Mad Doctor

Chapter 839: extreme means

Chapter 839

Zhang Jing never understood what Ye Wutian meant when he said the words "first ceremony and then soldiers", but she was sure of one thing, Ye Wutian definitely didn't have a good heart when he said that.

"I warn you, it's best not to mess around, it's too stiff, it's not good for anyone, and you can't be the prince's opponent."

"Do you care about me?"

Zhang Jing wants to slap herself, so what are you doing? If someone wants to die, then let him go.

"Prince is not so good. Of course, he is better than me and more handsome than me. Besides, I really don't see anything in him that is better than me."

Ye Wutian said boldly, but this fellow forgot that he didn't even get a single benefit from the prince's hands, and even almost suffered a big loss, just like the situation, he dared to say that the prince was not good.

"Thirty-eight, I have a very serious question for you. Have you been eaten by the prince when you stay by your side all day? I can state in advance that I will not touch any woman someone else has touched."

How could Zhang Jing stand this kind of sarcasm? Knowing that she couldn't win against Ye Wutian, and knowing that Ye Wutian would take advantage of it, she couldn't take care of that much anymore, and she just wanted to rush up to fight Ye Wutian desperately.

How could Ye Wutian, who had been prepared for a long time, let Zhang Jing get his wish? After avoiding Zhang Jing's move, he reached out and hugged Zhang Jing in his arms.

In Ye Wutian's shameless words, it was Zhang Jing who was deliberately letting him take advantage of him, and wanted him to hug him, and he was a good-natured person who usually wouldn't reject others, especially beautiful women.

Ye Wutian, who hugged Zhang Jing, took advantage of it, and took the opportunity to kiss the other person's cheek lightly in his busy schedule.

In fact, Ye Ye wanted to kiss his lips, but he was afraid that Zhang Jing would poison her lips. This woman is someone who dares to kill herself, even under her own, let alone her lips?

Being molested by Ye Wutian, how can Zhang Jing give up? He was about to play with Ye Wutian, but Ye Wutian had already let go of her, and he quickly stepped back a few steps before saying with a serious face, "Are you sure you don't want to call the prince?"

Zhang Jing had the urge to swear again, she would never make this phone call anyway.

"Okay, if you don't call, then I'll call." After that, Ye Wutian took out the phone.

The angry Zhang Jing calmed down when she saw this. Driven by curiosity, she resisted the urge to run away and stood there. She intuitively told her that Ye Wutian's call was not easy.

Ignoring Zhang Jing's curiosity, Ye Wutian who dialed the phone only said two words to the phone, act!

From the call to the end, the whole process only took less than ten seconds. Zhang Jing wanted to know what Ye Wutian's actions meant and what it represented.

"Why are you looking at me with that kind of eyes?" Ye Wutian who put away the phone asked with a smile.

"Do you think that if you fool me like this, I won't do anything to you?" Zhang Jing already took out three pills in her hand and was ready to shoot at any time.

Ye Wutian secretly guarded against the other party: "I advise you better not to mess around, you can't afford to play."

"Bastard, court death." How could Zhang Jing listen to Ye Wutian's words? He directly raised his hand and hit the three pills at Ye Wutian: "Taste my power."

"I like to taste your kiss, will you fulfill me?" Ye Wutian also returned the color and popped three pills.

Seeing that the pill was blocked, Zhang Jing's face was full of unwillingness, but she couldn't be like Ye Wutian. In terms of strength, she knew that there was a certain gap with Ye Wutian, but she was unwilling to let her stop like this.

Zhang Jing, who was about to take another shot, was interrupted by the ringing of her mobile phone. When she stopped, she took out her mobile phone and connected the phone without thinking, but it was very fast. Shouting into the phone: "What did you say?"

Ye Wutian standing next to him did not move, with a faint smile on his face.

Zhang Jing, who hung up the phone, stared at Ye Wutian, as if trying to see through Ye Wutian's heart.

"Although I'm handsome, you don't have to look at me like that. As a man, I'll be shy too."

"It was you, did you do it?" Zhang Jing was not in the mood to talk nonsense with Ye Wutian, she just wanted to figure out one thing.

"Did? What do you think? Hey, I'm fine. I'm afraid that you will poison you like last time. To be honest, I don't want to use any more plastic wrap, it's pointless."

Ye Wutian knew what Zhang Jing said on the phone call just now. He had already given respect to the prince, and he was able to do this. He was not handsome enough for the prince, so he couldn't lose to the prince.

"Why?" In the face of Ye Wutian's hooliganism, Zhang Jing wanted to kill, this **** is too hateful. "tell me why."

"Why why? I don't understand what you mean by that."

"Don't pretend to be crazy with me, you know what I'm asking."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, still pretended not to know, "Sorry! I really don't know."

"Why do you want to blow up the villa?" Zhang Jing wished she had a cannon in her hand. To deal with this kind of bastard, using a mechanism is far from enough. It is best to use a cannon to blast him hard.

The person who called just now told her that the villa by the sea was blown up by a few people with explosives, and that such a good villa has now been blown up.

