Mad Doctor

Chapter 841: ready to negotiate

So many patients did not go anywhere, but surrounded the Dongcheng government building. So many people appeared here at the same time, surrounding the entire gate, which immediately attracted the attention of many people, and also surrounded the gate. People coming in and going out are greatly affected.

The sudden influx of so many patients really shocked the people inside, darling, so many people are gathered here at the same time, what do they want to do? Want to besiege government buildings? Don't they know it's illegal to do so?

Fortunately, after those patients arrived, they just sat quietly at the gate, just sitting quietly. In addition, there was nothing too radical, but even so, the Dongcheng government was in a hurry. You must know that among so many patients who came in, many of them were still foreigners.

Wang Lin, who was sitting in the office, frowned when he heard the secretary's report. At first, he didn't think about the purpose of those people, let alone who they were. He thought they were workers of which company, but he came as usual. Asking for salary, trying to get attention through this behavior.

No matter who those people are outside, so many people sit quietly in the Dongcheng Committee, which is a very important thing in itself. If it spreads out, what will the outside world think of Dongcheng? What will the above look like?

The secretary who went out came in again and told Wang Lin the latest situation.

When Wang Lin heard that the people sitting outside were not workers from some companies, but patients from Dongcheng People's Hospital, Wang Lin suddenly jumped up and subconsciously told him that it was not easy. What are so many patients doing here? ?

"What's the specific situation?" Wang Lin asked.

The secretary replied: "According to those people, it was someone above who squeezed Ye Wutian out of the hospital, and they hoped the government could help them."

Wang Lin's scalp became numb the more he listened, and he almost couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

"Boss, this may not be easy." The secretary kindly reminded.

How could Wang Lin not know? "Let people send the people outside immediately." If this continues, the adverse impact on Dongcheng will only increase, which is not what Wang Lin wants to see.

"People have been dealt with, but I'm worried that those people will not leave." The secretary said.

Wang Lin thought for a while, then stood up and said, "Go, go down and have a look."

When Wang Lin appeared at the gate of the municipal party committee, many of those patients already knew Wang Lin's identity.

"Everyone, I'm the secretary of the Dongcheng Municipal Party Committee. No matter what your reasons are, please leave here immediately. If you handle things in this way, it is impossible for you to succeed, let alone achieve results. If you have any difficulties, you can send The representative proposed, our government will try our best to help you solve it." Wang Lin took a portable amplifier from the hand of the person below.

In addition to the arrival of Wang Lin and several others, there were also a large number of police officers, led by Xu Yuanhua. When he heard that the municipal party committee was besieged, he almost lost his footing, and the cold sweat poured out like heavy rain. A policeman came to keep the peace.

Wang Lin, who was in a hurry, arrived and saw that there was no chaos, and his hanging heart was slowly put down.

The police came, and so did the reporters. The well-informed reporters immediately realized that this was definitely big news, so a large number of news reporters came here.

Wang Lin was trying to persuade the people in front of him to leave, but the effect was not good. No one listened to his words, and he still sat there quietly.

This is the municipal party committee and the heart of Dongcheng. The gate is blocked by many people, making it impossible for passing vehicles to pass through. It is useless to let those vehicles whistle.

Wang Lin saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. If he continued like this, there would only be one consequence. His ability as a secretary would be questioned. If he couldn't even do such a trivial matter, what would outsiders think of him?

At this time, Wang Lin began to regret it. If he had known this, he should not have come out and should be handled by the people below.

He shouted again, but those people were still unmoved, as if they couldn't hear Wang Lin's words at all.

Wang Lin became more and more anxious. In front of so many people, especially so many media reporters, guns and guns were aimed at him.

This is a big test!

"Everyone, you are sitting here so quietly just because you want the government to help you solve your problems. As secretary of the Dongcheng Municipal Party Committee, I can assure you today that no matter what difficulties you have, the government will definitely try to help you. Please believe it, otherwise, even if everyone sits down like this, the problem will not be solved.

As soon as Wang Lin's words fell, a middle-aged man sitting in the front row finally spoke, and his speech also made Wang Lin secretly relieved, and finally someone spoke. This was a good start, and I was afraid that no one would speak.

"Secretary Wang, we just want to know when Doctor Ye can come back to help us." The middle-aged man said.

Wang Lin said loudly: "I can't answer this question for the time being, but I can assure you that we will try our best to help you no matter what."

