Mad Doctor

Chapter 869: inexplicably sad

Yang Langzi was trapped, which made Situ Chu see hope and desperately devoured the territory of the Tenglong Gang, which is the truth of the so-called taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

There is no reason for Situ Chu to let go of such a good opportunity. If he misses this rare opportunity in a thousand years, he will let him go, and Ye Wutian will not let him go.

The wall was pushed down by everyone. What happened to the Yang family made many people shut up with interest. Many people who wanted to help the Yang family also chose to shut up. In any case, they could not put themselves in to help the Yang family. .

It is precisely because of this that Situ Chu found an opportunity and desperately seized the territory of the Tenglong Gang, but it seemed that nothing had happened.

It's been a long time since it was as cool as it is now. Over the years, the Tyrant Tiger Gang has been suppressed by the Tenglong Gang to the point where they can't breathe. Bird Qi, I can finally step on the Tenglong Gang under my feet.

As the so-called 30 years Hedong, 30 years Hexi, the Tenglong Gang met an opponent, and this battle was lost so badly.

What makes Situ Chu most proud is that he did not build the Bahu Gang, but knew Ye Wutian and became friends with Ye Wutian.

As a member of the Situ family, Situ Chu has experienced many storms and has seen many people of all shapes and sizes, but he has never seen a monster like Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian is more evil than evildoer! This is Situ Chu's evaluation of him. This kind of person should not offend him unless he has to, let alone become an enemy of him, otherwise Yang Langzi is the best example.

In one night, they seized several large territories of the Tenglong Gang, which made the Tyrant Tiger Gang's strength soar. Now, the Tyrant Tiger Gang is officially qualified to compete with the Tenglong Gang.

Taking out the phone, Situ Chu called Situ Wei: "Xiaowei, are you free with that kid? Third uncle invites you to dinner."

When receiving the call, Situ Chu happened to be in Ye Wutian's office. Situ Wei was very aware of the care of the third uncle, so before answering, she glanced at Ye Wutian and replied, "You don't need to eat, you Take your time."

"Haha, the third uncle has no other intentions, I just want to thank him." Situ Chu smiled.

"Let's talk about this when it's over. It's not suitable for the limelight and fire now. It's good for both of you to meet each other." Situ Wei knows that it's best for both parties to not meet, and it's good for both parties.

After chatting for a while, Situ Wei hung up the phone and said to Ye Wutian, "The third uncle wanted to invite you to dinner, but I refused."

Ye Wutian said: "This time Situ Chu can't take care of the Tenglong Gang, so I'll take care of him."

"I still have this ability, don't worry, the third uncle can't be innovative, but he can definitely be conservative."

Ye Wutian didn't talk about this topic again, and asked: "How is Yang Langzi?"

"Fighting alone, five hundred people have died so far." Situ Wei said, "This time, Zutenglong will help you drink a pot."

Ye Wutian nodded, this is what he wanted to hear.

In the afternoon, Ye Wutian unexpectedly received a call from Fairy Feng.

If it is someone else, Ye Wutian may not be free, but for Fairy Feng, even if Ye Wutian is not free, he has to make time.

"Sister Shenxian, I finally see you." Ye Wutian was excited when he saw Fairy Feng again.

I haven't seen her for a while, Fairy Feng has lost weight, but she is still so beautiful and elegant, like a fairy in the Heavenly Palace who doesn't eat human fireworks.

It was undeniable that Fairy Feng was the most distinctive and outstanding among all the women Ye Wutian knew.

The assistant beside Fengxianzi was replaced by a middle-aged woman, poured tea to Ye Wutian and left.

There were only Fairy Feng and Ye Wutian left in the office, neither of them spoke first, their eyes met and intertwined.

"Is that you?" After a long time, Fairy Feng asked.

"Sister Shenxian, are you asking about the Tenglong Gang?" Ye Wutian asked.

Fairy Feng nodded lightly.

Ye Wutian is funny: "What kind of answer do you want to hear?"

"Physicians, you can help the world without sympathy, but you must never become a devil." Fairy Feng said in a serious tone, "You can take revenge, but you can't hurt innocents."

How could Ye Wutian not hear the tone of Fairy Feng's tone? Perhaps Fairy Feng had already regarded him as a murderer in her subconscious, and just like most people outside, she regarded him as a murderer in her heart.

"Sister Shenxian, you are afraid that you are already doubting me, right?" Ye Wutian didn't answer immediately.

Fairy Feng was silent, and in Ye Wutian's opinion, her silence represented recognition.

"I won't answer." Ye Wutian thought about it for a while and said, "Since you think it's me, Sister Shenxian, what's the use of me saying more?"

Fairy Feng was stunned for a moment, she probably did not expect Ye Wutian to answer like this.

"Sister Shenxian, are you going back this time?" Ye Wutian said: "I wanted to invite you to dinner, but now it seems that I invite you to eat, but you won't agree, right? You don't want to be with someone like me, right? ?"

At this moment, Ye Wutian felt uncomfortable in his heart. It wasn't that he was never misunderstood. This time, it was different, especially uncomfortable. The person who suspected him was Fairy Feng.

Fairy Feng didn't speak, and she didn't know what she was thinking at this time.

Ye Wutian laughed at himself, "I'm leaving first."

