Mad Doctor

Chapter 847: Conditions are up to you

After hanging up Jiang Yu's phone, Ye Wutian called Zhu Jian and the others, and went out with them to go crazy until midnight. Under the wheel battle of Zhu Jian and the others, even Ye Wutian, who had always been a good drinker, also had a few. Get drunk.

The next day, Ye Wutian opened his eyes and found himself lying on the hotel bed, but he couldn't remember what happened last night, and he didn't know how he got back.

Touching the phone, there are nine missed calls, seven of which are unfamiliar numbers in the capital, and the other two are Cheng Kexin.

After calling Cheng Kexin, the two chatted for a while. Cheng Kexin told him on the phone that the sales of male **** pills were also suppressed, and it was suspected that someone was deliberately playing tricks behind the scenes.

Ye Wutian comforted a few words and told Cheng Kexin not to worry, no one secretly suppressed after the product of his company came out? From Qingcheng Pills to the present Nanshen Pills, any product has to be suppressed by a large number of competitors. Ye Wutian has long seen it and is used to it. Who made your product too unbelievable? If you don't oppress you, who else will you oppress? Once your product comes out, how will people live? How do people's companies survive?

Ye Wutian is quite confident in his products, and he is not afraid of any opponents.

After chatting with Cheng Kexin for half an hour, it ended with Ye Wutian's kiss in the air. Just after putting down the phone, the phone rang again, this time it was the unfamiliar number.

"Which one?" Ye Wutian wondered for a long time, but couldn't figure out who the other party was.

"Young Master Ye, it's me, Ma Feng."

Before answering the call, Ye Wutian thought about a lot of people, including Zhang Jing, the prince, and people who made the wrong call. The only thing I didn't expect was that Ma Feng would make this call to him. You must know that Ma Feng doesn't care about him. How to see you.

From the phone, I can feel that Ma Feng speaks with a kind of ingratitude, which makes Ye Wutian very curious, wondering why Ma Feng has spoken to him in such a tone?

To make Ma Feng like this, Ye Wutian knew that his own words must have had an effect.

"Master Ma, I'm sorry, I was drunk last night, and I didn't know a call came in."

"Hehe, I can understand and understand. According to Ye Shao, you came to the capital, and we should receive you. Unfortunately, these two days are not available. Next time, next time you come to the capital, I will find an opportunity to apologize to you." Ma Feng said.

Ye Wutian didn't like Ma Feng the most, because he was so hypocritical, and Ma Feng's words reminded him of the last time that Ma Feng deliberately treated him like that, which made him very unhappy.

"What's wrong with Ma Shao?" Ye Wutian asked.

Ma Feng hesitated for a while, then said across the phone, "Young Master Ye, what symptoms did you say I had yesterday? What was the reason that I wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit? What caused it?"

Ye Wutian sneered, thinking that you, Ma Feng, are not afraid of death, but it turned out to be a soft egg.

"You don't have to worry about this, Master Ma. There are so many top doctors in the capital. You can find a doctor to take a good look at it, Master Ma." Ye Wutian answered the question.

Ma Feng almost couldn't hold back the scolding. He had just had a medical examination in the army and nothing happened, but now he came to Ye Wutian but it became a problem, and he also had the symptoms that Ye Wutian said.

Yesterday, Ma Feng always thought that Ye Wutian was bluffing him, that he was deliberately using words to scare him, but a few words of Ye Wutian made him feel scared, because he had all the symptoms that Ye Wutian said. .

"Young Master Ye, to be honest, I really don't trust the level of others, I only trust you."

Ye Wutian smiled: "Hehe, thank you for your trust, Master Ma, I am very happy to have you believe so, thank you."

"I don't know if you can come over and help me see, Young Master Ye? I'm very grateful."

Ye Wutian scolded secretly, even at this time, he Ma Feng is still holding an air? Cao, if you want to find someone to see a doctor, do you need someone to go there? Who does Ma Feng really think he is? Without the old man Ma, without the Ma family, he Ma Feng is nothing, the number one young master in the capital? Bullshit.

"Oh! You should speak in person, Mr. Ma, and I should agree, but I'm very sorry, I'm not available for the time being."

Ma Feng was stunned, Ye Wutian refused him? Still use this reason to refuse? For a while, Ma Feng didn't know what to say, thinking that he often used this kind of excuse as an excuse, but now it's better, being rejected by others with the same excuse is not a good feeling.

Holding back his helplessness and depression, Ma Feng asked, "Oh, I wonder when will you be free, Young Master Ye?"

Ye Wutian pretended to think seriously for a while, "This, Ma Shao, I'm afraid I will be very busy in the next few months, Ma Feng, you must know, I have just launched a new product, so there will be a lot of work to be done. Do."

Ma Feng thought that Ye Wutian would only say that he was not free for a few days at most, but he would say a few months as soon as he opened his mouth. Why didn't he say that Ye Wutian was not free for a few years?

