Mad Doctor

Chapter 859: Bloodbath (middle)

Ouyang Xingyue stood still, as if what happened next had nothing to do with her, and she was just an outsider.

"Aren't you afraid?" Yang Langzi admired Ouyang Xingyue's calmness.

"I only know that you will definitely regret it." Ouyang Xingyue's voice was as cold as ice, "Yang Langzi, I will definitely get it back today."

Yang Langzi laughed, not taking Ouyang Xingyue's threat to heart at all, "How did you find it? Tell me, how did you find it? Did I molest you, and you will bring me back? If so, come on , I don't mind, it's worth dying to get your Miss Ouyang's favor."

Seeing this, Ouyang Xingyue didn't speak any more, and it was useless to say it, it's better to save some energy.

"There are still three minutes. Then I won't get what I want. Ouyang Xingyue, you can't blame me. The opportunity has been given to you. You don't know how to cherish it, and you can't blame others."

Beside him, Yang Langzi's assistant has already placed the camera and can start shooting at any time. As for his two assistants, they are even more eager to move. Who is Ouyang Xingyue? How many men dream to possess her?

Those two men wished they hadn't prepared Viagra. If they disarmed in the midfield later, it would be unpleasant. If they could, they hoped to play with Ouyang Xingyue all night.

"There's one more minute." Yang Langzi deliberately reminded Ouyang Xingyue from time to time, telling her that the time was coming, so as to give Ouyang Xingyue a certain amount of psychological pressure.

"Help Master, Help Master, it's not good, someone came up." Outside the office, a member of the Tenglong Gang rushed in to report to Yang Langzi.

Yang Langzi frowned, this is the headquarters of the Tenglong Gang, who is so bold?

Ouyang Xingyue, who originally closed her eyes, slowly opened her eyes, came, and finally came.

"Send the order down and catch them." Yang Langzi was not at all afraid of the opponent attacking. This is the site of the Tenglong Gang. Is it that easy to attack?

In the lobby on the first floor, dozens of strong and strong men rushed in, waving the long knives in their hands and slashing at the people of the Tenglong Gang.

Although there are only a few dozen people, each of them is brave and good at fighting, and they are not afraid of sacrificing themselves. For a while, the Tenglong Gang can't do anything to them.

The slaughter between the two sides continued. On the ground, there were broken legs and broken arms everywhere, and wolf howls and screams were everywhere. Although these people rushed in, they did not kill people. They just abolished those people from the Tenglong Gang and made them incapacitated.

Yang Langzi, who was sitting in the office, began to lose his patience. It had been nearly five minutes since his subordinates reported to the present. After such a long time, the following matters were still resolved, which made him very dissatisfied.

"Ouyang Xingyue, are you looking forward to it now? Hope those people below can save you?" Yang Langzi asked.

Ouyang Xingyue didn't answer, even though she thought so in her heart.

"Today I will let them go back and forth." Yang Langzi waved his hand, "Go on, I will stop this fight within three minutes."

"Headmaster, they have reached the third floor." A member of the Tenglong Gang ran in to report.

Ouyang Xingyue suddenly giggled, forgetting that she would only be wearing a set of underwear, forgetting that she should not laugh. Dressing like this is already **** enough to attract people's attention, and her smile makes people on both sides even more Several people's eyes were straight, they were swallowing saliva, and they could not wait to rush towards Ouyang Xingyue immediately.

Fortunately, Ouyang Xingyue is different from Situ Wei, who likes to wear some underwear such as thongs, otherwise, I don't know what kind of expressions these people will show at this time.

"Idiot." Being ridiculed by Ouyang Xingyue, Yang Langzi couldn't bear it any longer and kicked his subordinate into the air. The latter slammed into the wall and made a muffled sound before fainting. Perhaps he never dreamed of the gang leader. will attack him.

"Yang Langzi, it seems that your Tenglong Gang is not very good." Ouyang Xingyue rarely said, but it was ironic.

"Humph! I persuade you to die, and no one can save you." Yang Langzi said, "I'm still counting on Ye Wutian to save you? I'm afraid he can't even protect himself, right?"

The battle below continued, with casualties on both sides, and people fell from time to time, and the battle was tragic.

"Everyone, rush, save the young lady." A big man in the lead swung a knife and let down a member of the Tenglong Gang beside him and shouted loudly, covered in blood and murderous.

Fourth floor.

fifth floor.

Seeing that the sixth floor is about to be attacked, there will only be twenty-three of the thirty-eight people who have come. Even so, no one flinches, no one is afraid, and everyone is rushing up like a tiger.


There were bursts of voices, and when they heard those voices, the hearts of the more than 20 big men who came to the rescue were all tense. They knew too well what the voice was.

Looking at the sixth floor, I saw a lot of people coming down from the sixth floor, and all of these people were holding guns, pistols, and micro rushes.

Those people rushed down like wolves and tigers and surrounded the target, not a single one leaked.

Being pointed at by guns, the more than 20 big men didn't dare to move around. No matter how good they were, they couldn't be the opponents of bullets.

