Mad Doctor

Chapter 863: Calm before the storm

"Senior Brother. [m/Text First Release: 520 Novels//"

Cheng Kexin shouted politely and deliberately kept a distance from Ouyang Hao.

Ouyang Hao was upset inside, but on the surface he was calm and comfortable, "Girl, aren't you welcome?"

Cheng Kexin shook his head and poured a cup of tea for Ouyang Hao himself, "Brother, please have some tea."

"I heard that Ye Wutian was arrested?" After taking the tea, Ouyang Hao asked deliberately.

"He was just framed." Cheng Kexin explained.

"Framed? Girl, it's not me who told you that you know people and faces but don't know your heart. Ask yourself, how much do you know about Ye Wutian? Do you fully understand him?"

Cheng Kexin was taken aback by this question. She really didn't fully understand Ye Wutian. In fact, who would fully understand a person?

"Brother, what do you want to say?"

Ouyang Hao pretended to be embarrassed, and his mouth was even more hesitant.

Cheng Kexin looked at the other party quietly, waiting for the other party's words.

After hesitating for a while, Ouyang Hao said, "I don't know if I should say something. I said it. I'm afraid you think I'm sowing discord, so I won't tell you. I can't get past my own level, and I'm afraid you will be deceived."

"It has something to do with Ye Wutian?" Cheng Kexin guessed the point at once.

Ouyang Hao nodded, "Girl, Ye Wutian is really not suitable for you, even if you don't like me, I still want to tell you that sometimes you can't just look at the appearance."

"Speak straight."

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight, do you know that Ye Wutian is very troubled? He has one thing in plain sight, and another in secret, do you know that?"

Cheng Kexin thought about it and said, "He used to be very distracted."

"Before?" Ouyang Hao sneered: "He is also very careless now. He has done a lot of sorry things in secret behind your back. I really don't know why he has to give up on this kind of person."

"Is there any evidence?"

"Yes, I accidentally took it." Ouyang Hao took out his mobile phone and called up a few photos for Cheng Kexin to see. "Actually, I shouldn't be talking about this. One is my relatives and the other is the woman I like."

Looking at the photo on the phone, Cheng Kexin didn't speak for a long time. In the photo, Ye Wutian and Ouyang Xingyue were hugging each other. Perhaps because of the good shooting angle, Ye Wutian even showed a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

After looking through a few photos, they were all photos of the two hugging each other. Cheng Kexin handed the phone back to Ouyang Hao: "Thank you, brother."

Ouyang Hao was overjoyed, thank you? Is it because he made her recognize Ye Wutian's true face? So you're thinking of thanking him? If so, that's a really good thing.

"How? Brother, am I right? Girl, he doesn't deserve your love, even if you can't like me." Ouyang Hao said bitterly.

Cheng Kexin smiled slightly, with happiness in his smile, "I believe him."

After hearing this, Ouyang Hao, who was quite happy, suddenly became stupid. Believe him? That's all, she still believes in Ye Wutian?

Regret, anger, unwillingness, and helplessness, Ouyang Hao's mood at this time was quite complicated.

"Senior brother, I know that you are doing it for my own good, but I understand your kindness, and what I have decided will not change."

"Girl, are you happy now?"

Cheng Kexin nodded without hesitation, although so far the villain in her mind has not said a word about loving her.

"He can give you happiness?" Ouyang Hao really didn't know what was good about Ye Wutian, "Am I that bad?"

Cheng Kexin said: "Senior brother, feelings are very strange. If you like it, you like it."

"You never liked me?" Ouyang Hao asked unwillingly.

"I have always regarded you as a big brother."

Ouyang Hao roared fiercely: "No, it shouldn't be like this, girl, you should understand that this is not what I thought."

Cheng Kexin didn't want to continue discussing this topic, "Let's change the topic."

"Tell me, have you ever liked me?"

Cheng Ke sighed: "No, never."

Ouyang Hao staggered back a few steps, "Okay, very good, haha...Okay."

Seeing this, Cheng Kexin was quite worried about Ouyang Hao. Although he didn't like him, he didn't want anything to happen to him.

Are your words serious?

But if he didn't talk about it more seriously, he would never give up, and it would not benefit anyone to keep entangled like this.

"Ye Wutian." Ouyang Hao's face suddenly sank, "Ye Wutian, let's see."

Cheng Kexin was shocked, Ouyang Hao's eyes were full of hatred, which was not what she wanted to see.

Without saying hello to Cheng Kexin, Ouyang Hao turned around and left, full of hatred. Today, he came with great confidence, but in the end he returned disappointed. This is not the result he wanted. He wants to change, completely change, Everything is because of the existence of Ye Wutian. Only when Ye Wutian disappears will things pass, and Cheng Kexin will belong to him Ouyang Hao.

Everything is due to Ye Wutian! It should also end because of Ye Wutian!

Cheng Kexin regretted that those words just hurt Ouyang Hao, and worried that he would be bad for Ye Wutian. If he really hated Ye Wutian, it would be quite a headache.

Situ Wei looked at Ye Wutian in front of him, and found that although this guy was caught, there was no trace of tension on his face, and his expression was calm.

"Good brother, did you miss your sister?"

The corner of Ye Wutian's mouth rose slightly: "I think, especially at night, especially at night."

