Mad Doctor

Chapter 865: Rage up again

Ye Wutian doesn't know what kind of exchange the above made, let alone who persuaded the Yang Group to let them let him go, especially Yang Langzi, who caused the Tenglong Gang to lose so much, Yang Langzi definitely can't wait for Ye Wutian dead people.

Ning Peng took Ning Siqi and Ye Wutian to eat a meal before leaving. Someone ran to the restaurant and ordered more than ten dishes in one go. Ignoring everyone's strange eyes, he sat there and started to devour it. After putting down his chopsticks, he touched his stomach, burping and sighing, "This is what people eat."

Ning Siqi didn't even pick up the chopsticks, Ye Wutian was already full, although Ye Wutian hadn't finished the dishes, Ning Siqi had lost her appetite, and Ye Wutian turned over every dish. , Miss Ning is not interested in eating at all.

In the end, what made Miss Ning mad the most was that Ye Wutian wanted her to treat her, but she didn't eat a single bite, and in the end she had to end up with a treat.

Ye Wutian didn't care about Ning Siqi's dissatisfaction, someone who didn't know what the blushing was about not only asked the beauty to treat her, but also borrowed 200 yuan for a taxi from the beauty.

With his status, he could have people come to pick him up, but he didn't, so he had to create surprises for others.

Ning Siqi, who was extremely upset, suddenly realized after handing over two hundred yuan, that Ye Wutian's happiness was based on her pain.

From the beginning to the end, Ning Peng did not stop him, and looked at the two young people with a smile, looking at them, Ning Peng would feel that he was getting younger.

"Grandpa, who do you think he is?" Ning Siqi began to complain, even though Ye Wutian's figure had long since disappeared.

"Hehe, I think it's good, it's good to be young."

Ning Siqi rolled her eyes, knowing that those words just now were in vain, grandpa would not say Ye Wutian.

"Xiaoqi, I sometimes wonder how nice it would be if your boyfriend were Xiaotian."

"Grandpa, do you really want to betroth me to him? Don't forget that he already has so many women, you want to push me into the fire pit?"

"What a pity!" Ning Peng inexplicably said a pity, not knowing what he was pity for, Ning Siqi didn't bother to ask.

In the taxi, Ye Wutian thought about meeting Cheng Kexin and they would be very happy to see him, right?

Hey, what I want is an effect!

Back at the company, Ye Wutian first took a bath, changed the clothes that had a strong smell, and tidied up his appearance before walking to Cheng Kexin's office.

Pushing away Cheng Kexin's office, there was no one in it, and even the secretary outside didn't know where to go.

Cheng Kexin was not there, and poured it on Uncle Ye's head like a basin of cold water, making him cold from head to toe.

Walking out of Cheng Kexin's office, Ye Wutian resisted the idea of ​​making a phone call and was going to go to Ouyang Xingyue's office downstairs, but when he went to Ouyang Xingyue's office, he was also missing, even Ouyang Xingyue was not there, let him Ye Wutian was depressed for a while.

Not one of them, where did they go?

Putting aside the thoughts in his heart, Ye Wutian decided to go to Situ Wei's office to have a look. He didn't believe that even Situ Wei was not there. If that was the case, it would be really evil.

When he pushed open Situ Wei's office, he finally realized that many things were really so evil, and Situ Wei was not in the office either.

The three women are not in their office. This kind of thing rarely happens. Where did they all go?

Walking out of Situ Wei's office, he just found Situ Wei's secretary walking towards him, so he hurried up, and the other party also saw Ye Wutian.

When she saw Ye Wutian, her first reaction was that she saw it wrong, it must be wrong, Ye Wutian should not be here, but Ye Wutian appeared here.

"Where did the people go?" Ye Wutian spoke first.

"It's really you?" The secretary was surprised, and there were surprises, and more of it was incredible and couldn't believe it.

Ye Wutian is funny, of course it's him, is there someone else?

"Of course it's me, what about you, where have you gone?" Ye Wutian asked again.


"Hospital?" Ye Wutian was shocked, "What happened?"

"It's not Chairman Situ, it's Dong Ouyang, who is injured."

"Be clear, do you know the reason?" Ye Wutian asked anxiously, so many things happened in just a few days.

The other party was frightened by Ye Wutian and took a few steps back, "Someone shot Dong Ouyang."

"Which hospital?"

"Dongcheng People's Hospital."

Before the secretary's words were finished, Ye Wutian turned around and ran, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ye Wutian, who ran all the way to the downstairs of the company, didn't expect this to happen. He didn't get a surprise, but he was shocked. So many things happened in just three days.

I drove to the hospital and happened to meet Chang Xiaomei. Ouyang Xingyue was not an ordinary person. She was attacked and many people couldn't sit still.

When Ye Wutian appeared, Chang Xiaomei was equally shocked and couldn't believe it, how did Ye Wutian come out?

"Why did you come out?" Chang Xiaomei asked.

"Come for Xingyue's business?" Ye Wutian answered the question.

Chang Xiaomei nodded slightly, answering Ye Wutian's question, and then he waited for Ye Wutian's answer, but Uncle Ye didn't mean to answer at all.

"Which room is she in?"

Chang Xiaomei stretched out her hand and pointed: "Front."

Following Chang Xiaomei's gaze, she already knew where Ouyang Xingyue was. At this time, Ouyang Xingyue's ward was guarded by both the police and Ouyang Xingyue's own people.

