Mad Doctor

Chapter 846: no time to compare with you

The father and son of the Yu family all looked at Ye Wutian nervously, for fear that Ye Wutian would make conditions for them to be embarrassed.

"I won't take the initiative to issue conditions, it should be up to you. Of course, some too simple conditions don't need to be mentioned." Ye Wutian said.

The father and son of the Yu family were dumbfounded, and they never dreamed that Ye Wutian would throw out such a sentence and ask people to make a condition first. How to open this condition? It's not enough to open less, let Ye Wutian put it forward first, at least there is a degree, there is a measure of the size, but Ye Wutian throws such a sentence.

"Vice Chairman Yu, you can rest assured that no matter what the outcome is, I won't reveal a word about this today."

Yu Zhengyu secretly scolded a little fox, and Ye Wutian didn't take the initiative to say the conditions, which was even more difficult. "Xiaoye, you don't have to doubt our sincerity, but we also want to know what you want and tell us your conditions. At least we know if the Yu family can achieve it."

No one negotiates conditions like Ye Wutian, throwing the initiative to others, what the **** is this?

If there is a chance, Yu Zhengyu wants to throw Ye Wutian into the prison, let this stinky boy never see the light of day, and kill him all at once, it will be too cheap for him, like this hateful person, want a little bit He slowly tormented him, causing him to suffer both mentally and physically, and finally slowly collapsed. Only in this way can he relieve his anger.

"Vice Chairman Yu, logically I shouldn't put forward such conditions, but you must know the situation of this disease. Once I help General Yu, I have to spend a lot of effort. In other words, what I need to pay is very high. Many, I don't want to make such a condition, but I want to know what you can give in Yujia, so that I can see your sincerity, how much sincerity you are, I will have more Be attentive."

Yu Zhengyu was silent, Ye Wutian's words could no longer be understood. If he wanted to help him as best he could, he still had to look at his family's investment, but the question was how much investment would he need to satisfy Ye Wutian?

Yu Zhengyu can hold his breath, but Yu Taitao can't hold his breath. This is a matter of his life and death. He has already been in chaos. He just wants Ye Wutian to help him. For this, he will do whatever it takes.

"Mr. Ye, tell me about your conditions, what do you want?" Yu Taitao asked, his words representing his inner anxiety.

"Hehe, to be honest, I really can't think of what I need right now. I don't seem to be lacking anything, so I don't even know what I want."

Yu Taitao almost didn't scold his mother, what the **** is going on? Why does Ye Wutian not get oil and salt?

"Xiaoye, I know that your company's business has been affected recently. I can help you." Yu Zhengyu said after thinking for a while.

Ye Wutian said: "Thank you for your concern, Vice Chairman Yu, but this matter doesn't need your concern, I can settle it myself."

Yu Zhengyu was stunned, Ye Wutian's words meant that he did not agree with this condition, so what did Ye Wutian want? Can't you just **** say it?

"You two, don't worry about it first, you can think about it slowly. Although General Yu's situation is very urgent, he will not be killed in a while."

Yu Zhengyu was very angry at these words, but he had nothing to do with Ye Wutian.

"Vice-Chairman Yu, you guys talk first, I'll avoid it for a moment, and I can tell me the results, but I have to remind you that, although General Yu's situation won't kill him all of a sudden, you can't ignore it, let alone drag it on. , the longer it drags on, the more detrimental it will be to him." Ye Wutian reminded again kindly.

The father and son of the Yu family all have a common idea at this meeting. They want to kill people and silence them. Let him say Ye Wutian, and let others say anything? Just now I told others not to worry, but now I tell them not to think about it for too long.

Everyone knows that the longer the delay, the worse the situation will be for the family.

"Finished talking?" After walking out of the study, Xu Ying stepped forward, and Yu Qicheng next to him also stepped forward, hoping to know some insider stories from Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian nodded slightly, Xu Ying and Yu Qicheng didn't seem to have much to talk about, the two were actually cold, and they were about to get married. It stands to reason that such a couple should be intimate. Condition.

Maybe from the beginning, Xu Ying sold herself as an item, and she didn't care or care who the other half was, they were all men.

"Young Master Yu, I have nothing to say, I promised your grandfather, so don't look at me." Ye Wutian said.

Yu Qicheng didn't ask any more after hearing the words, but there was still a little disappointment in his eyes.

"I still have something to go first, you can talk." Ye Wutian was ready to leave after saying that.

"Wait." Xu Ying shouted, "Aren't you waiting for me?"

Ye Wutian, who had stopped, turned to look at Xu Ying: "You don't play anymore?"

"I brought you here, and now I should take you away." Xu Ying said a reason that was not a reason.

Beside him, Yu Qicheng looked calm, but his hands behind his back had deeply betrayed him, his fists clenched, no doubt telling others that he was very angry.

"No, I'm not a child, and I'm afraid I'll get lost? You can have a good chat with Yu Shao, you don't need to send me."

