Mad Doctor

Chapter 871: break up

Chapter 871

Walking into the house, I saw Old Man Ma sitting on the sofa, and beside him stood a few middle-aged men in military uniforms, shining stars.

This battle is indeed big enough. Thinking about it, as old man Ma, no matter where he goes, it is impossible to be simple.

"Stinky boy, you haven't come to see me for so long, have you forgotten my old man?" Old man Ma cursed.

Ye Wutian smiled, and the old man Ma cursed like this, but he had an appetite for him.

"Hehe, how can I? I think about the old man all the time. I wish I could accompany the old man to play chess and chat with you every day, but I know that is impossible. I can keep all my thoughts in my heart.”

After saying this, Ye Wutian felt goosebumps all over his body, unspeakable uncomfortable, let him say such nasty words to a man, and an old man, he wanted to vomit!

The people around are also all evil sweats, Ye Wutian's flattery is too much, it's too obvious.

No wonder people outside have heard that Ye Wutian is very thick-skinned, and it seems to be true now.

The old man Ma was very happy, "You kid, you are talking nonsense."

Ye Wutian laughed a few times, and stopped talking, unable to understand the purpose of Old Man Ma's visit.

"You go out first, I'll have a good chat with this kid." Old Man Ma ordered.

Several generals standing beside them left one after another, and Ma Feng was also driven out, leaving only the old man and his wife and Ye Wutian in the hall.

"Stinky boy, that's almost it." Old Man Ma put away his smile.

"What is the old man referring to?" Ye Wutian said, "Why can't I understand what you mean?"

Seeing that Ye Wutian was still pretending to be mad and being stupid, Old Man Ma couldn't help being angry and funny: "Do you really think that everyone else is a fool?"

Ye Wutian blushed: "I don't mean that."

The old man said again: "Venting for so long, it should be about the same."

Another phoenix fairy!

Ye Wutian sighed, why do these people always like to make their own decisions?

"Master, if you are doing it for the Yang family, then I have nothing to say, and I don't want to explain anything."

"You mean you don't want to give up yet?"

Ye Wutian answered the question: "Master, are you here to be a lobbyist this time?"

"The trouble is too big. If you let the trouble go on, it will inevitably have a bigger impact. This is not allowed by the above."

"Doubt me, may I ask, do you have any evidence? You are not ordinary people, and you should know that nothing can be justified by suspicion."

Old Man Ma was annoyed, Ye Wutian's words had already made it clear that he would not give in or give up, and if he wanted him to give up, he had to show evidence first, otherwise he would not talk about it.

"I know, if you say it has nothing to do with me now, you won't believe it, right?"

The old man's expression became more and more serious: "Stinky boy, this matter is not as simple as you think, and the panic it has brought to people has far exceeded expectations."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, didn't want to argue any more, it was useless to say it, and he was a subjective person again.

"Don't want to say anything? Don't want to say anything?"

"Old man, what do I say now?" Ye Wutian sneered: "You all think I'm a murderer, what's the use of saying more? It's not the same in the end?"

"Then what do you mean? That's what you're going to do?"

"Whether you believe it or not, the Tenglong Gang has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to talk about it." Ye Wutian, who was in a bad mood, would be even more upset, and the matter of Xu Shishi gave him a lot of headaches. The questioning of old man Ma made Ye Wutian very depressed and helpless.

Maybe it's because his population is poor, and he is the first to think of anything bad.

"Little god, we are also doing your best." The old woman in the wheelchair said.

"Grandma, I have already said what I need to say, and I don't want to repeat it. I'm sorry, I'm a little tired. Let's go here. If you can prove that you have something to do with me, you can come and arrest me. I promise not to say anything. ."

"Is this your opinion?" Old Man Ma asked.

"Yes, old man, you are like that, what else can I say? Saying anything is superfluous." Ye Wutian took a firm attitude.

"Nonsense." Old Man Ma slapped the table, and instantly exuded anger, as expected of someone who has been in the top position for a long time.

Ye Wutian did not speak, sitting there in silence, this meeting can be said to be unpleasant, even so, Ye Wutian has nothing to say.

"If you go on like this, you will only kill yourself." After slapping the table, Old Man Ma regained his strength and lowered his speech speed, hoping to make Ye Wutian stop.

"Send me out, I don't think I'm fit to be here right now." Ye Wu thinks there's nothing to say, and everything is superfluous. If that's the case, it's better to leave.

"Stinky boy, if you do this again, do you believe that Lao Tzu killed you?" Old Man Ma's anger that was finally suppressed surged up again. With his status, no one had ever dared to challenge his majesty like this.

There is a first time for everything, and today he met a guy like Ye Wutian who is not afraid of death.

Ye Wutian sneered and disliked this old man more and more: "I believe, of course I believe, with your old status, you want to kill me, that is very simple."

"You." Ma old man was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, but he had no way to take Ye Wutian, and killed Ye Wutian, that was just casual talk, it couldn't be true.

