Mad Doctor

Chapter 844: intractable vomiting

Everyone was shocked by Ye Wutian, because he was referring to Ma Feng at this time. He said that Ma Feng was sick? And still not very ill?

How is this going?

Ma Feng's first reaction was that Ye Wutian wanted to scare him, and the two of them had never been on the right track, so Ma Feng extremely suspected that Ye Wutian just wanted to scare him.

Ma Feng is very clear about his own body and is very confident, thinking that nothing will happen.

"What's the problem with Xiaofeng?" Old Man Ma asked. Even if he was a powerful old general, he couldn't help but be afraid. In addition to being an old general, he was also a grandfather and an old man.

"Grandpa, I'm fine." Ma Feng decided that Ye Wutian was bluffing him, and he did not deny that Ye Wutian's medical skills were very powerful, but even so, he also believed that Ye Wutian was bluffing him.

Others don't know, but Ma Feng knows that Yang Langzi was fooled by Ye Wutian.

With such a criminal record, Ma Feng is even more unconvinced. If there is something wrong with one, there must be some discomfort.

Old Man Ma glared at Ma Feng fiercely, but the latter kept his mouth shut and did not dare to say any more. In front of his grandfather, he had no right to refute. All he could do was shut up, and there was no other way.

After Ye Wutian smiled, he stopped talking about Ma Feng's problem, but turned his head and said to Ma Zhanming: "Uncle Ma, your matter is a sequela from the past. It may take some time to clear it now."

It would not be difficult for Ma Zhanming to use Xuanyuan True Qi to remove the after-effects, but Ye Wutian didn't want to do it, and Ma Zhanming was not worth it.

Now, Ye Wutian is slowly starting to understand that the old man Ma came to him, most likely to see a doctor for Ma Zhanming. Ma Zhanming is the new force of the Ma family, and he is the successor. From the Ma family's standpoint, Ma Zhanming can't do anything. .

Ye Wutian just hates dealing with such a person, and if he wants to see a doctor, can he just say no? Ye Wutian was quite unaccustomed to doing so many small gestures, and was quite disgusted.

He is not a member of the system, and I don't know the various minor tunes in it. He may stand in the position of old man Ma and say that old man Ma has the difficulties of old man Ma.

If old man Ma opened his mouth and said to him, no matter what, he wanted to give old man this face, so he had to come.

Ye Wutian didn't understand the way of this circle. The old man Ma's idea was that Ma Zhanming's illness should be cured, and this matter should be kept secret. There is no effect, why is Ma Zhanming dizzy and short of breath? Many doctors can't find the reason. They simply say that Ma Zhanming is too tired and his work is tense. They want him to relax properly. Say the cause.

"Haha, it's no wonder I'm uncomfortable during this time. It turned out to be a small problem, Xiaoye, it seems that I'm going to trouble you." Ma Zhanming was also secretly relieved. It turned out that his dizziness and shortness of breath were not due to the fatigue of work, but due to other reasons. .

Ye Wutian wanted to pass the pen and paper, and in front of the crowd gave Ma Zhanming a prescription.

Ma Zhanming, who took over the recipe, saw that this recipe was just a very ordinary recipe, and all the medicinal materials on it were so ordinary that they could not be more ordinary. Bupleurum, Astragalus, etc.

Ma Zhanming is very puzzled, can such a prescription cure disease? The medicinal materials are all so common, the most important thing is that the Ma family does not lack this money, Ye Wutian should know that the Ma family does not lack this money.

I wanted to ask Ye Wutian several times, and asked him if he had a better recipe, even if the medicinal materials were expensive, it didn't matter, the most important thing was to be effective, and that was more important than anything else.

"One dose a day, fifteen consecutive days, it should be almost the same." Ye Wutian said.

"It's not a big problem, right?" Old Man Ma could feel that Ye Wutian's way of dealing with it a little bit.

Ye Wutian said: "Master, if you don't believe in my level, you can also ask someone to take a look."

Old Man Ma was so choked by Ye Wutian's words that he thought that if I could find that kind of person, why would I need to find you? Need to act in such a big play?

Ye Wutian will talk about it for this sake, and old man Ma is not easy to say anything. Right now, he can only take one step at a time. After eating according to Ye Wutian's request, he will talk about it and see what the situation will be.

Old Man Ma believed that Ye Wutian would not dare to lie to him, nor should he lie to him, "What did you just say? What is Xiaofeng's problem?"

Ye Wutian secretly laughed, this old man regarded him as his family doctor? Depend on! Thinking of him, it would be very expensive for Doctor Ye to usually see a doctor for others.

"The problem is not serious now." Ye Wutian said hesitantly for a while.

Ma Feng despises in his heart. He only had a physical examination in the army this month, and his body is as healthy as a cow. Mostly Ye Wutian was bluffing him.

"People will kill themselves if they don't save themselves." Ye Wutian said something inexplicably and then stopped talking.

Old Man Ma was angry again, he was not stupid, how could he not see the wrong way between Ma Feng and Ye Wutian?

"Little genius doctor, please don't worry too much about Xiaofeng. If there is anything offended, I will apologize for him." The old woman said.