"Ma Shao, I'm really sorry! Logically, I shouldn't refuse. With Ma Feng's face, I should help with this, but now I really can't separate myself. Ma Da Shao, you are also a person who loves your work. You should also be able to understand the inexorable difficulty, right?"

Ma Feng feels as uncomfortable as eating flies, loves his work? This reason seems very good.

Ye Wutian is just telling Ma Feng that every young man is the same, they are people who love work, so it is impossible to give up work and do other things.

"You don't have to worry about Ma Dashao, your condition is not serious, so, you can find a famous doctor in the capital to see what's going on, and then I will try my best to spare time to help you to see, you can rest assured, only I'll call you as soon as I have time."

Ma Feng asked, "Aren't you going to help Yu Taitao see a doctor? Then, Young Master Ye, you should come to the capital often."

The subconscious of Ma Feng's words is saying, if this is the case, you Ye Wutian should have a lot of time.

"Hehe, what Ma Dashao said is wrong. I'm not an ordinary doctor. It's impossible to see hundreds of patients every day, especially in some special cases." Ye Wutian was shocked, this capital really has no secrets. Saying that, Ma Feng knows about Yu Taitao's situation, which means that the Ma family is also aware of it, but what about others? Don't you know the same?

The two chatted for a while, but Ye Wutian refused.

Ye Wutian didn't know that after Ma Feng hung up the phone, he was so angry that he smashed the phone directly. How could he not hear that Ye Wutian was deliberately embarrassing him?

The outside world is rumored that Ye Wutian is a master who will take vengeance, and it seems that it is so.

Ma Feng doesn't think that he is wrong. He is arrogant in his heart. He will not think that he is wrong. He didn't before, and he doesn't now. He still thinks that Ye Wutian is not worthy of being his friend of Ma Feng. A doctor, a businessman, a successful businessman.

Compared with power, businessmen are always powerful, and Ma Feng advocates power. He is an ambitious person. With power, is he still afraid of running out of money?

Ye Wutian didn't know Ma Feng's behavior of smashing the phone. He didn't like Ma Feng. He didn't like it before, and now he doesn't like it even more. In the end, even if he wanted to help Ma Feng, it couldn't be because of Ma Feng's face, but because of old man Ma's face.

After getting up and eating something, there is no phone call from Yu's house until now, Ye Wutian is not in a hurry, and rushes back to Dongcheng after eating.

More and more patients are sitting at the gate of Dongcheng government. So far, the number has reached 20,000, and the number is still increasing.

In the past two days, Wang Lin's white hair has increased a lot. So many patients sit in protest and let him, the first brother in Dongcheng, stand out, but it is a negative impact. The eyes of the world are watching Dongcheng and know what happened in Dongcheng.

Wang Lin really wanted to solve this matter, but many things were simply beyond his control, not his little Dongcheng secretary.

If Ye Wutian doesn't go back to Dongcheng People's Hospital to be his consultant for a day, this matter will not be over. No one can guarantee when that kid will go back to be his consultant?

After getting off the plane, Ye Wutian went back to the company directly from the airport. When he first returned to the gate of the company, he saw a black car parked there. Ye Wutian's first reaction was Ye Dongxuan.

"Ye Wutian." The car door was opened, and a woman came out.

This is a beautiful woman!

"My name is Jiang Yu, and I want to play with you."

Ye Wutian was a little surprised, "You are Jiang Yu?" Ye Wutian's first reaction was how is Jiang Yu so beautiful? Isn't her voice bad? How can people look so beautiful?

Artificial beauties are definitely like that, most of the Jiang Yu in front of them has been processed the day after tomorrow.

Whether or not she's made it the day after, she looks really beautiful.

"Miss Jiang Yu, right? I already told you on the phone, I don't want to compare with you, it's boring." Ye Wutian looked up and down for a long time, focusing on the chest.

Jiang Yu found Ye Wutian's strange eyes, and was contemptuous in his heart, and his impression of Ye Wutian fell to the bottom in an instant. Even if such a man has good medical skills, his character is definitely not good.

"I must compare with you." Jiang Yu said stubbornly.

Ye Wutian burst into This woman has a bad temper.

"In order to compete with you, I learned your Chinese language, Ye Wutian, if my grandfather loses to you, I will not lose."

"Okay, you won, okay? You win." Ye Wutian waved his hand impatiently. If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was a woman, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to slap him, what the hell? Losing is losing, can't you afford to lose? Grandpa lost, and the granddaughter came to find a place. No wonder he always said that little sticks are shameless guys. Now it seems like that.

Jiang Yu is dumb, let her win first? Ye Wutian is not letting her, but despising her, ignoring her, and looking down on her opponent.

"Ye Wutian, are you a man?" Jiang Yu was very angry. There was absolutely no such rude man in their country.

"I don't need you to judge whether I am a man or not." Ye Wutian said this and suddenly came up with a thought, "Miss Jiang Yu, if you want to compare with me, you must agree to a condition."

Jiang Yu said: "As long as you can compare with me, the conditions are up to you." (m)

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