"It's over." Xu Ying didn't take Ye Wutian's way: "I have to send you back."

Yu Qicheng squeezed out a slightly stiff smile: "How about I take Ye Shao back to the hotel."

"What you have to do now is to care about Uncle Yu's situation. Let me do this kind of thing." Xu Ying's tone was very light and cold, not like a conversation between lovers at all, even more than a stranger. passerby.

Such a picture appeared in Yu Qicheng's mind. When Xu Ying sent Ye Wutian back to the hotel, something that should not have happened happened to the two of them, and some pictures that were not suitable for children.

Although he told himself repeatedly in his heart that he couldn't think in that direction, and couldn't think about it any longer, Yu Qicheng couldn't help it.

In the end, Yu Qicheng could only watch Xu Ying and Ye Wutian leave, and watched them leave. Yu Qicheng's face was terrifyingly heavy. As a man, he was a failure and helpless.

Holding the anger in his heart, he waited for the grandfather and the two to come out. Compared with Xu Ying's affairs, he was more concerned about his father's situation.

"You don't need to do this." Ye Wutian said after leaving Yu's house.

Xu Ying, who started the car, said, "I will go crazy if I stay here any longer."

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, and didn't answer any more. Although Yu Qicheng didn't say anything, he would definitely hate him even more. Now that he wants to ask him, he doesn't dare to do anything. What will happen in the future?

"You don't have to blame yourself. This matter has nothing to do with you. I brought it up on my own. I can't blame others."

"I won't blame myself, I'm an adult, I know what I do, Xu Ying, no matter what our past is, now I just want to tell you that you don't have to fight for what, it won't do you any good." It can be said that the words came from Ye Wutian's heart, he really didn't want to see Xu Ying continue like this.

"Dou Qi?" Xu Ying showed a bitter smile, "Perhaps, I have no way back, do you think so?"

Xu Ying took Ye Wutian to the hotel. After Ye Wutian opened the room, Xu Ying asked in front of the crowded hotel lobby, "Do you mind asking me to sit there?"

Ye Wutian did not expect that Xu Ying would put forward such a condition. Xu Ying's voice was not too small. As soon as she said these words, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Xu Ying is definitely a beautiful beauty. She took the initiative to ask a man to invite her to sit in the room. He didn't hear Xu Ying's words clearly.

"Forget it, I'm a little tired and want to rest early." Ye Wutian refused, and he knew that he had to refuse. Once Xu Ying was invited into the room, he might not even be able to control himself, and he didn't know what would happen. , If Xu Ying tempted him like before, would he still be able to resist the temptation? Disaster!

Xu Ying was disappointed for a while and didn't insist any longer. She just said something to Ye Wutian to rest early and left.

Ye Wutian who returned to the room threw himself on the bed, what will the Yu family do next? What conditions will be given? Think really looking forward to it.

Ye Wutian knew very well that if he did this by himself, he would completely offend the Yu family to death. What would the Yu family think if he gave the Yu family such conditions? Of course, Ye Wutian doesn't care what Yu Jia thinks anymore. Even without this, it is impossible to become friends with Yu Jia. The first person to deal with him will be Yu Qicheng.

He reached into his pocket and took out his mobile phone, "Mr. Wu, do you want to betroth your granddaughter to me?"

Wu Qunsheng rarely called him at ordinary times. Every time he received a call from Wu Qunsheng, Ye Wutian could not help but tease him a few times.

Wu Qunsheng on the other side of the phone laughed and scolded a few words and cut to the chase, "Do you remember what I told you last time?"

"What's the matter?" Ye Wutian couldn't remember what Wu Qunsheng had said to him.

"The people from Jiang Chengsheng's side are here."

After Wu Qunsheng's reminder, Ye Wutian instantly remembered, "Is the little stick here?"

Wu Qunsheng smiled helplessly for a while, this kid has no manners at all, what a little stick?

"Is it beautiful?" Ye Wutian asked again: "Is the other party beautiful?"

Wu Qun is angry and doesn't come People are here to compare medical skills with you, do you think they are here for beauty contests? "

"I don't care about that. If it's not beautiful, I won't compare with her."

"She's by my side." Wu Qunsheng spit out a sentence.

Ye Wutian was surprised, just when he was about to speak, there was a stiff **** the phone, speaking Chinese, not standard, it sounded a bit strange.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, my name is Jiang Yu, and I want to compete with you."

"Wait, Miss Jiang Yu, go back, I don't have time to compare with you." Ye Wutian interrupted the other party's speech, the other party's voice was not pleasant, so someone directly commented on Jiang Yu's appearance in his heart ,Not pretty.

"I must compare with you." Jiang Yu's tone could not be rejected by anyone, she was very firm.

Ye Wutian is funny, but also a stubborn girl, "I'll say it again, I won't compare with you, go back, don't bother me." (m)

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