Mad Doctor

Chapter 834: 1 point interest

Chapter 834 Receive a little interest

"Sister Fairy?" The prince frowned suspiciously, unable to figure out who Sister Fairy was.

"Fairy Feng." Ye Wutian said, "Stay away from her in the future."

Only then did the crown prince react, "Fairy Feng is your fairy sister?"

Uncle Ye's face was slightly red, "What's the matter? Can't you?"

"Hehe, interesting, really interesting."

"There's a fart, you'd better write it down to Lao Tzu, and then **** me off, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"you like her?"

"It's none of your business?" Ye Wutian didn't answer directly: "Do you need to take care of it?"

"Bold." Da Qiao said coldly, "Do you want to die?"

Ye Wutian looked at the other party without fear, You Qi focused on the other party's chest and glanced fiercely, "Da Qiao, your chest is bigger than Xiao Qiao, so you are Da Qiao?"

"Looking for death." How could Da Qiao stand such words? She shot Ye Wutian twice in a row, losing her mind, she just wanted to kill Ye Wutian.

How could Ye Wutian, who had been prepared for a long time, let Da Qiao hit him? From the moment he opened his mouth to flirt with Da Qiao, he was ready for Da Qiao to shoot. I am afraid that this kind of violent woman probably doesn't know what politeness is.

Seeing that Ye Wutian could avoid her bullets, Da Qiao was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Ye Wutian to avoid the bullets with hatred.

The prince did not expect that Ye Wutian could avoid the bullets, and there were still two.

Da Qiao, who came back to her senses, was about to shoot again. She was unwilling not to kill this guy.

"Wait!" Ye Wutian shouted, "I have a question to ask."

The prince gave Da Qiao a look and motioned her not to shoot.

"Prince, can you answer me a question? They are so beautiful, have you eaten them? As a man, you have no reason not to be tempted, right? I can state in advance that I will never touch anything you have touched. "Ye Wutian said with a serious face.

The big and small Qiao were stunned, thinking that Ye Wutian would ask some questions, but it was such a question that drove them crazy, what did he think of them?

"And that Zhang Jing, why didn't you see her today? She's also very beautiful, don't tell me you've got your hands on her, I'll go crazy." Ye Wutian ignored the faces of the prince and the others and continued.

"Are you that kind of person? Don't let go of the women around you?" The prince sneered.

Ye Wutian didn't blush: "Yes, I am that kind of person, and I will never let go of the beauties around me, that's why I ask you."

"I'm not you."

Ye Wutian was overjoyed when he heard the words: "You said you didn't do that? That's great, hehe."

"Do you like them?" The crown prince pointed at Xiao Qiao and asked Ye Wutian.

"They offended me. I said just now that I want to clean up them, and my specialty is cleaning up beautiful women on the bed. I have told you this."

"They are my people." The prince said calmly.

"I know." Ye Wutian nodded, "I don't expect to take them away from you, just borrow them. You can rest assured that they won't be short-lived."

"Borrowing?" The prince estimated that this was the first time he heard such interesting words, and he was afraid that it was the first time someone dared to borrow these two words from him.

"You want to borrow my gambling boat, why can't I borrow someone from you?"

"Ye Wutian, you are crazy, I like people like you."

"Unfortunately, I don't like you, otherwise we can have a good foundation. I like beautiful women."

The prince said: "If you don't mention Fairy Feng, I almost forgot. Thinking about it, I haven't seen her for a long time, and I haven't eaten with her for a long time."

"You mean you still want to disturb her?" Ye Wutian didn't like hearing this sentence very much.

"This is my freedom, isn't it?"

Ye Wutian's face suddenly sank: "Paralyzed, don't give up until the Yellow River, Prince, I don't want to be an enemy with you, it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you, we can live our own lives, isn't that bad? Don't want to. Being an enemy of you doesn't mean I'm afraid of you, if you fight it out, everyone will die, so aren't you afraid?"

"Living in this world can sometimes feel lonely."

Ye Wutian nodded understandingly: "I can understand your mentality, and sometimes I do too."

"So, it is doomed that it is impossible for me to live in peace with you."

Ye Wutian nodded again, "I think so too, we can't be friends."

"Two things." The prince stretched out his finger: "One is that you have to explain to me about Yuta Suwon, and the other is to stop the people behind you. You tell them that my patience is very limited."

"Give the medical base to me, and that's what you are doing?" Ye Wutian began to understand a little bit, this is probably what the prince meant by looking for him, right? A large number of forces, including the Zhu family, are suppressing many industries in the Poison Shadow Sect. It is precisely because of this that the prince finally could not bear, or could not ignore the losses caused by the suppression, so he handed over the medical base. .

The prince is submissive, showing weakness, and seeking peace!

After thinking about this, Ye Wutian smiled, almost saying what the prince said.

Ye Wutian suddenly discovered that he and the prince are actually the same kind of people. Everyone is so shameless and will do anything to achieve their goals.

"Prince, put away your tricks, do you think I'll be afraid? You have the ability to deal with them directly, what does this have to do with me?" Ye Wutian sarcastically said: "I'll just say, how the **** are you so good at talking? , I am willing to hand over the medical base, so it is."

