Mad Doctor

Chapter 849: Inverse scale (top)

"You won!" Jiang Yu couldn't believe the fact that she lost, completely, even inexplicably, how could she lose like this? She didn't even see clearly how Ye Wutian made his move.

Not to mention how depressed Jiang Yu was in her heart at this time, she was full of self-confidence, but she was hit hard at this meeting. She didn't even know how to lose. It was the first time she had been in such a big fight when she grew up so big.

Ye Wutian clearly didn't make a move, why did this happen? How did he win?

"Hey, I'm sorry, I won a small game, Jiang Yu, thank you for your acceptance." Ye Wutian bowed his hands to Jiang Yu, his face full of pride.

Jiang Yu was so depressed that she wanted to take off her high heels and hit Ye Wutian, admit it? Is there such a thing as acknowledgment? How can it be conceded? If she can win, will she lose? Unless someone with a sick mind would do it.

"Can you tell me how you did it just now?" Jiang Yu didn't give up and asked again, she just wanted to find out what happened just now, but Ye Wutian didn't take action.

Is he really omnipotent? Really fairy?

Jiang Yu is an atheist and does not believe in any immortals.

"No." Ye Wutian shook his head: "Everyone has their own bottom-pressing techniques, right? So I can't tell you."

Jiang Yu secretly scolded stingy, what is the bottom-pressing technique? Simply fart.

Of course, Ye Wutian couldn't tell Jiang Yu the truth, otherwise he would lose, not Jiang Yu, he was cheating.

"I will be very happy to have you as my assistant." Ye Wutian stretched out his hand, but Jiang Yu didn't care about Ye Wutian, just looked at Ye Wutian indifferently and did not extend his hand.

Ye Wutian, who had touched a gray nose, retracted his hand angrily, thinking to himself, didn't it mean Xiaoxiao won you a game? Use this? Not so much, right?

"Anyway, come back to report in two days, understand?"

"I will do what I promise you." Having said that, when she thought of being Ye Wutian's assistant for three years, Jiang Yu was depressed and always unhappy.

Jiang Yu began to realize that she fell into the trap designed by Ye Wutian, who had tempted her to enter the game from the very beginning.

Jiang Yu is very confident in her medical skills. Compared with her grandfather, she is not inferior. In many places, she is even better than the blue.

It was because of this confidence that he traveled thousands of miles to Dongcheng to find Ye Wutian in the game, but he didn't know that the start was bad and he lost the game in a blink of an eye.

If it weren't for the fact that the patient with abdominal pain was selected by herself, she would suspect that Ye Wutian had a cat, and he would have cured the patient without seeing any movement. Such strength is too evil.

After sending Jiang Yu away, Ye Wutian was in a good mood. Jiang Yu was a powerful woman, and with her help, his work could be eased.

He returned to the company humming his own tune, and just sat down when Gu Hezi called, Ye Wutian knew that there was good news.

Sure enough, when Ye Wutian answered the phone, Gu Hezi laughed loudly: "Haha, brother, you are strong enough and your relationship is strong enough, brother, I admire it all."

Ye Wutian smiled and said, "Brother, what makes you so happy?"

"We are going to cooperate again." Gu Hezi said, "When will you go back to be your advisor?"

"Oh, when will you be back?" Ye Wutian guessed that the Zhu family should be the result.



"Hehe, I've come back, how about you? When will you come back, brother?"

Ye Wutian said: "I don't know, no one notified me, just wait and see."

"Little brother, you can't do this, don't come when we come, and you play flash mob again."

"No, no, I'm not that kind of person." Ye Wutian is very clear, so many patients are sitting at the gate of Dongcheng government, they will not care about such a sensational thing, the eyes of the whole world are focused on Dongcheng, who dares to be so arrogant Ignore the lives of so many patients? Today is an age of human rights, and no one dares to mess around.

Just after finishing the call with Gu Hezi, Ye Wutian received another call from Wu Qunsheng. The content was also about Gu Hezi and his two sects returning to work. On the phone, Wu Qunsheng was in a very good mood. The result was what he wanted to see. arrive.

Ye Wutian was also in a good mood. After taking the opportunity to 'care' about Wu Qunsheng's precious granddaughter, before Wu Qunsheng opened his mouth to curse, Ye Wutian hung up the phone, and a fool would let Wu Qunsheng scold.

"Feifei, what is your sister doing these days?" Ye Wutian who put down the phone looked at the secretary, this little goblin dressed up beautifully today, very youthful.

Li Feifei, who put down the teacup, raised her head and said unhappily, "Boss, I'm not your spy. If you want to know about my sister, why don't you call her directly?"

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, he was also a dignified boss, but he was ignored like this, and the person who ignored him was his secretary.

Thinking about it, it seems that he hasn't seen the goblin dance for him for a long time. In fact, Ye Wutian is thinking, if the goblin is willing to dance to his face, he will definitely not refuse. He has already hinted at this request, but the goblin just doesn't willing.

