Mad Doctor

Chapter 830: I want to pick peaches

It was already an hour later when I saw Wang Lin. Sitting with Wang Lin in an elegant, quiet and chic restaurant, Uncle Ye was extremely depressed. It was the first time he saw the officialdom of this country, and he was speechless.

Ye Wutian believed that Wang Lin was as depressed as he was at this time, and probably even more depressed than him. When this happened, Wang Lin, the first brother in Dongcheng, had no reason not to be depressed. How could he not be depressed?

The medical base established by Ye Wutian has attracted the attention of most people, including high-level government officials, who realize that this is an opportunity. The development of the whole province must be taken into account, and the Dongcheng government naturally does not want this medical base to be moved to other places. It is best to settle in Dongcheng. Unfortunately, there are far more than these people who want to pick peaches. There are many more. Even those people far away in the capital were not to be outdone, and wanted to get this medical base to the capital.

Uncle Ye never imagined that the medical base he had set up would turn out to be a delicious pastry.

The Dongcheng government does not want the medical base to be taken away. The Tianxin Hongyan Group has made Dongcheng's reputation greatly increased. If there is another medical base, it will make Dongcheng's reputation even higher, and the corresponding Dongcheng officials will also receive benefit.

Wang Lin is very clear that Dongcheng dare not refuse the request of the provincial party committee, and there is no way to refuse it.

Ye Wutian is the key, Wang Lin is very clear, the key person is Ye Wutian, his attitude is very important, if he decides to stay in Dongcheng, it will be useless for anyone to intercede. .

"What are you stunned for? What do you mean?" Wang Fansi, who was sitting next to him, was already impatient, and Ye Wutian's silence seemed to her to be pretending to be thirteen.

Ye Wutian was secretly amusing, whenever Wang Lin wanted to see him, he would bring his daughter with him. For this, Ye Wutian also knew what that meant. The old fox wanted to play the daring card.

Isn't he afraid that even his daughter will get in? Grandma's, in order to achieve the goal, Wang Lin can be regarded as omnipotent.

"Hehe, what are you anxious about? The secretary is not you." Ye Wutian joked.

Wang Fansi stared, her face was red, she knew that she was a little too anxious, but since Ye Wutian was teasing her like this, she simply sighed and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? I ask you, take it. What should I do when I get down?"

"Next, it's natural to wait and see what happens."

Unbelievable Wang Fansi stared at her round eyes: "Is this what you think?"

Wang Lin, who was sitting next to him, was also very impatient. What does Ye Wutian's words mean? Does it mean he doesn't care? Don't care where the medical base is located?

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Lin thought of a lot. There are only two reasons for this kid. First, he really doesn't care. Whoever offers good conditions will settle where the medical base will be located. Second, he is playing with Fansi.

Wang Lin certainly hoped that Ye Wutian was playing with Fansi.

"Little Ye, Fansi's problem is also my problem. I asked you out today to ask what you mean." Wang Lin took the initiative to speak, knowing that if he didn't speak again, Ye Wutian wouldn't say it.

"Secretary Wang, I'm a businessman, so my requirements are not high. Whoever can give me more privileges will give priority to me."

Wang Lin changed his face in an instant. What he was most afraid of was this. Dongcheng had resources, and the Dongcheng government could give what Ye Wutian needed, but he didn't dare to give it. Don't make the idea of ​​a medical base, you still don't listen? Don't want to mess?

"Dongcheng is your hometown." Wang Fansi said, her words were a reminder.

"A good man's ambition is in all directions, and it's the same for me wherever he goes, it doesn't matter." How could Ye Wutian not know what Wang Fansi meant? This little girl is very interesting. For the sake of his old man's future, she can be so explicit, and it's really embarrassing for her.

"What else is there to consider? What is there to consider?"

Ye Wutian ignored Wang Fansi, but looked at Wang Lin: "Secretary Wang, what kind of policy support can you give me?"

Wang Lin smiled bitterly: "I can't give you anything, including the ones that promised you before, maybe you won't be able to agree."

Ye Wutian was very surprised. Wang Lin's words surprised him. It would be fine without the support of the new policy. Anyway, he couldn't even achieve what he promised before?

"Xiaoye, it's not that I don't want to give it, it's that it's so tight that I can't give it to you. I gave it to you. You must know what will be waiting for me."

Of course Ye Wutian knew, this Wang Lin was probably depressed, right?

"Let me think about it." Ye Wutian did not promise Wang Lin, "Let's eat first."

Seeing this, Wang Lin didn't say anything. Instead, Wang Fansi, who was sitting across from him, seemed to want to say something. Before he could say anything, Wang Lin stopped her from speaking.

Ye Wutian noticed this detail and pretended not to see it. During the meal, Ye Wutian's cell phone rang.

"Have you come to Dongcheng?" Ye Wutian who answered the phone asked Zhu Jian, the call was from Zhu Jian.

Zhu Jian on the other side of the phone said, "The strong man has been arrested. Where are you? The old man of Young Master Zhang wants to see you."