Ye Wutian sighed, the old woman wanted to force him to hold him on a shelf, Ma Feng was here, but she took the initiative to apologize, her identity must be higher than Ma Feng.

The old woman said this, there are layers of meaning, one is to give full face to Ye Wutian, let her apologize, what else can others say? Another meaning can also be said that she is protecting Ma Feng.

"Hehe, grandma, don't, what can happen between me and Young Master Ma?" Ye Wutian didn't expect that he would become so hypocritical one day.

"That's good. Young people just need to move around a lot. It's better to have one more friend than one more enemy." The old woman smiled.

Ye Wutian smiled and didn't answer, which was regarded as agreeing with the old woman's words.

The Ma family were all waiting for Ye Wutian to tell Ma Feng's question, but he just didn't say it.

Ye Wutian took the initiative to open the topic and never mentioned Ma Feng.

Half an hour later, Ye Wutian rejected the Ma family's retention and left the Ma family without eating a single meal.

Originally, Ye Wutian still missed helping Ma Feng in the face of the old man and the old woman, but Ma Feng was disdainful, so Ye Wutian knew that he did not need to be this villain.

Before leaving, Ye Wutian looked at Ma Feng, and only said a word to Ma Feng, asking him to find a doctor, the symptoms of frequent dizziness and vomiting are not good.

In the next instant, Ma Feng's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at Beiying, who was leaving Ye Wutian, in astonishment.

Walking out of the Ma family, Ye Wutian raised his head and breathed a long sigh. He didn't like the Ma family very much, and I believed that the Ma family also didn't like it very much.

As soon as he walked out of the Ma's house, Ye Wutian stopped and looked at the person in front of him helplessly, "How do you know I'm here?"

What Ye Wutian didn't expect was that Xu Ying came, how did she know that he was in the capital?

"The capital is not big." Xu Ying laughed.

He didn't know whether the capital was in the capital, he only knew that he might get off the plane and be targeted.

After getting into Xu Ying's car, Xu Ying took Ye Wutian directly to a restaurant with a good environment and ordered a few dishes that Ye Wutian likes to eat.

Ye Wutian was really hungry. From Zhu's house to Ma's house, he didn't eat for so long, and now his stomach is empty.

Xu Ying didn't eat, she sat quietly opposite, holding her chin in both hands, watching Ye Wutian eat, seeing Ye Wutian's gobbling look, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

Ye Wutian didn't have time to pay attention to Xu Ying's feelings, and after a while, he put down his chopsticks after filling his stomach, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and said, "Thank you for this hearty meal."

"Look at you, you look like you've been hungry for a long time." Xu Ying gave her a wink.

Ye Wutian slightly avoided Xu Ying's gaze and said, "No way, I don't have many friends in the capital, so I can only be hungry."

"You can find me, you know I won't mind."

Ye Wutian, who swallowed his saliva, thought, you don't mind, I don't mind either.

Thinking of the bits and pieces of the past with Xu Ying, Ye Wutian couldn't help but think a little fascinated, if nothing happened between the two, it would be great.

If you want to remember someone, it only takes a second, but if you want to forget one, it takes a lifetime!

Ye Wutian is not a hard-hearted person, it is impossible to say that he has no feelings for Xu Ying.

Xu Ying may also know that what she said was too ambiguous, so her face flushed, and there was a brief silence between the two.

"Young Master Ye, I finally found you." Yu Qicheng appeared in front of the two, but Yu Qicheng kept staring at Xu Ying when he came to speak.

Ye Wutian is very depressed, what happened to this capital? Is it really too small or are these people too talented? Why does everyone know where he is? Depend on!

"What's wrong with Yu Shao?" Ye Wutian asked, the current Yu Qicheng is no longer the blue-haired Yu Qicheng, now he has cut off his long hair, and the color is no longer blue, but black .

Ye Wutian knows that Yu Qicheng must be quite dissatisfied now, but he doesn't care about it. Thinking about it, it seems that he can't blame Yu Qicheng. Xu Ying is about to become Yu Qicheng's wife, but he always accompanies others. depressed.

"Why didn't you call me when you were with Young Master Ye?" Yu Qicheng asked Xu Ying, with a sense of blame.

Xu Ying replied indifferently with her expression unchanged: "I'm not yet Yu's" Yu Qicheng wanted to reach out to hit someone, but this woman is too unethical, and would rather accompany other men He also refused to accompany his soon-to-be-justifiable husband to spread the word, what would those people in Beijing think of him? How do you feel about home?

"Want to hit me?" Xu Ying asked coldly, "Tell me about your business. I advise you to stay calm."

Yu Qicheng clenched his hands tightly into fists, his blue veins were all exposed, he was very angry, even Ye Wutian thought that Yu Qicheng would be angry, but the facts were not what he thought, only to see that Yu Qicheng's hands began to slowly start. Relaxed, he held back.

Ye Wutian admired the change in Qicheng, but if it was him, he might not be able to hold it back.

"Young Master Ye, my grandfather asked me to invite you over there."

"Your father is not feeling well?" Ye Wutian asked.

Yu Qicheng nodded slightly, answering Ye Wutian's question.

Ye Wutian smiled slightly: "It's almost time to calculate the time." (m)

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