Mad Doctor

Chapter 842: this is the condition

When the plane landed in the capital, Zhu Jian had already driven the car to the airport and waited.

"Young Master Ye, you're so good this time, you can just play a trick to retreat. It's too awesome. Only you can afford such a move." Zhu Jian joked while driving.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, and he turned his head to look at Zhu Jian in the passenger seat: "What do you mean by retreating as an advance? How can you change your taste when you talk about it? I'm not that kind of person."

Zhu Jian didn't listen to it at all, "Stop doing this, if you know it yourself, everyone can see your tricks."

Ye Wutian was madly sweating, "So bad? Is my acting so bad?" Hearing Zhu Jian say this, Ye Wutian didn't deny it anymore.

"Hey, it's not that your acting skills are bad, it's that people are too smart." Zhu Jian said this, but he said in his heart, you are too impatient, and people haven't chased you away. You are in a hurry to resign, don't you think? It's like telling everyone that Ye Wutian is dissatisfied with some people?

All the way from the airport to Zhu's house with Zhu Jian, when they went to Zhu's house, Ye Wutian was taken directly into the old man's room.

When entering the study, the old man was bowing his head and swiping ink, but Ye Wutian didn't bother, he stood quietly beside him, and thought to himself, did the old man want to send him a letter again?

After writing, the old man put down his brush, looked up and saw Ye Wutian standing there, and said, "Here you come?"

"Just arrived, old man, is this letter for me?" Ye Wutian really liked the old man's upright and bright picture, and he thought that it should be a good choice to hang this letter.

The old man smiled: "You kid is really greedy."

Ye Wutian just laughed, his move surprised the secretary standing next to him, Ye Wutian dared to talk to the old chief like this, and the old chief was not angry, what does this mean?

"Sit, I told you to have no other intentions, tell me about your resignation." The old man took a hot towel from the secretary and wiped his hands, motioning Ye Wutian to sit on the sofa.

"Old man, is this all for this? How can something so big still disturb your old man?" asked Ye Wutian who sat down, and then realized that he said something he shouldn't have said, "I'm sorry, I accidentally Speak foul language."

"What do you think?" The old man didn't dwell too much on this issue.

"Nothing to think about? If you're not happy with it, then don't do it."

"that's all?"

"That's it." Ye Wutian replied.

"No other reason?" the old man asked, obviously not believing what Ye Wutian said.

Shaking his head, Ye Wutian said, "No."

"I brought you all the way from Dongcheng, I don't want to hear such a simple sentence from you." The old man didn't buy it.

"In fact, things are really simple, but outsiders think it's complicated."

"It's cool that you quit your job. What about others? What about those patients? They all believe in you, so you treat them like this?"

Ye Wutian suddenly looked a little excited, "What can I do? First of all, my personal ability is limited, and I can't do many things at all, but I also saw that those patients were pitiful, so I asked Yinpai for their help, but the result? ? There are always some dogs and cats who jump out to make trouble. They are plotting against each other like this. What do I get? What is it for? What do I get after paying so much? Money? Or fame? No, I didn't get anything, To put it madly, I don't need those fame and status, and I don't need to rely on them to make money. The reason why I want to do something to help those patients is entirely my own will, including the medical base. Help some people in need who never thought about getting anything out of there."

"It's hard to think of doing something, old man, do you think it's easy for me? I'm not easy." The more Ye Wutian said, the more depressed, and the more he said, the more excited he became. In the end, he stood up from the sofa.

With a smile on the old man's face, he gently waved Ye Wutian to calm down, "It's all temporary, all difficulties will pass."

"It's not worth it. I'm so tired to help others, but there are still so many people who want to see me laughing. Why should I make myself so tired? In this case, it's better for me to have fun, at least I don't need to be tricked by others."

"Xiaoye, you are still young, and you still have a long way to go. You have to remember that people can't just live in their own thoughts. You have to believe that there are only a few bad people in the world. You have the ability to help others. It's a good thing. Many people want to help others, but they don't have the ability. You are not fighting alone. At least you have supporters. You have seen it. With so many supporters to support you, what are you afraid of? Are you going to let those supporters down? They all put all their hopes on you, and you gave them hope. With so many supporters, what are you afraid of?"

Ye Wutian was speechless and could not help but sigh that Jiang was still old and hot. The old man dispelled his dissatisfaction with a few words. Thinking about it, it seems like that is the case. He has so many supporters, and he is afraid hairy? Those turkeys want to deal with him, so what?

Thinking like this, Ye Wutian is still unwilling, knowing that the old man's words are very reasonable, but still unwilling, why? Why should he be directed by those villains who hide in the dark?