Zhu Jian's words made Ye Wutian understand in an instant that Young Master Zhang's old man was the deputy mayor of the capital, and now he made a special trip from the capital for what?

"Haha, okay." Ye Wutian had already guessed the other party's intention to some extent, and after reporting an address to Zhu Jian, he hung up the phone.

Ye Wutian, who put away the phone, just picked up the chopsticks and saw the Wang family's father and daughter looking at him suspiciously. In desperation, he could only put down the chopsticks again, "Vice Mayor of Beijing."

Wang Lin's face changed greatly, and the deputy mayor of Beijing came in person, for what? Most of it is for the medical base, and the capital city has made it clear this time that it is prepared.

"Little Ye, you." Wang Lin didn't want Ye Wutian to see each other, but he couldn't say it anyway.

Ye Wutian said: "I know what I'm doing."

Zhu Jian and the others came faster than Ye Wutian imagined. When they arrived, Wang Lin had already left, but Wang Fansi stayed. This girl insisted on staying, which made Ye Wutian quite helpless.

"Haha, Young Master Ye, hold one." After Zhu Jian came in, he gave Ye Wutian a bear hug, then pointed at Wang Fansi and asked Ye Wutian, "New sister-in-law?"

Ye Wutian was madly sweating, "What did you say kid?"

"Not the new sister-in-law? Lover?" Zhu Jian frowned and asked again.

Ye Ye has the urge to beat people, Zhu Jian, the bastard, must have deliberately used words to anger him.

Next to him, Quan Wang Fansi was blushing, and she had already scolded Ye Wutian in her heart. She didn't dare to do anything to Zhu Jian, so she could only vent all her grievances on Ye Wutian.

Compared to Zhu Jian, Zhang Shao is much more honest. It is estimated that because of his old man's presence, Zhang Shao dare not be too presumptuous.

"Ye Shao, this is my dad." Zhang Shao pointed to a middle-aged man next to him and said to Ye Wutian.

"Hello Uncle Zhang." Ye Wutian took the initiative to stretch out his hand and never met the other party before, and doing so was equivalent to giving Zhang Shao face.

Zhang Yongjin also smiled and stretched out his hand, "Little Ye, don't mind me calling you that, I've wanted to meet you for a long time, a hero is a boy! When I see you, I feel old."

Ye Wutian shook his head humbly: "What? How can Uncle Zhang be old? We are still young, and we younger generations still need people like Uncle Zhang to hold the direction for us. With your guidance, we younger generations will not be able to. Wrong way."

Zhang Yongjin laughed, Ye Wutian's words made him very comfortable to hear, "Old, this society is the world of your young people, the last wave of the Yangtze River pushes the previous wave, this is the eternal truth."

Ye Wutian smiled and greeted the other party to sit down. Ye Wutian instructed the waiter to serve the food again. During this time, Ye Wutian introduced Wang Fansi to Zhang Yongjin.

"Xiaoye, there is no other reason for you to come today. I want to thank you. This stinky boy in my family used to make me angry all day long, but now I'm just doing it right now. You're the one who helped me a lot."

Zhang Shao sat there feeling uncomfortable, his face full of depression, he wanted to go, but he didn't dare, so in the end he could only sit there honestly.

"Yes, I and Zhang Shao are brothers."

Zhang Yongjin was very satisfied with this sentence, and nodded slightly: "It's a blessing for the stinky boy to know a brother like you, Xiaoye, you have rich social experience, so you can usually give me some pointers to him."

"Uncle Zhang is serious, we will advance and retreat together."

The waiter quickly changed the dishes and served another fresh dish. After the waiter went out, Zhang Yongjin turned his attention to Zhang Shao and Zhu Shao.

Zhang Shao and the two were very smart, "Let's go out for a walk, you can talk." After speaking, Zhang Shao followed and Zhu Jian also stood up.

"Reporter Wang Da, please go out first. It's inconvenient to have a beautiful woman like you chatting between men." Ye Wutian began to chase people away.

Wang Fansi didn't want to leave, she stayed with a The problem is that in the current situation, she can't leave if she doesn't want to leave. She didn't know what to do for a while. Is she not walking? What Zhang Yongjin meant by this was obvious, and he didn't want outsiders to know the conversation between him and Ye Wutian.

After thinking about it, Wang Fansi still stood up and left. She had no right to choose at all.

"Little Ye, there are no outsiders here, so I'll just say it straight. In fact, I have another thing I want to discuss with you today." Zhang Yongjin didn't go directly to the topic, saying that he intended to stay for a while, so that Ye Wutian has enough time to digest the content of the words, "I want to ask you, is it possible to put the medical base in the capital."

"Uncle Zhang, I'm afraid this will not work. I plan to put the medical base in Dongcheng."

"Don't rush to answer, you can think about it, it will be better for you in the capital, I believe you don't need me to tell you the truth." Zhang Yongjin said.

Ye Wutian said: "Of course I know that the conditions in the capital are better than those in Dongcheng, but there is one thing that the capital cannot compare to Dongcheng."

"What is it? What Dongcheng can give, the capital can also give." (m)

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