Mad Doctor

Chapter 831: Meet the female killer again

"There is one thing that the capital can't compare to. My home is in Dongcheng. Although it is said that a good man wants to be in all directions, Uncle Zhang, I really don't want to run between two places."

Zhang Yongjin didn't say anything, Ye Wutian has already said it for this sake, that is clear enough. After all, family is secondary, and company is secondary. The main thing may be some of Ye Wutian's confidantes. In Dongcheng, I'm afraid that's the point, right? What home is in the East City? Everything is false.

Such a reason, a reason that is not a reason, left Zhang Yongjin speechless, making him unable to find a reason to refute.

"Uncle Zhang, in fact, I think it's the same everywhere. As long as it can help patients in need, the rest is not important." Ye Wutian was very embarrassed. Zhang Yongjin brought Zhang Shao and Zhu Jian to him, just to borrow this relationship. .

It is reasonable that Ye Wutian should give this face to the other party, but this matter really makes him embarrassed. First of all, the capital is too far away. He doesn't want to be a trapeze all day in the future. Airplane, if you are lucky, you will be fine. What if you have bad luck one day? Don't you even have the heart to cry?

Away from the distance, Ye Wutian still doesn't like the capital. Every time he goes, he will cause trouble. If he stays there all day, God knows what will happen. Besides, he is different from others. Others may He still needs to work hard for the job. He doesn't need it. The most important thing is money. At the time of the alliance government, he was a technical idiot and would only stay in the research room all day. Now it is different. , in any case, he will never live as before, to be a human being is to live unrestrainedly and happily.

"That said, but Xiaoye, setting up the medical base in the capital can help more people. After all, the capital is the heart of China."

Ye Wutian was silent, his silence was equivalent to denying Zhang Yongjin's explanation and did not agree with it.

The two chatted for a long time. When Zhang Yongjin left, it was more than an hour later. Out of love, Ye Wutian sent Zhang Yongjin to the door, and Wang Fansi, who had been guarding outside, saw that the two finally came out and hurriedly greeted him. Going up, she almost couldn't help knocking on the door several times.

After saying goodbye to Zhang Yongjin, Wang Fansi finally couldn't help but say, "You promised him?"

At this time, Zhu Jian, who did not leave with Zhang Yongjin, also gathered around, wanting to hear what Ye Wutian would say.

Ye Wutian glanced at Wang Fansi: "I said, you are not my woman, why do you care so much about my affairs?"

Wang Fansi was choked by Ye Wutian's words, her full chest rose and fell sharply, she was very angry.

"Would you like to consider being a woman for my uncle? My uncle promises you to eat spicy food, how about that?" Ye Wutian smirked.

Zhu Jian and the other two secretly gave Ye Wutian a thumbs up, talent! Whenever and wherever he can find opportunities to flirt with beautiful women, only he dares to do so.

Perhaps Ye Wutian's few beautiful confidantes were just teasing them like this.

"Aren't you itchy?" The blushing Wang Fansi wanted to turn her head and leave, but she was unwilling to leave like this. She endured it for so long, just wanting to know the result.

"Hey, not only my skin is itchy, but my whole body is itchy, why don't you help me relieve the itching?" Ye Wutian rudely glanced at Wang Fansi's chest.

Zhu Jian and the two heard only worship, and only worshipped Ye Wutian.

Wang Fansi's face turned even redder, and she was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole to crawl in. Ye Wutian's words became more and more explicit, and she said this in front of outsiders. There are heartbroken hearts.

"Tell me the result." Wang Fansi, who was irrational, couldn't care less about any lady, and roared directly.

"Master Zhu, let's go in for dinner." Ye Wutian didn't ignore Wang Fansi, but invited Zhu Jian and the two to go in for dinner.

The anger in Wang Fansi's heart, a sense of grievance welled up in her heart, she didn't know where she had offended this rogue, why he did this to her, she was also a beautiful woman, although she was not a city and country.

Standing there is neither staying nor staying, Wang Fansi has never been so embarrassed.

"What? I'm angry? Should I invite you to dinner?" Ye Wutian said, seeing that he was almost joking.

"Humph!" Wang Fansi snorted coldly to show his dissatisfaction.

Ye Wutian smiled: "I'm sorry, it's my fault, let's go, I'll invite you to dinner, or if you feel uncomfortable, you can also invite me to dinner, you know, I don't mind these."

"Don't think about it." At this time, Wang Fansi was like a little woman, a little woman who was coquettish to her boyfriend.

"Then I'll treat you to eat, let's go."

Looking at Ye Wutian's back, Wang Fansi cursed inwardly, "I'll die if you ask for more?"

Gritting her teeth, Wang Fansi finally followed her in. She had to figure out the result today.

A few people went in and sat down again. The dishes just now didn't move at all, and Ye Wutian asked the service to heat those dishes.

