Mad Doctor

Chapter 853: major discovery

Chapter 853 Major Discovery

In Situ Wei's office, Ye Wutian really saw Zhu Longjun and Yu Qicheng. The Zhu Yu family had never had much contact with each other. Now Zhu Longjun came for Yu's family. eternal interest.

"Uncle Zhu, why are you here?" Ye Wutian, who entered the office, was the first to say hello.

Zhu Longjun laughed: "Xiao Ye, isn't it weird? I came to see you, why did you go to Miss Situ's office?"

Ye Wutian did not deny it, he was very strange, of course, I believe that Zhu Longjun must have his reasons for doing so.

Zhu Longjun said: "This time is very chaotic." After saying this, Zhu Longjun said nothing.

With this sentence, Ye Wutian knew that Zhu Longjun could not help himself.

"I can understand." Ye Wutian said with a smile: "Uncle Zhu has something to do with me? Actually, Uncle Zhu can just call me if he has something. There is no need to come over in person."

Ye Wutian's words made Zhu Longjun very comfortable to hear, and the smile on his face became even more prosperous, "I came here today because I want to visit your company, and second I want to discuss something with you."

"For Yu Shao's business?" Ye Wutian asked.

"It seems that you have guessed it, and since that's the case, I don't need to bother to explain it."

Ye Wutian asked: "Uncle Zhu, can I ask, when did the Zhu family go so closely with the Yu family?"

Zhu Longjun was stunned, Ye Wutian asked this very low-level question, and he shouldn't have asked, but he Ye Wutian asked, and asked such a speechless question.

"Hehe, the Zhu family and the Yu family are not enemies." Zhu Longjun replied lightly.

Ye Wutian didn't ask any more, knowing that he wouldn't be able to ask anything again, "So that's the case."

"Little Ye, the old man asked me to speak to you on his behalf. With General Yu, help him if you can."

"Uncle Zhu, you've already spoken. Logically, I shouldn't be vulgar, but I'm a businessman. I hope Uncle Zhu can understand. I can help with General Yu's affairs. The question is, what can I get for helping him? A businessman. , don't do business at a loss."

Zhu Longjun didn't get angry, instead he laughed, shook his head and said, "You kid, don't forget that you are not only a businessman, but also a doctor."

Ye Wutian smiled without answering, and sat there quietly.

Zhu Longjun came here today on behalf of the Zhu family. The reason is that it is obvious that the Zhu family must have received a lot of benefits from the Yu family.

"The old man asked me to tell you, so that you can rest assured that what belongs to you will definitely be given to you, and let you take time to go to the capital."

Ye Wutian knew that this was Zhu Longjun comforting people.

For Zhu Longjun's sake, Ye Wutian can't say anything else. Mr. Zhu has always been good to him. Since the old man has spoken, even if he can't get any benefits from the Yu family this time, he has to help him, no For others, it is for Mr. Zhu.

"Young Master Ye, how sure are you about my dad's situation?" Yu Qicheng, who had not spoken, asked.

"It's hard to say now."

"Young Master Ye, please do your best to help, and the Yu family will remember your feelings for Young Master Ye." After a pause, Yu Qicheng said again, "You don't need to worry about Yang Langzi's side."

"I'm not worried at all. That matter has nothing to do with me. What's there to worry about?"

Yu Qicheng nodded: "I will help you deal with this matter, and I will also help your company's sales when it is blocked."

"Thank you, then I will wait for the good news from you, Yu Shao." Ye Wutian knew that Zhu Longjun had followed him, and he had no way out. Cheng offered to help, and Ye Wutian naturally would not refuse.

"Okay, that's the decision, Xiaoye, pay more." Zhu Longjun was very satisfied with the result.

Yu Qicheng also breathed a sigh of relief, today's task was finally completed.

Zhu Longjun didn't stay long, and after reaching his goal, he left Dongcheng directly by military plane.

"Master, are you depressed? Didn't expect the result to be like this?" Situ Wei walked in front of Ye Wutian with all kinds of style, and gently stroked Ye Wutian's face with her slender jade fingers.

Ye Wutian was a little depressed, he wanted to take this opportunity to get some benefits from the Yu family, but the Zhu family would stand up.

Some people's face can be denied, and some people's face cannot be denied. The Zhu family has always been good to themselves, and Ye Wutian must give this face.

"Don't be depressed, life is like this, there will always be some unpleasant things." Situ Wei squeezed her whole body into Ye Wutian's arms, "Master, can you accompany me at night?"

Ye Wutian patted Situ Fairy's butt, and looked at Situ Fairy's watery eyes, Ye Wutian couldn't help it, hugged Situ Wei tightly, and kissed him without saying a word.

Facing Ye Wutian's rudeness, Situ Wei was both surprised and delighted. What if someone came in during the day?

Ye Wutian didn't care about this, he stretched out his hand and pulled Situ Wei's little Nene down. In his busy schedule, he had already touched the place where the Situ Fairy was wet.

Feeling Ye Wutian's passion, Situ Wei was also emotional and gradually forgot where she was.

I've done it with Situ Wei in many places, but I haven't tried it in the office during the day.