The Situ Fairy's pretty face turned red, and she said in a coquettish manner: "Little villain, you know how to molest my sister."

"Hey! No way, who made you so beautiful?"

Situ Yao's beautiful eyes gleamed again and again: "Then you say that my sister is beautiful? Or is that girl Xingyue beautiful?"

"Uh!" Ye Wutian smiled bitterly: "Both are beautiful."

"There's always one beautiful, right?" The Situ Fairy rolled her eyes in a charming manner, her movements were lazy, and she was extraordinarily enchanting and seductive.

Could this goblin have practiced Mei Gong? Otherwise, why is she so attractive in everything she says and does?

Ye Wutian looked at the other party unscrupulously, eating tofu wildly, and his eyes especially stayed on the other party's chest for the longest time.

"You came so far to ask me this question?"

The Situ Fairy giggled and laughed, "Tell you, my sister is jealous, and you protect that girl Xingyue everywhere."

Ye Wutian Kuanghan: "Then what do you want? Why don't you come and let me hug?"

The one who answered Ye Wutian rolled his eyes again: "I want to take advantage of my sister again, little rascal."

Sometimes, Ye Wutian really wanted to press this goblin on the ground and clean her up on the spot. It's not her fault that she is paralyzed, beautiful and charming, but it's her fault that she always tempts him.

"I'm not joking with you. My sister came here today to see if you need any help from my sister. Seeing that you are so calm, I am too lazy to say anything. You must have a plan to deal with it."

Ye Wutian said: "Seriously, I have no way to deal with it, but if I am nervous, it won't make my enemies happy? If so, why should I be nervous? The police will give me an innocence."

The Situ Fairy smiled and said, "You have quite a lot of confidence in the police."

Ye Wutian shrugged and said with a smile: "There is no way, a small citizen like us can only pin all our hopes on the police."

The Situ Fairy rolled her eyes again charmingly: "Why do you feel your skin is getting thicker and thicker?"

"What I say is the truth."

"The court is about to start, do you really want my help?" Situ Wei put away her smile.

"I got your help. What do you want from me? I can tell you that I will never do anything I promise you."

"Go, whether you agree or not, little rascal." The Situ Fairy scolded: "But you seem to be worth a little more than you, and it seems that you really have nothing."

"So, if you want to help me, you have to think carefully." Ye Wutian said with a smile.

Ye Wutian is very clear, don't look at him often joking with each other, or even playing ambiguous, it's all superficial, Situ Wei is a businessman, and it's absolutely useless to get up early, and a person like her is unlikely to help others for no reason.

Of course, she is different from Ouyang Xingyue. After all, Ouyang Xingyue had a brief relationship with him in H.

While the two were chatting leisurely in the detention room, the Ning family was having a family meeting, and Ning Peng and his son were sitting in the study discussing the future of the Ning family.

"Dad, what are your inner thoughts?" Ning Yijun asked. Judging from the expression on the old man's face, he seemed to have the answer.

Ning Peng looked at his son and said word by word, "I want to fight."

Ning Yijun didn't speak. This was an expected answer. Not surprisingly, if the Ning family wanted to go to the next level, they had to resort to external forces.

"The risk is very high." Ning Peng said, "Once that kid fails, it is very likely that even our Ning family will be destroyed."

Ning Yijun said: "I don't think so. We are only cooperative with him. Even if he fails, the Ning family should be able to protect themselves."

Ning Peng smiled and said, "You think too simply."

"I just wonder if that kid can really do it. Every member of the Ning family lives to be a hundred years old. It's weird to think about it."

"Hehe, I don't know either, this can only be proven by time."

Ning Peng sometimes thinks that he is quite ridiculous. He is obviously old and still like a child, specializing in some bottomless things.

"I believe him, I'm not sure, he dares to take half of the shares of Qingcheng Pills?" Ning Yijun said: "With his superb medical skills that can heal you, maybe he can really do it."

"That kid openly said in front of me that he has a crush on Siqi, and that has happened more than once."

Ning Yijun frowned: "He already has a girlfriend."

Ning Peng said, "Isn't this married yet?"

"Dad, what do you mean?" Ning Yijun knew that the old man's words were very intriguing.

"Hehe, young people's affairs, let them develop."

Ning Yijun was startled again. From what the old man said, it was easy to tell that he was tempted. If Ye Wutian could openly pursue that girl Siqi, the old man would definitely raise his hands in secret, but no, Siqi already has a fiancé.

"As long as he passes this level, why not cooperate with him?" Ning Peng made a decision.

"Won't you help him this time?"

"Don't help. If you want to cooperate with my Ning family, you must have at least some ability. You can't do it with outstanding medical skills alone."

Ning Yijun knows that this is the old man's test for Ye Wutian. If Ye Wutian can handle this test by himself, the Ning family will consider cooperation. If he can't even pass this test, it means that Ye Wutian is bluffing.

Of course, in case Ye Wutian was convicted, the Ning family would save him. After all, he was kind to the Ning family, but the cooperation was avoided.

"Wait, let's see how that kid handles this." Ning Peng was looking forward to it, hoping to give him a surprise, or to give the Ning family confidence through this it to Ning Peng , cooperating with him will never be wrong, cooperating with him Ye Wutian is definitely the wisest choice!

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