Mad Doctor

Chapter 843: he is more serious

It's not the first time for Ye Wutian to come here, but every time he comes here, he doesn't know why, he's not used to it, if it's not helpless, he really doesn't want to come here, this place doesn't like him very much.

Stepping into the Ma family hall, the first thing Ye Wutian saw was Ma Feng, and the other party also stood up from the sofa at this time.

In the end, it was Ma Feng who spoke first, "What? Young Master Ye, you haven't seen me for a while, don't you know me?"

Ye Wutian just smiled: "I'm sorry just now, I really didn't hear the voice of Master Ma."

Ye Wutian, who was talking, did not withdraw his gaze immediately, and still forgot about Ma Feng.

Seeing this, Ma Feng couldn't help but ask, "Young Master Ye, what are you looking at? Is there something on my face?"

Ye Wutian retracted his gaze at this time, "Oh, no, I feel that Ma Dashao has changed."

"Boy, you didn't come to see me when you came to the capital?" Old Man Ma arrived before he could say, "Do you want to see me, the old man?"

Ye Wutian thought that I really don't want to see it, but he didn't dare to say this, "What's the matter, didn't I just arrive in the capital?"

"Sit." Old Man Ma didn't dwell on this issue too much.

"Hello, grandma, I have nothing to give you. This is a little gift from me. It's not worth much. Please accept it." Ye Wutian took out an antique sandalwood box. years.

The old woman didn't expect Ye Wutian to give her a gift. Sitting in a wheelchair, she smiled and stretched out her hand, "Little genius doctor, how is this possible?"

"Good boy, the gifts have been brought to my house, you are so courageous." Old Man Ma frowned, no one dared to come to his house to give gifts, the Ma family did not need it.

Ye Wutian didn't withdraw his hand, "Old man, this is not a precious gift, it's just my little care."

The old woman said, "Okay, I'll make an exception today and accept your gift from the little genius doctor."

The old woman who took the gift said, "I declare in advance that I don't want expensive gifts."

Ye Wutian smiled and stood there quietly.

When the old woman opened the sandalwood box, there was only a small ball inside.

With the opening of the box, the whole hall suddenly exudes a fragrance, which makes people feel relaxed and refreshed.

nice one!

This is the idea of ​​everyone in the Ma family.

"Grandma, this ball can be refreshing, you can carry it with you, it is good for your body." Ye Wutian explained.

No one doesn't believe Ye Wutian's words. Just smelling it just now can make people feel refreshed and relaxed, so this is definitely a good thing.

"Thank you little genius doctor." The old woman smiled and closed the box. This gift is much more expensive than ordinary gifts. Perhaps this kind of thing is priceless.

"What about mine? Boy, why did you only give it to the old woman? What about my present? You forgot?" Old Man Ma was anxious, he didn't want to miss such a good thing.

Ye Wutian shook his head, "No, old man, I know that you are in high spirits, and I didn't dare to give it to you, so I am not ready to give it to you."

Old Man Ma's eyes widened, he was so choked by Ye Wutian's words that he couldn't say a word. Thinking about it, he seemed to have scolded Ye Wutian for giving gifts to Ma's house just now, but now he is clamoring for gifts?

Ye Wutian said it very calmly and naturally, in the Ma family, only this old woman was worthy of his gift.

The depressed old man Ma could only give up in the end, Ye Wutian pushed him to such a height, how could he be embarrassed to reach out to Ye Wutian for a gift again? He can't afford to lose this old face, not to mention that he just scolded Ye Wutian for sending the gift to the Ma family.

Old man Ma thought that this kid Ye Wutian was definitely doing it on purpose.

"Boy, has the matter in Dongcheng been handled?" Old Man Ma asked.

Ye Wutian was startled, he didn't expect old man Ma to ask this question, it seemed that the matter was too big and attracted the attention of many people.

"Master, I didn't expect you to care about this kind of thing." Ye Wutian smiled: "I just want to build the medical base right now, and I don't think about other things."

"Help if you can, those people are quite pitiful."

"I know."

"Zhan Ming hasn't come back yet?" Old Man Ma looked back at his secretary.

"No, I called him just now, it should be soon." Old Man Ma's middle-aged secretary replied.

Old Man Ma snorted coldly with dissatisfaction: "Humph! It's ridiculous, he doesn't have any sense of time, it seems that he is the busiest, doesn't he have time to come back to eat?"

Ye Wutian sat quietly on the side, and didn't know who the old man Ma said about Zhan Ming, all of which had nothing to do with him.

Half an hour later, that Zhan Ming finally came back, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man.

"You're still willing to come back? It's just to let you have a meal, you just don't have time?" Old Man Ma gave this show a fierce training.

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly, turned his eyes to Ye Wutian, looked at each other for a second or two and then took the initiative to reach out, "Hello, you must be the genius doctor Ye? Haha, it's nice to meet you, I haven't listened to the old man and they mentioned you. , hello, my name is Ma Zhanming, Xiaofeng's father."

Ye Wutian suddenly realized, after a long time of trouble, this man turned out to be Ma Feng's father, the main training object of the Ma family, and the relay of the Ma family.

