?" Ye Wutian asked, turning his eyes to the old lady Ma.

"Little genius doctor, we can actually be friends. Life is often the same thing, do you think so?" the old woman asked.

"You mean you want to bribe me?" Ye Wutian asked knowingly.

The old lady Ma smiled: "You can't say that."

Ye Wutian was curious: "Then what should I say?"

"Like-minded, we appreciate your talents. Everyone has the same hobbies and interests. Working together will make you more passionate. Do you think so?"

Ye Wutian sneered: "Like-minded? Is this word suitable for us?"

"What's inappropriate? Why not? I don't think there's anything inappropriate, little genius doctor, there is no eternal enemy in the world."

Ye Wutian knew that the old woman must want to say the next sentence, only eternal interests.

It is undeniable that the old woman's words are correct. What is the purpose of life? In the end, fame and fortune cannot be avoided.

"Little genius doctor, I know, these may be very disdainful to you now, you will feel like a fighter, warrior, but have you ever thought about it? If you let us down, won't there be other people? As long as there are If the interests are there, there will definitely be a second and a third. How much can you fight? How much time do you have in your life?" The old lady Ma said, "What's more, have you thought about it? Often times, you don't get to that point. When? You really forced people to have nowhere to go. Could it be that they really have no ability to resist? You can avoid bullets, can those relatives around you? Can they also avoid bullets?"

Ye Wutian said in a deep voice, murderous: "You threaten me?"

"Hehe, I can't talk about threats, it's just a saying that if one day you drive people to a dead end, they will also use the same method to deal with you, and no one will be a goat to be slaughtered."

Ye Wutian was sullen, and the old lady Ma did not admit that it was a threat, but in fact, she implied that this was a threat, a threat from Chi Guoguo.

"Little genius doctor, what Lao Shen said is not a threat, but the truth. What do you think? Clay figurines have three parts. In our country, there is also an old saying that dogs will jump over the wall when they are anxious, let alone humans?" The old woman continued: "You are a businessman, as long as no one harms your interests, you should continue to earn the money that belongs to you. Isn't this kind of life a good life? I remember you said that your goal in life is very simple, Make some money, Bubble Beauty."

Ye Wutian raised the document in his hand and asked, "What do I need to do when such a generous gift is sent to me?"

The old lady Ma smiled even more, as if seeing Ye Wutian agreeing to nod her head.

"You don't have to do anything, as long as you don't rush to the front for some people in the future, of course, from now on, the Hongyan Group will no longer be harassed, the money that belongs to you should continue to be earned by you, but the little genius doctor, I I can only assure you that our people will not bother you, other forces, I can't guarantee it, so I hope you can understand."

From a theoretical point of view, there is nothing wrong with Madam Ma's words. She can only care about the forces that belong to her. Naturally, she has nothing to do with other forces.

At this time, Ma Shan said: "Ye Wutian, what else do you have to hesitate? I have always been strongly opposed to this condition. I don't understand why grandma did this. I don't deny it. You are very powerful, but so what? No matter how good you are, you are only one person. Do you really think that you are very good if you can avoid bullets? My grandma said just now that it’s a big deal to anger others. You can avoid bullets, can’t Miss Cheng and the others? , they can't dodge bullets, can they?"

Ye Wutian didn't speak, just stared at each other coldly.

Ma Shan was staring at him so uncomfortable that his scalp was numb, but after thinking about it, he continued to sit there.

This is the Ma family, why should I be afraid of him, Ye Wutian?

"Don't look at me like that, you should know, I'm telling the truth, many things, others can't help you, the only one who can help you is yourself, you promise those people to rush ahead like fighters, they will What do you think? What danger happens to you, they will really be heartbroken? Regret? Your family is killed, they will care? Don't be stupid, this world has only interests." Ma Shan said.

"Little genius doctor, don't take Xiao Shan's words to heart." The old lady Ma comforted.

"Ye Wutian, I always thought that there is no free lunch in the world, but today, I changed my opinion, there really is a free lunch in the world, you can get so much without doing anything, you are not satisfied with this. ?"

Ye Wutian sneered: "Why should I be satisfied? You tell me, why should I be satisfied?"

"You..." Ma Shan was choked hard, but he had nothing to do with Ye Wutian, like a furious lion, a toothless lion.

"So you don't want it? You don't want the huge wealth you can get at your fingertips?" Ma Shan suppressed his anger, knowing that Ye Wutian might be deliberately trying to provoke him.

Ye Wutian didn't have time to speak, and outside the door, Ma Feng's figure appeared. At the time, the first young man in the dignified way, but now he can only describe it as abject.

"Master Ma, didn't expect it? Let's meet again." Ye Wutian spoke first.

Ma Feng snorted coldly, even if it was an answer to Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian didn't care about this, and looked at Ma Feng's face for a little while: "Young Master Ma, your face doesn't seem very good, so be careful."

Ma Feng's expression changed. What he cares most about now is that others say his body, which makes him jump up like being stepped on his tail.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, of course, you can also think I'm farting." Ye Wutian smiled: "However, it's best to take a look as soon as possible, trust me, because I'm a doctor."

How could Ma Feng not know that Ye Wutian's intentions were sinister? It was completely deliberately used this to provoke him.

"Little genius doctor, did you see something?" Madam Ma asked, "Can you help Xiaofeng if it's convenient?"

Ye Wutian turned the topic annoyingly and said, "Old lady, even if I want to, people may not want to. Besides, your precious grandson has already found a famous doctor, but in my opinion, the doctor's Not very good."

Ma Feng sneered: "Do you think only you are good at medicine?"

"Oh, of course not, I'm not so arrogant, but Ma Shao, do you think that your situation can be solved with poison?"

Ma Feng's eyes were like copper bells, obviously frightened by Ye Wutian's words, wondering how Ye Wutian knew?

"Old lady, let's get down to business. Before answering you, I want to ask you something. Say, what would happen to you if I killed Ma Shan in front of you?"

Madam Ma: "..."


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