Mad Doctor

Chapter 854: Jagged means

"I'm joking with you, I'm frightened by you, are people so scary?" Situ Wei said, standing there giggling and smiling, her laughter trembled, especially the pair of treasures in front of her chest. catch the eye.

After some cleaning just now, Situ Wei now has undergone earth-shaking changes in both appearance and temperament, and is more gorgeous and attractive, more **** and charming.

Situ Wei also discovered her own changes, how could she be more than happy at this time? Woman, who doesn't love beauty? Comparing beauty with inner strength, the first choice is beauty.

"Master, which one is more beautiful between me and them?" Situ Wei stepped forward and hugged Ye Wutian's arm.

"They're all beautiful."

Situ Wei rolled her eyes, as if she knew that Ye Wutian would answer like this, so she was naturally dissatisfied with such an answer. "Master, let's go, go to the second young lady's office."

That sweat in Ye Wutian's heart! Woman, this is a woman, I want to compare it right away, what is this?

"Don't think of me so badly, the concubine just wants to help you, nothing else." Situ Wei explained.

Ye Wutian naturally wouldn't believe this.

"Don't spread the matter just now." Ye Wutian said with a serious face, although the matter of his knowledge of Xuanyuan Zhenqi is not a top secret, the foreigner Peter already knows it, but even so, Ye Wutian doesn't want to spread it to everyone. Everyone knows.

Situ Wei also put away her smile: "Is your inner strength working?"

Ye Wutian nodded: "It should be, now I don't know what's going on, but judging from you, it's probably not bad."

"Master, since it's good, you can spoil your concubine more in the future, and I'll be even more beautiful."

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, stretched out his hand and slapped Situ Fairy's pink buttocks fiercely.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect or what, but Ye Wutian, who was slapped with a slap, felt more elastic than before.

"You said we've done so much, how come we won't get pregnant?" Situ Wei suddenly said.

Ye Wutian said: "Do you want to conceive?"

"Anyway, I didn't refuse, I was pregnant, and the concubine was born."

"Are you sure you're following me?"

"What do you mean?" Situ Wei's face sank, "You doubt my motives?"

Ye Wutian secretly said that he said the wrong thing, and immediately shook his head: "No, I just want to tell you that following me, it is impossible to give you anything."

Situ Wei didn't take Ye Wutian's suit, and said extremely seriously: "Master, today is the first and last time I tell you, if you doubt my motives, don't blame me for being rude to you, and women will turn their faces. , and more terrifying than men."

Ye Wutian, who smiled bitterly, hugged Situ Wei, "I am very democratic. If you find someone more suitable than me, you can choose."

Situ Wei suddenly stretched out her hand and squeezed Ye Wutian's thing hard, causing Ye Wutian to gasp in pain.

"Want to dump me? It's not that easy. Where can I find such a good man? It can make me make money, make me happy, and make me beautiful, so a fool would be willing to leave." , moving gently, "Master, I'm serious, I'll give birth when I'm pregnant."

"Let's go with the flow." Ye Wutian still hasn't woken up from Situ Wei's thunderous words, can it make her feel good? Depend on! What a cool way? Which is she referring to? This is so level.

But Situ Wei's words also made Ye Wutian wonder, what happened to him? There are several women around, why can't they be pregnant? It seems that no measures have been taken to prevent pregnancy.

Paralyzed, could it be something wrong with you?

Shaking his head and putting aside those rambunctious thoughts, after releasing Situ Wei, Ye Wutian took out the ringing mobile phone, Chen Le called, and seeing Chen Le's number, Ye Wutian suddenly felt nervous, usually nothing happened, Chen Le would not call.

"Master, someone wanted to attack Li Wan'er and was stopped by us." Chen Le said on the phone, panting. Even across the phone, Ye Wutian could guess that Chen Le must have gone through a fierce battle just now.

The thing that worries me the most is, "Where are you?"

Chen Le on the phone reported an address, and Ye Wutian hung up the phone after explaining a few words. He knew that Li Wan'er's kidnapping case was not over yet.

Ye Wutian, who put down the phone, had a livid face, and his body exuded bursts of murderous aura. The powerful murderous aura made Situ Wei who was standing beside him take a step back involuntarily. The powerful murderous aura made her very uncomfortable.

"Xiao Wan was attacked, I have to go there." Ye Wutian said.

Situ Wei was also frightened, it was Xiao Wan again? Do you really think that Xiaowan is easy to bully? "Go ahead."

Ye Wutian left in a hurry, and after he left, Situ Wei was not idle, she went to Ouyang Xingyue's office and pushed it away.

Ouyang Xingyue, who happened to look up, was extremely dissatisfied with Situ Wei's rude behavior. When she was about to ask a few questions, she swallowed the words that were on her lips, and stared at Situ Wei's face.

Situ Wei has changed and become beautiful, what's going on? How did she become so beautiful in such a short time?

