Mad Doctor

Chapter 861: Who dare to stop me

Ye Wutian moved, and he waved his hands several times in a row.

Seeing Ye Wutian slaughtering the people of the Tenglong Gang so brutally, Yang Langzi wanted to vomit blood. In terms of fighting, he is not Ye Wutian's opponent, and in terms of poison, he can't be Ye Wutian's opponent. Other than that, there is no other way.

"Kill him at all costs. Whoever kills him will be rewarded heavily." The only thing Yang Langzi could do at this time was to give orders, and at the same time he approached Ouyang Xingyue even more.

The order was issued, but no one dared to move, those people are not stupid, this is just one by one you look at me and I look at you, no one dares to step forward, for fear that the next one will become Ye Wutian's ghost .

Ye Wutian's tyrannical aura completely conquered these people from the Tenglong Gang.

When Yang Langzi saw this, he knew that he had lost his prestige today. In the hearts of his subordinates, he was unqualified as a gang leader. If it was a fight, he would not be afraid of anyone, but Ye Wutian took such medicine, he really dared not go up. rush.

Even Yang Langzi himself didn't know when he became so afraid of death.

He gave the subordinate next to him a wink, and the other party understood what Yang Langzi meant, and took out a sharp knife and placed it on Ouyang Xingyue's white and tender jade neck.

Ye Wutian stopped, looked at Yang Langzi, and seemed surprised that Yang Langzi would make this move.

Ouyang Xingyue was also not afraid of the tip of the knife, and turned to look at Yang Langzi, with surprise and contempt in her beautiful eyes.

Yang Langzi's old face was slightly red, and it was really shameful to do such an act. A dignified gang leader actually did such a low-level method. It can be said that Yang Langzi has no bottom line as a human being.

As the leader of the Tenglong Gang, the most powerful gang in China, it would still do such shameless behavior and hold hostages to threaten others. This is no longer a glorious thing in itself. Knife.

Blushing, blush, Yang Langzi knew that he had no way to go, and was full of fear of Ye Wutian's methods.

"You shouldn't do that." Ouyang Xingyue said, not to Yang Langzi, but to Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian answered the question: "Do you love me?"

Ouyang Xingyue blushed and she chose to remain silent. She would not answer this question with her mouth, but if she insisted on answering it, she would only answer it with actions.

"Okay, when the hell? Are you still in the mood to talk about love?" Yang Langzi was upset when he saw that the two were still talking about love.

"I have already done it, and there is no way I can turn back." Ye Wutian knew that he had no room for an answer after today's disaster. At this moment, he only thought about how to save Ouyang Xingyue from Yang Langzi's hands, and how to let Yang Langzi save him. taught by blood.

"Are you afraid of her death?" Yang Langzi sneered.

Ye Wutian first glanced at Ouyang Xingyue, then looked at Yang Langzi, and replied, "I'm afraid."

Hearing Ye Wutian's fear, the **** who was holding Ouyang Xingyue by the knife added a little more force to his hand, and the sharp point of the knife pierced through Ouyang Xingyue's delicate skin.

"Brother Ye, don't move if you love her. I don't know what's going to happen next. If the tip of the knife is stabbed a little further, what will happen to a beautiful beauty like Miss Ouyang? You won't feel heartbroken? "

"Baby, do you believe me?" Ye Wutian ignored Yang Langzi, but instead asked Ouyang Xingyue.

Ouyang Xingyue didn't know what Ye Wutian wanted to say, but she nodded lightly, expressing that she believed in Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian smiled, and the beauty's nodding made him feel comfortable from the bottom of his heart, "Okay, it's already like this today, let's play with it."

This made Yang Langzi tremble a few times, and his sixth sense told him that he couldn't go on like this.

"Kill!" Ye Wutian ignored Ouyang Xingyue being held by the knife, shouted and waved his hands to carry out the next round of slaughter. Ye Wutian knew that he had no way back, and the only thing he could do was to continue to kill.

Yang Langzi couldn't stop Ye Wutian's crazy behavior. Seeing Ye Wutian slaughtering the people of the Tenglong Gang, he was helpless, and Ye Wutian's move surprised Yang Langzi. He Ye Wutian even Ouyang Xingyue Can you ignore your life?

After round after round of attacks, members of the Tenglong Gang fell one after another. Ye Wutian, who had already killed red-eyed, had no idea how many people he had killed. He just knew that the medicinal powder he was carrying today was about to run out. After the powder is used up, the next battle will probably be more difficult, and then you can only use your bare hands.

"Stop it! Stop it all for me." Outside, a full-fledged voice sounded, accompanied by gunshots.

Everyone turned to look, and Ye Wutian was no exception. When he turned around, he saw Zheng Zhongren, Xu Yuanhua and Chang Xiaomei, and a large number of armed police with live ammunition behind them.

Zheng Zhongren and the others who came in resisted their upset stomachs and the urge to vomit. The scene in front of them was already a bit inappropriate to describe it as **** on earth.

Yang Langzi felt an inexplicable sense of relaxation and secretly let out a sigh of relief.

"Stop it all for me." Zheng Zhongren shouted again, no longer ignoring the shock, and the scene must be controlled now.

"Everyone, you came at the right time, the murderer is here." Yang Langzi came to a wicked person to complain first, ready to bite Ye Wutian.

"Ye Wutian, what's your explanation for this?" Zheng Zhongren asked. The incident was so big that he didn't even know how to deal with it. After joining Guoan for so many years, Zheng Zhongren was considered to have seen it. The person in the scene, I have never seen a scene like today, let alone thought about it. You must know that it is a peaceful age, and a scene like this kind of slaughter can only be seen in movies. Let him see this scene.

