Mad Doctor

Chapter 860: Bloodbath (below)

Chapter 11 Sand Monk's Helplessness to Zhu Bajie (This chapter is free)

Sharp and Shen Qian, Xia Qi, and Xiao Yunzi are doing market research on Yingbin Street in Longjiang City to make a fortune in the future, but sharp thinking is interrupted by a vicissitudes of life and a low voice. fly

"Uh... the earth is round? It's the earth! Sister Feng! Sister Furong! Isn't that an internet celebrity from decades ago on the earth!" This old man said all the words of the earth. Could it be that he was as surprised as himself? The earthlings who have traveled here? Thinking of this, Sharp hurriedly followed the sound and walked over as he gradually approached, and saw Sharp under a high wall, a man with a full beard, with loose hair, lazily basking in the sun. sun.

This scruffy old man saw the sharp approaching from the crevices of his eyes that were scorched by the sun. He couldn't help but gleamed, and then weakly shouted: "The sky is blue, the ground is round, let's meet up. It is fate, Sister Feng is crying, Sister Furong is making trouble, I just hope that the people who are destined will come early, and the unique secret book will only be given to those who are destined!"

"Old man, why is the ground round? Do you know Sister Feng and Sister Furong?" Sharp walked up to the old man, leaned down and asked in a low voice, "Are you Brother Pig?"

Hearing the sharp question, the sloppy old man snorted coldly, "Where are you from, why are there so many boring questions?"

"Uh...Old man, what are you talking about? Hurry up and answer." Shen Qian, who was following Sharp, said angrily.

Seeing this, Sharp squatted down and looked back at Shen Yan, then patiently said, "Old man, these questions are very important to me, can you tell me?"

"A gift for someone with a predestined relationship!" The sloppy old man suddenly pushed a yellowed thread-bound book into the sharp arms that was squatting in front of him, then swayed and stood up, turned around and said to himself, "Aiya, I'm going too!"

After the sloppy old man finished speaking, he saw a movement of his body, leaving only an afterimage, which disappeared. Sharp waited for others to look around, and there was still the shadow of the sloppy old man.

"Ah... I'm 'fuck', master!" Shen Qian opened his mouth in shock, his face full of incredulity.

"My master is Zhu Bajie? Isn't that a super-popular novel on Earth that is so maddened that the best young master will be ashamed when he sees it? I'm going to have an eye drop..." The sloppy old man's performance was more shocking than Shen Wei. One person, who had been squatting sharply all the time, was completely 'thundered' by lightning, and sat on the ground in one fell swoop.

When Xia Qi and Xiao Yunzi were telling stories in Lao Wangtou, they often heard about this kind of ghost who came and went without a trace, but hearing and seeing are two different things. Xiao Yunzi, who was the first to wake up, stammered. Pulling the sharp voice who was sitting on the ground: "Big... big... big brother, hurry up... hurry up and look... look, this... what did the old **** give you?"

"Yeah, take a look?" Xia Qi also hurriedly asked.

Pulled by Xiao Yunzi and swaying from side to side with a sharp 'uh', she gradually regained her sanity, and hurriedly held the yellowed thread-bound book in her hand.

"Uh, why doesn't the yellowed book cover have the name of the martial arts secret book? It's different from the TV show!" Sharp looked at the blank and yellowed book cover and said to himself, then turned to the first page and saw the top. The content of the content, he called out in a sharp 'Ow' voice, and stood up abruptly and scolded: "I'm 'fuck', a pig's head and a ball, play with me? Is there such a **** thing? Don't bring such play people Yes!"

"Aiya, Mom!" Xiao Yunzi was taken aback by the sharp and sudden madness that took Shen Wei and Xia Qi.

"Boss, what is this written on it? Why haven't I seen such words before?" Xia Qi questioned a few words she didn't know on the page she was sharply grasping on the page.

"Ri, if you know each other, you'll be damned." Xia Qi gave Xia Qi a sharp look.

Sharp's heart is depressed at this time, the characters on the first page are actually Chinese characters on the earth, and what is even more annoying is that these Chinese characters are actually 'Don't die, it's nothing to practice! ' Eight characters.

At this time, he was completely entangled in the sharpness, and with trembling fingers, he turned to the second page again, and saw the four Chinese characters of "chasing the stars and chasing the moon". Page, turned to the fourth page, which is the last page, which is full of content related to 'chasing the stars and the moon', and I didn't bother to read it, and scolded sharply: "My day, what is this? Damn, what's this all about?" Sharp's heart was bitter, cups, tangled, and Sharp was shocked and angry, and it took ten cattle and three tigers to calm down slowly, when he saw Shen Qian , Xia Qi, Xiao Yunzi said with a confused look on her face, "What are you looking at, then go shopping."

