Mad Doctor

Chapter 866: Destroy the Gang (Part 1)

Chapter 866 Destroy the Gang (1)

Chang Xiaomei always thinks that Ye Wutian's words are not credible, at least the words just now can't be believed, don't look at Ye Wutian, this will be normal and calm, according to her understanding of him, if someone offends him, this rogue is Impossible to give up.

However, when Chang Xiaomei saw him running to the Tenglong Gang alone, it didn't seem like she wanted to fight. For a while, Chang Xiaomei was a little confused and couldn't figure it out.

"I warn you, it's best not to mess around. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about it for your confidantes. If you have something to do, what will they do?" Chang Xiaomei said bitterly, hoping that Ye Wutian can now leave.

Ye Wutian knew what Chang Xiaomei was worried about, and said: "Daughter-in-law, your way of caring about people is different, can't you say what you do? You have to get involved with them."

Chang Xiaomei with a sinking face roared: "Who am I to you? Who are you to me?"

"Yang Langzi is here." Ye Wutian answered the question.

Chang Xiaomei followed her gaze, and sure enough, Yang Langzi walked over with a cane in his hand.

No smiles, no greetings, just hatred and anger between each other.

Neither of the two spoke first, and what they said at this time was superfluous, and it was impossible for the two sides to become friends again.

"What do I want?" Yang Langzi said first.

Ye Wu took out a piece of paper, "Did you do what happened to Ouyang Xingyue? Give you a chance, a chance to be honest."

"What do you want to say?" Yang Langzi said coldly, only a fool would admit it.

"Very well, it seems that you are not ready to admit it, or it is because I am a little more affectionate, how can you, Yang Langzi, take the initiative to confess?" Ye Wutian knew that he asked this more.

Yang Langzi laughed in his heart, thinking, do you still know?

Handing over the piece of paper, Ye Wutian said: "Doing the above method can save your life."

"Sure enough, it's you." Yang Langzi, who took the prescription, was furious, and his fingers cluttered while holding the cane, which was very scary.

"What do you want to say?" Ye Wutian returned the words to Yang Langzi.

"Ye Wutian, what you owe me, I will remember it, and I will remember the Tenglong gang." The Tenglong gang was in a commotion, and although the news was blocked, it was leaked out, and now everyone knows it outside.

"Are you a threat?" Ye Wutian was not afraid, "Do you still want to fight?"

Yang Langzi didn't speak, but if he gave Chang Xiaomei a meaningful look, he took the recipe and turned to leave.

Ye Wutian's eyes were half closed until Yang Langzi's figure disappeared.

"You still want to stay here?" Chang Xiaomei asked, not caring about Yang Langzi's special glance just now.

"Let's go, things have been completed." Ye Wutian turned around with a smile: "I said it won't make you embarrassed, you still don't believe it."

Chang Xiaomei said, "It's not like you."

"What? What do you mean?" Ye Wutian was confused by Chang Xiaomei's words.

"You can't come all the way to deliver a recipe, that's not your character."

Ye Wutian is funny: "Oh, according to you, I have other conspiracies?"


"What conspiracy do I have? To say yes, I really have one now. I want to invite my wife to dinner, can you?" Ye Wutian smirked.

"No time." Chang Xiaomei really wanted to bring Ye Wutian back to the prison where there was no sunshine all day long, and let him die alone in that place alone, to see how shameless he was.

"Don't call my daughter-in-law, keep your mouth clean."

"Chang Xiaomei, don't force me. You have to agree to this matter, and you have to agree if you don't agree. In short, you have no choice. The time for you to think about it has passed. How are you thinking about it? Don't tell me. If you haven't thought about it, I'll be very unhappy."

Police Officer Chang Da was angry when he heard it: "It's none of my business whether you are happy or not?"

"Next month, I will invite everyone in the Dongcheng police circle to dinner and officially announce the affair between us. What do you think?" Ye Wutian asked.

"You dare." Chang Xiaomei was ready to draw her gun.

"Why don't I dare?" Ye Wutian's eyes began to be dishonest, and he couldn't stop aiming at the places he shouldn't be aiming at.

Seeing Ye Wutian's strange gaze, Chang Xiaomei quickly calmed down and secretly plotted, the more angry she was, the happier Ye Wutian was.

"Do you think you will come?" How is it possible to invite the entire Dongcheng police circle to dinner?

"Hey, I can't believe others, but if I ask for it, it will be successful. You don't have to doubt that. Do you think, when the secretary of the municipal party committee and the police chief are here, how many people will not want to come?" Ye Wutian was very concerned. proud.

Chang Xiaomei, who managed to suppress her anger, was stunned by Ye Wutian's words again, "Don't force me."

"Have you considered it? Answer me."

Chang Xiaomei who gritted her teeth shook her head: "No."

"how much longer?"

"Three years."

"One month." Ye Wutian stretched out his finger and gave you another month to consider.


Ye Wutian laughed loudly, and it was a good thing to tease Officer Chang Da when he had nothing to do.

