Mad Doctor

Chapter 858: Bloodbath (Part 1)

Yang Langzi was holding a dv machine, and when Ouyang Xingyue saw the dv machine in Yang Langzi's hand, his face changed dramatically, and he could guess what Yang Langzi was doing with his toes.

"Do you know what this is? I'm sure you are familiar with it, right?" Yang Langzi shook the machine in his hand proudly, "This is the latest high-definition version, the effect of the shooting is absolutely not to worry, the effect is first-class, Ouyang Xingyue, you Said that if my brother Ye saw you doing that with another man, what would he do? Would he be very angry? I started to wonder! I want to see what brother Ye will be like when he is angry."

Ouyang Xingyue pretended to be calm and said, "He is angry, and the consequences are very serious, and you, Yang Langzi, will definitely end up worse than you think."

"Really? I'm really curious. I want to see his expression when he's angry. Would you like to cooperate with me? Let me make a good film? It's so big that I haven't officially been a director yet, don't say it. , I'm very happy, as the first director, the heroine is a big name like you."

Ouyang Xingyue wanted to leave, but it was impossible for her to leave now, so how could Yang Langzi let her go? As Yang Langzi said just now, if he dares to keep her, it means that he is ready.

If you want to blame, it's her own fault, she shouldn't come today, Yang Langzi is ready to die.

"Come on, hold down our heroine." Yang Langzi ordered the assistant beside him.

Ouyang Xingyue hurriedly took two steps back, "Yang Langzi, you haven't considered the consequences?"

"Consequences? What will the consequences be? Let me tell you now, the consequence is that the first film I directed will be an instant hit, and you, the heroine, will not be bad either, and it will also become popular, a win-win situation. It's the consequences, do you understand now?"

"You're popular, what about the Yang Group? And your Tenglong Gang? What should they do?" Ouyang Xingyue tried to get Yang Langzi to give up.

"That's not something you should worry about. As a heroine, you should worry about how to perform better. That's what you should think about."

At the same time, in a villa in the capital, Ouyang Zhengren and his son were sitting there. Ouyang Hao was worried and hesitated for a long time, as if he had something to say.

Ouyang Zhengren, who was sitting next to him, was smoking one cigarette after another.

"Dad, do we really care? Would that be bad?" Finally, Ouyang Hao said.

Ouyang Zhengren snuffed out the cigarette **** in his hand and exhaled: "No poison is not a husband, Xiaohao, you don't understand such a simple truth?"

Ouyang Hao naturally understands the truth, but no matter what, that is his family, and if the incident spreads out in the future, it will be equally embarrassing to be a member of the Ouyang family.

"Don't hesitate, we didn't do anything." Ouyang Zhengren said.

When he was told by his father, Ouyang Hao didn't say anything. Thinking that he would be the chairman of Ouyang Group in the future, Ouyang Hao was excited, and the little conscience in his mind was also left behind by him. I only thought about the position of chairman.

My father is right, no poison is not a husband, not to mention that there is nothing wrong with him, and the mastermind is not himself.

God help too!

"Dad, do you think the third uncle seems abnormal?" Ouyang Hao expressed his doubts.

Ouyang Zhengren has long seen that the third brother Ouyang Gonggen is not normal, especially when it comes to treating his daughter. No father would treat his daughter like this. Just like this time, the third brother also knew that his daughter had fallen into the wolf's den. , but do not save, such a father, very suspicious.

Many times, Ouyang Zhengren wondered whether Ouyang Xingyue was the flesh and blood of the third brother, and the third brother was an exception.

"Pay more attention." Ouyang Zhengren said, but he was thinking in his heart to find a chance to test the third brother.

Ye Wutian has been taken to this dark and dark place for a long time. He has stayed here for nearly ten hours, but no one has come to help him in the past ten hours. Hope someone can help him.


The heavy iron door was opened, and Ye Wutian stood up as if he had caught a life-saving grass, hoping to go out. He didn't want to do any tests anymore. Trying it would only make him more depressed and disappointed.

The person who came in, Ye Wutian, didn't know each other, and his face was cold.

The expression on the other side made Ye Ye realize that this is probably impossible to take him out.

Sure enough, after the person came in, he handed a tablet to Ye Wutian without saying a word, and looked at Ye Wutian with sympathy in his eyes.

The confused Uncle Ye took over the tablet and clicked on the contents. Yang Langzi appeared first and said to Ye Wutian with a smile: "Brother Ye, long time no see, I heard that you were taken away, hehe. , As a brother, I want to give you a gift today, it must be very boring in the prison, I took a video to relieve your boredom."

When Yang Langzi appeared in the video, Ye Wutian already felt bad. When he saw Ouyang Xingyue appear beside Yang Langzi, he immediately confirmed his guess.

Yang Langzi shouted and started, and immediately two men walked towards Ouyang Xingyue. Facing the two men, Ouyang Xingyue wanted to avoid it, but the office was so big that Ouyang Xingyue could not avoid it. avoid.

