Mad Doctor

Chapter 832: first meeting the prince

Being pointed at by two guns, the only thing Ye Wutian could do was raise his hand.

When the gun was just pointed at, Ye Wutian was taken aback, these two women were not the kind of talkative masters, they dared to shoot.

It's just that Ye Wutian quickly relaxed again, and the other party didn't shoot right away, at least to explain that he won't die for the time being.

"You two beauties, what do you mean? I really don't like being pointed at guns."

"Suwon Yuta died on your boat, you should give us an explanation about this," said the woman on the right.

This time, Ye Wutian was even more surprised, "Who are you Suwon Yuta?"

"You can't control it, all you have to do now is to answer our questions well."

Ye Wutian slowly put down his hands, but unfortunately he had just put his hands in half and was ordered to hold them up again. In desperation, Uncle Ye could only raise his hands again.

"His death has nothing to do with me, not to mention I avenged him, you should know about this." At the same time as answering, Ye Wutian also thought a lot in his heart, how could these two women have anything to do with Suwon Yuta? Suwon Yuta is a little devil, so are they too? Not like, speaking authentic Chinese language, not like a little devil.

The only thing that can be explained is that Suwon Yuta was also a member of their organization. Now that Suwon Yuta died, they were ordered to investigate the cause of Suwon Yuta's death.

"The play can be performed." The woman who spoke earlier obviously didn't believe it.

"I've said everything I need to say. Believe it or not, it's your business. Yuta Mizuhara was killed on my boat. I'm also wrong about this. If I need to apologize, I can apologize to you. This is the only one I have. responsibility."

"Why do you want to kill Liu Ye?" the other party asked coldly.

This question made Ye Wutian bewildered, "I said, who are you from? Who are you helping? Don't tell me that you have something to do with both of you."

"That's not your concern."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, was quite helpless: "Well, just pretend that I didn't ask, anyway, I don't care about your crap."

"Why did you want to kill Liu Ye?" the other party asked again.

"Will you be reconciled if I don't kill him? Someone must be responsible for the death of Suwon Yuta, and the sixth master killed Suwon Yuta, this is an iron-clad fact. If you don't kill him, you won't think that I and the sixth master are a group? At that time, I am afraid that you will target me, thinking that I will let you kill Suwon Yuta, and I will not do that kind of stupid thing."

"Killing that sixth master doesn't prove your innocence."

"That's right, I'm also suspected of killing the sixth master, but at least I can prove one point. I have nothing to do with the sixth master, and I'm not an accomplice with him. You should believe this, right?" Ye Wuzai asked rhetorically.

The other two daughters didn't speak, so Ye Wutian said again: "You two, may I leave? Can you put down the gun first? I'm not used to being pointed at the gun like this, I want to leave, Shan The two guns in your hands are useless."

"What about now?" When the other party spoke, the two women raised their left hands, and in the next instant, the two women had two more guns in each of their left hands.

As a result, from the two guns that had just been fired into the four now, Ye Wutian would not dare to ignore the power of these four guns, unless he was too mad.

"Okay, you win, put away your guns, I won't go, you can ask whatever you want, and I will answer what I know."

"Come with us." The other party ordered.

Ye Wutian knew that he had no choice at all, the only thing he could do was to obey.

Standing still, Ye Wutian let the other party tie him back with his backhand. The origins of these two women attracted his curiosity, and he wanted to know the origins of these two women.

As the so-called art master is bold, Ye Wutian is not worried about his own safety. If he wants to leave, he can go now, even if he is pointed at by a gun.

Under the leadership of the other party, Ye Wutian was taken to a half-mountain villa in the suburbs of Dongcheng City. There were no buildings near the villa. It was definitely a place with an elegant environment. Tian is also fascinated, and I fell in love with it at first sight.

There are no buildings near the villa, but there are many big men watching the surrounding situation back and forth.

I'll have to build one myself some other day!

After looking at it, Ye Wutian was thinking that he would also build a large villa like this, and then find a way to drag Ouyang Xingyue and his daughters to live in the new villa, so that he could enjoy the blessings of everyone.

Grandma's, just thinking about it makes people feel excited.

After being escorted into the villa, Ye Wutian stood in the living room of the villa, and one of the women nodded to a big man in front, and the big man left quickly.

"This place is good." Ye Wutian, who entered the villa, was still looking at it, "Is it for sale here? Offer a price, I like it here."

The two women who brought Ye Wutian back looked at Ye Wutian like a monster, so he wasn't nervous at all? What's more, it's still tied backhand.

No one answered Ye Wutian's question. This fellow knows that his question is a vain question, and no one will answer him. Since they can afford to build a villa here, they are naturally rich and powerful, so how can they sell it? Lose?

