Mad Doctor

Chapter 840: collective resignation

Ye Wutian felt a little uncomfortable. The conversation between Gu Hezi, the master and the apprentice, seemed to be wrong. Thinking of Gu Hezi's face just now, he saw the cardboard box in Wang Qiang's hand.

"What happened?" Ye Wutian couldn't help but ask.

Gu Hezi smiled bitterly, "Little brother, let's go to your office to talk."

Ye Wutian nodded, brought Gu Hezi to the office, and personally poured tea for Gu Hezi's master and apprentice, "Brother, what happened?"

Gu Hezi hesitated, moving his lips and swallowing what he wanted to say again. Instead, Wang Qiang said straight, "Consultant Ye, I'm afraid we can't stay here and continue to help you."

Ye Wutian had already guessed some vaguely, but now seeing Wang Qiang answering like this, Ye Wutian was also anxious, "Why?"

"Hehe, little brother, it's not a big deal." Gu Hezi smiled, a little helpless in his smile, "Someone doesn't want us here."

"Who is it?" Ye Wutian was even more surprised when he heard the words, "Brother, what's going on? You'd better explain it to me sooner, you'll be terrified."

"Because of the medical base, some people in Beijing hope that my hidden faction can support the medical base in Beijing." Gu Hezi explained.

Ye Wutian frowned slightly, was it something caused by the medical base again?

Without speaking, he quietly looked at Gu Hezi, he still needed Gu Hezi's next explanation.

Gu Hezi said again: "I don't agree. I have the same idea as you about the location of the medical base. The medical conditions in Beijing are already quite good. There is no need to put the medical base in the capital. Excessive medical conditions will only bring waste."

Ye Wutian thought for a while and asked, "Then why are you leaving again?"

"Because someone put pressure on us, we were forced to leave because of helplessness," Wang Qiang said.

"Who is it?" Ye Wutian didn't know whether he would be angry or not. He only knew that he was suffering now. Gu Hezi's master and apprentice were really helping the patient, but what was the result? Involuntarily.

Gu Hezi smiled and shook his head: "Little brother, let's forget it, maybe it's the best choice for us to leave, it's good for everyone."

Ye Wutian knew that if Gu Hezi answered like this, he would not tell him who was the one who put pressure on the Yin faction.

It is temporarily impossible to know who that person is, but Ye Wutian knows a little, and the other party's background is definitely not small.

"Brother, we are doctors, do we still care about the outside world? We only need to do what we think we do, and the rest is not important, is it?"

"That's right, little brother, I don't want to explain too much about this."

"Then there is no need for you to go, just ignore those people? We finally wanted to do something vigorous, use the medical skills we have learned to do something for the patients in need, and the most important thing is us. To rectify the name of Chinese medicine, we must tell the world that Chinese medicine is not useless, on the contrary, Chinese medicine is very useful, but those people are not good at learning."

Gu Hezi was silent, and it was not difficult to see from his expression that he was struggling in his heart, and Ye Wutian's words moved his heart.

"Brother, I don't want to know who made you do this, and I don't want to know what their ultimate goal is. I only know that those people's actions are extremely selfish, and they don't care about the lives of others. People like that should be Do you understand?" Ye Wutian said.

How could Gu Hezi not know these truths that Ye Wutian said? The other party did this. First, he wanted to bring the medical base to Beijing. As long as it was successful, it would be a real achievement. Of course, Gu Hezi had another guess. The base is located in Dongcheng.

Such a person, just as Ye Wutian said, is extremely selfish, and they play with one shot and two scattered methods. This kind of person is extremely hateful.

Ye Wutian didn't know why the Yin faction did this, let alone who was behind the scenes. Gu Hezi didn't say, there must be his reasons. For this, Ye Wutian didn't want to force Gu Hezi.

"You may have guessed that I had to do this this time. That person was kind to me, so I hope you can understand my brother." Gu Hezi said.

Such an explanation should be Gu Hezi's final explanation, and it should also be the most sincere explanation, but he was still quite unhappy when he heard it, and he always held his breath.

Ye Wutian didn't blame Gu Hezi for what he meant. If the other party can be neutral, it already means that Gu Hezi has tried his best to do his best, and Ye Wutian dare not expect anything more.

"Brother, is there no other way to solve it?" With Gu Hezi withdrawing like this, Ye Wutian is really unwilling. The hidden sect's medical skills are very powerful, so giving up like this is not his character.

Gu Hezi responded with a wry smile, he couldn't answer Ye Wutian's question, and he didn't know how to answer it.

"Consultant Ye, my master is also helpless, please don't embarrass us," Wang Qiang said.

Ye Wutian didn't ask any more, nodded and opened the question, chatted with Gu Hezi for a while, and Gu Hezi's master and apprentice left.

After sending off Gu Hezi's master and apprentice, Ye Wutian felt powerless for the first time, and for the first time hated those officials who did not act. How could the country become stronger with those officials? Everywhere is only for their own interests, such an official, what is the use of it?