It was the villa that was bombed, but the face of the prince and the face of Poison Shadow Gate were hit.

If you think about it with your toes, you can guess that this matter must have something to do with Ye Wutian. He told her a few minutes ago that he wanted to buy a villa, and he even offered an 'astronomical price'. If he said it had nothing to do with him, he would kill Zhang Jing. won't believe it either.

"Wait, San-eight, don't you suspect that I blew up the villa?" Ye Wutian interrupted Zhang Jing's words and asked suddenly.

"Isn't it you?" Zhang Jing continued to ask.

"Of course it's not me, why is it me?" Ye Wutian jumped up like being stepped on a dog's tail, even if the truth was him, he couldn't say it.

"Don't dare to admit it, Ye Wutian, this is who you are?" Zhang Jing's words were full of cynicism, and it could be seen that she was extremely dissatisfied with Ye Wutian.

"Why should I recognize it if I didn't do it?" Ye Wutian said: "I also suspect that the poisoning of the guests on the Hongyan number was done by your Poison Shadow Sect. If I ask you now, will you recognize it?"

"You..." Zhang Jing was stopped by this question, and for a while she really didn't know how to answer.

Ye Wutian was heartbroken: "What's the matter? Can't answer it? I'm asking you now, do you dare to recognize it?"

"You're just suspicious, do you have any evidence?" Zhang Jing hesitated for a long time and said only this.

Ye Wutian, who stretched out his hands and clapped his hands, smiled: "Well said, this is exactly what I want to say to you. Excuse me, do you have any evidence? Although you are a woman, you are still a person. ?"

Zhang Jing was questioned again, and finally realized that today, in front of Ye Wutian, I'm afraid I won't be able to get anything cheap, so she would always ask her back, asking some questions that she wouldn't answer and couldn't answer.

Ye Wutian's cool, relieved, this guy is not irritating enough, and added, "Good luck, fortunately I didn't buy it just now, and fortunately you didn't call the prince, otherwise once I buy it, the current result will be What would it be? Grandma's, so dangerous.

Zhang Jing wants to take off her high heels and smash at Ye Wutian.

"Your prince is really unlucky. Wouldn't it be better to sell the villa to me just now? Anyway, I paid such a high price, alas! Why does he disagree?" Ye Wutian's tone was full of regret.

Zhang Jing has already been defeated by Ye Wutian's thick skin. Against this kind of person, she believes that she is not an opponent. The only thing she can do now is to stare and stare.

"It's a pity!" Ye Wutian said again.

"Ye Wutian, don't be complacent first, the prince will not give up." Now, Zhang Jing finally knew what the phrase "first rites before soldiers" meant. He figured that the prince would not be able to sell the villa, and the prince was not short of that money.

One million, who would sell that kind of villa?

"Stop doing this, 38, I'm very upset to tell you, don't **** use the prince to scare me, in my eyes, he's nothing, don't think I'll be afraid, maybe in your eyes, the prince is a genius, Even a treasure, but in Lao Tzu's eyes, he is a piece of trash and worthless."

"Very good, I hope you will remember today's words." Zhang Jing didn't want to say it anymore, knowing that there was only one result of saying it, and that was to be angry with someone.

"Wait, did I really not discuss what I just told you?" Ye Wutian stopped Zhang Jing who was leaving, and aside from anything else, this woman's medical skills are still worthy of respect.

Zhang Jing didn't answer, she stood there for two seconds and left, leaving Ye Wutian with a depressed face there.

"Damn it! It's not human, I said it's not for me, but I don't believe it, sigh!" Looking at Zhang Jing's disappearing back, Ye Wutian was very unwilling, but he had nothing to do with Zhang Jing. You can't always go with people tied up, right?

Ye Wutian, who retracted his gaze, was about to go to the office, but met Gu Hezi walking out from inside, but Gu Hezi's face didn't seem very good-looking, and his unsteady breathing told outsiders that something unpleasant must have happened to Gu Hezi.

"Brother, what a coincidence, I was looking for you." Ye Wutian greeted him with a smile.

After Gu Hezi was slightly stunned, he instantly changed his expression and stretched out his hand towards Ye Wutian, "Little You are not very conscientious."

Uncle Ye was blushed by Gu Hezi's words. He knew what Gu Hezi's words meant. Looking back, he didn't do his job very well as a consultant.

"Hehe, brother, go to my office to talk, I have a lot of things to discuss with you." Ye Wutian changed the subject.

Gu Hezi's face was embarrassed, there seemed to be something unspeakable, and he didn't seem to want to go in.

Ye Wutian didn't pay attention to these, he couldn't help but pull up Gu Hezi and go inside.

Seeing this, Gu Hezi could only give up and follow Ye Wutian in.

"Master, why are you back?" Wang Qiang walked over from the opposite side at this time, holding a large cardboard box in his hand. Seeing Gu Hezi, who had just left, came back again, Wang Qiang felt very strange.

"I'll have a chat with my little brother." Gu Hezi said.

Wang Qiang glanced at Ye Wutian, then turned to Gu Hezi and said, "Master, I have already handled the formalities. Let's go quickly, so as not to get angry." (m)

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