"Would you like to let your sister come to work in the company?" Ye Wutian wanted to call Che Huishan, but the other party didn't seem to like him very much and had some kind of prejudice against him.

Li Feifei despised for a while: "Boss, do you want to beat my sister's idea?"

Uncle Ye blushed at Li Yaojing's words, "What's the matter? Don't talk nonsense."

"Then what do you mean? I've been thinking about my sister all day long, why don't you want to beat her up? Don't tell me you're just asking casually." Li Feifei blocked her words first, preventing Ye Wutian from looking for her. opportunity for excuses.

"Hey, that's what it means, otherwise what do you think I mean?"

"Pretend, you continue to pretend."

"What are you pretending to be? I'm telling the truth, neither big nor small. If you don't believe what I say, don't forget, I'm your boss."

"There is only truth in my eyes, so what if you are my boss? Are you still going to fire me for a little sesame?"

"Not really, but when will you dance for me?"

Li Feifei whispered a pervert, "If you like it, I can do it now, do you want me to take it off now?"

Ye Wutian swallowed, "Now?"

Aiming at the office door, he was really moved by Li Feifei's proposal, afraid that if someone came in, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to wash it.

"Do you want to close the door?" Li Feifei almost couldn't help rushing up to kill someone, he really wanted to do that, really wanted her to dance for him in broad daylight.

Ye Wutian thought very helplessly, the timing is not right!

At this moment, Ouyang Xingyue knocked on the door and came in. Her entry made Ye Wutian feel relieved and a little disappointed at the same time.

"Ouyang Zhengren and the others are in my office." Ouyang Xingyue, who came in, said lightly.

Li Feifei called out to Ouyang Xingyue, then turned and left, closing the door gently.

"What? They haven't given up yet?" Ye Wutian was funny, he didn't need to see anyone, he also knew that Ouyang Zhengren and his son should be tossed enough.

"I lost a lot of weight."

Ye Wutian was startled by Ouyang Xingyue's words, but he didn't understand it immediately, and it took a while to realize the meaning of Ouyang Xingyue's words.

After laughing, Ye Wutian said: "In this way, they thank me a lot, thank me for helping them lose weight."

Ouyang Xingyue stood still.

If she could come, Ye Wutian guessed some of what she meant, and didn't speak at the moment, just took out two plums from the drawer, "Baby, you can do this."

Ouyang Xingyue is still a nostalgic person after all, even if Ouyang Zhengren treated her like that, she still regards Ouyang Zhengren as a relative, otherwise she will not come here.

When I came here in person, I just wanted to get an antidote for Ouyang Zhengren.

Ouyang Xingyue, who took over the conversation, did not leave in a hurry, "The business of Ouyang Group is recovering, and the construction of the medical base is in progress, but you need to get people ready as soon as possible in terms of funds."

"No problem, find good news in two days to stimulate the company's stock price, and find a way to raise the stock price."

"I will handle this matter, you just need to prepare the funds."


The door of the office was pushed open again. This time the people outside didn't knock on the door. Ye Wutian and Ouyang Xingyue were startled by such a rude behavior.

"Yo, the second young lady is also here?" Situ Wei came in.

Ouyang Xingyue ignored Situ Wei, turned around and was about to leave, but when she was just about to leave, Situ Wei stopped her, "Wait, second young lady, you are here just in time, I have something to say."

Ouyang Xingyue, who heard the words, stopped and stood there with the same expression on her face.

"Master, I just received the news that Xiaowan is missing." Situ Wei said.

"What?" Ye Wutian was startled, "When did it happen?"

"Half an hour ago, my people saw her being pulled into a car, but because the incident was far away from them, they caught up," Situ Wei said.

Ye Wutian took out his mobile phone and called Li Wan'er, and sure enough, the phone was turned off.

"Why did you say it now?" Ye Wutian, who put down the phone, was a little dissatisfied. He only told him what happened half an hour ago, and Situ Wei's action was too late.

"It's my fault." Situ Wei said, "The person below has already called me, because I was in a meeting just I didn't bring my cell phone with me."

Ye Wutian accepted Situ Wei's explanation, but who would take Li Wan'er away?

"Master, it's very likely that the other party is coming at you." Situ Wei reminded.

Ye Wutian punched the desk heavily, making a loud noise, and the desk was shaking slightly.

The most annoying is the kind of person who always starts to attack the people around him. If you want to deal with him, you just go straight to him. Why do you always like to play with this?

"It's useless to be angry, the top priority is to find Xiaowan as soon as possible. The people on my side have already ordered them to go. Second young mistress, don't be idle and let people find them. After a long time, I'm worried that those people will It's not good for Xiaowan."

Ouyang Xingyue ignored Situ Wei because she had already started calling.

"At all costs, find Xiaowan." Ye Wutian was anxious and worried about Xiaowan's safety.

Li Feifei knocked on the door and said in a low voice, "Yang Langzi said he had something important to see you outside." (m)

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