"Do you dare to hide so many guns in Dongcheng?" The state strictly prohibits guns, but the Tenglong Gang is hiding so many guns, which is already illegal.

"Move, move and show me now." A member of the Tenglong Gang let out a smug laugh, "Move and show me."

Yang Langzi also came down, and Ouyang Xingyue was taken by his side, but at this time, Ouyang Xingyue was surrounded by something similar to a sheet, which prevented her from venting.

"Everyone, do you want to come to save people?" Yang Langzi said lightly: "Up to now, the Tenglong Gang has never dared to make trouble here. You are the first group."

No matter what happened today, Yang Langzi knew that the Tenglong gang would lose face. If someone dared to come to the Tenglong gang to make trouble, what would the outside world think of the Tenglong gang?

"Miss." One of the more than twenty big men said.

Ouyang Xingyue nodded lightly, her expression seemed a little lost, and she didn't know why she was lost.

"Your people?" Yang Langzi sneered, "You just expect these people to save you?"

Seeing Ouyang Xingyue ignoring him, Yang Langzi made fun of himself, turned his head and said to the big man: "Since the establishment of my Tenglong Gang, no one has dared to forcefully break in. Today you broke in. I want to tell you, break in. The price is very high, and I'm afraid you can't afford it."


A young man standing beside Yang Langzi suddenly shook his right hand like a conjurer. For some reason, he had a gun in his hand, a brand new pistol.

As the gun rang, Ouyang Xingyue's subordinate fell down, the bullet hit his forehead, and he died instantly.

"Big tiger." Ouyang Xingyue shouted, wanting to step forward, but was firmly held back by Yang Langzi's two subordinates, no matter how much she struggled, it was useless.

Ouyang Xingyue's eyes turned red as she watched her subordinates die in front of her, she hated! I hate myself for not being a martial arts master, and hate myself for not having cannons and machine guns.

At this moment, Ouyang Xingyue hoped more than ever that she could kill Yang Langzi, even if Yang Langzi took off her clothes just now, she did not have the current hatred.

Dahu has followed her for many years, and he has followed her all the time. He was a loyal person, and now he has died like this. Ouyang Xingyue is very difficult to accept this kind of ending.

"Dead, just like this, Miss Ouyang, your subordinates are not good, you can't stand a single bullet." Yang Langzi sneered.

Ouyang Xingyue almost bit his teeth and stared at Yang Langzi.

"Kill them all. Those who dare to rush to the Tenglong Gang, die!" Yang Langzi shouted, murderous. At this time, he needs to stand up. If these people don't kill them today, the Tenglong Gang will be demolished, and Yang Langzi will not allow it. That kind of thing happens.

"You dare." Ouyang Xingyue heard the words regardless of her sadness, "Yang Langzi, do you really want the fish to die and the net to be broken, and both sides suffer?"

"Ouyang Xingyue, do you have another move?"

Ouyang Xingyue said coldly, "What do you think?"

Yang Langzi stared at Ouyang Xingyue for a while, but he had no way out, "Kill!"

Following his order, Tenglong helped them all shoot, and the dense bullets hit Ouyang Xingyue's more than 20 subordinates.

No matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives, let alone bullets? Ouyang Xingyue's more than 20 subordinates all fell to the ground, and they couldn't die any longer.

Yang Langzi laughed, as if he was satisfied with this ending.

"The gang leader is mighty, the gang leader is mighty." The members of the Tenglong Gang shouted in unison, their voices were deafening and very loud.

Ouyang Xingyue was dejected and heartbroken. All her subordinates who died were her elites and were very loyal to her. Now they were killed in a few encounters.

"Shoot, just shoot here, come here, get the machine ready, I'm going to make a blockbuster movie." Yang Langzi said loudly.

After today, Yang Langzi knew that he couldn't have a way back. This way, he didn't want to go. He was completely forced.

"You dare, beast." Ouyang Xingyue shouted, she would never let Yang Langzi do what she wanted, and she would rather die than let Yang Langzi achieve what she wanted.

"I dare not? Ouyang Xingyue You forced me, you forced me to take this road of no return, I have no choice, actually I want to keep a low profile, but you don't let me keep a low profile, In that case, what should I be afraid of?" Yang Langzi roared hoarsely.

"I won't let you succeed." Seeing Yang Langzi approaching step by step, Ouyang Xingyue was mentally prepared, she would rather die.

"You want to die? Even if you die, I have to complete my masterpiece. Ouyang Xingyue, I don't care if you live or die. I only care about your corpse. It is enough to have your corpse!"

Ouyang Xingyue shuddered, Yang Langzi is no longer human, he is a beast, a beast, and a pervert. If he dares to say it, he dares to do it.

The core information of the Yang Group is still leaking. Yang Langzi cannot stop it. It is still not fast enough for the hackers to remove the information on the Internet. In the past half an hour, the Yang Group has suffered heavy losses and greatly damaged its vitality.

"Headmaster, someone is attacking, and we can't resist it." At this time, a member of the Tenglong Gang with a very anxious expression ran up.

"There are still people?" Yang Langzi didn't expect someone to invade the Tenglong Gang. Could it be Ouyang Xingyue again? (m)

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