"Go back to work, don't pay attention to others, just be yourself," the old man said.

Ye Wutian didn't immediately agree, but said, "Old man, if you want me to go back, I only have one condition, please go back to work from the Yin faction and the southern faction."

The old man smiled lightly and shook his head, stretched out his hand and pointed at Ye Wutian, "You brat."

Ye Wutian's face was flushed, and he felt like a child in front of the old man, but at this time the old man's smile made him feel ashamed. With the old man's shrewdness, how could he not know what he was doing? Perhaps in the eyes of the elderly, his approach is a sign of immaturity.

"Old man, I'm not just for myself, but more for those patients. To be honest, my strength alone is quite limited, and those patients don't have much time to wait, they can't afford it."

The old man thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll consider this matter."

Hearing the old man say this, Ye Wutian finally breathed a sigh of relief, his first goal has been achieved, since the old man dared to say this, he must have been mentally prepared.

"I heard that you have caused a lot of trouble recently?" The old man suddenly changed the subject.

Ye Wutian was stunned, what does the old man mean? Are you concerned about him? Or are you implying that he shouldn't be too high-profile?

"I don't want to, there are a lot of people who are popular, and there are always people who look at me upset, old man, whether you believe it or not, I want to live a quiet life more than anyone else, earn a little money, and play around. enemy?"

The old man smiled again and changed the subject again. Regarding the old man's thinking, Ye Wutian was about to lose track of what the old man was thinking. He just asked a few simple words and stopped asking, what is the old man's real intention?

One of the reasons why Ye Wutian doesn't like to deal with such people is this, he always likes to be roundabout when he speaks, and ordinary people can't understand what they mean at all.

It has been a few hours since he came out of Zhu's house, Ye Wutian shook his head and smiled bitterly, dealing with politicians was more tiring than fighting with beauties all night.

"Young Master Ye, let me make arrangements next. It's rare to come to the capital to relax and relax." Zhu Jian knew what Ye Wutian had talked about with his grandfather. Now that the work has been discussed, he just wants to make the best of his friendship with the landlord. Ye Wutian's hospitality is good.

"Don't arrange any beauties, find a place to sit down." Ye Wutian has no interest in beauties now.

Zhu Jian looked at Ye Wutian in astonishment, that meant he was saying, no? Young Master Ye, you came out with great difficulty, and you are not interested in women? Is it not possible in that respect?

Ye Wutian glared at Zhu Jian with a wry smile: "What are you thinking about, kid? It's not what you think."

"Young Master Zhang and the others have already arranged a place, really don't go?" Zhu Jian couldn't believe it, Ye Wutian was so young, he really shouldn't say such things, doesn't he like beautiful women? Depend on! Do you like men?

Thinking of this, Zhu Jian couldn't help but shuddered, knowing that he thought too much, it was too evil, Ami Tofu.

Ye Wutian didn't answer Zhu Jian's question, but took out the ringing mobile phone. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number in the capital, Ye Wutian didn't think much about it. He pressed the phone and hung up. He had no friends in the capital. It is very likely that the other party made the wrong call.

After the phone was pressed, the phone just put in his pocket rang again, which made Ye Wutian frown again and again, and when he took it out, he saw that it was the same phone number just now.

"Which one?" Ye Wutian who answered the phone asked.

"Haha, Young Master Ye, I haven't seen you for a while, and you don't even want to answer my phone?" The person on the other side of the phone laughed.

He sounded familiar, but Ye Wutian couldn't tell who the other party was, "Who are you?"

Since the other party can call him Young Master Ye, it proves that the other party made the wrong call.

Seeing that Ye Wutian still can't hear a The tone of the other party's words began to become cold, "Young Master Ye, I know that you are in the capital, my grandfather wants to see you."

Ye Wutian was a little angry, and his voice raised several decibels: "Who are you? Don't you have a name? I really don't remember who you are."

"Young Master Ye is really forgetful, so please listen carefully, Young Master Ye, my name is Ma Feng." After that, the phone was hung up.

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, grandma's, heaven and earth conscience, he really didn't hear Ma Feng's voice just now, he hasn't seen him for a long time, and he has almost forgotten Ma Feng, now it's good, He also offended Ma Feng to the death.

The number one young man in the capital, but being despised by others again and again, this is a humiliation to his number one young man, and it is something he cannot bear.

"Go to Ma's house." Ye Wutian turned around and said to Zhu Jian, "What has Ma Feng been doing all this time?"

"Going to the army, I haven't seen him for a while."

Ye Wutian didn't ask any more, and intuitively told him that this trip to the Ma family was likely to cause trouble again. (m)

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