"Is it beautiful?" Situ Wei was very proud, and naturally knew what Ouyang Xingyue's doubtful eyes meant, and there were not many things that could make Ouyang Xingyue look at her in such a different way. "For the sake of you being the second young mistress, let me share it with you. If you have time, you can love our uncle a little more. His internal strength has risen again, and he can cleanse the body for others."

Ouyang Xingyue frowned, wondering if she should believe it, Situ Wei's words sounded absurd, and doing that can make people more beautiful? What's the point of this?

"The good news has already been shared with you, believe it or not, now it's time to tell the bad news, second young mistress, we should do something, otherwise we will always be bullied four times and three times, and we will be angry." "If you don't move, those people think we're scared."

Ouyang Xingyue didn't say a word, but the pen that was originally in her hand was squeezed tightly by her at this moment, and if she applied a little more force, the pen would break.

"According to your plan." Ouyang Xingyue, who slowly let go of her hand, said lightly, no matter when and where, she can control her emotions very well.

Ye Wutian went to the address mentioned by Chen Le alone, without even taking Xueying, but left her beside Cheng Kexin, he was worried that someone would attack Cheng Kexin.

"Master." After arriving at the scene of the incident, Chen Le greeted him.

After getting off the car, Ye Wutian looked around, and then fixed his eyes on Chen Le's left arm. He was injured, and his right hand was covering the wound.

"Is the injury serious?" Ye Wutian asked with concern.

Chen Le shook his head, "Small injury, just broke two brothers."

Ye Wutian checked Chen Le's injuries and confirmed that there was nothing serious, "The company will not treat them badly."

Chen Le didn't say anything. The brothers worked so hard because the company treated them well. Even if they died, the company would pay a large amount of compensation to their families.

The wages of avarice is death!

"The idea is very tricky, and it almost made them run away." Chen Le said, now is not the time to be sad.

On the ground, five people were lying there, and among the five people, only one person was standing. From the moment he came in, Ye Wutian fixed his gaze on the other person. It was estimated that this person was the master Chen Le said.

Although the other party can still stand, he is not lightly injured. There are many wounds on the whole body, of which the chest and abdomen are the most serious, and blood is dripping.

"Who asked you to come?" Ye Wutian stopped just a few steps away from the other party. "Don't challenge my patience, speak up and give you a treat."

The other party did not speak, did not answer Ye Wutian's question, and directly regarded Ye Wutian's words as air.

Ye Wutian sneered, "Silence? A lot of times you can't do it without silence. Silence can't solve the problem. No matter who you are, you shouldn't come to mess with me."

"It's in your hands, I have nothing to say, whatever you want, whatever you want." The other party finally spoke.

Ye Wutian clapped his palms lightly, "Okay, you have the backbone, you are a man, I like a tough guy like you the most, okay, I won't ask you." Ye Wutian, who was furious, raised his right toe and lifted it from the ground. Pick up a big knife.

Regardless of the blood on the handle of the knife, Ye Wutian took the big knife and walked towards the other side.

"Leave someone under the knife, Brother Ye, please leave someone under the knife." Ye Wutian just raised the knife when Yang Langzi's voice sounded behind him.

Ye Wutian turned back, Yang Langzi came, and things seemed to be more and more interesting.

"Hehe, Brother Ye, please keep someone under the sword." Yang Langzi came forward with a cane in his hand.

"Help Master." After Yang Langzi appeared, the man shouted.

"Sure enough, it's your person, Yang Langzi, who appeared so late. Are you planning to save people?"

"Zhuo Ming, who gave you the order? You dare to act privately? Don't you know the rules of the gang?" Yang Langzi roared.

The other party lowered his head, "After doing what I did today, I never thought I could survive. Helper, I'm sorry for disappointing you."

Yang Langzi said loudly, "You are disappointing me."

"Okay." Ye Wutian couldn't listen anymore. It didn't matter to him whether Yang Langzi was acting or he really didn't know Zhuo Ming's actions. "There is no need to act, Yang Langzi, I don't care if he is yours or not, let alone whether you know his actions or not. Today, he must die."

Yang Langzi didn't expect Ye Wutian to speak so deadly, "Brother I have no control over this matter. Please brother Ye give me a chance, and I am willing to compensate for your losses."

Ye Wutian raised the knife again, "Yang Langzi, do you not understand human words or something?"

"Hehe, so you have to kill him?"

Ye Wutian moved, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense any more, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Zhuo Ming with extremely fast movements.

Yang Langzi was startled, Ye Wutian's movement was so fast that he could only sigh, trying to stop but powerless.

Ye Wutian did this, obviously not giving him Yang Langzi face, at this moment, Yang Langzi began to want to kill.

Zhuo Ming wanted to dodge, but he faced the blade cut by Ye Wutian, not to mention that he was injured now, even in normal times, he couldn't avoid it at all, he couldn't feel the pain when he saw a flower in front of him.

Ye Wutian's knife was too fast, until Zhuo Ming's whole head moved from his neck and fell to the ground, everyone could react.

This knife is too cruel! Not only murder, but also slap in the face. (m)

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