Fairy Feng moved her lips slightly, she wanted to say something, but she swallowed the words again, and in the end she could only watch Ye Wutian leave.

Ye Wutian, who walked out of Fairy Feng's office, felt extremely uncomfortable, raised his head and shouted, "Ah!"

It doesn't matter if others suspect him, Fairy Feng is also like this, he cares about Fairy Feng's suspicion.

Fairy Feng had already doubted him subjectively, so he didn't want to explain it any further.

The good mood disappeared in an instant, and the relationship with Fairy Feng was not that kind of intimate couple, but Ye Wutian felt that he was very close to Fairy Feng before, maybe there was a relationship with Xuanyuan Zhenqi, from the beginning, Ye Wutian They didn't treat her as an outsider.

Walking aimlessly on the street, I don't know how long I have walked, and I look up to see a bar that is open 24 hours a day. Ye Wutian walked in without thinking.

Many people think of wine when they are upset, and Ye Wutian is no exception.

Walked into the bar, walked to the corner alone and sat down, asking for a bottle of liquor.

The phone in his pocket kept ringing, Ye Wutian didn't answer it, he didn't even have interest in watching, and let the phone ring. At this time, he hated the phone very much, and it always made people unable to be quiet.

A bottle of white tea soon bottomed out, and Ye Wutian beckoned the waiter to ask for another bottle.

Uncle Ye is not the kind of person who likes to drink wine to relieve his worries, but today he still wants to drink, he wants to sit here alone and drink some wine.

After the waiter brought another bottle of wine, Ye Wutian unscrewed the bottle cap and drank it directly.

There are not many guests in the bar during the day, but at this time all the guests are deeply attracted. There are not many people who drink so much. There are roughly two types of people who drink like this. One is emotional injury, and the other is money injury. Who is this person in front of him?

A bottle of wine has bottomed out again. Ye Wutian, who threw down the bottle, accidentally saw the news about the Tenglong Gang on the TV in the bar. The news also said that the Tenglong Gang had killed so many people. Ye Wutian was the main suspect. Object, there is a major suspicion.

The host in the news not only read out his name, Ye Wutian, but also got a photo and released it.

"Ha ha!"

Ye Wutian laughed wildly, his laughter once again attracted the attention of the guests, but some guests would recognize Ye Wutian, and the suspected murderer was here.

After confirming that it was Ye Wutian, the guests in the bar all checked out and walked out of the bar, and even several guests didn't even pay their bills and went out directly.

The plague of the Tenglong Gang is too shocking and terrifying, and no one wants to get involved with that kind of plague, so they regard Ye Wutian as a wolf and tiger.

With red eyes, Ye Wutian burst out with inexplicable anger, grabbed an empty wine bottle on the table and smashed it towards the TV.

The TV screen shattered instantly, and after a bang, the TV also sent out bursts of sparks and crackling.

"What are you looking at? Lao Tzu is Ye Wutian, the murderer you suspect." Ye Wutian roared at the waiter with wide eyes, "What's the matter with smashing your TV? Do you want Lao Tzu to lose money? Come and get it, Lao Tzu will pay you."

Ye Wutian indicated that he wanted to lose money, but no one of the waiters dared to go over to take it, and no one took Ye Wutian’s words as a thing, and took the money in the past, what if he was poisoned by Ye Wutian secretly?

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Ye Wutian was also a little self-indulgent. He stepped on the drunken step and left. After two bottles of wine, Ye Wutian was in a much better mood. , that's enough.

Ye Wutian left the bar just like that, and didn't even settle the bill.

"Ah, you bumped into me." On the street, a woman frowned in dissatisfaction.

Ye Wutian stopped, "Little girl, do you want to play Pengci? I'm in a bad mood today, let's go."

"You." The woman was very angry, "It's unreasonable."

"Xiao Qi, he is my friend." Another woman walked out of a nearby store.

"Your friend?" The young woman called Xiao Qi didn't seem to believe it: "When did you know such a person?"

"I met very early."

Drunk-eyed Ye Wutian pointed at the young girl who just came out of the store, "You, why are you here?"

"What's the matter with you? What are you doing when you're so drunk? There's something wrong."

"I'm happy." Ye Wutian patted his chest, "I'm Ye Wutian, you're not afraid of me? Sister fairy even suspects that I'm a't you afraid of me?"

"Boring." The young girl gave Ye Wutian a blank look, "Send you back."

"I'm fine." Ye Wutian waved his hand, "What is this wine? I'm not drunk."

"So drunk, what should I do?" The girl called Xiao Qi thought for a while and then said, "Why don't you send him to the hotel." When she spoke, her eyes were already looking at a small hotel not far ahead.

The other girl thought about it for a while, and finally agreed, so the two worked together to get Ye Wutian to the small hotel in front, and after opening the room, they threw Ye Wutian directly on the bed.

What they didn't know was that they carried Ye Wutian into the hotel, but they envied the men in the hotel. It was common for a man to stand against a woman, or two men to stand against a woman, but the two young and beautiful The scene of a woman holding a man is the first time I've seen it today.

Are they too outdated? Or has the world changed? Oh, it's crazy to buy cakes, one man and two women, it's so cool.

The owner of the hotel is also an interesting person. He hurriedly called the waiter and asked if the cover in the room was ready.

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