Mad Doctor

Chapter 856: what can you do to me

It was none other than Ma Feng, the number one young man in the capital. Ye Wutian was somewhat surprised by his appearance. As soon as the other party appeared, Ye Wutian doubted whether he had anything to do with Ma Feng when he was invited by Guoan. , Although he had helped the Ma family a lot, Ye Wutian never dared to take credit, let alone take himself as the benefactor of the Ma family.

In Ma's family, Ma Feng, the number one young master in the capital, doesn't like him, so Ye Wutian is used to it.

Ma Feng was unhappy with him, and he was also unhappy with Ma Feng, and that's why he didn't do anything about Ma Feng.

"Young Master Ye, you are crazier than I thought." Ma Feng's face was extremely ugly, but with his status, Ye Wutian didn't give him any face.

Ye Wutian smiled and shook his head: "This is not the reason why you are not crazy, Ma Shao, I just don't think it is necessary. I don't need your face."

"Even if you become a prisoner, you don't care for my help?" Ma Feng asked.

Ye Wutian answered the question: "Does it have anything to do with you when I came here?"

"I didn't admit it."

"Hehe, even if you did it, you wouldn't admit it."

"Ye Wutian, you don't need to use that set. It's useless. I did it. I will admit that I, Ma Feng, are not a big man, but I still dare to admit this trivial matter."

"Oh, so I misunderstood Young Master Ma? What is Young Master Ma here? Do you want to see me joking?"

"Cooperation, I hope to cooperate with you."

"Thank you, thank you Ma Shao for your kindness, I don't think I need it for the time being."

Ma Feng stood still: "I think you still don't understand the seriousness of this matter. Without help, you will go to jail."

"Does your grandfather know?" Ye Wutian asked suddenly.

Ma Feng sneered: "My grandfather is not a philanthropist."

Ye Wutian smiled, this answer made him amused, Ma Feng's answer was very good, the Ma family is not a philanthropist, in fact, how could old man Ma not know? With his strength, he knew every bit of what happened in Dongcheng. The question was whether he was worth it or not.

From the very beginning, Ye Wutian didn't expect Old Man Ma to help him. No matter what, it is a fact that he murdered. Even if Old Man Ma has a high power and strength, he can't mess around, otherwise he will be easily caught. handle.

The most important thing is that there is no need for the Ma family to do that, and there is no need to help an outsider casually.

"Your grandfather is not a philanthropist, so are you?" Ye Wutian laughed.

Ma Feng shook his head: "I'm not either, that's why I came to work with you."

"You are not philanthropists, and I am not an ordinary person. In my opinion, I disdain your cooperation." Ye Wutian replied, not expecting old man Ma to help, but Ye Wutian still hopes that old man Ma can help. Shots, people are like that, can not avoid the common time.

Strictly speaking, the Ma family still owes him a favor. Without him, could Old Man Ma live to this day? Can the Ma family continue to be brilliant? Even if the Ma family helps him in order to repay this favor, Ye Wutian will feel much more comfortable, but the reality is not, this is what disappoints Ye Wutian.

He finally came and told him that he wanted to cooperate, not to return favors. Even Ye Wutian himself didn't know, when did his medical skills become so cheap?

"So, are you determined not to cooperate?" Ma Feng asked.

Ye Wutian laughed, "Why should I cooperate? You gave me a reason? Is it because you are Ma Feng? Because you are the number one young man in the capital? Don't forget, this is Dongcheng."

"Let's go, Young Master Ma, none of us care about anyone else, and no one is happy with anyone else, you stay here will only dislike me, and I also dislike you, so why are you asking for trouble here? "

Ma Feng also wanted to leave, but he had to figure out his own problems before he could leave. He had already searched several hospitals in the capital for his condition, and the conclusions were all the same, that he was fine.

In the past, Ma Feng would still believe the conclusions of those hospitals, but now he doesn't believe it anymore. The reason is very simple. He really wanted to vomit. Although he didn't vomit anything, he felt very uncomfortable.

"Is it easy to get angry now?" Ye Wutian suddenly said inexplicably.

Ma Feng knew that Ye Wutian was talking about his illness, Ye Wutian was deliberately trying to whet his appetite, and he knew that Ye Wutian was doing it on purpose, and he had no way to do anything about him.

"I'm starting to have a headache, especially the top of the head. It hurts more when I press it, right? I have dry stool and constipation. I only go to the toilet every two or three days, right?" Ye Wutian said Ma Feng's symptoms like a song. come out.

Ma Feng had already experienced Ye Wutian's medical skills, but he was still shocked by Ye Wutian's medical skills. He could see the problem just by looking at it. Such powerful medical skills were incredible.

He clearly hated Ye Wutian to death, but Ma Feng didn't dare to openly do anything to Ye Wutian. Until the end, he didn't want to be too stiff with Ye Wutian.

