Mad Doctor

Chapter 872: exist in name only

Chapter 872

Today is the fourth day. In just a few days, in the eyes of many people, those are just ordinary days, but in the eyes of the Tenglong Gang, the past few days are definitely catastrophic days. Staying at the Tenglong Gang headquarters Of the hundreds of brothers who had been there, only nine remained so far, including Yang Langzi.

In a few days, from a few hundred people to the present nine people, all the others died.

For four days, Yang Langzi had already smashed everything that could be smashed, and the hundreds of brothers who died were all the elite backbone of the Tenglong Gang. This loss made Yang Langzi unacceptable.

It can be said that the Tenglong Gang still exists. After this riot, it is also in name only, and its vitality has been severely damaged. It will be even more difficult for the Tenglong Gang to return to the state of its heyday.

What's worse is that the Yang Group has been having a hard time these days, which is undoubtedly worse for Yang Langzi. The daily losses are calculated in units of billions. Such a huge loss, even for a super company like the Yang Group. Big Mac can't stand it either.

what to do? Neither the Tenglong Gang nor the Yang Group can continue like this. For the past few days, Yang Langzi has been racking his brains to find a way out. No matter what he thinks, Naibao can't think of a better way.

In the past few days, Yang Langzi has wanted to go out more than once, but the above has refused his request again and again. In the words of the upper management, Yang Langzi is now in potential danger, and he cannot go out until he is completely safe.

Ye Wutian is not in the mood to pay attention to Yang Langzi's affairs. He is more concerned about Xu Shishi. For so many days, Xu Xushi has no news at all. What is she thinking?

In the matter of Xu Shishi, Ye Wutian is ashamed and guilty. Now he just wants to give Xu Shishi a compensation. No matter how difficult the conditions are, Ye Wutian wants to do it. Every time he closes his eyes, he can always remember Pick up a few plum blossoms on the sheets.

"Master, you've been in a low mood these past two days, tell me honestly, did you do something shameful? Which girl did you harm again?" Situ Wei handed a document to Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian, who had a ghost in his heart, blushed and was very embarrassed: "Nonsense."

"No?" Situ Wei looked at Ye Wutian closely: "I see that you are very wrong, is there really no?"

"Of course not, what do you think of me?" Ye Wutian didn't dare to tell the truth, otherwise he didn't know how Situ Wei would spread it out. This goblin is very courageous.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to take care of you, there's no reason for me to help you find a woman, right? I'll be hacked to death by the two above." Situ Wei looked at it for a long time and couldn't see a reason, "We encountered resistance. Now, what about the Yang Group?"

Ye Wutian asked: "Resistance? Is it big?"

"Big, can't be underestimated. Unless you don't want to mix in this country, you shouldn't mess with those people."

Ye Wutian is very curious, even Situ Wei is afraid of each other, what is the origin of those people?

"Let's figure it out. If you can continue, you can continue. If you can't continue, forget it. This time it's enough for Yang Langzi to drink a pot." Ye Wutian didn't dare to be too arrogant. Not a good thing.

"The third uncle has a good harvest."

"Let him work harder, we must use this opportunity to sink the Tenglong Gang."

After chatting for a while, Situ Wei turned and left.

After Situ Wei left, Ye Wutian, who had nothing to do, decided to go to the hospital, but he still served as a consultant.

"Two brothers, what a coincidence? When did you come over?" At the door of the hospital, Ye Wutian saw Gu Hezi and Ke Jiannan, both of them had a look of tiredness on their faces.

"Brother, your advisor is quite derelict." Gu Hezi shook his head with a smile.

"There are two old brothers." Ye Wutian was very embarrassed, "Go, it's just right to meet you, let's chat while eating, I haven't eaten with the two brothers for a long time, and I treat you today, as an apology to the two of you. "

Gu Hezi and the two were not polite to Ye Wutian, so the three of them went to a restaurant, and Ye Wutian ordered a few signature dishes in the restaurant.

"I heard from Brother Wu, brother, did you decline the invitation from the medical team?" Gu Hezi asked during the meal.

"Hehe, it turns out that my refusal was right. I'm afraid that if I go to that kind of plague, it won't help. It won't help at all." Ye Wutian personally poured a cup of tea for the other two, "You research. Any results?"

"It's strange. So far, I can't find any clues, but it can be confirmed that the plague is a new type of bacteria." Gu Hezi said.

Ye Wutian did not speak, and took a sip of tea.