"President Li, did Wang Qiang tell you anything?" Pushing the door into Li Chunwan's office, Ye Wutian asked directly.

Li Chunwan raised his head and saw Ye Wutian, he immediately stood up, "I was looking for you on this matter, and I don't know why Wang Qiang suddenly left." Li Chunwan, the dean, was also full of heads on this matter. Fog, until now can't figure out what's going on.

This answer was already expected by Ye Wutian. Thinking of the encounter with Zhang Jing at the hospital gate just now, does it have anything to do with her? What is the woman doing?

At first, Ye Wutian thought that Zhang Jing was looking for him, but he didn't know that Sanba didn't say anything to him. Just now, Ye Wutian didn't take it seriously. Looking back now, it seems that there was something abnormal. It is definitely impossible for a woman to come to the hospital because she is bored, and it is even less likely that she comes to see him because she misses him.

Uncle Ye is confident, but not so strong.

"The departure of the hidden faction will increase our pressure, Consultant Ye, you may have to increase the burden in the future." Li Chunwan is now afraid that Ye Wutian will quit if he is angry, if even Ye Wutian is not this consultant. , Li Chunwan will be crazy.

The two were chatting when the door of the office was knocked open again, and Xu Shuangren pushed the door in.

The arrival of Xu Shuangren made Ye Wutian's heart sink. Could it be that Xu Shuangren also came to resign?

"Consultant Ye, you are also here." Xu Shuangren said first, "I just have something to tell you."

"You also want to leave?" Ye Wutian asked.

Li Chun's heart was hanging in his throat, and he looked at Xu Shuangren, worried that he would hear something he didn't want to hear.

Xu Shuangren shook his head gently: "No."

Ye Wutian and Li Chunwan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, as long as Xu Shuangren didn't resign, now the hospital is overcrowded, Xu Shuangren is a powerful assistant, no matter public or private, Li Chunwan doesn't want him to resign.

"President Li, Consultant Ye, I won't resign, but I can't stay here every day in the future. Something happened to my headquarters. For a long time to come, I will have to allocate a part of my time to stay at the headquarters to help. ."

Ye Wutian was stunned, thinking what day is today? Why the **** are you so speechless?

"Consultant Ye, my master also asked me to tell you about the medical base. I'm afraid he can't do anything." Xu Shuangren said to Ye Wutian.

Hearing this, if Ye Wutian still doesn't understand, then he will eat so much food for nothing, he can be 100% sure that the southern faction must be as embarrassed and threatened as the hidden faction.

Ye Wutian didn't push too hard, knowing that it would be the same even if he said more.

Ye Wutian, who left Li Chunwan's office and returned to his own office, sat on the sofa and pondered. The more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. Gu Hezi's departure was already unacceptable to him, and now it was the same with the Southern faction. Intuition told Ye Wutian. , those people came for him.

Paralyzed! Aren't you going to play? I will play with you.

Viciously picked up an ashtray and smashed it on the ground, he finally wanted to do something, but those cats and dogs jumped out one by one, trying to do everything possible to see him make a fool of himself, okay, if you want to play, I will play with you.

"Junzhi, help me get a letter of resignation." Ye Wutian said to Wei Junzhi next to him.

Wei Junzhi, who was bending over to pick up the ashtray, was taken aback by Ye Wutian's words. This surprise caused the ashtray he just picked up to fall to the ground, but he didn't know it at all.

"Consultant Ye, this."

Ye Wutian interrupted Wei Junzhi's words, he knew what Wei Junzhi wanted to say, "You don't need to persuade, I have considered it very clearly and know what I am doing."

Making such a decision is not Ye Wutian's whim. To deal with those scum, he doesn't need to do it himself, and someone will naturally clean it up, provided that he has to leave here.

"Junzhi, I'm going to build a medical base. If you are interested, you can come with me." Ye Wutian said Wei Junzhi was overjoyed, he nodded quickly without thinking much, joking, what could he do? Would you disagree?

After Wei Junzhi wrote the resignation letter, Ye Wutian knocked on Li Chunwan's office and put the resignation letter on Li Chunwan's desk.

An hour later, a shocking news came out from inside the hospital. Due to the pressure from the outside world, Ye Shenyi decided to resign as a consultant. At the same time, people also learned that the Yin faction had also resigned from his job at Dongcheng People's Hospital, and there was only one left. Xu Shuangren.

This change made the Dongcheng People's Hospital, which had an advantage, lose this advantage. The patients inside and outside the hospital have already exploded. The Ye Shenyi and a few left because they were suppressed by some people, which means that those damned of people disregarding the lives of so many patients? They put their only hope in the few people of Shenyi Ye, Ruth is the best example, but just when they rekindled their passion for life, Shenyi Ye was driven away.

Ye Shenyi was driven away, wouldn't it mean to kill them? Such a thing cannot be tolerated.

I don't know who organized it, but nearly 10,000 patients who were originally staying inside and outside the hospital left the hospital in an organized manner and went to one place. (m)

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