If Ye Wutian can tell his symptoms, it means that he is confident that he can cure his disease. Now, what he has to do is to find a way to let Ye Wutian help him, but, does it only need grandpa to help him? Such a trivial matter can only be settled by grandfather. What will grandpa think of him, how will the rest of the Ma family think of him, and how will outsiders think of him, the number one young master in the capital?

"Master Ma, for the sake of acquaintance, I'll give you a piece of advice, anger hurts your liver, so you can do it yourself."

"Ye Wutian, how can you help me?" Ma Feng hesitated for a long time and asked.

Ye Wutian smiled and asked, "Are you begging me?"

"I can't talk about asking, at most I just ask for advice." Ma Feng couldn't let go of his old face.

Ye Wutian shrugged: "Well, when I didn't say it, I don't dare to accept your advice from Young Master Ma, you can ask someone else."

Ma Feng's problem is not a big one. Of course, the so-called problem is not a big one. Ma Feng is very strong, but he has a bad personality. He is too arrogant and arrogant. People are sought after, let him develop this character.

There is a downside to this kind of character, although it is not fatal, it can last for a long time. The problem should not be underestimated. If the anger is reversed, it will cause a headache. Therefore, Ma Feng's problem is not big or small, and it depends on how he handles it.

Ma Feng left, full of unwillingness and helplessness, he came all the way from the capital, hoping to get Ye Wutian's help, but Ye Wutian didn't take him seriously at all, and bluntly said that only Ma Feng When the old man comes forward, he will help.

Last time I was at Ma's house, if Ma Feng's attitude was better, Ye Wutian might be soft-hearted and give Ma Feng a second prescription. It's not a big deal anyway, but Ma Feng not only doesn't appreciate it, but also thinks that he is bluffing. he.

Sitting quietly in the detention room, Ye Wutian thought about it a lot. After rebirth, he walked along the way, made many friends, and established many enemies. Generally speaking, he still established many enemies.

In life, I am afraid that I cannot find an opponent. It would be a good thing to have so many opponents.

The phone he took out had no signal at all, so he could only check the time. More than three hours had passed since he was invited in, and in the past three hours, except for Ma Feng, there was no one else. Anyone who comes here is as if he has been forgotten by the world.

After all, he is also a character, so being forgotten by others makes Uncle Ye feel uncomfortable.

The Yang Group is also not feeling well at this time. Just five minutes ago, another trade secret of the Yang Group was thrown out. It was a large-scale automated chip program, including various formulas and manufacturing processes, which were posted online.

So far, four trade secrets of the Yang Group have been posted on the Internet. Although it is not enough to cause a devastating blow to the Yang Group, the problem is that if they do not stop it, no one knows what the consequences will be.

The secrets thrown by the opponent are more important than the last, and who will know what kind of secrets the opponent will throw next? If the next thing thrown out is the core technology of the Yang Group's business, then the Yang Group will be more passive.

No one knows how the technical information was obtained by the opponent, all this is just a mystery.

When something like this happens, the Yang Group's first thought is a traitor. The leak of information cannot be from the Internet, because the computer storing the company's information is not connected to the external network, so hackers are unlikely to invade. down, the possibility of **** is more likely.

After investigations and investigations, we have not found out who the traitor is. People who have access to those confidential technical data are even rarer. Except for a few people in the Yang family who can access those technical data, no one else can see it. .

How does the technical data flow out? How much information does the enemy have about the Yang Group?

For a time, the Yang Group was panic-stricken. If this goes on, the Yang Group may go bankrupt.

Even if the traitor was not found, the Yang Group still found other things. For example, they found some information about the foreign company that attacked their Yang Group.

In the office, Yang Langzi held the cane in his hand and hit the ground again and again. The situation was exactly as he had guessed. The company in the country was just a leather bag company, and behind the scenes of that company there were members of the Tianxin Hongyan Group. The figure exists, in other words, the figure of Ye Wutian exists.

"Ye Wutian." Yang Langzi slammed heavily with his cane again.

These days, he has suffered losses in front of Ye Wutian one after another. Yang Langzi is thinking about how to get back to the place, but when he encounters this again, he has not yet shot, but Ye Wutian will take the shot first.

Does he, Ye Wutian, want to come first and strike first?

Yang Langzi knew that the leather bag company had done such an outrageous job for Ye Wutian. Ye Wutian was still in Guoan at this time. Perhaps the other party wanted to protest in this way.

"Ye Wutian, if you want to play, I will play with you." Yang Langzi picked up the phone on the table and quickly dialed a set of numbers, "Uncle Wang, let's start, please."

Putting down the phone, Yang Langzi showed a wicked smile, tapped the desk with his fingers lightly, and muttered to himself: "Ye Wutian, what will you do next? I'm looking forward to it, want to make me surrender in this way? Let's see what you can do to me." (m)

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