Mad Doctor

Chapter 868: Destroy the gang (below)

Chapter 868 Destroy the Gang (2)

The fairy Situ Wei hummed, her watery eyes were half-closed, her **** soft lips spit out a fragrance, which made Ye Wutian's heart arouse. Although the two of them had been crazy before, and Ye Ye was familiar with this fairy, but even so , Uncle Ye is still unable to extricate himself, and is quite obsessed with the Situ Fairy.

"Speak the truth." Ye Wutian said, who was very angry, and said bitterly at the same time, if this goblin dared to tempt him at night, he would definitely clean up her so that she couldn't get out of bed for three days, seeing her still Can you be proud, and dare you not be so proud.

"The Yang Group's stock application was suspended, just ten minutes ago."

"Suspension?" Ye Wutian was stunned, "It's a pity, we can't let their stocks turn into blank paper."

Situ Wei giggled and smiled, and when she smiled, the pair of babies on her chest shook even more fiercely and fiercely.

"Master, you don't understand business. Suspension of trading can only temporarily protect the stock price of Yang's Group, but in the long run, Yang's Group's application for suspension of trading will suffer even greater losses. The first is credibility. Any listed company that suddenly suspends trading will give itself and Shareholders cause losses.”

Ye Wutian's eyes lit up, "You mean it's better to suspend trading than to let their stock prices fall to the ground?"

"At least that's my understanding." Situ Wei nodded.



Excited, Ye Wutian squeezed hard, squeezing the tender meat on Situ Wei's thigh until it turned red, causing Situ Wei who was in pain to scream.

After pinching it, Ye Wutian realized that he had acted rudely and had done something he shouldn't have done, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly, with an apologetic look on his face, "I'm sorry, I was careless."

Situ Wei winked like silk, rubbing the tender meat that Ye Wutian pinched red, "I don't care, you have to accompany me to dinner at night, and I have to work overtime."

Ye Wutian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Others might not know what Situ Wei said about working overtime, but he knew very well. But this word was also a secret language between him and Situ Wei, a secret language that only they knew.

"Okay." Ye Wutian agreed. In retrospect, it seemed that he agreed to try with Cheng Kexin that day, but he forgot about it because of various things, grandma.

"It's about the same." Situ Wei, who got a satisfactory answer, looked satisfied.

Ye Wutian said: "Why do you look like a resentful woman?"

"People are always grumpy women. They have a big appetite and need to eat every day. Lord, ask yourself, when will you give them a meal?"

Ye Wutian was completely speechless, and Lei was speechless by the words of the Situ Fairy, what else could he say? It seems that it is useless to say anything, this goblin can always find various reasons.

"The Yang Group will also have today, hehe, it's really happy, continue, I want to make the Yang Group disappear."

Situ Wei said: "That's impossible, a rotten ship has three pounds of nails, the Yang Group is an ordinary company on the surface, its strength far exceeds our family, think about sinking this huge ship, it is unlikely. "

Ye Wutian did not expect that Situ Wei and Ouyang Xingyue would say the same thing. Both women said that it was impossible for the Yang Group to disappear. It seemed that he underestimated the strength of the Yang Group.

"When the struggle reaches a certain level, someone above will jump out to stop it. That's the rules of the game," Situ Wei explained.

Situ Wei's words are not difficult to understand. There must be someone in a group as big as the Yang Group. How can outsiders know about the various interests in it?

"The Yang Group is not an iron plate. If you want to deal with it, you just need some time. Master, there are many things that can't be rushed. We have already made some people complain when we do this now, but those people don't dare to ignore our strength. Otherwise those jumping clowns would have already jumped out to stop them."

"Well, in any case, the Yang Group must disappear. If they don't die, we can never be happy."

"Does the Tenglong Gang have anything to do with you?" Situ Wei asked after changing the subject.

Ye Wutian didn't answer directly: "You don't need to pay attention to this matter, it's good for you."

Situ Wei kissed Ye Wutian fiercely, and asked for a kiss like a wolf before saying, "I always know that with you by our side, we are all safe."

Ye Wutian just smiled and didn't speak. He was thinking, what is the current situation of the Tenglong Gang? Should be very troublesome, right?

The ringing of the phone made Ye Wutian take back his thoughts and pick up the phone, only to realize that it was Yang Langzi's phone call. The other party called at this time, and even thinking about it with his butt, he could think of the call.

Ye Wutian thought about it for a while, and finally decided to answer the call, "Yang Langzi, we should have nothing to say. What do you want to call me for? You want to call me a brother? Damn it! You can't be so shameless."

Yang Langzi on the other side of the phone was about to bite his lip, "Ye, aren't you being too ruthless? What are you coming at me, why do you want to shoot at my subordinates?"

"Wait." Ye Wutian interrupted Yang Langzi's speech and said: "What did you say? What is too cruel?" Ye Wutian pretended not to understand even knowing what Yang Langzi said.

