Mad Doctor

Chapter 845: what can you come up with

When seeing Yu Taitao again, Ye Wutian's first reaction was whether he saw the wrong person. At this time, Yu Taitao was completely different from before.

At this time, Yu Taitao can no longer be described as thin. In addition to being thin, he is also very haggard, looks very wrong, and has no eyes. Compared with before, it is almost incomparable.

When Ye Wutian appeared at Yu's house, Yu Taitao's turbid eyes shot a gleam of light, like a drowning person caught a piece of life-saving grass, and instantly bounced off the sofa. He was a little excited when he rushed to Ye Wutian. .

Ye Wuwu didn't take the initiative to speak, but just looked at each other quietly.

"Ye, Ye." Yu Taitao opened his mouth and said a few words, but he didn't say a complete sentence. He was too nervous and too excited. Before today, how could he have thought that one day he would be like this in front of Ye Wutian Excited? I wonder why Yu Taitao was so excited and nervous in front of others?

He was used to seeing the smell of blood, and he was never afraid even in the face of all kinds of enemies. Today, he was nervous and afraid.

"Uncle Yu." Mr. Xu Ying, who was standing next to him, said, and she took the initiative to follow him in the restaurant just now.

"Hehe, Xiaoying is here too, sit down, please sit down." Yu Taitao finally found the topic, and finally no longer had to be so embarrassed.

Xu Ying nodded slightly, "Come and see Uncle Yu."

"Have a heart." Yu Taitao said, "Sit down, all sit down."

The servant quickly brought the tea, and Ye Wutian took a sip of tea: "General Yu, long time no see."

Yu Taitao smiled bitterly, "Yeah! Long time no see, it feels like centuries have passed."

"General Yu has something on his mind?" Ye Wutian asked, this is equivalent to knowingly asking, this fellow is clearly intentional.

Yu Taitao gave another wry smile, "To be honest, Mr. Ye, I want to ask you for help today."

Ye Wutian laughed secretly, knowing that Yu Taitao was in a hurry, so he couldn't wait to enter the theme.

At this time, Yu Zhengyu also walked in from the door, and before anyone arrived, laughter came: "Haha, Xiaoye is here."

Ye Wutian felt that he was being treated in a high-profile manner. How could he be treated like this at Yujia?

"Vice Chairman Yu." Ye Wutian shouted.

Yu Zhengyu smiled and stretched out his hand and held Ye Wutian affectionately.

With Yu Zhengyu's status, he usually only holds one hand when shaking hands with others, but now, he is holding Ye Wutian tightly with both hands.

What if the weight is high again? How about being famous again?

During the chat, Yu Zhengyu glanced at Xu Ying inadvertently, and that glance was very meaningful and purposeful.

Ye Wutian can somewhat guess what Yu Zhengyu meant, presumably the other party should be a little dissatisfied, right? It is well known to the outside world that Xu Ying was already the wife of the family, but now she appears in the family, and the daughter-in-law of the family is accompanied by another man. What will others think? Yu's family is no ordinary family.

Xu Ying seemed to be fine and sat quietly beside her. In this situation, it gave people the illusion that she was not the daughter-in-law of the Yu family, but Ye Wutian's woman.

Ye Wutian was so helpless. He didn't want such a scene to happen. Many things were unexplainable and unclear. In fact, even if he explained it to the Yu family now, he just met Xu Ying accidentally, and the Yu family had would believe?

At this time, the family asked him for something, and he might not say anything on his lips, but he must be dissatisfied in his heart.

"Xiaoye, you are still young. I feel old when I see you." Yu Zhengyu smiled.

"What is old? Vice-chairman Yu is still very young. The country still needs you to take care of us. Vice-chairman Yu, you must not think that you are old. Even if you want to recognize old age, you can't."

Yu Zhengyu laughed, "You really can talk."

Ye Wutian didn't say anything, and faced each other with a smile on his face.

"Qicheng, you take Xiaoying out for a walk." Yu Zhengyu said after laughing, "It's everyone's fiancé, and Xiaoying has to be left out."

Yu Qicheng's face was taught: "Grandpa is right, I didn't do it well."

Xu Ying stood up, she was smart enough to know that an outsider like her was not suitable for the next conversation.

Yu Qicheng also followed Xu Ying out, Yu Zhengyu glanced left and right, and said to Ye Wutian: "Little Ye, let's go into the study and talk."

Ye Wutian knew that the main topic was coming.

After Yu Zhengyu entered the study, Ye Wutian took a look at the study. The decoration is not very high-end. Judging from the decoration of this study, Yu Zhengyu is not useless. After all, he is also the core of the country. Quality in many respects is excellent.

After sitting down, Yu Zhengyu was the first to speak: "Xiaoye, you should know the purpose of our invitation."

Ye Wutian was not hypocritical, nodded slightly: "Bring the test sheet to see."

Yu Taitao immediately handed a document bag to Ye Wutian, perhaps he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Little Ye, no matter what the outcome is, I hope you can keep today's affairs a secret." Yu Zhengyu said, staring at Ye Wutian like knives.