"You haven't told me yet, how did you come out?" Chang Xiaomei was very curious about this, it really shouldn't be, why did you come out? After causing such a big disaster and killing so many people, he, Ye Wutian, would be very lucky if he could live in prison for the rest of his life.

Chang Xiaomei suspected that Ye Wutian had sneaked out, and only this explanation could make sense.

"What? Don't want me to come out?" Ye Wutian was surprised when he knew why Chang Xiaomei, "Don't ask me, to be honest, I don't know why I came out, it's still like a dream.

Chang Xiaomei still had a lot of questions to ask, but Ye Wutian didn't give her a chance, and people had already run towards Ouyang Xingyue.

Pushing aside the ward, Ye Wutian saw Ouyang Xingyue lying on the bed at first sight, with a thick gauze wrapped around his right calf, while Cheng Kexin and Situ Wei were standing beside him.

Ye Wutian's entry did not surprise the three girls. At this time, he didn't care whether they were surprised or not. After greeting them, he walked directly to Ouyang Xingyue, "What did the doctor say?"

"It hurts the bones and the bullet has been taken out." Ouyang Xingyue said.

"Who did it?" Ye Wutian couldn't accept that such a big thing happened after he left for three days.

"Tenglong Gang." It was Situ Wei who answered the question.

"Tenglong Gang? It's them again?" Ye Wutian couldn't understand that the Tenglong Gang wanted to deal with Ouyang Xingyue in order to guarantee.

After coming out this time, one of the things Ye Wutian has to do is to hand over the antidote to Yang Langzi, and then stop leaking all the trade secrets of the Yang Group. No day to come out.

Now it seems that I have to change my mind.

"Don't mess around, you'll be fine after a period of rest." Ouyang Xingyue saw that Ye Wutian's face was not good, and knew that he would definitely be angry.

"I'll help you heal first." Ye Wutian didn't agree immediately, he gently opened the gauze on Ouyang Xingyue's right leg and threw it away, and at the same time wanted to find out the medicine powder to apply medicine to Ouyang Xingyue, but when he touched his waist After a while, I remembered that I didn't bring it with me.

Ye Wutian used Xuanyuan Zhenqi to hold Ouyang Xingyue's right leg and began to heal her wounds with Zhenqi.

Ouyang Xingyue soon felt the itch, the itch was like an ant bite, and she almost couldn't help reaching out and scratching.

Two or three minutes later, some black blood gushed out from the surface of the wound, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

After the black blood flowed out, Ouyang Xingyue not only felt itchy, but also felt a heat flow in her body, mainly in her right leg, swimming like snakes.

Beside him, Situ Wei and Ouyang Xingyue were both curious and knew that Ye Wutian was saving people with internal force. This scene was too absurd. Just like the heroes in ancient times, they could use internal force to force poison.

It sounds incredible!

Gradually, the flesh of the wound was slowly turning red. Ye Wutian saw that it was almost the same, so he stopped. He was quite satisfied with the effect. Ouyang Xingyue's wound recovered well.

Called a nurse to re-bandage Ouyang Xingyue. After the nurse finished her work, Ye Wutian sent the other party away.

"Tell me about the situation at that time." Ye Wutian said this while looking at Ouyang Xingyue.

"Just came out of the house and was shot." Ouyang Xingyue finished the story lightly.

Ye Wutian's sweat, what kind of story is this? So short and clear, it really fits her character.

"Just now you said you were from the Tenglong Gang, what evidence do you have?"

"The gunman has been caught." Situ Wei replied.

This sentence is enough, I believe that Situ Wei and the others are asking useful clues from the murderer's mouth.

"Where is the murderer?"

"He was taken away by the police, and later by Guoan, and he is nowhere to be found now."

After hearing Situ Wei's words, Ye Wutian was not angry, but wanted to laugh. He didn't need to ask any more to know that the murderer must have been let go by someone.

"How many items of Yang's Group are still on hand?" Ye Wutian asked.

"What do you want to do?" Cheng Kexin was smart and guessed Ye Wutian's intention: "Do you want to continue?"

"Well, let them all go." Ouyang Xingyue's injury made Ye Wutian angry, and he didn't want to reconcile with Yang Langzi at first, but now he is making him find an excuse.

"Not good? What do you do?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"We still have it, and it can be enough to make the Yang Group's withdrawal from the stage of history. Will this force the opponent to jump over the wall?" Situ Wei asked.

Ye Wutian sneered: "What I want is this I'm afraid they won't be in a hurry." Yang Langzi is always a hidden danger and must be eliminated.

After explaining, Ye Wutian left alone, and Xue Ying, who was originally assigned by Ye Wutian to secretly protect the three women, continued to stay beside Ouyang Xingyue.

"Is it too crazy?" Ouyang Xingyue asked after Ye Wutian left.

"Uncle Ye has always been crazy. Who can make him change his mind about what he decides? I don't have the ability anyway."

"If you can't change his mind, try your best to help him, and use the fastest and most ruthless method to completely sink the enemy. Only in this way can we be safe."

Situ Wei and Ouyang Xingyue looked at each other, Cheng Kexin had changed a lot, she would never be able to say these words before.

More than an hour later, Ye Wutian appeared at the Tenglong Gang headquarters, and there was a tailworm beside him. Chang Xiaomei also followed, "I warn you, don't mess around."

Ye Wutian stood at the gate. He looked at the building indifferently, knowing that it was time to decide whether to win or lose: "Don't worry, I won't mess around, I have to give you face no matter what."

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