"Hehe, alright, alright, it's all my own, don't get angry at every turn." The old woman began to act as a middleman again and began to mediate.

"Stinky boy, for your sake, I don't have much to say, you have to do it yourself." Old Man Ma was very angry today, no one has ever dared to be so angry at him, Ye Wutian is an exception. "Come on, send him out."

Ye Wutian smiled a few times, and didn't say anything at the moment. Today's break with old man Ma was not what Ye Wutian wanted to see, and he couldn't stop it.

After today, the little relationship with the Ma family may end here.

"Old man, what are you doing? The little genius doctor is the benefactor of our Ma family, is there someone like you?" the old woman wondered.

Old Man Ma said, "If it weren't for the fact that he was kind to the Ma family, I wouldn't have spoken to him like this. I would have thrown him into the prison early in the morning."

"Grandma, it's fine, I'm fine, you don't have to take it to heart." Ye Wutian stood up with a smile and was about to leave.

"Wait, little genius doctor, last time you said there was something wrong with Xiaofeng, can you help him take a look?" The old woman looked expectantly.

Ye Wutian is funny, these two old men are also really interesting, the two couples work together, they really convinced them.

Anyway, Ye Wutian once thought that as long as the old man Ma came to the door, Ye Wutian would help Ma Feng, and he should be a good person instead of looking at the monk's face and looking at the Buddha's face.

"No, I will find a solution for Xiaofeng's illness." Before Ye Wutian could speak, he was interrupted by Old Man Ma, preventing Ye Wutian from continuing.

Ye Wutian, who had reached his lips, finally swallowed the words, and everyone refused, what else could he say?

It can be seen that the old woman is extremely dissatisfied with the old man Ma, but in front of outsiders, the old woman is not good to say too much about the old man, and must protect the old man's face.

When he walked out of the barracks, no one sent him back, which made Ye Wutian go crazy for a while. It was a long distance from the city, but those guys didn't send him back and despised them.

He took out the phone and let someone pick it up. Ye Wutian, who was squatting on the side of the road, has been waiting for someone to come and pick him up. The person he wanted to wait for didn't wait, but he waited for Ma Feng.

"Young Master Ye, you really shouldn't betray your grandfather's good intentions." Ma Feng stopped the car, opened the car door and walked out, walked to Ye Wutian's side and crouched down, took out a cigarette and handed one to Ye Wutian, Then he lit one himself.

Ye Wutian did not refuse, took the cigarette and lit it.

"Young Master Ma came to see my jokes?" Ye Wutian, who took a breath of cigarette, asked.

"Hehe, not really." Ma Feng said, "We should be friends from the beginning."

Ye Wutian replied unceremoniously: "Ma Shao, you have not looked down on me from the beginning, but I want to be friends with you Ma Shao."

"Friends start from misunderstandings."

"Yeah! It's a pity." Ye Wutian said, and he didn't know what he was pity for.

"I wanted to give you a recipe, Ma Shao, your matter is not a big deal, but the old man rejected him. He said he would handle it for you, sorry!"

"You can also give it to me now." Ma Feng said.

Ye Wutian smiled secretly, afraid that was what Ma Feng meant to chase after him, right? "I don't dare, who the old man is, you should know very well, he doesn't agree, I don't dare to mess with him."

Ma Feng was startled, Ye Wutian refused with this reason, but it was impossible to refute.

"Hehe, I understand, just ask." Ma Feng didn't insist any longer, "Yang Langzi is my classmate."

Now it's Ye Wutian's turn to be stunned, Yang Langzi and Ma Feng are classmates? Depend on! Why is this world so small? You can meet acquaintances everywhere.

"Young Master Ma, what do you want to say?" Ye Wutian couldn't understand Ma Feng's intention.

"He came to me, I hope you can help me, Young Master Ye."

"To be honest, I want to help but I can't help it." Ye Wutian scorned for a while, thinking that I'm not even afraid of your grandfather, so would he still be afraid of you? You Ma Feng also came here to be a lobbyist? What a **** joke.

"He asked me to tell you that as long as you hand over the antidote, for example, to cancel what happened before."

Ye Wutian almost didn't laugh out loud, canceled with one stroke? Yang Langzi was afraid that he would be forced to say such a thing, and the ghost believed that his stroke was canceled.

"Master Ma, tell him for me, I'm a good person, a great good person, not as bad as he thinks, don't count everything on my head." Flicking the cigarette **** on his finger, Ye Wutian stood up. Get up and walk forward under Ma Feng's gaze. Ma Feng has a car, so he doesn't expect Ma Feng to send him, that's unrealistic.

Ma Feng quietly watched Ye Wutian leave, he also smashed the cigarette **** on the ground, and stared at Ye Wutian's back thoughtfully.

Ye Wutian analyzes while walking, Yang Langzi has been forced to go nowhere, so he can use everything, even the identity of a classmate like Ma Feng has moved out.

However, Ye Wutian really didn't expect the two to be classmates. It seems that the relationship is not shallow. With Ma Feng's intervention, things are getting more and more difficult. (m)

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