"It seems that you can't promise me two things today, I'm very disappointed."

Ye Wutian took two steps back and put on a fighting posture, "Want to fight? Come on then."

"It's good to do it yourself." After the prince finished speaking, he turned back slightly and said to Mr. and Mrs. Joe, "See off the guest."

"Uh! Don't fight? Are you going to let me go?" Ye Wutian was very surprised, he was ready to fight, seeing that the prince meant to let him go.

The prince left Ye Wutian a strange and intriguing sneer and then turned upstairs.

Looking at the prince's back, Ye Wutian stood there for a long time but couldn't recover. He had already made several guesses, but he didn't guess that the prince would let him go so easily.

Today came, Ye Wutian never thought that he could easily leave here.

Accident, so **** unexpected.

"Get out." Da Qiao stared at Ye Wutian in disgust, she wanted to kill this kind of man.

"You hate me?" Ye Wutian asked.

Da Qiao didn't answer, thinking that you are not talking nonsense? More than disgust?

After walking out of the villa, Ye Wutian turned around and glanced at this beautiful villa, and made up his mind to get this villa.

"Big Qiao, Xiao Qiao, come here." Ye Wutian stretched out his finger and hooked them, signaling them to come over.

Naturally, it was impossible for the two women to listen to Ye Wutian's words.

"I count to three and don't get out again, don't blame me for being rude." Da Qiao said.

Ye Wutian was unmoved and said with a smile: "Do you think I will be afraid of this?"


Big Joe started counting.

Ye Wutian still didn't move, just stood smiling like that.


Da Qiao counted again, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely tense.


After reporting the number, Da Qiao saw that Ye Wutian was still not leaving, so he shot without hesitation. But when she was about to pull the trigger, all her strength seemed to be drained. Fall down.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, Ye Wutian moved at this time and rushed over to hug the two women.

"Be careful, don't fall, it hurts." Ye Wutian who hugged the two girls smirked.

No matter how stupid Joe is, he knows that he has followed Ye Wutian's way.

At this time, it is impossible to kill Ye Wutian, they don't even have the strength to hold a gun.

"Little darling, what did I say inside?" Ye Wutian said, "I will never be polite to those who offend me. Of course, beauties like you are different. I always treat beauties very seriously. Generous."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Xiao Qiao asked coldly, the first time someone dared to be so rude to them.

Ye Wutian said: "What are you afraid of? I died once, didn't you shoot me?"

"If you don't want to die, leave quickly." Seeing this, Xiao Qiao stopped using words to provoke Ye Wutian.

"I knew that my little Qiao baby cares about me. I'm really happy. Come on, let me have a good one." Ye Wutian lowered his head and kissed Xiao Qiao's **** little mouth.

Xiao Qiao was stunned by the kiss, Shui Ling's eyes widened, she was kissed, and was kissed by a stranger.

Without waiting for her to react, Ye Wutian let go of Xiao Qiao, gently put her on the ground, and then hugged the free hand to Da Qiao, "Little girl, you dare to shoot me, Dad, I am a man. Fair enough, if I say I want to deal with you, I will deal with you."

Da Qiao panicked: "You are the rat."

Da Qiao's mouth was sealed before he dared to say a word.

Treating Da Qiao, Ye Wutian is still different from Xiao Qiao, this fellow not only kisses, but also squeezes his chest with his hands, and the soldiers are divided into two groups.

Da Qiao blushed a few drops of blood, wanted to resist but was unable to struggle, so he could only let Ye Wutian be indecent.

If eyes can kill, Ye Wutian is afraid that he will die no less than a hundred times.

After kissing for nearly two minutes, Ye Wutian stopped as if he was not finished. He licked his lips and said, "It's really fragrant, it's really bouncy."

Da Qiao didn't speak, just stared at Ye Wutian, his eyes were full of anger and hatred.

"What are you staring at? Stare at me again, and I'll take off your clothes and see how you stare." After speaking, this fellow shamelessly stretched out his hand and squeezed Da Qiao's I'll wait If you want to take revenge on me, next time I will prepare a big bed for you to come, and I will make you feel good. "

When encountering a rogue like Ye Wutian, how could Da Qiao be an opponent? He doesn't care if you scold him.

"When you see Zhang Jing, let her come to see me and say that I miss her uncle." Ye Wutian also put down the big Qiao, and after cleaning up the big and small Qiao, Ye Wutian thought that he could recover a little interest today. .

Ye Wutian, who put down the big Joe, hummed a tune and left. The appearance of the prince surprised Ye Wutian, but that **** prince was so **** handsome, how could there be such a handsome man? As handsome as a monster.

After leaving the villa, Ye Wutian quickly became dumb, and subconsciously reached into his pocket to take out the car key, but when he took out the car key, he just remembered that he didn't drive over, it was Da Qiao and the others who drove the car.

This is a suburb, and it is impossible to stop a taxi.

Just as he was about to get the phone and let someone pick him up, just as he took out the phone, Hu Shi called.

Seeing Hu Shi's call, Ye Wutian's heart sank. Could it be an accident on the gambling boat? (m)

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