Mad Doctor

Chapter 848: deceived

Ye Wutian was stunned. He didn't expect Jiang Yu to be so generous and mad. From this point of view, it also proved that she was confident in her medical skills.

"Very well, this is what you said. If you want to compare with me, you must be my assistant for two years, and you must listen to me during this period." Ye Wutian put forward conditions, and he also knew that these conditions were a bit harsh and a bit excessive. share.

Sure enough, Jiang Yu's two willow-leaf brows were frowned, as if he couldn't believe that Ye Wutian would offer such a condition.

If you want to compete with him, you have to be his assistant for two years. What are the conditions?

"Of course, you don't have to agree." Ye Wutian said: "I also know that this condition is a bit embarrassing for you, but I still want to make this condition."

"You said everything was up to you, I want to know, does that include going to bed?" Jiang Yu asked coldly.

Ye Wutian was asked, the conscience of heaven and earth, he didn't think about that aspect just now, it didn't mean that at all, who knows that this woman will mention it first.

"Hey, I can only say, if Miss Jiang Yu is willing, I usually won't refuse." There are beautiful women who take the initiative to threaten to sleep with you. Uncle Ye usually won't refuse this kind of thing, and he doesn't know how to refuse. .

Jiang Yu's contempt for Ye Wutian was even stronger.

Ye Wutian knew that Jiang Yu was despising him, but he didn't care, just despise him, so what? "Come on, don't bother me."

"Change the condition." Jiang Yu didn't leave.

Ye Wutian shook his head: "No, I just like this condition, there is no negotiation."

"Two years is too long, I can't agree, two months, this is my limit." Jiang Yu said.

"Boring, go back quickly if you don't agree."

"In our country, a man would never embarrass a woman like this."

"Stop that trick, you little sticks are the worst thing, you dare to say that any good thing is yours, the Chinese medicine doctor will become a Korean doctor when you come to your place, and you dare to say that you are graceful? Damn it! Jiang Yu, if you are not a woman , I really want to smoke you." At the end, Ye Wutian added in his heart, "Not only on the ground, but also on the bed."

Jiang Yu blushed, how could she not hear such a big irony?

"Miss Jiang Yu, am I right? Is it traditional Chinese medicine or Korean medicine?" Ye Wutian was chasing after him.

Jiang Yu said, "I'm not here to discuss this kind of issue with you this time."

"Okay, then do you agree to my conditions? If I remember correctly, you said just now that the conditions are up to me. What? You forgot? Even if you are a woman, you can't be so shameless, right?"

This remark made Jiang Yu blushed again. She said it, but she didn't know that Ye Wutian would make such an unreasonable request, and the lion asked her to be an assistant for two years.

"For another condition, I'll bet with you." Jiang Yu refused to agree to that condition, but she refused to leave. She spent so much effort and traveled thousands of miles to Dongcheng just because she wanted Ye Wutian to test her medical skills.

Ye Wutian is funny: "Little girl, do you not understand human words or what? It's not bad for this handsome guy to speak? You should be able to hear it."

"Your conditions are too shameless." Jiang Yu finally couldn't help but retort fiercely.

"Calm down, please keep calm, you are a lady, you are so irritable, and you will lose your country's face for this, regardless of your own health, understand? So don't be impulsive, always keep you Her ladylike demeanor, understand?" Ye Wutian reminded kindly, but this fellow's kind reminder was not malicious.

Jiang Yu was so angry that she knew about Ye Wutian before coming to Dongcheng. She probably knew what Ye Wutian was like. Now, it seems that she still underestimated Ye Wutian, so how shameless is this kid? Shameless is no longer suitable to describe him.

"I compare with you, I lose, and I will be your assistant for two years." Jiang Yu changed the conditions slightly.

"Okay, I can allow you to change the conditions, but I also have to make some changes." Ye Wutian said: "If I win, you have to be my assistant for three years."

"Didn't you say two years?"

"Hey, that was just now."

Jiang Yu was silent, not knowing what to do. If she loses, she has to be Ye Wutian's assistant for three years. Three years is a long time. What should she do? Do you really want to promise?

"How is it? Answer or not? Make a decision quickly, don't waste everyone's time." Ye Wutian is not in a hurry, Jiang Yu has already entered the game, maybe he will get an assistant soon, the last time Zhang Jing was unsuccessful, This time, Jiang Yu can't be spared no matter what, he dares to come here from such a long way = he challenges, and thinks that his medical skills will not be too bad.

"Yes, but the questions of the competition must be answered by me." After some weighing, Jiang Yu agreed.

Ye Wutian smiled: "No problem, I think it's simple. I have a stomachache. Let's find two people with stomachaches and see who gets cured first."

Jiang Yu frowned and looked a little unhappy. He clearly said that she was going to ask her the question. Now, when he turned around, he Ye Wutian asked the question shamelessly.

"I can promise you that if you lose this time, after serving as my assistant for three years, I will promise to compete with you again without any conditions." Ye Wutian threw out such a candy again.

"Okay, it's a deal." Sure enough, Jiang Yu agreed.

Ye Wutian smiled, smiling brightly and happily, the little sheep had already fallen into the trap.