Although there was a stomach full of doubts, no one dared to speak after seeing the sharp, twisted, sauce-red facial expression.

At this time, the sloppy old man who had just given the book to the sharp was standing on the high sky of the Dragon Continent. He turned into a red-bearded, black-blue-faced, honest-looking sand monk. He was staring at Zhu Bajie, who was standing side by side. Looking down, the sharp and maddening scene has a panoramic view.

"Hey hey, the words you taught me, second senior brother, really work. Second senior brother is indeed smarter than me." Sha Seng scratched his loose hair on both sides, and said foolishly at Zhu Bajie.

"Hahaha, don't look at who my brother is, a small one, with this ability to escape, this kid shouldn't die!" Zhu Bajie had a confident expression.

"Second Senior Brother, why do I feel that this kid has the same personality as you, why are you..." Before Sha Seng could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Zhu Bajie.

"Isn't there anything you can do, brother?" Zhu Bajie heard the sand monk and began to grumble endlessly, and quickly said.

"Who do you blame? Who told you to peek at Fairy Chang'e taking a bath, and let me take care of you. I never thought that Erlang would catch us and exiled us to this lower realm to be the guards of the galaxy, and sealed it up. We have changed our supernatural powers, alas, why do you think we are suffering!" Sha Seng shook his head helplessly.

"Then the Jade Emperor accepts our magical powers of change, isn't he afraid that we will change into handsome looks and secretly leave the world to enjoy it? Thanks to my cleverness, I beg the senior brother to teach us the magical powers that can change one by one. It's been a hundred years sincere, hehe..." Having said that, Zhu Bajie's eyes only shone with a 'prostitute' light.

"Isn't this very good, but you are too busy, and you have brought this kid to my vertical and horizontal galaxy, alas..." Sha Seng sighed naively.

"Brother, do you think too much? The transformation spell that the monkey gave to brother, but it is the oral language of such a silly boy in the Milky Way galaxy that brother is on duty. Eighteen times." Speaking of which, Zhu Bajie seemed to have become suspicious again, and said to himself, "Could it be that the monkey deliberately arranged all this? Could there be such a coincidence?"

Everything is destined, is all this really just a coincidence?

"Oh, it's quite a coincidence." Sand Seng glanced at the Dragon Continent below and said.

"You said that if I turned into a pretty boy, when I was picking up a girl, I was completely changed by this guy's oral language, so that I wouldn't frighten other girls, how could I be a fool, so I had an idea, Arranged him to your vertical and horizontal galaxy. Anyway, there have been no demons coming to the mortal world for tens of thousands of years. I have nothing to do with the mortal world. , this kid's underworld status has many beautiful girls!" Zhu Bajie bit his fingers, looking very yearning.

"Hey, after all these years, Second Senior Brother, you are still like this. You are destroying the normal order of the lower realm, so you are not afraid of King Yama going to sue the imperial court?" Sha Seng reminded Zhu Bajie.

"So, I came to communicate with you. He can't have an accident on your side. With this little self-defense skill, he can protect himself and don't hang up. When we return to heaven after our service, we will It's over if I pick him up." Zhu Bajie felt that his arrangement was perfect, and he couldn't help but boast and asked again, "Junior Brother Sha, isn't brother very smart?"

"Uh..." Sha Seng was speechless, he was on the pirate ship of these two brothers again.

It turns out that what Zhu Bajie told Sharp last time was actually a lie, and the real lower bound was that Chang'e was sent off for peeking at Chang'e taking a bath. If the conversation between the two people was heard by Sharp, they would definitely go wild with rage.

On Yingbin Street, the sharp group of people who continued to do market research resumed the cheerful atmosphere at the beginning. Xia Qi and Xiao Yunzi were jumping around and looking at this, and then at that, a pair of Childlike innocence.

"Boss, I want this, bring the money!" Xia Qi pointed to the trinkets in a booth next to her and asked Sharp for Sharp followed Xia Qi's fingers and looked at the thing she was pointing at Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "Do you girls like this kind of thing?"

"What is this, such a good thing, that girl doesn't like it!" Xia Qi urged sharply: "Hurry up and get the money, hurry up!"

"Oh, this lady has such a good eye. This is a new product that I came in from 'Xiangwei House'. You smell this fragrance, it will last for a long time." The vendor who set up the stall was a young woman. Seeing that there was business coming, she quickly sold her products to Xia Qi who was standing in front of her booth.

"Second brother, what is this kind of thing called?" Sharp suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked Shen Qian who was standing beside him.

Hearing the sharp question, Shen Qian was very surprised, as if looking at a monster, looked up and down sharply, and said, "I said eldest brother, no wonder the third sister said you, you said you, how come you don't even know what this is? what?"

"Where does all this nonsense come from, hurry up?" The sharp and urgent voice changed a bit.

fly (m)

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