"Hello." Ye Wutian stretched out his hand and shook it lightly, and then there was no further text.

Ye Wutian can't understand the intention of the old man today, but he knows one thing, the old man cannot be that kind of boring person, and everything he does has his intention. , This Ma Zhanming is not at home, even the old man Ma was so ill last time, Ye Wutian did not see Ma Zhanming.

"Ye Shenyi, I have heard a lot about you." Ma Zhanming said.

"It's all bullshit, it's hard to climb the elegance of the lobby."

Ma Zhanming laughed: "What you said is wrong. If your Hongyan Group is still rare in the lobby, what other company can go to the lobby?"

Ye Wutian just smiled and did not speak.

"Zhan Ming is the commander-in-chief of the Beijing Army." Old Man Ma said.

Ye Wutian was shocked and couldn't help but take a look at Ma Zhanming. It is not easy to climb to this position, but it is not surprising to think about it, what kind of family is the Ma family? They are strong people, naturally they can't be bad.

"Huh!" Ye Wutian was suddenly surprised.

"What's the matter?" Ma Zhanming asked with a smile, "Did Ye Shenyi see something wrong with me?"

"Hehe, what could be wrong with Commander Ma? A high-ranking official like you, with so many imperial physicians around, would have found out if something happened."

"What is the commander not the commander, boy, you can just call Uncle Ma directly, it will be more affectionate." Old Man Ma said.

"Can you? Then I'll take advantage." Ma Zhanming smiled, "It's not easy to be called uncle by Xiaoye."

Ye Wutian was stuck on the top and couldn't get down. Although Ma Zhanming had an extraordinary identity, Ye Wutian didn't want to take advantage of it. He always felt that old man Ma had some purpose in doing this, so that Ye Wutian was calculated by others. I feel that this is what Ye Wutian is very unwilling to see.

It is difficult to enter, and it is also difficult to retreat. The old man Ma will talk about this, so what else can he do?

"Uncle Ma, I took advantage." Ye Wutian shouted.

Ma Zhanming burst into laughter again, and he seemed very satisfied with Ye Wutian's uncle.

Ye Wutian suddenly turned around, "Young Master Ma, don't we become brothers?"

Ma Feng also smiled, but the smile on Ma Feng's face was telling Ye Wutian that Ma Feng's smile was very hypocritical and very fake.

"We are brothers." Ma Feng said.

Ye Wutian raised his **** at Ma Feng secretly, the other party is really thick-skinned, is he a brother? Ye Wutian knew very well that it was impossible for Ma Feng to regard him as his brother. Perhaps in Ma Feng's eyes, others were not worthy of being his Ma Feng's brother.

"It's alright, it's all my own, so you don't need to be polite." Old Man Ma waved his hand, "Boy, help me take a look, it seems that I'm a little uncomfortable during this time."

Ye Wutian took the pulse for old man Ma for a while, "Old man, you have nothing to do, just pay attention to your mood."

"It's rare that there are people together, so let's take a look for them by the way." The old man Ma said again inadvertently.

Ye Wutian caught something vaguely, but he wasn't quite sure. Old Man Ma called him over, probably not because of Dongcheng People's Hospital.

Confused, Ye Wutian walked up to the old lady, stretched out his hand and squeezed the old lady's wrist, "The old lady is doing well, eat more vitamins and other foods."

"I listened to the little genius doctor," said the old woman.

In fact, Ye Wutian didn't take the pulse seriously, what kind of family is the Ma family? There are health doctors waiting by their side at all times, and if there is any trouble, they will know immediately.

When pinching Ma Zhanming's hand vein, Ye Wutian's smile slowly retracted, and he added two points of strength to his hand.

Ye Wutian's reaction attracted the attention of several people in the Ma family, and they all sank in their hearts, all holding their breath, for fear that it would disturb Ye Wutian and affect his judgment.

After pinching Ma Zhanming's right hand, Ye Wutian motioned to the other party to stretch out his left hand as well.

After a long time, Ye Wutian finally took the pulse for Ma Zhanming, raised his head and looked at the other party with embarrassment, not knowing how to speak.

"Is there any problem? What is the mother-in-law doing?" The first person to speak was Old Man Ma, and Ma Zhanming also looked at Ye Wutian nervously.

"Did Uncle Ma feel dizzy and short of breath during this time?" Ye Wutian asked Ma Zhanming nodded slightly.

"If I guessed correctly, you should still be hungry, and your reflection of light is slow, right?" Ye Wutian asked again.

Ma Zhanming nodded again, but this time the nodding was stronger than before, and he was already shocked. For the first time, he realized that Ye Wutian's medical skills were so powerful.

"Uncle Ma was injured before?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Boy, is there any way?" The old man Ma was calm on the surface, but no one knew how nervous he was in his heart. Zhan Ming was the next generation of the Ma family's successor. There must be nothing wrong, otherwise the middle-level Ma family will be very good. Disruptions may occur.

"It's not a big problem. It's not too late for Uncle Ma's situation. It just takes some effort. If it takes a while, the situation will be difficult to say." Ye Wutian comforted.

Everyone in the Ma family breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, but before they could relax completely, they saw Ye Wutian stretch out his hand: "His problem is even more serious." (m)

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