Taking Jiang Yu to the hospital, under the arrangement of the hospital, Ye Wutian and Jiang Yu each selected a patient with stomach pain, and for the sake of fairness, the two sides handed over the selected patient to the other side. complete fairness.

After making eye contact with Jiang Yu, both of them started to act. Ye Wutian's target was a middle-aged woman. At this time, the pain made her face pale, her hands were tightly covering her stomach, and her expression was painful.

Ye Wutian took the pulse for the other party and asked a few simple questions.

On the other hand, Jiang Yu also took the patient's pulse and asked more detailed questions than Ye Wutian. After asking the question, he even reached out and pressed the patient's stomach several times before giving a prescription.

After prescribing the prescription, Jiang Yu did not stop, but let the patient lie on the bed. She used massage techniques to relieve the patient's pain. It took at least half an hour for the process from prescribing the prescription to letting the patient drink the medicine. , In addition to the exertion of the efficacy of the drug, it takes an hour at the fastest to add up before and after.

Jiang Yu's actions made Ye Wutian look at her differently. I really couldn't tell that this woman was kind-hearted.

"Why don't you do it?" It was ten minutes after the patient was massaged, but Jiang Yu found that Ye Wutian was standing still.

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, said with a relaxed expression, "I have finished my work."

Jiang Yu was shocked, "Complete? How is it possible?"

The patient in Ye Wutian's hands was selected for him by her. The patient was gastroenteritis caused by improper diet. This situation is not a tricky one, but it is quite troublesome. If it is treated with western medicine, it is convenient and direct anti-inflammatory.

When she picked such a patient, Jiang Yu was a little excited in her heart. Even God was taking care of her. If she was asked to treat this patient, it would take at least three hours for the patient's stomach pain to stop, but now Ye Wutian To say that he has cured the patient, this speed is too incredible, too unbelievable.

About ten minutes before and after, the patient had been cured, Jiang Yu's first reaction was that Ye Wutian was lying.

Confused, Jiang Yu turned to look at the patient, only to see that the patient who was humming in pain did not cry out, but sat there with a natural expression, and there was even a hint of surprise on his face.

"Thank you doctor, I don't have the pain anymore." The middle-aged woman was ecstatic, reached out to hold Ye Wutian, her face full of excitement, if the timing wasn't right, she would have taken the initiative to give Ye Wutian an incense hug.

Jiang Yu stepped forward and motioned the woman to stretch out her hand. She kept telling herself in her heart that it was impossible, absolutely impossible, impossible to be so defiant, gastroenteritis can be cured in just over ten minutes? Impossible, even her grandfather Jiang Chengsheng couldn't do it.

Could it be that Ye Wutian is better than her grandfather's medical skills?

Jiang Yu, who was pinching the patient's hand pulse, thought a lot, and took the pulse of both hands of the patient. In the end, she had to admit that the patient's stomach pain was cured.

how can that be? Jiang Yu is still reluctant to believe that Ye Wutian won and cured a gastroenteritis. Without any tools, he can cure a gastroenteritis in just over ten minutes.

At this moment, Jiang Yu was about to go crazy. She lost. Although she was unwilling to lose, she had to admit that she really lost, and people didn't even need to open a prescription.

"How did you do it?" Jiang Yu asked, a question she couldn't help asking, anyone would want to ask.

"Hey, tell me first, who will win this competition?" Ye Wutian answered the question.

Jiang Yu clenched her teeth. The result of such a competition was not what she wanted. It was impossible, absolutely impossible. How could gastroenteritis be cured so quickly?

Jiang Yu knew that, whether she believed it or not, the matter was right in front of her eyes. Ye Wutian used his magical medical skills to cure patients.

"You won." The frustrated Jiang Yu had to admit that in today's competition, she was inferior to Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian smiled and stretched out his hand: "Miss Jiang Yu, you are welcome to join, don't worry, it is not difficult to be my assistant, and I will not ask you to make some excessive demands, and will only let you do your own work. "

"Tell me, how did you do it? It's impossible."

"In my life dictionary, nothing is impossible."

"Tell curiosity killed the cat, you don't need to know why, just know that I won you, that's enough, of course, you also need to know that in the next three years, you will Be my assistant."

"Get ready, I'll give you two days to officially take office in two days, no problem?" Ye Wutian asked.

Jiang Yu asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will regret it?"

"Don't be afraid, if you dare to go back, I will lose an assistant, and your country's credit will be lost because of you. Don't forget, you are a little stick, representing all little sticks."

Using this method to win Jiang Yu, some useless, but Ye Wutian still wants to do it, one is because the other party is a small stick, and the other is because he needs this assistant.

Jiang Yu could not have known that Xuanyuan Zhenqi was the nemesis of stomach pain, and it was effective against any stomach pain. Now that this female patient has no stomach pain, it does not mean that her disease is cured. Her gastroenteritis is so serious, At least two doses of medicine are needed. Of course, Ye Wutian won't tell Jiang Yu about these things. In the words of our uncle Ye, who asked you to come to my house? If you don't cheat who you cheat? (m)

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