Ouyang Xingyue, who was caught, had less and less clothes on her body under the coping of the two men. After a few efforts, she was stripped down to only a set of black **** underwear, revealing her beautiful body.

Several men in the video smirked from time to time, showing a greedy expression, as if they wanted to swallow Ouyang Xingyue.

Ye Wutian's eyes burst into flames, the joints of his fingers cracked, and the force was too strong, even the tablet computer was deformed by him, and the screen made a 'smack', and there were more cracks.

Yang Langzi!

Looking at the video, Ye Wutian had the urge to kill, and he was reluctant to treat Ouyang Xingyue like that.

Ye Wutian saw Ouyang Xingyue's desperate eyes, when her clothes were peeled off, she was very emotional, and the desperate eyes made Ye Wutian look at the heartache.

"Haha, Brother Ye, how's it going? This video should help you relieve your boredom, right? You don't need to thank me, who made us brothers? You just need to know about this. Brothers are about heart, not about money. I'm very happy to be able to help you. Next, what do you want to see? How about I take a picture of a little devil's national quintessence for you to see? Such a beautiful beauty, don't say it, I'm very interested." Said At this point, Yang Langzi's topic changed, and his smile disappeared: "Ye Wutian, you know what I want, so be cool, I can't get the results I want in half an hour, and I'll send you another video. Look, I promise to satisfy you, by the way, I forgot to tell you that my two men haven't touched a woman for months."

After the video was over, Ye Wutian smashed the tablet to the ground heavily. After it was completely smashed, Ye Wutian found the memory card and put it into his pocket carefully.

At the same time, the person who came in just now handed Ye Wutian a mobile phone, and Ye Wutian who took the mobile phone suddenly moved, and his movements were as fast as lightning.

Although the other party was prepared, he still took a step slower, and before he could react, Ye Wutian yanked it hard, causing the other party to slam into the steel branch.

After the sneak attack was successful, Ye Wutian did not sit idle, waiting for the opponent to resist, the other hand stretched out to the opponent's neck and pulled, causing the opponent's head to hit the steel branch.

With a muffled sound, the other party fainted.

Looking at the opponent who was slowly falling to the ground, Ye Wutian looked indifferent and didn't care about the death of the opponent at all.

Ye Wutian, who picked up the mobile phone on the ground, was looking for help, and a few people came in again, and the people who came in this time were known to Ye Wutian.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhu Jian couldn't help but wave his body and tremble a few times. There was a gloomy aura in it, and that aura seemed to be emanating from Ye Wutian.

Zhu Jian had never killed anyone before, so he didn't know that this kind of aura was murderous. At this time, the aura emanating from Ye Wutian's body was murderous.

Ye Wutian wants to kill!

Zhu Jian came, and it was long overdue, but it was better to be late, and Ye Wutian's heart was warmed by the arrival of the other party.

"Can I go?" Ye Wutian said directly, now is not the time to talk about family affairs.

Zhu Jian nodded numbly.

Ye Wutian didn't speak again. After the iron gate was opened, he walked out, stopped in front of Zhu Jian, and reached out to pat Zhu Jian's shoulder.

Zhu Jianben had a lot to say, but when Ye Wutian disappeared, he was stunned and didn't say a word.

Looking at the back of Ye Wutian's departure, and the terrifying atmosphere just now, Zhu Jian realized that something would definitely happen, and it was a major event.

He had known Ye Wutian for so long, and he had never seen Ye Wutian show such an expression, it was too terrifying.

Zhu Jian chased him out, Ye Wutian had already lost sight of him outside, and there was one less car parked at the door, no need to ask to know that it was driven away by Ye Wutian.

Unable to find Ye Wutian, Zhu Jian hurriedly reported the matter here to his family. With Ye Wutian's fearless character that day, God knows what crazy things he will do?

Ye Wutian was angry, so angry that he lost his mind, so angry that he only wanted to kill, at this moment, he only had one thought, to kill Yang Langzi, no matter who the other party was, kill him!

He has always hated the idea of ​​others hitting the people around But those **** people are so annoying.

After receiving the report from Zhu Jian, the Zhu family also realized that it was not good. According to Zhu Jian, Ye Wutian left with resentment at the time. What would he do first after his freedom? Who are you going to find?

Calling Ye Wutian, it was turned off. In desperation, Mr. Zhu could only think of another way to calm Ye Wutian.

But, can Ye Wutian be calm now? His beloved woman was tortured like that, and as a man, he couldn't calm down.

At the Tenglong Gang headquarters, Yang Langzi looked at the time from time to time. The news he wanted was still in the future, which made him gradually lose his patience.

"It seems that the man you like is not very good, and you are reluctant to pay for you, will you be disappointed?" Yang Langzi looked at Ouyang Xingyue, who was wearing only **** underwear.

Ouyang Xingyue didn't speak, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Yang Langzi said: "Get ready, it seems we have to continue shooting." (m)

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