Mad Doctor

Chapter 835: definitely the prince

Chapter 835 It must be the prince

After connecting to Hu Shi's call, Ye Wutian quickly confirmed his guess that something happened to the Hongyan gambling boat. If nothing happened, Hu Shi would not make the call.

Hu Shi told Ye Wutian on the phone that there was a strange phenomenon on the boat, and they all vomited and vomited. There was nothing the ship's doctors could do about it, and several of them had contracted this strange disease.

After carefully listening to Hu Shi's report, Ye Wutian realized the seriousness of the matter. With so many people on board, what if all of them were infected? Who else dares to go on board to play in the future?

Ye Wutian, who was calm on the surface, was very anxious in his heart. The first thing he thought of was the prince. The issue of the Hongyan number must have something to do with the prince.

After quickly instructing Hu Shi about a few things, Ye Wutian who put away the phone turned around and walked towards the villa, while Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, who saw Ye Wutian turning back from afar, were secretly surprised, what did this guy come back for? Does he not give up? Still want to come back and insult them?

Big and small Joe couldn't help but feel nervous, and couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing Ye Wutian getting closer and closer to them, Da Qiao couldn't bear it any longer.

Ye Wutian didn't answer, just glanced at them.

When passing by Xiao Qiao, Ye Wutian ignored them, but walked towards the villa in diameter, and the bell still needs to be tied. If the prince did this, he would definitely have an antidote.

"Prince, you **** come out for me." Ye Wutian started to let go of his throat and shouted loudly before he arrived at the villa.

Several large Han Dynasty Ye Wutian surrounded him.

Ye Wutianxing started to be strong, and directly brought down those big men.

After getting rid of the big men, Ye Wutian was waiting to walk towards the villa. The messenger Shen and the messenger Wang got out of nowhere and surrounded Ye Wutian in the middle.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Ye Wutian found that they seemed to be different again,

Compared to before, the other party was even colder, as cold as a wooden man, like a robot.

"I only said it once, get out." Ye Wutian roared, at this time he was not in the mood to say hello to the other party, he just wanted to see the prince quickly and let the prince stop.

The two envoys didn't move, and they didn't seem to have any intention of getting out of the way.

Ye Wutian suddenly came to the fire and rushed towards the messenger of Shen without saying a word.

The messenger Shen did not back down, but rushed towards Ye Wutian with a fist.


The two fists collided in the air. After the strong collision, both of them took a few steps back each. The messenger Shen was nothing, but Ye Wutian was very shocked. He used 60% of his strength in this punch and could only force the other side. Take two steps back.

Haven't seen each other for a while, how the **** did the other party become so powerful? It's hard to believe.

Ye Wutian, who didn't think much of it, rushed up with his fist again, and the messenger Shen was also not to be outdone, and waved his fist up again.

The messenger Wang stood beside him and did not move, which made Ye Wutian very strange, obviously he could do it, but why didn't the other party do it?

After more than ten consecutive moves with messenger Shen, Ye Wutian also used medicine during this period, but he didn't know that his medicine would not work on the other side, and was directly ignored by others.

Ye Wutian just wanted to see the prince as soon as possible, so that the matter on the ship could be resolved as soon as possible, before the situation spread, otherwise it would be quite troublesome.

Seeing the passage of time, Ye Wutian, who was very anxious, gritted his teeth and attacked the messenger Shen with a full 90% of Xuanyuan's true energy.


A creepy voice sounded, it was the sound of broken bones.

The messenger Shen was directly sent flying by this punch, and the whole person flew straight to a place a few meters away before landing.

This punch directly broke the messenger's three ribs.

The other party suffered such a serious injury, Ye Wutian thought that the envoy Wang was solved, but he knew that he was wrong soon, and the envoy Shen who was knocked down actually got up. Yes, he had three broken ribs. Can you still get up from the ground, is this **** human?

Ye Wutian is quite confident in the punch just now, let alone a person, even if there is a cow, he is also confident that he can bring down that cow.

With the exception of three broken ribs, with such a powerful punch, all five internal organs may be displaced, and even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

The messenger Shen stood up, except for a little blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, he didn't even frown.

Ye Wutian saw that his scalp was numb, and from the response of the envoy Shen, most of the other party had no pain, and no matter how severe the injury was, he would not feel pain.

Surprised to be surprised, Ye Wutian was not idle, and rushed towards the messenger Shen. He was so angry that he was unable to vent the anger in his heart. Now the messenger Shen is the right person.

"Stop." An order came from the villa, not the prince's voice, Ye Wutian looked up and saw that it was Zhang Jing who had not seen each other for a long time.

In normal times, Ye Wutian would inevitably have to tease Zhang Jing, but now he doesn't have that leisure.

"Where is the prince? Let him come out."

Zhang Jing asked, "Who do you think you are?"

Ye Wutian took a few steps forward and pointed at Zhang Jing: "Sanba, you'd better answer me, where is the prince?"

Zhang Jing took a step back, Ye Wutian's roar made her feel a little scared, "Is something wrong?"

"He should know what I have to do with him, let him come out quickly, don't force me to take action."

"The prince has left, you didn't shout, leave here immediately." Zhang Jing said.

