Mad Doctor

Chapter 862: hit here

Yang Langzi is in a dilemma, don't look at Ye Wutian's defenselessness, who would dare to underestimate him? This guy is famous for being evil, and the means of treating people are also endless.

At this time, Yang Langzi was actually very contradictory. On the one hand, he hoped that Ye Wutian would continue to walk towards him, and on the other hand, he was afraid that Ye Wutian would go towards him again.

Yang Langzi always wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Ye Wutian, especially after today, he knew that it was impossible to go back to the past with Ye Wutian. Either you died or I died, Yang Langzi naturally didn't want to die, so naturally I just want to kill Ye Wutian, no doubt, today is an opportunity, Yang Langzi doesn't want to miss it.

With so many guns pointed at Ye Wutian, if Ye Wutian dared to mess around, Yang Langzi hoped that Zheng Zhongren would order the shooting, but he was afraid that Ye Wutian would suddenly attack him.

Growing up so big, Yang Langzi has never been as conflicted as he is now, and he has never been as afraid of a person as he is now.

"Stop." Zheng Zhongren couldn't hold on to his face. He had already given enough face, but Ye Wutian didn't take it seriously and gave him no face at all. This was unacceptable to him.

Ye Wutian did not stop, and still walked towards Yang Langzi step by step. Every few steps, someone would fall down, and no one could see how Ye Wutian made his move.


The gunshots sounded, Zheng Zhongren fired, and the bullets whizzed past Ye Wutian's ears.

The bullet flew by, and the heat wave formed made Ye Wutian's ear hot, and there was some tearing pain.

Ye Wutian stopped, turned around slowly and said: "Director Zheng, don't shoot here next time." Ye Wutian pointed to his forehead: "The next shot is to shoot at me."

Zheng Zhongren was dumbfounded, mumbling, is this kid really not afraid of death? Can he really turn into a red face in a fit of anger?

Ye Wutian ignored what Zheng Zhongren was thinking, and after speaking, he went towards Yang Langzi.

"Stinky hooligan, have you made enough trouble?" Chang Xiaomei, who had been silent for a while, shouted, "What if it's what you want? What can you get?"

Ye Wutian stopped again, "If I don't kill him, can I still live?"

Chang Xiaomei can't answer this question. I'm afraid few people can answer it. Ye Wutian caused such a big disaster, can he still live? How to answer? How to answer?

After killing so many people, let alone one death, ten times are not enough to die.

"Can't you answer?" Ye Wutian laughed at himself: "Since I can't live without killing him, why shouldn't I kill him? At least that way I can feel better."

It's another question that makes people speechless, but thinking about it, it seems that his words have some truth. Besides, Ye Wutian is not a good person, **** it.

"But you can't solve the problem after all, right?" Chang Xiaomei said again.

Ye Wutian said: "I don't care about that. Killing him makes me happy and happy. That's enough. I don't care about the rest. I'm a layman."

Chang Xiao Mei was furious, and there was nothing to do with Ye Wutian. This kind of person simply can't take salt and oil, and can't listen to anyone's advice.

If possible, Chang Xiao's son-in-law wants to slap Ye Wutian a few times to wake him up.

"Daughter-in-law, if someone treats you like this, I will do the same." Ye Wutian said loudly, but after he finished speaking, this fellow realized that he couldn't say such a thing at all, Ouyang Xingyue was still beside him, in front of him. She called other women to be daughters-in-law? What will Ouyang Xingyue think?

Chang Xiaomei was so embarrassed that she thought, when did this happen? Are you in the mood for a joke? Bastards, hooligans, perverts, shameless.

In addition to being shy, Chang Xiaomei didn't want to sneak a glance at Ouyang Xingyue. Seeing the calm face of others, Chang Xiaomei was relieved.

Ye Wutian secretly scolded himself for being stupid, and finally moved Ouyang Xingyue.

I want to explain a few words, but I think back and think that it is unnecessary. What is the use of explaining? It will only become more and more confusing.

Ye Wutian also secretly looked at Ouyang Xingyue, seeing that she didn't show any dissatisfaction, and was a little relieved. Today's effect must be greatly reduced, which is needless to say.

"Miss Ouyang, you have to persuade him, this will not solve the problem." Zheng Zhongren said.

Ouyang Xingyue looked at Ye Wutian with a hint of tenderness, "I'll accompany him."

Zheng Zhongren almost didn't get mad. At this time, what he wanted most was not to arrest people and go back, but to buy two pieces of tofu and kill him.

Men are crazy, women are crazy too, they deserve to be a couple, they are like a lot!

Ouyang Xingyue has always been portrayed as a wise woman, no matter how she looks at her current behavior, she cannot be linked with wisdom.

Near Zhu is red!

After thinking about it, Zheng Zhongren only thought of this.

Ye Wutian's heart is warm, Ouyang Xingyue has changed a lot, she can say these words today, it is not simple, it can be regarded as a change.

"Director Zheng, Bureau Xu, what's the matter with you? You haven't arrested people for a long time?" Yang Langzi found more and more that something was wrong.

Zheng Zhongren and Xu Yuanhua had a tacit understanding and rushed to Ye Wutian to stop them. Their meaning was like saying to Ye Wutian, you want to kill Yang Langzi, kill us, and step on our bodies.

Stopped by two people, Ye Wutian stopped, "You two, why bother?"

