Mad Doctor

Chapter 864: unexpected ending

In the Zhu family, Mr. Zhu sat alone in the study and sighed several times in a row. The matter of Ye Wutian gave him a headache. It was too much trouble. If he wanted to help, he was afraid that some people would not agree.

One hundred and eight human lives, not one hundred and eight ants, is not easy to handle!

Ye Wutian was too impulsive, and did not consider the consequences before doing things. How did he end up in the trouble now?

The opinions of various families in Beijing are not unified, and it is difficult to achieve a balance. Moreover, Ye Wutian killed so many people this time. If he wants to escape safely, it is difficult, and there must be no objection.

what to do?

Mr. Zhu racked his brains, he definitely wanted to help Ye Wutian, but how could he help? Everyone knew that Ye Wutian had killed a lot of people, and that was the point.

So far, the attitude of the Ma family is unclear. If the Ma family helps, things will be much simpler.

The old man knows that Ye Wutian is also a key point. The Hongyan Group must give considerable benefits, and those talents will move. There is no free lunch in the world.

"Where is Xiaojian?" Mr. Zhu raised his head and asked the secretary.

The secretary replied, "I saw him outside just now."

"Call him in."

The secretary turned to leave and went out to call Zhu Jian.

In the afternoon, Zhu Jian appeared in Dongcheng, he came with orders, and met Ye Wutian through relationship.

"Young Master Ye, what's the matter with you?" As soon as they met, Zhu Jian couldn't wait to ask: "With your status, you still fight and kill all day, is it interesting?"

Ye Wutian asked with a smile: "Do you have a cigarette? Give me one."

Zhu Jian was stunned, "Don't you not smoke?"

Ye Wutian smiled but did not answer, Zhu Jian took out the cigarette to Ye Wutian when he saw it.

"It turns out that this smoke tastes like this." Ye Wutian said.

Zhu Jian is not as calm as Ye Wutian: "Now is not the time to comment on cigarettes. What do you need us to help with? Zhang Shao and the others have spoken. If you have any orders, just speak up."

From the bottom of their hearts, Zhu Jian didn't want Ye Wutian to be in trouble. With Ye Wutian's help to them, their status in the family has been greatly improved. Of course I don't want to see it.

"Thank them for their kindness for me." Ye Wutian flicked the cigarette ashes, "The old man asked you to come?"

Zhu Jian nodded: "Grandpa doesn't say I have to come. Brother has something to do, we can't just sit back and ignore it."

Ye Wutian could feel Zhu Jian's sincerity and smiled: "What did the old man say?"

Zhu Jian was worried, "The situation is not optimistic."

"What's going on outside?"

"It can only be described in one word, chaos." Zhu Jian also lit a cigarette: "There are all kinds of voices."

"The main reason is that I usually provoke too many people." Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, Zhu Jian's sentence has all kinds of voices, which is easy to understand.

Zhu Jianxin said, do you still know that you usually provoke too many enemies? Thought you didn't know. "That's one aspect. The main reason is that your matter is too big this time, and no one can guarantee that you can completely cover it up."

"Well, understandable, let's just let them go."

"Do you have any plans?" Zhu Jian knew that Ye Wutian couldn't just sit and wait for death, and he wasn't despairing and couldn't possibly want to die.

"Let's talk about the old man's original words first."

Zhu Jian said: "Grandpa means that if you want to settle this matter, you have to give some benefits to satisfy those with different voices. Only in this way can you have a chance."

"Benefits, yes! Interests, interests are my father, everything else is empty." Ye Wutian raised his head and sighed.

Zhu Jian seemed to feel Ye Wutian's ridicule, and quickly explained: "It's for those people."

Ye Wutian didn't answer. The only interests he could come up with were those of Qingchengwan. I believe those people were staring at his interests, right? dog day.

"I want to know, how much do I need to take out?" Ye Wutian asked after thinking about it.

"Take out two products." Zhu Jian hesitated for a while and said.

Ye Wutian sneered: "Completely surrender?"

"That's the only way to have enough space." Zhu Jian said: "The old man just asked me to ask your opinion. To be honest, you can't help you this time with the Zhu family alone."

"I know." Ye Wutian was impulsive, but not stupid. He knew how much trouble he had caused this time, "Anyway, thank the old man for me."

"Thank you for what? It's all my own, so don't say thank you, but think of a way to see how to solve this problem."

"The old man's proposal, I will never agree to it."

"Life matters, Young Master Ye, are you afraid of running out of firewood if you keep the green hills? You can earn more money, but the most important thing at the moment is to get out of here." Zhu Jian added, "Even if you can get out of here successfully this time, you won't be able to get out of here. You have to change your identity, you have killed so many people, it is impossible to show up in the public eye, and your beautiful bodyguard, she cannot stay in the country."

"Master said that?"


"I don't agree, I won't be a sneaky person, I won't change my nationality, and my bodyguard will not be deported. This is also my request."