"The old man is not here, and the whole person feels a lot more relaxed." Zhang Shao spoke first, and the usual condescending demeanor came out again.

Zhang Shao's words made several people laugh out loud. They were all young people, and adding a middle-aged person in the middle would definitely not be fun.

"Ye Shao, our company's business is good, hehe, we are going to enter the foreign market next month." Zhang Shao laughed, after having his own business, his status at home has improved a lot, at least his family will not scold him all day long .

Zhang Shao knew very well in his heart that his family supported his career so much, mainly because working with Ye Wutian would make money.

In a word, there is nothing wrong with having a good relationship with Ye Wutian.

Wang Fansi, who was sitting there, saw that the three of you were chatting all over the world, but not talking about what happened just now, but talking about topics she didn't want to hear, which made her wonder if these three guys were there on purpose. to whet her appetite.

"Okay, the surname is Ye, did you do it on purpose?" Wang Fansi, who couldn't bear it any longer, roared, and then glared at Zhu Jian and the two: "And you, what's going on? You don't care. what happened just now?"

Wang Fansi's toughness somewhat frightened Zhu Jian and the two of them. Today was the first time for them to be reprimanded by a young woman, but they were not angry. They just sighed in their hearts that all of the women Ye Shao knew were all personalities. Full.

"I don't care." Zhu Jian replied with a smile.

Wang Fansi was stunned and asked in surprise, "Why?"

Zhu Jian said: "I believe that no matter what decision Ye Shao makes, it is his reason. As a friend, all I have to do is support his decision."

Wang Fan thought about the urge to go to the vegetable market to buy tofu and smash his head, and suddenly realized that the same things were clustered together, and the friends Ye Wutian knew naturally followed him, and asking them must be in vain.

"Miss Wang, it means you don't know our Young Master Ye yet. He never mentioned it. It must be because he didn't agree to my old man." Zhang Shao said, "Besides, even if he agrees, it doesn't matter. The capital has the advantages of the capital."

"No, everything comes first." At this time, Wang Fansi made the most of the woman's unreasonableness.

"What comes first? As Young Master Ye said, you are not Young Master Ye's woman. Why should he listen to you?"

Wang Fansi can't wait to give himself a slap, so he has nothing to do.

Ye Wutian was a little surprised, he didn't expect Zhang Shao to know him so well.

"Little girl, if you care so much about this, you're not afraid that your old man will be hated by the top? It's very likely that you will get into trouble because of good fortune, and let the top kick your old man to the end, then you won't regret it."

Wang Fansi was really frightened, "As long as you take the initiative to tell the outside world, it will be fine. Your attitude determines everything."

"Go back and tell you old man, that I have decided, for your sake." Ye Wutian smiled: "Little girl, I have done so much for you, should you give me a little reward? For example, give me a kiss What."

Wang Fansi kissed Ye Wutian's face with a slap, then left quickly, and finally heard the answer she wanted to hear, which made her overjoyed and kissed Ye Wutian subconsciously.

Looking at Wang Fansi's escaped back, Uncle Ye took a while to react before he realized it, c'mon! What's the matter with that girl? What are you doing to kiss him nicely?

"Young Master Ye, you are miserable, Miss Wang misses you, hehe, you have to prepare yourself mentally." Zhu Jian jokingly laughed.

Ye Ye, who has always been known for his thick-skinned face, couldn't help but blushed at this moment. Wang Fansi's kiss made him a little stunned.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I made you laugh." Ye Wutian smiled awkwardly.

After the meal, Ye Wutian invited the two of them to a high-end nightclub in Dongcheng to sing.

The three of them played until late at night, and even Ye Wutian, who had a good drinker, got a little drunk. The three of them walked out of the nightclub and walked on the street. The three of them who were in a good mood hummed a song together. They dodged one after another, for fear that the three lunatics would suddenly hit someone.

After settling Zhu Jian and the two of them, Ye Wutian was drunk and ready to go However, he suddenly sobered up a little after walking out of the hotel. follow him.

Ye Wutian didn't panic, and soon he left drunk, intentionally or unintentionally leading the other party to a place with few pedestrians.

After stopping, Ye Wutian seemed to be a different person, "Come out, you should be tired after so long."

"You always knew we were following you?" Two women walked out from a corner behind him, surprised by Ye Wutian's words.

Ye Wutian didn't say a word, just looked at each other quietly. He didn't expect that it was an acquaintance. He had met these two women before, and he came with that mysterious man in the hotel that time.

Today, they are still the same as that time, dressed in strong suits, and black leather jackets and leather pants perfectly highlight their graceful figures one by one.

"It turned out to be you." Ye Wutian said, "I don't know why the two beauties are following me? If I remember correctly, we should not be familiar with each other, what's the matter? The two like me?"

Answer Ye Wutian's two dark muzzles! (m)

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