Mad Doctor

Chapter 857: dog jumping off the wall

Ye Wutian was taken away from Guoan and taken to a large prison that he didn't even know about.

Ye Wutian is not nervous, just sneering and despising, without any interrogation, he wants to suppress it in this way? interesting!

It seems that Yang Langzi and others are also in a hurry.

Being locked in here, Ye Wutian is not in a hurry. He also wants to take this opportunity to see what his friends usually do. Are they preparing to send carbon in the snow? Still do nothing, be prepared to ignore it.

The news that Ye Wutian was sent to the prison quickly spread, and the reporters all took action, all wanting to find out the first-hand news, whether it is the Yang Group or the Hongyan Group, the company gate is full of people People, but so far, neither company has come out to provide any explanation for the matter.

Yang Langzi did not expect Ouyang Xingyue to come, and appeared in front of him with his assistant.

"Yang Langzi, I'll give you five minutes. I haven't seen anyone in five minutes, you'll regret it." Ouyang Xingyue didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

Yang Langzi knew that this should be a declaration of war!

Being able to make Ouyang Xingyue appear in person, Yang Langzi is also very envious of Ye Wutian. He is both a man, but the difference between the two is a little big.

"What if I say no?" Naturally, Yang Langzi couldn't intimidate Ouyang Xingyue: "Miss Ouyang, people are angry with the crown and become a beauty, what are you doing? Anger is a man?"

Ouyang Xingyue's pretty face was a little hot, red clouds covered her beautiful face, and even her jade neck was wrapped around a few flowers.

Yang Langzi was a little fascinated by it. Few men could resist Ouyang Xingyue's cold beauty.

"Miss Ouyang, I respect you as a woman, and at the same time I don't have any leisure to fight with you. Can you understand what I mean? Can you stop at that company abroad? Don't challenge my patience. "

"What do you think?" Ouyang Xingyue asked without answering.

Yang Langzi smiled bitterly: "Well, when I didn't ask, Miss Ouyang, you already told me your tone."

At this moment, Yang Langzi's assistant stepped forward and whispered a few words in Yang Langzi's ear.

The assistant's words made Yang Langzi's eyes burst with light, and he slapped the table with both hands and said a few words in a row.

After waving his assistant to go out, Yang Langzi stood up with a smile, with a little joking in his smile, "Miss Ouyang, I have bad news for you, my subordinate told me that the general manager of your overseas company was in a car accident. And dead, what? You haven't heard of this yet?"

Ouyang Xingyue had no doubts about the authenticity of Yang Langzi's words, and knew that this matter must have something to do with Yang Langzi. To say it directly, Yang Langzi sent someone to kill the general manager.

"Hurry up and call and ask, don't let the business go." Yang Langzi was in a good mood.

Ouyang Xingyue didn't need to make a phone call, because the call had already come in. She took out the ringing phone, glanced at the number on it, and then connected after a little hesitation.

With her expression unchanged, she whispered into the phone, "I see."

Yang Langzi smiled again and asked, "What? Did something happen to a foreign company?"

Ouyang Xingyue just glanced at Yang Langzi lightly, ignored him, and wrote text messages on her mobile phone with flying fingers.

Seeing Ouyang Xingyue so calm, Yang Langzi had an ominous premonition, this woman is not a kind person, what does she want to do? What was the content of that text message?

I really wanted to rush over and grab Ouyang Xingyue's mobile phone to see what the text message was about. I always felt that the text message was related to the Yang Group.

Putting away the phone, Ouyang Xingyue said lightly, "You play slowly."

Yang Langzi didn't stop him and let Ouyang Xingyue leave, still guessing the content of the text message Ouyang Xingyue had just sent in his mind.

In less than two minutes, the assistant pushed the door in panic and ran in, "Master, no, the core technology of the group has leaked."

"What?" Hearing the assistant's report, Yang Langzi jumped up from the chair in an instant, forgetting the matter of scolding the assistant for being rude.

The leakage of the core technology means that it will have a devastating blow to the Yang Group.

"Master, what should I do?" The assistant looked anxious. If this goes on, the company will end sooner or later.

Yang Langzi was so anxious that he suppressed the nervousness and madness in his heart, and his mind turned extremely fast. The most urgent task was to find a way to save the loss, but what should I do now?

No matter what you do, you can't cause any loss to the company. Once those core technologies are leaked, the loss to the company is inevitable.

"Get the information on the Internet immediately, at all costs." Yang Langzi ordered, "Bring Ouyang Xingyue back."

The assistant was stunned. He could understand Yang Langzi's first order. Anyone would do that. However, as for Yang Langzi's second order, the assistant seemed very incomprehensible and wanted to bring Ouyang Xingyue back. , which is equivalent to fighting the Ouyang family.

"What are you still doing? Go and do it right away."

The assistant under the roar came back to his senses, agitated, he turned around and left immediately, he was not optimistic about dealing with Ouyang Xingyue now, but he had no right to say anything about these matters, the only thing he could do was obey.