"Daughter-in-law, wait, a good show is about to be staged, I'm afraid you will be busy again soon." Ye Wutian stretched out his hand to pull Chang Xiaomei, but was avoided by the other party.

Chang Xiaomei always felt that something was wrong, she had a premonition that something big was going to happen, especially after listening to Ye Wutian's words, she even believed in her own intuition.

Looking forward to Ye Wutian to say more, but Ye Wutian did not intend to continue.

After the two left, Chang Xiaomei rejected Ye Wutian's kindness, didn't eat with him, and drove away without even sending Ye Wutian back to the company. Women are vengeful animals.

After returning to the office with the prescription given by Zhongye Tianwutian, Yang Langzi handed the prescription to the two old men sitting on the sofa, "Two, trouble."

One of the old men took the recipe and said, "No trouble, no trouble."

Yang Langzi didn't speak any more, just sat there quietly and waited.

The two old men discussed the formula for a while, and finally reached an agreement.

"Mr. Yang, we have discussed and analyzed it, and the herbs in the recipe are all common herbs," said one of the old men.

Yang Langzi frowned, such an answer made him difficult to accept, "Then what?"

"There should be no problem." The old man replied.

"Should?" This time, Yang Langzi was even more unhappy. After waiting for a long time, he just waited for a **** sentence to come back? He didn't want to hear about shoulds, he needed absolute answers, not shoulds.

The two old men looked nervous. They knew who Yang Langzi was. If Yang Langzi was unhappy, the situation would not be very good.

"We still need to conduct tests to know the specific situation."

At this time, Yang Langzi suddenly wanted to throw the two guys into the sea to feed the sharks.

"You two, you know, my request is actually very simple. I just want to know some answers I want to know. My request shouldn't be difficult, right? You guys can't satisfy me?" Yang Langzi began to lose patience.

The two old men were silent, so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe. Usually, they were intimidating in front of other patients, and when have they ever been afraid of patients? Of course, Yang Langzi was not an ordinary patient, and offending him would often end badly.

"I need answers."

"No problem, we can be sure that this recipe is fine." Under the pressure of Yang Langzi, the two old men began to choose to give in.

"It's really no problem? It won't become any poison when combined together, right?" Yang Langzi was very afraid of Ye Wutian's strange and unpredictable medical skills.

"This, probably not." An old man replied.

"Crack!" The unbearable Yang Langzi slapped the table again, "Two, do you have a more positive tone? What I need is affirmation, not guesswork, understand?"

The two old men looked at each other and didn't know what to say. It seemed that nothing would work. They also wanted to tell Yang Langzi happily and tell him whether this recipe was poisonous or not. The problem was that they couldn't do it.

"You are all elites, and you are all top experts in traditional Chinese medicine. I invited you to come, not to help me guess."

"Give us a little time, we need to analyze, according to our experience, this formula is not a problem, it is a very common formula, but for safety, we need some time."

Yang Langzi didn't say anything, and the other party's request was very reasonable.

At this moment, the phone on the table rang, and the rapid ringing made Yang Langzi upset for a while, especially since the call was still from the Yang Group.

"What?" Yang Langzi, who was on the phone, suddenly shouted, frightening the two old men who were lowering their heads to discuss. The old man who was holding the prescription was so frightened that he could not even hold the prescription.

"Bastard." Yang Langzi slammed the phone down, and the high-end phone instantly turned into garbage.

"Ye Wutian, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Yang Langzi looked extremely grim, "If you want to play, I will play with you."

Just now, the call told him that the Yang Group was maliciously attacked again, and the confidential information of the Yang Group was leaked.

When this happened, Yang Langzi was the first to suspect Ye Wutian, and only Ye Wutian had this strength.

Of course, Ye Wutian didn't know that Yang Langzi was yelling at him. When he returned to Ouyang Xingyue's ward, he saw that Cheng Kexin and the two had left, and only Ouyang Xingyue was there, he seemed calm.

"Are you looking for Yang Langzi?" Ouyang Xingyue spoke first.

Ye Wutian nodded, "Well, promise some people."

Ouyang Xingyue knew what Ye Wutian was referring and they had already started to act. "

"Are you sure?" Ouyang Xingyue is smart, and Ye Wutian is not stupid, so he naturally knows what Ouyang Xingyue means.

While speaking, Ye Wutian stretched out his hand to hold Ouyang Xingyue's white and tender little hand, and his fingertips slid across Ouyang Xingyue's palm, itching.

Ouyang Xingyue wanted to withdraw her hand, but Ye Ye didn't let it go, "Don't move, baby, don't forget what you said, whatever I want to eat, have you forgotten?"

The flushed Ouyang Xingyue was very shy, what did he mean? Always remember these for what?

"You can't completely defeat your opponent, they are not so easy to be defeated, don't expect too much." Ouyang Xingyue, who could not withdraw her hand, simply chose to give up and let Ye Wutian hold her little hand.

"Hey, don't worry, a good show is about to be staged, wait and see, right? Let's be husband and wife together, will Yang Langzi be our opponent?"

Ouyang Xingyue could hear what Ye Wutian meant, and he must have thought of a crooked idea again. (m)

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