Ye Wutian didn't open the file bag immediately, and looked up at Yu Zhengyu: "If you don't believe me, I don't need to open it."

The corners of Yu Zhengyu's mouth twitched a few times, and he smiled awkwardly: "Haha, it's not that I don't believe you, I just don't want to cause some unnecessary trouble."

"I can understand your feelings, Vice-Chairman. Regarding today's matter, I can only say that even if the matter is spread out one day, it must not be spread from me. This is something I can guarantee." Ye Wu Tian did not want to push the other party too hastily.

Yu Zhengyu breathed a sigh of relief, and was waiting for this sentence, for fear that today's events would spread out in the future. Yu Zhengyu also knew that it was impossible to hide this matter for a long time. Can't handle that much anymore.

"Little Leaf, look at those things first."

Ye Wutian opened the file bag slowly after hearing the words. These things are considered top secrets among the top secrets for the family. If it is not forced, the Yu family will never agree to take out all these things.

If the Yu family did this, it was already equal to putting all their hopes on Ye Wutian, and they were helpless.

After opening the file bag, Ye Wutian took out the test sheets and saw that one of the test results was 'positive'.

Yu Taitao really got hit!

The results on the test sheet were both a magnitude 10 earthquake for Tai Tao and Yu's family. Although they had been psychologically prepared in advance, when the truth came, it was still difficult for the whole Yu's family to accept it, which was inconceivable.

Ye Wutian put down the test sheet in his hand and looked at Yu Taitao, who was so nervous that he didn't even dare to breathe, for fear of hearing something he didn't want to hear from Ye Wutian's mouth.

For Tai Tao, Ye Wutian is the judge.

The test sheets of several large hospitals are all positive, which means that the result is absolutely not wrong.

"What? Xiao, Xiaoye, is my condition serious?" Yu Taitao couldn't wait to ask, he still held a glimmer of hope, Ye Wutian's medical skills are so powerful, there should be a way, Ruth's matter also gave Yu Taitao a trace Encouragement, even Ruth's situation can be cured, and Ye Wutian may also be able to cure his disease.

Speaking of which, he got this disease completely because of Ye Wutian's gift at the beginning. It was Ye Wutian who found the kind of person who carried HIV to frame him in Taitao, so what happened today.

There is hatred and resentment, whether it is Yu Jia or Yu Taitao, neither dare to be angry nor speak out, but rather ask for each other.

"Stretch out your hand." Ye Wutian didn't immediately answer Yu Taitao.

According to Ye Wutian's instructions, he stretched out his hand and let Ye Wutian take the pulse for him.

Ye Wutian spent nearly five minutes taking the pulse of the other party. After stopping, Ye Wutian asked, "Is there any discomfort?"


"Well." Ye Wutian seemed to be thinking about something. On the opposite side, Yu Zhengyu whispered: "Tell me your conclusion, is the situation serious?"

"Serious, quite serious." Ye Wutian replied, "If you put on such a thing, the result is needless to say."

Yu Taitao's face was instantly pale, and he was most afraid to hear this sentence from Ye Wutian's mouth.

If it weren't for the fact that Yu Taitao's psychological quality was still relatively strong, it would be because he didn't even have the strength to stand.

"Is there any hope?" Yu Zhengyu was equally uncomfortable. If something happened to his son, what would happen to the family waiting for him? He, the head of the family, knows very well that it will not be long before the Yu family will slowly withdraw from the historical stage in Beijing.

"Before answering your question, I have a question that I want to ask you first." Ye Wutian answered the question.

"Oh, please say it." Yu Zhengyu is not stupid, Ye Wutian did not refuse, it is enough to explain the problem, what does it mean? It shows that Ye Wutian has confidence.

The most excited is Yu Taitao, how can he calm down at this time? Looking at Ye Wutian eagerly. UU reading

"As you all know about General Yu's situation, you should find someone to see it. I don't need to explain how difficult it is. I also don't have much confidence in his condition, and it depends on the process. However, even so, there is one thing that I am not sure about. I can also tell you that I am at least 20% sure about his illness, maybe more than that." Ye Wutian stretched out two fingers.

With a 20% chance, Yu Taitao's eyes suddenly lit up. The 20% chance doesn't sound like much, but he has already asked several authoritative experts, and all of them can only shake their heads. Now Ye Wutian has a 20% chance, which is already very big.

People always think about the good side, Ye Wutian only said 20%, maybe he just wanted to be conservative, but his heart is not more than 20% sure.

Compared with Yu Taitao, Yu Zhengyu seemed much calmer. He was not impatient, and knew that the next time was when Ye Wutian made the conditions.

Sure enough, I saw Ye Wutian asking: "Vice Chairman Yu, I just want to know, what can you give me? What can you come up with?"

"What do you want?" Yu Taitao asked anxiously, worried that Ye Wutian's conditions were too high. If Ye Wutian asked for tens of billions and tens of billions, how could Yu's family get it? (m)

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