Ye Wutian couldn't suppress the anger in Ye Wutian's heart. Taking advantage of Zhang Jing's inattention, he rushed in front of Zhang Jing very quickly, and stretched out his hand to squeeze Zhang Jing's neck.

Zhang Jing, who couldn't dodge, was almost out of breath, she could feel the strength from Ye Wutian's strong and powerful hand.

"You guys try again? I'll break her neck right away." Ye Wutian stared at the two envoys who were about to move.

The two messengers really didn't dare to move, but Zhang Jing couldn't help struggling, hoping that Ye Wutian would let her go.

"Let me ask again, where is the prince?" Ye Wutian stretched his mouth to Zhang Jing's ear.

Zhang Jing wanted to speak, but she couldn't speak at all in her current state, let alone speaking, even breathing was a problem.

Ye Wutian also seemed to find that he was holding the opponent's neck like this, and the other party couldn't speak, so his strength was slightly reduced, so that Zhang Jing could take a few breaths.

Zhang Jing, who resumed breathing, did not speak, but coughed, coughing non-stop, and even tears came out.

Ye Wutian didn't care, and he didn't feel guilty because of his rudeness, pity Xiangxiyu? It also depends on the time.

Zhang Jing wanted to bury Ye Wutian alive.

"Prince isn't here." Zhang Jing said again after recovering, but she was still reluctant to listen to what Uncle Ye said.

"Zhang Sanba, do you have to force me to take action? I'm not in that **** mood right now, so let him hand over the antidote immediately."

Zhang Jing's eyes glared furiously, she could only use medicine, and she could only use medicine when dealing with people, but not kung fu. At this time, how much she hoped that she would be a hero and a master of martial arts, so she would not be polite, this guy Every sentence of Zhang Sanba made her listen very hard.

"What did you say? What's your antidote?" Zhang Jing said, "Ye, why are you crazy?"

Seeing that Zhang Jing still didn't tell the whereabouts of the prince, Ye Wutian roared, his eyes were red, he turned and pointed at Shen Renzhe, "You guys, come together."

At this time, Ye Wutian needs to vent and needs a human flesh bag. Undoubtedly, the two envoys are the most suitable targets.

The two messengers didn't move, but Ye Wutian moved. Hongyanhao's business finally got on the right track. He would never let anyone destroy Hongyanhao's business, absolutely not.

Seeing this, Zhang Jing wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Ye Wutian had already fought with the envoy Shen.

Ye Wutian's every move is filled with hatred, and every move is merciless.

After a few rounds, Ye Wutian found an opportunity to sneak up on the messenger Shen and hit him with one blow. Ye Wutian hit the messenger Shen just now this time. This guy doesn't care about messenger Shen's life or death. Not coming.

Messenger Shin, who was hit hard, fell down again, but this time he didn't get up as quickly as before.

Ye Wutian's style of play has no chapters to speak of. It is completely random and adaptable. Lionhead has taught him that he can respond to all changes without changing, and do whatever he wants. This is the core of Wuming's moves.

At the beginning, Zhang Jing wanted to teach Ye Wutian a good lesson through the two messengers Shen, but now it seems that this is completely a fantasy, Ye Wutian is not only a pervert with medical skills, but also so powerful in martial arts.

"Stop." Zhang Jing shouted, messenger Shen had fallen to the ground, she didn't want messenger Wang to be cleaned up by Ye Wutian as well.

After receiving Zhang Jing's order, the envoy Wang retreated like a wooden man, ready to withdraw his hand, but Ye Wutian did not mean to withdraw his hand, and still attacked the envoy of the king, and he would not stop until he was defeated. the meaning of.


The messenger Wang who had stopped probably did not expect that Ye Wutian would attack him so shamelessly. He was hit in the temple with a punch by Ye Wutian and fainted on the spot.

Zhang Jing was dumbfounded. The scene in front of her made her crazy. She told the envoy Wang to stop, but Ye Wutian did not know what Ye Wutian meant. In other words, the envoy Wang was defeated by Ye Wutian because of her.

"Thank you!" Ye Wutian didn't seem to be able to see Zhang Jing's anger, and this kid wanted to add a thank you to add fuel to the fire.

Hearing Ye Wutian's words, Zhang Jing was even more angry, "Little man."

"Call the and tell him that if you have any dissatisfaction, you can come to me, don't embarrass others, those passengers are innocent." Ye Wutian answered the question.

"I can't fight." Zhang Jing refused.

Ye Wutian, who was out of breath, looked left and right, and suddenly walked in front of the king's messenger with a kick.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Jing didn't expect Ye Wutian to attack the already fainted envoy of the king. Who is this person?

Ye Wutian ignored Zhang Jing, kicked the king's messenger one after another, and kicked the king's messenger, who was fainting, to wake up.

"Stop." Zhang Jing rushed over to push Ye Wutian away.

"I stopped, didn't you see that my hands didn't move?" Ye Wutian said with another kick.

He was kicked by Ye Wutian more than ten times in a row. Even if the envoy Wang woke up, it was useless. He was awake and his head was still dizzy. In addition, Ye Wutian's repeated kicks made him even worse. Fortunately, no matter how much he No matter how dizzy you are kicked by Ye Wutian, it won't hurt. (m)

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