"The responsibility lies," Zheng Zhongren replied.

"Okay." Ye Wutian shrugged, "Since that's the case, I won't make it difficult for you."

Ye Wutian's words made many people feel relieved, especially Yang Langzi.

"Yang Langzi, don't be too happy, he doesn't move, it doesn't mean I won't kill you."

Zheng Zhongren, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, was nervous again when he heard the words. What was he thinking about Ye Wutian? How can I give up?

"Does the rib on the third side on the left hurt?" Ye Wutian said to Yang Langzi, "Try to press it lightly?"

Yang Langzi's expression tightened, and what he was most afraid of was Ye Wutian's move.

"Do you really think the last time was just to scare you?" Ye Wutianji said sarcastically: "From childhood to adulthood, I have been an honest child and will not panic."

"You poisoned me?"

"Don't talk nonsense, when did I poison you? Is there any evidence?"

"You..." Yang Langzi couldn't come up with evidence, how many people could find evidence for Ye Wutian's poisoning method?

"What did you do to me?" Yang Langzi roared, "Hand over the antidote."

"Director Zheng, let me go back." Ye Wutian said.

Yang Langzi shouted: "Don't go, Ye Wutian, you must hand over the antidote."


"Yang Langzi, please come back with us too." Zheng Zhongren said with a blank expression.

Outside, one bus after another brought these people back from the Tenglong Gang. At the same time, the police blocked the headquarters of the Tenglong Gang, so as not to let the incident of today leak out.

When such a big event happened, Zheng Zhongren no longer dared to take the lead, and immediately reported the matter in Dongcheng.

As for the Dongcheng government, when Wang Lin, the first brother of Dongcheng, received Xu Yuanhua's report, he couldn't stand still, his body softened, he fell from the sofa, and his mind went blank.

The matter is so big that he, the first brother in Dongcheng, can't bear it at all. If he doesn't make it right, he may drop his hat at any time. What's the joke? Just kill him.

Fortunately, things soon turned around, the case was handed over to Guoan, and the Dongcheng police assisted Guoan in solving the case.

As the person in charge of this incident, Liu Qiusong sat in the office and tapped the desktop lightly, with a sense of rhythm.

Liu Qiusong didn't understand why he was asked to handle this case. Many people knew that he was at odds with Ye Wutian and asked him to handle this case. What was the intention? Liu Qiusong thought a lot.

Not easy!

Ye Wutian caused such a big incident, and it is almost impossible to escape safely, so there is nothing to do, what is the use of the law?

"Liu Bureau, what should we do next?" Zheng Zhongren asked, worrying about Ye Wutian in his heart, that kid is really lawless, and he made such a big thing, this time I am afraid that even the gods can't help him.

"How about Yang Langzi?" Liu Qiusong asked.

"I've been clamoring to see Ye Wutian." Zheng Zhongren knew how much about the festival between Liu Qiusong and Ye Wutian. I believe the above also knew that in this case, the above had to send him down, which made Zheng Zhongren even more worried. .

From a friend's point of view, Zheng Zhongren didn't want anything to happen to Ye Wutian, even though that kid was a jerk, he was not bad for his friends.

In Xu Yuanhua's office, Chang Xiaomei also discussed this issue, "Xu Bureau, is there really no way?"

"Hey! Xiaomei, in fact, why don't I want to help him? It's just that this matter is completely beyond our ability, and we can't do anything if we want to help." Xu Yuanhua thought that he couldn't help Ye Wutian, and this matter was too big. No one can help him.

How could Chang Xiaomei not know? One hundred and eight lives, killing so many people, if Ye Wutian has nothing at all, then it is a strange thing, and it is not normal.

In the end how to do? How can I help him?

Chang Xiaomei hated her teeth so much, but she was very worried about Ye Wutian's safety.

On weekdays, she hated Ye Wutian to the point of death, and wished to pull him into prison, but now once Ye Wutian is in crisis, she will not be happy again, not as happy as she imagined.

"There must be a way, there must be a way." Chang Xiaomei murmured.

"Unless there is a miracle." Xu Yuanhua saw Chang Xiaomei's nervousness, he knew Chang Xiaomei too well, this girl hated Ye Wutian on the surface, but in fact it was not like that.

Fate makes people, if Ye Wutian doesn't have so many confidantes, he and Chang Xiaomei are really a good pair, it's a pity! That kid is simply the King of Flowers.

Chang Xiaomei left Xu Yuanhua's office, and a few minutes later, she appeared in front of Ye Wutian. Today's Uncle Ye is treated specially, and the ordinary detention room cannot satisfy him.

The current situation is that Chang Xiaomei wants to see Ye Wutian, and she has to go through many hurdles to see him.

"Daughter-in-law, do you miss me?" Ye Wutian still had that condescending expression, not worried about himself at all.

Chang Xiaomei said, "You're not worried at all?"

"What's there to worry about? It's all happened, just treat it with peace of mind, it's how it will come or how it will come, it's useless to worry."

"You're quite open to thinking, do you know what the consequences are when you get into such a big disaster?"

Ye Wutian thought for a while and said, "The biggest consequence is death."

"Aren't you afraid of death?"


"I'm afraid you will do this again? There are many ways to take revenge, but you have to use this?"

"It's very simple, because I won't die." Ye Wutian revealed a sense of confidence. (m)

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