From the beginning of the establishment of the Tenglong Gang, Yang Langzi has not interfered in any affairs of the Yang Group. Someone is taking care of the daily operations of the group, but that is only superficial. Especially after the death of Old Man Yang, Yang Langzi has become the Yang Group. The first person in the group, no one in the Yang Group dared to ignore his existence, even though he was not working at the headquarters of the Yang Group.

In addition to the management experience and methods of the underworld, Yang Langzi also has the methods and experience in the shopping mall. Many of the successful cases of the Yang Group are from his handwriting.

From a long time ago, Old Man Yang focused on cultivating Yang Langzi, because Old Man Yang knew better than anyone that the Yang family group would be passed on to this grandson sooner or later.

As soon as Ouyang Xingyue walked out of the Tenglong Gang with his assistant and bodyguard, he was stopped, "What? Do you want to keep me?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Ouyang, please come with us, we don't want to hurt you." Yang Langzi's assistant said.

Ouyang Xingyue said coldly, "What if I say no?"

The other party smiled helplessly: "Then I can only force Miss Ouyang to go up."

"Bold." Ouyang Xingyue's bodyguard took two steps forward and blocked Ouyang Xingyue with his strong body.

Ouyang Xingyue motioned for the bodyguard to move away. She really wanted to move her hand. She was afraid that her bodyguard would not be able to play a big role. This is Yang Langzi's base camp, and there are many experts.

It was she who overestimated Yang Langzi's belly size, and she could do this kind of behavior, which has nothing to do with her demeanor. Since ancient times, the two armies have been fighting without killing them. Now, it seems that Yang Langzi doesn't take that trick.

She overestimated Yang Langzi's temperament, and at the same time Ouyang Xingyue also overestimated her own strength. When she came to see Yang Langzi in such a hurry, she thought that Yang Langzi would not dare to do anything to her, but now it seems that she is wrong, outrageously wrong.

Returning to Yang Langzi's office again, Ouyang Xingyue did not panic, it was natural and calm.

"Ouyang Xingyue, immediately stop your people, immediately." When they met again, Yang Langzi was not polite, and ordered Ouyang Xingyue directly with a roar.

Ouyang Xingyue was unmoved, facing Yang Langzi's roar, she did not take it to heart, "Yang Langzi, are you ordering me?"

"So what if I ordered you? Ouyang Xingyue, you'd better listen to me honestly and do it, or you will regret it." Yang Langzi has long been unable to take care of so much, he has already done this, what else does he care about?

"What if I say no?"

"No?" Yang Langzi seemed to have heard the best joke in the world, "Ouyang Xingyue, I think you forgot what this place is? This is not your Ouyang Group."

"If I were you, I wouldn't be talking nonsense here, but I would find a way to minimize the loss." Ouyang Xingyue kindly reminded Yang Langzi.

"Sure enough, it's you." Yang Langzi said: "I count to three, if you don't let your people stop, don't blame me for being cruel."

"I'm back, what? You want to keep me forcibly?"

"Crack!" Yang Langzi made a sudden move, and the extremely fast movement towards Ouyang Xingyue was a slap in the face.

Ouyang Xingyue did not know martial arts, so she was beaten back and forth two steps back and forth, and Yang Langzi's sudden attack made her suffer.

"Don't stare at me like that. You should know that if I dare to stop you from coming back, I won't be afraid to turn against you with Ouyang Group, not to mention whether Ouyang Group will stand up for you, I'm very curious."

"You dare to hit me?" Ouyang Xingyue was only angry. In addition, there was a trace of grievance. A figure appeared in her mind. At this time, how much she hoped that guy would appear.

Ouyang Xingyue, who has always been a lady, only wanted to deal with Yang Langzi in a tit-for-tat way.

"Hit you? Smelly woman, if you touch my bottom line, if you don't stop fighting, I swear, you will regret it even more. If you don't believe me, let's wait and see." Yang Langzi took two steps forward, his hands facing Ouyang Xingyue Reaching over to pull Ouyang Xingyue's clothes.

Ouyang Xingyue hurriedly backed away, hating Yang Langzi.

Yang Langzi sneered: "You know, I'm not afraid, I dare to do that, Ouyang Xingyue, you are a beautiful woman, I will be very happy to possess you."

"You can Ouyang Xingyue's face changed, knowing that she still underestimated Yang Langzi's shamelessness.

Yang Langzi laughed again, "Don't I dare? You should know if I dare."

Ouyang Xingyue did not speak, Yang Langzi dared to anger him, he dared to do that.

"Hurry up and let me stop." Yang Langzi slapped him again. After these two slaps, Ouyang Xingyue's face that was so tender that it dripped with water was red and swollen, and she looked pitiful.

Ouyang Xingyue was not afraid of Yang Langzi, but it was her who suffered from Yang Langzi's sudden attack.

"One day, you will regret it, I swear." Ouyang Xingyue's eyes flashed with deep hatred, and she had no doubt that she divided Yang Langzi into five horses.

Yang Langzi is not afraid. Once some things are done, it is impossible to go back. In order to recover as many losses as possible, he can't care so much.

"Ye Wutian is a shameless guy. Today, I want to learn from him." Yang Langzi snapped his fingers, and the assistant immediately handed him something. (m)

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