Because of the occasion, even the always unrestrained Situ Wei could only cover her mouth tightly and did not dare to make a sound, but Uncle Ye seemed to be trying to trick her, so she tried so hard that she couldn't bear it.

To do this on such an occasion, Ye Wutian felt extremely stimulated, and Xuanyuan Zhenqi, which had been stagnant for a long time, also began to move, and started to move on his own.

Ye Wutian was overjoyed, Xuanyuan Zhenqi was running on its own, and it was very likely to be upgraded again, so this fellow rushed harder.

The Xuanyuan Zhenqi in the body is getting faster and faster, Ye Wutian enters the state of self-absorption, indulging in the operation of Xuanyuan Zhenqi, the feeling is very wonderful, it is different from usual.

Situ Wei felt that she was about to fly, and as she bent over, she felt that someone's thing was getting bigger and bigger, which made her very full.


There was a muffled sound, and at the same time, Ye Wutian let out a long sigh, and people began to stop.

God Court! The Shenting acupoint exploded, and Ye Wutian knew that Xuanyuan Zhenqi had improved again.

I never dreamed that I would progress on such occasions.

Desire without action, without desire for action! Ye Wutian began to slowly understand the meaning of this sentence, do whatever you want, be willing, you can only get what you want, don't force it too much, just let it flow.

Lying on the table, Situ Wei was gasping for breath. She felt the influx of gas, and she couldn't figure out what it was, but she felt very comfortable, as usual.

Ye Wutian also found out, thinking that when Xuanyuan Zhenqi has reached a certain level, he can still transcend the gong?

"Move your inner strength, don't think about other things." Ye Wutian, who had a flash of inspiration, said to Situ Wei.

When Situ Wei heard the words, she immediately started to use her inner strength. Although she didn't know why Ye Wutian asked her to do this, she was sure that Ye Wutian must have his reasons.

"Did you feel anything?" Ye Wutian asked two minutes later.

Situ Wei said, "No, it's the same as usual."

Ye Wutian frowned, wasn't it what he thought? At this moment, Ye Wutian couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, it seemed that he thought too much, Xuanyuan's true qi was already magical enough now, how could he be able to transcend Gong? That's too exaggerated, too incredible.

"But it seems to be smoother than before. It's light and comfortable."

Disappointed Ye Wutian heard Situ Wei's words and became interested again. It was really useful. It seemed as he had guessed. Pass the internal force on the opponent.

"It's so dirty." Situ Wei found that her body was full of black things, dirty, and filled with a stench, which made her feel sick.

Ye Wutian also discovered those things on Situ Wei's body at this time. The difference from Situ Wei is that instead of frowning, he laughed out loud when he saw these things.

Situ Wei didn't understand what these black things were on her body, but Ye Wutian couldn't be more clear. It worked, and Xuanyuan Zhenqi really worked. These black things were because of Xuanyuan Zhenqi.

"Continue to practice, don't stop." Ye Wutian was ecstatic, but he didn't expect that Xuanyuan's True Qi could work on Situ Wei, could it also work on Cheng Kexin and the others?

Thinking that Cheng Kexin and the others are all martial arts masters in the near future, Ye Wutian couldn't help but get excited. With martial arts, they can at least protect themselves.

Situ Wei is exercising, and Ye Wutian is also standing there, and even maintains the posture just now, that thing has not been pulled out.

Fortunately, no one came into the office until Situ Wei finished his work, otherwise Ye Wutian would not be able to wash himself if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Situ Wei at this time is gorgeous and compelling, many times more **** and charming than before, although the two have just gone crazy, but Ye Wutian still couldn't help swallowing.

Situ Wei didn't have time to flirt with Ye Wutian, she hurriedly left after pulling down her skirt, she needed to wash the dirty things on her body.

There was only Ye Wutian left in the office. Sitting on the sofa, he transported Xuanyuan Zhenqi and felt the changes of Xuanyuan Zhenqi. The explosion of Shenting Point made Xuanyuan Zhenqi even more full. Compared with before, the color also changed. It was even more golden, and Xuanyuan Zhenqi was running like a golden dragon.

Although he had just gone through a battle, Ye Wutian didn't feel tired at all.

Controlling the rotation of Xuanyuan Zhenqi round after round, the Zhenqi became more and more pure, and it has been running for more than ten laps.

I have gained a lot I didn't expect to improve my strength under such a situation. Now, Ye Wutian began to look forward to the scene with Cheng Kexin tonight. What will happen tonight?

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw Situ Wei was standing in front of him, and it seemed that he had been standing for a while.

Situ Wei had already taken a bath and changed into another set of clothes. After taking a bath, she was like a hibiscus emerging from the water, so beautiful that people dared not look directly at her.

"Master, how did you do it? What happened just now?" Situ Wei felt her own changes, first of all, her skin. She had taken Qingcheng Pills before, but now, she has changed too much, far from Qingcheng Pills. all you can give her.

"Am I handsome?" Ye Wutian answered the question.

"Handsome, our family is the most handsome."

Ye Wutian with a stinky face smirked: "It's fine to be handsome, let's have more love in the future, hehe, it's good for you."

"Then come now, sir, I still want it."

In the next instant, someone who had just stood up fell to the ground with a thud.

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