"We don't have any other requirements, we just want Shenyi Ye not to be treated unfairly and oppressed. Secretary Wang, we are human too, can you see? All the patients here are waiting for Shenyi Ye to save them. We don't know those who suppressed Ye Who is the genius doctor, but I want to say something to those people on behalf of everyone here, ask them if they are still human, and can ignore our lives. I also want to ask, who gave the power in their hands and gave them the power , is it to bully us ordinary people? In that case? What is the use of them?" The middle-aged man said more and more excited, "I am already such a person, if Ye Shenyi refuses to help me, I will not have a good day. Live, so today, I will take this opportunity to say a few words to those people." Speaking of which, the middle-aged man turned his gaze to the cameras, "I don't know who you are, I just want to take this opportunity to greet you, Your family, greeting the eighteenth-generation women of your ancestors, grass mud horses, grass mud horses, grass mud horses, and grass-roots grandmothers, come to me if you have the ability, anyway, I am already like this, I am not afraid of you, come on, let me see you such a scumbag bird."

The toughness of a middle-aged man makes many people dumbfounded, darling, swearing in front of so many people? This kid doesn't want to mess up? However, as the other party himself said, he is already like this, what is there to be afraid of? What are you afraid of?

Wang Lin wanted to stop it, but it was too late. At this time, he, the secretary of the Dongcheng Municipal Party Committee, didn't seem to have much effect, but he couldn't blame him for this. Who would have thought that the other party would suddenly play this trick?

What troubled Wang Lin the most was that among so many people, most of them were foreigners. The Dongcheng government couldn't just ask the police to arrest them all, right? doesn't work.

After being busy for a long time, Wang Lin was unable to persuade these people away. As time passed, Wang Lin began to sweat on his forehead, "Everyone, if you leave again, our district will take tough measures, and I hope you can cooperate and support. "

"When Doctor Ye comes back, we will leave. If Doctor Ye doesn't help us, we will die everywhere. What's the point of that?"

Wang Lin wanted to say a few words of comfort, but then he thought about it.

"Boss, the call is on." The secretary whispered in Wang Lin's ear while covering the phone.

After listening, Wang Lin immediately handed over the amplifier in his hand to the secretary, while he left with the phone in his hand. He wanted to find Ye Wutian in a hurry and ask what was going on. At the same time, he was asking himself to go down the stairs.

"Secretary Wang, I have already told your secretary what I should say, and there is nothing to explain." Before Wang Lin could open his mouth to ask why, Ye Wutian on the other side of the phone had already spoken first, explaining what he wanted. All questions are blocked.

Wang Lin didn't care about Ye Wutian's role as a consultant. He just wanted to find out if Ye Wutian could help him solve the trouble in front of him. With so many patients surrounding the government gate, what would outsiders think of Dongcheng?

"Xiao Ye, you have to help me with this matter and think of a solution for me." Wang Lin was very depressed, thinking that he was a dignified brother in Dongcheng, but now he asked for such an outsider.

With so many patients blocking the government's door, Wang Lin did not dare to use tough measures. Many of the patients were foreigners, so the only person who could solve the problem was Ye Wutian.

"Secretary Wang, you overestimate me. I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter. I'm no longer a consultant, so I can't meet the patient's requirements." Ye Wutian on the phone refused without hesitation. Wang Lin's request.

Wang Lin gave a wry smile, and he knew it was the result. He didn't hold out much hope from the very beginning, but now it seems that this is the case, that kid has never been a good talker.

After chatting for several minutes, Ye Wutian just refused to agree. In his words, he couldn't agree now. He has already left and is no longer a consultant. That's not what he worries about. His current status is only of the Hongyan Group. Chairman.

"Husband, is this not a good thing?" Cheng Kexin asked Kind-hearted, she always thought that Ye Wutian left the patient alone, which was not good and seemed irresponsible.

Ye Wutian smiled slightly: "Actually, I don't want to do this either. You can see that I can't help it, or to put it this way, I just want to use some strength to deal with certain people."

Cheng Kexin of course knows this, the power of the upper layers is not so easy to deal with, and she also admits that Ye Wutian's method is the best way.

Ye Wutian didn't expect those patients to go to surround the city government and protest in this way, but this way seems to be good, at least it can put some pressure on some people.

The incident became more and more intense, and to the end, even Ye Wutian did not expect that the incident was completely out of control, and Dongcheng once again became the focus of the world's eyes. The headache is endless, that kind of person can't be rushed, and they don't dare to use tough methods. The most terrible thing is that that kind of person is not afraid of death at all. Anyway, they are already like this. What else do you care about?

The next day, Ye Wutian was called to the capital by a phone call. This matter has attracted the attention of the high-level officials. Before Ye Wutian got on the plane, he had already guessed that it was time to discuss the conditions. (m)

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