After waiting for a while, the big guy who left just now came back, and there was a young man who came back with him. When he saw him, Ye Wutian's first reaction was that he was handsome. Much more handsome than those big stars.

How can there be such a handsome man? At this moment, Ye Wutian was jealous. He was a man, and when he compared himself with others, the difference was not one or two points.

His eyes are pure and free of impurities, like the morning stars in the sky, as if he can see through the heart of a person. His bright and tight eyes are like a knife, making you dare not look directly, but you can't help but look over.

With a straight nose and perfect facial features, Ye Wutian can't describe it, he thinks the other party is **** handsome, outrageously handsome, as a man, Ye Wutian thinks the other party is too handsome, such a man, what kind of woman is there? Can you stand his charm?

Ye Wutian has been looking at the other party, and the other party has been looking at Ye Wutian when he came down from the second floor, until the other party went down the stairs and sat on the sofa, but this handsome man did not ask Ye Wutian to sit down too. mean.

Until now, Ye Wutian was still tied with his hands behind his back. When he saw the other party, he didn't ask him to sit down, and he was also polite at the moment. With the strength of his hands, the taut band that tied him suddenly broke in two.

Ye Wutian's sudden action made the two beautiful killers who were standing behind Ye Wutian very nervous, and they quickly pulled out their guns and pointed at Ye Wutian. He walked to the sofa opposite the handsome man and sat down, not only that, but he even crossed Erlang's legs.

Uncle Ye is no longer worthy of the opponent being more handsome than him. Now that he sees the opponent and is more drawn than him, with his personality, how can he hold back? If he didn't get angry on the spot, he was already patient.

"Don't you want to introduce yourself when you invite me for such a big project?" Ye Wutian spoke first.

The handsome man waved to the two beautiful killers to put away their pistols, "You don't know me?"

Ye Wutian was stunned for a moment and laughed in his heart: "Why should I know you? Who do you think you are?"

The other party laughed and seemed to be laughing at Ye Wutian's ignorance.

Ye Wutian didn't stop him, let the other party laugh, and even this fellow showed a smile. There is a saying that the loser does not lose the battle. From the appearance, he has already lost to the other party, and he can't lose in terms of momentum, especially in front of beautiful women. Can't even lose.

The two beautiful killers who put away their guns bypassed Ye Wutian, walked directly to the handsome man and stood there, staring at Ye Wutian cautiously and vigilantly.

Glancing at the two beauties, Ye Wutian sighed at the handsome man, "I really envy you."

"For so many years, I rarely regard people as opponents. You are an exception, Ye Wutian, you are qualified to be my opponent."

Ye Wutian didn't blush, and nodded greatly: "Well, I know this, many people say this about me, but those who think they are right will eventually die in my hands."

"Interesting, Ye Wutian, you are crazy."

"The enemy is crazy, I am crazy, the enemy is weak, I am even more crazy, so don't let me find a chance, otherwise I will not be polite." Ye Wutian said.

The handsome man sneered, obviously disdain for Ye Wutian's words.

"Crazy must have crazy capital, Ye Wutian, in my opinion, you are just like that. After chatting for a long time, even I can't figure out who I am." The handsome man sneered: "You are crazy just because of this? "

Ye Wutian suddenly wanted to rush up and slap the other person in the face, pretending, he can pretend, he is not an immortal, how can he guess who the other party is with just a few words?

I didn't agree with the other party's words in my heart, and I was still very angry.

"Introduce myself, people outside call me the prince." The handsome man said.

Ye Wutian was shocked, and even forgot to continue shaking Erlang's legs, which is the prince?

"You are the prince?" Ye Wutian felt that this was too absurd. He had been looking for the prince, but he was ignored by others, and he didn't even dare to show his true voice when he met him. I'm afraid not many have seen the prince's true face. Finding such a person is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Suddenly a person jumped out today and told you that he was the prince, and it was you, what would you do?

"Is there a problem?" the prince asked.

Ye Wutian, who had nothing to say, suddenly burst into laughter.

After laughing, Ye Wutian asked again: "Didn't you always like to hide and be a man with your tail tucked in? What's wrong with you today? How dare you appear in front of me with your true face?"

"Bang bang bang!" The three bullets flew towards Ye Wutian, all flying over the top of his head, about an inch away from the top of his head.

Ye Wutian could feel the burning pain in his scalp every time the bullet flew by.

"If you dare to insult my young master again, next time I will lower it by one centimeter." There is no doubt that the gun was fired by one of the female killers standing behind the prince.

Ye Wutian reached out and touched the top of his head, "Little girl, few people dare to shoot at me, I remember you, and I will definitely settle the account with you someday."

The other party's disdainful expression, and this move made Ye Wutian a big blow, so this fellow added: "My specialty is tossing beautiful women on the bed. Next time we meet, remember to wash yourself clean." (m)

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