"I have nothing to say." Ye Wutian said that the arrival of Zheng Zhongren and others did not restrain Ye Wutian's murderous aura, "Everyone, I only have one request, don't stop me."

"Do you want to continue?" Chang Xiaomei's expression was very complicated. Ye Wutian had killed so many people, and she could already guess his future life. No one could live after killing so many people.

"That's right." Ye Wutian did not deny it: "I don't want to embarrass you, my goal today is Yang Langzi."


Whether it is the people from the Tenglong Gang or the police who just arrived, they are all frightened by Ye Wutian's words. In front of so many policemen, Ye Wutian still wants to kill? Is this crazy?

"This won't solve the problem." Zheng Zhongren advised, he didn't want Ye Wutian to continue to go crazy.

Ye Wutian glanced around indifferently, "So far, do I still have room to turn back?"

Zheng Zhongren and several people were asked, and they all knew in their hearts that Ye Wutian had no room to turn back. As long as he did not die, what awaited him would be the severe punishment of the law.

"I don't regret it, if I do it again, I will still do it." Ye Wutian turned his eyes to Yang Langzi, "Are you afraid?"

Yang Langzi was choked by this, "Do you think I would be afraid?"

"That's good, Yang Langzi, today you have to pay for what you have done. You shouldn't use this method to deal with my beloved woman."

No one saw Ye Wutian make a move, but in the blink of an eye, several members of the Tenglong Gang fell to the ground and died on the spot.

"Okay, Ye Wutian, stop, this will only make it difficult for us." Zheng Zhongren shouted, and at the same time, under his order, several guns were aimed at him.

"Ye Wutian, you are crazy, you don't take Guoan and the police to heart at all, but unfortunately, no matter whether you take them seriously or not, you have to admit their existence."

"You're not doing very well to sow discord, Yang Langzi, I used to think highly of you." Ouyang Xingyue said, his tone full of irony and disdain.

Yang Langzi smiled and waved his hand to signal his subordinates to release Ouyang Xingyue. With the arrival of Guoan and the police, Ouyang Xingyue's role has been lost.

Ouyang Xingyue, who had recovered her freedom, came to Ye Wutian, and unexpectedly, she suddenly took the initiative to kiss Ye Wutian.

The people present were stunned, what did Ouyang Xingyue want to do? Show affection?

Don't talk about others, even Ye Wutian himself is stunned, but Ouyang Xingyue has never taken the initiative like now.

"I will accompany you to overcome all difficulties." After the kiss, Ouyang Xingyue said with a very firm expression.

Ye Wutian, who came back to his senses, was in a good mood. Ouyang Xingyue was moved because it was enough to prove that at least what he did now was not in vain.

"Can you invite me to dinner?" Ye Wutian asked.

Ouyang Xingyue, whose face flushed red, nodded: "Whatever you want to eat."

Ye Wutian raised his head and thought for a while, "I want to eat Chinese food, Western food, and many, many more meals, okay?"

Ouyang Xingyue blushed even more, and glared at Ye Wutian with a hint of charm, is this guy just thinking about eating all day?

None of the people present knew what Ye Wutian and the others were talking about. They were eating like a dream? When can't you eat? Could it be that he, Ye Wutian, still lacks that meal money?

Of course Ye Wutian is not short of money to eat, but this is different from the other, how can outsiders understand?

"Take them all back." Zheng Zhongren ordered.

"I want to kill." Ouyang Xingyue has recovered, she wants to kill, she wants to go crazy with Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian shook his head: "No, just leave that kind of thing to me, all you have to do is eat with me."

Ouyang Xingyue rolled her eyes when she heard this, thinking that this guy must be treating her as a nightclub lady? Why are you full of dirty thoughts?

"Brother Ye, do you still want to kill me?" Yang Langzi asked.

Ye Wutian raised his head and sneered, elementary school students could guess Yang Langzi's intentions, it was nothing more than wanting to provoke him, but Ye Wutian would not be caught at all.

"You're right." Ye Wutian answered unabashedly, and then turned to look at Zheng Zhongren: "Everyone, I'm going to talk about the ugly today, who dares to stop me, in case any damage is caused to you~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Don't blame me."

Zheng Zhongren persuaded bitterly: "Brother, stop embarrassing us, okay? I'm begging you, brother."

"Offended." Ye Wutian turned around and walked towards Yang Langzi step by step. Every few steps he took, the members of the Tenglong Gang who were closest to him would fall to the ground, one by one like Zhongxie.

Yang Langzi did not expect that Ye Wutian would dare to walk towards him at this time. Could it be that Ye Wutian is not afraid of death?

"Go away if you don't want to die." Ye Wutian shouted loudly at many members of the Tenglong Gang as he walked: "My goal today is Yang Langzi, not you."

"Stop." Zheng Zhongren shouted, and after quickly looking at Xu Yuanhua, Zheng Zhongren grabbed a gun from his subordinate's hand: "If you mess around again, I'll shoot."

The stopped Ye Wutian turned his head slightly, the corner of his mouth raised slightly and he didn't say anything. He raised his legs again and walked towards Yang Langzi. At this moment, Ye Wutian was like a dead man, a lunatic.

Yang Langzi saw that his scalp was numb, and he regretted that he should not provoke Ye Wutian. If Ye Wutian continued to come, what should he do? (m)

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