"Let's pretend, Ye Wutian, let's not talk secretly, we will take out the antidote immediately, this will be good for everyone." Yang Langzi was not in the mood to talk to Ye Wutian. At this time, he just wanted to let the Tenglong help quickly. Reduce losses.

"An antidote? Are you saying that the recipe is fake?" Ye Wutian roared louder than Yang Langzi, "I said what the **** is going on with you? Wouldn't you find someone to look at? Is the recipe true or false? You will know, why do you need to make a special trip to call me? You **** think I am as idle as you? Waste of time, if you are afraid of death, don't take those medicines." After speaking, Ye Wutian hung up the phone, domineering. Full.

Situ Wei, who had been unable to bear it for a long time, finally laughed, she could hear the call just now, Ye Wutian teased Yang Langzi as a mouse, such an immoral thing is afraid and only Ye Wutian can do it .

"Father, you are too bad."

"Hey, wait, the call will come again soon." Ye Wutian also thought that he was a bit bad.

Sure enough, just after Ye Wutian finished speaking, the phone rang again, it was Yang Langzi, this time Ye Wutian didn't answer and let the phone ring.

"Why didn't you pick it up?" Situ Wei asked.

"It's boring, so what if I take it?" Ye Wutian said: "At that time, it is inevitable to ridicule Yang Langzi again. Although I am very willing to do that, it is meaningless to do more."

Situ Wei rolled her eyes when she heard this, the man in front of him was not ordinary cute, like a small child.

The next day, the plague of the Tenglong Gang was still not under control. More and more people were infected in the building, and the death rate was getting higher and higher. So far, the death toll has risen to 196 people. One day , In just one day, the death toll has risen to nearly 200 people, making people panic, for fear that the next one will be themselves.

For safety reasons, the government has designated the Tenglong Gang headquarters building as a restricted area, and even all residents within a two-kilometer radius have moved out.

The expert group had nothing to do, and the seriousness of the matter far exceeded their expectations. For this reason, the Beijing side sent another expert group. At the same time, other countries also sent expert groups to Dongcheng for the first time. There are no boundaries, there is only one global village.

In the next few days, a large number of experts gathered in Dongcheng, and then so many elite experts came and did not effectively control the situation. In three days, more than 400 people have died, so many people have died, and the epidemic has not yet been suppressed. Control, experts from so many countries are gathered together, and they don't even have a clue. This is already hitting them in the face.

For Yang Langzi and his Tenglong gang, these days are the cold winter of the Tenglong gang. The Tenglong gang will not only be attacked by the mysterious plague, but also be attacked by other opponents. If this continues, the Tenglong Gang may be wiped out.

Most of the main elites in the gang are trapped in the headquarters, and now two-thirds of them are dead. The situation is not optimistic.

Yang Langzi has lost weight and his hair has turned white. In the face of the mysterious plague, he is a super powerful person who can't leave here. He can only command the situation outside through the phone. For the Tenglong Gang, the outside world has long been shaking. Yang Langzi always used the telephone to command, which seemed to be of little effect.

what to do? In addition to planning the work of the Tenglong Gang, Yang Langzi also has to take care of the Yang Group. Now the situation of the Yang Group cannot be underestimated. The suspension of stock trading is only a temporary measure. will be suspended.

what to do? Difficult! Yang Langzi, who was sitting in the office, sighed again and again. He who rarely sighs can't stop sighing now. The Tenglong Gang and the Yang Group are even vulnerable to the attack of the opponent!

Some people like it, others worry, Yang Langzi is depressed, but Situ Chu is not happy. At this time, sitting in the bar, he gently shakes the wine glass in his hand, watching the wine in the glass turn around in the glass, Situ Chu shows a faint smile meaning.

After stopping shaking, Situ Chu Xiaoyan took a sip and let the red wine slide down his throat. The guy closed his eyes and slowly tasted the deliciousness of the red wine.

I don't know if it's because of my mood or Situ Chu found that today's red wine tasted very good, even though he usually drinks it.

Putting down the wine glass and picking up the cigar leaning against the ashtray, Situ Chu suddenly thought of what he said to Xiaowei not long ago. At that time, he asked Xiaowei to leave Ye Wutian, but Xiaowei objected. Now it seems that his vision Not as good as Xiao Wei, even far less.

Vision decides everything. If Xiaowei is allowed to run the gang, he will definitely be able to go further. Of course, this can only be thought of randomly, and it is impossible to happen.

A face to face can make Yang Langzi embarrassed. I am afraid that only Ye Wutian can do it. After killing so many people, he can still appear in people's sight. Who can?

Beauty loves heroes. With such a man, how could Xiao Wei be willing to leave?

Situating the cigar, Situ Chu shouted: "Pass on my order, tonight is a big game. Those who have made meritorious deeds will be rewarded." If you don't take advantage of such a good opportunity, Situ Chu is an idiot, isn't he? He is not.

Yang Langzi was trapped, and the Tenglong Gang could be said to be leaderless. Of course, such a good opportunity should not be missed. (m)

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