Zhu Jian was dumbfounded, what was Ye Wutian thinking? Soft and hard do not eat, what does he want? Do you really think the law was written by his family? Can be changed at will?

"Brother, I know what you think, so let's go back and tell the old man that he really wants to help me, so just do me a little favor." Ye Wutian said.

"You said." Zhu Jian knew that Ye Wutian said so, he must have already made up his mind.

"Send me to jail."

Zhu Jian was stunned. At this moment, all he wanted to do was to reach out and probe Ye Wutian's forehead to see if he was abnormal. Is this what a normal person would say? Take the initiative to speak and send him to prison? It's not what a normal person should say anyway.

"Hehe, don't show that stupid look, I'm serious." Ye Wutian patted Zhu Jian's shoulder.

Old Zhu Jian blushed when he came back to his senses, "You can't blame me, who else would be so surprised, can you blame me?"

Ye Wutian did not explain, "Can this be done? It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

"Can you tell me about your plan? You made my heart itch like this." Zhu Jian wanted to know what Ye Wutian's plan was, and what did he think? Break and stand? Do you practice?

"I can't say for now, the less people know, the better."

Zhu Jian nodded understandingly, "I understand." Ye Wutian didn't say it. To a certain extent, it could be said that he was protecting Zhu Jian. Zhu Jian knew this very well.

There was no accident that Ye Wutian was thrown into the big prison, and some people seemed to take special care of him, and kept him alone in a dark place where there was no daylight, except for a faint electric light.

"Don't be so ruthless, right?" Looking around, Ye Wutian was a little depressed, wondering if he was a little too careless? Get yourself to this place where birds don't shit, is there anyone more stupid than him in this world? I'm afraid it's gone, right?

Maybe Zhu Jian's words are right, money can be earned again, and if the green hills are left, how can you be afraid of running out of firewood?

But regret is useless. For this sake, regret is too late. If it comes, it will be safe. There is no way out.

Ye Wutian didn't know how many days he had been in there. It was the same day and night. Based on his intuition, he guessed that he had been here for two days. In the past two days, no one had come to visit him.

Staying like this, no one chats, let alone beauties, Ye Wutian doesn't know how long he can support himself in such a life. If no one comes, he doesn't know if those people in the Yang Group will go mad, but he will go mad anyway.

After a long time, the heavy and sturdy big iron door was finally opened, and Ye Wutian bounced from the corner in an instant. As long as someone came, he no longer cared who came up, and it would be good if someone chatted with him, he was almost ready. Been suffocated.

"Old man, why are you here?" Ye Wutian never dreamed that it would be Ning Peng.

"If I don't come again, maybe I won't see you in the future." Ning Peng's face was serious.

"Hey, not to that point, right?" Ye Wutian was in a good mood, thinking that he hadn't seen Ning Peng for a long time, how could he see him now under such circumstances.

"Hey! Daughter-in-law." Ye Wutian swallowed the last word without saying a word, "Miss Ning, I haven't seen you for a while, and she's beautiful again. It's really drooling."

Ning Siqi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, not knowing whether she should cry or laugh, this guy was still in the mood to joke when he was about to die.

Staring at Ye Wutian fiercely, he said indifferently, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Miss Ning, do you have a boyfriend?" Ye Wutian answered the question.

Ning Peng, who was standing next to him, couldn't help laughing and laughing. This kid was still in the mood to joke, proving that his head wasn't broken, it was normal.

"Isn't it uncomfortable to stay here?" Ning Peng said.

Ye Wutian glanced around: "It's not bad, except for the environment and the air, everything else is good and quiet."

"Pfft!" Ning Siqi suddenly couldn't help laughing out loud. It was the first time that she noticed that this hooligan was very funny.

"Oh, you mean you don't want to go out anymore?" Ning Peng asked.

Ye Wutian smiled: "Old man, you shouldn't ask me this question, but I want to go out, so I have to agree to it."

"How did I hear that you asked to come in?"

Uncle Ye blushed, "I don't say that, those people won't let me go, it's better for me to be more dashing."

"You know it well, and you know it."

"Old man, you didn't make a special trip to tell me this today, did you?" Ye Wutian started off The Yang family stopped, did you stop too? "

"Stop? What do you mean? I don't quite understand what you said."

"As long as you are willing to cooperate, Yang Langzi will stand up and announce that the dead have nothing to do with you."

Ye Wutian, who stared wide-eyed, was struck by lightning, "Damn it! No way? Is this okay?"

"Don't want to cooperate?"

"Think, is it really possible? I killed so many people, can I really pretend that nothing happened?" Ye Wutian laughed secretly, this situation seems to be better than he predicted, it is unbelievable.

The Yang family voluntarily gave in, Ye Wutian knew that there was no need to continue, and immediately nodded in agreement, not agreeing is a fool, do you really think it is cool to stay here? Not cool at all.

After walking out of this dark prison, Ye Wutian finally knew that he had been there for three days, looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, and roared fiercely: "Everyone, I am back, Hu Hansan." (m)

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