"Unfortunately, if you can participate, brother, you may find that nothing is certain. Your medical skills are higher than ours." Ke Jiannan said.

Ye Wutian smiled: "Hehe, the two elder brothers have lifted me up. I know exactly what level I am, kid."

"Brother, the situation is not good for you right now. There are rumors that it was your poison, you have to be careful." Gu Hezi reminded, with a worried expression.

Ye Wutian's heart warmed, but he never thought that Gu Hezi would remind him like this, "The two old brothers don't doubt me?"

"To be honest, we thought it was you at the beginning. It's too coincidental. The festival between you and the Tenglong Gang is the best reason for suspicion, and people have to doubt it."

"What about now?" Ye Wutian asked: "What do you think now?"

"It can't be you."

"Oh, what's the reason? As those outsiders guessed, I have an absolute reason to help Tenglong, you should know this."

"Hehe, intuition tells us that it can't be you. Brother Gu and I both agree that it can't be you."

There is an inexplicable emotion in my heart. The person who believes in him is not the closest person around him, but an outsider. I have to say that the world is full of surprises.

"Thank you for the trust of the two brothers." Ye Wutian raised his glass: "Come on, let me toast the two brothers."

After drinking, Gu Hezi put down the wine glass, "I heard that you turned over with the Ma family?"

Ye Wutian, who had just put down the cup, was stunned and looked up at Ke Jiannan in surprise. Few people knew about this. How did Ke Jiannan know?

"Brother, sometimes I really sweat for you. You can't do this. We can't afford to offend some people."

Ye Wutian said: "I've already offended." This is undoubtedly the answer of Gu Hezi by default, he is falling out with the Ma family.

After a meal, the three chatted a lot. The most important one is the medical base, which is currently under construction by Ouyang Group. It is estimated that it will take half a year at the earliest before it can be put into use.

In the evening, Ye Wutian appeared in Ouyang Xingyue's ward, first checked the wound for Ouyang Xingyue, and it was no longer a serious problem.

"Baby, I have something to tell you." Ye Wutian, who was sitting beside the bed, took Ouyang Xingyue's little hand. During this period, Ouyang Xingyue tried to break free several times, but was held tightly by Ye Wutian. It's no use struggling.

She had long believed that Ye Wutian was her man, and now she was not used to hearing Ye Wutian calling her a baby.

"When you were held by Yang Langzi, your uncle Ouyang Zhengren knew." Ye Wutian said everything he knew.

Ben was also worried that Ouyang Xingyue would be emotional, but she was unusually calm: "I know."

"You know?" Ye Wutian was surprised, when did Ouyang Xingyue know? Also, now that you know, why don't you do anything? Incredible.

"I will ask them clearly." Ouyang Xingyue's voice was as cold as ice. Ye Wutian was still not used to hearing her after knowing her for so long.

Ouyang Xingyue asked to be discharged from the hospital, and turned his eyes to Ye Wutian, which meant that he was asking, Ye Wutian suddenly showed a bad smile: "Will you accompany me to dinner?"

"No." Ouyang Xingyue refused directly.

The smile froze on Uncle Ye's face. It was a random sentence, but when he got such an answer, Ye Wutian asked unwillingly: "You promised me last time, how could you go back on it so quickly?"

"Don't forget I'm a woman."

Ye Wutian was dumbfounded for a moment, remembering what some senior said, don't trust women casually, they have the right to go back, it seems that nothing is wrong, they can go back at any time.

At this moment, Ye Wutian really wanted to press Ouyang Xingyue on the bed and slap her ass, even if she was a woman, she couldn't keep her word like that, not to mention she was a businessman.

"Xiaoyue, are you feeling better?" The two were chatting, and outside the door, Ouyang Zhengren and his son came.

The appearance of Ouyang Zhengren and his son caused a sneer on Ye Wutian's mouth. He was talking about them just now, but he didn't expect them to come right away.

"Thank you." Ouyang Xingyue replied lightly.

"Hehe, it's fine, Xingyue, you must not have any trouble, the business of the group has to be managed by you." Ouyang Zhengren said.

"Anything else?" Ouyang Xingyue became impatient.

"Xingyue, Xiaohao has been working hard during this period of time. Do you think you should put him in a more important position to exercise?" Ouyang Zhengren said, this is the theme of his visit today.

Since he was removed from the position of chairman by the board of directors, even his son Ouyang Hao was removed from the position of general manager, which made Ouyang Zhengren depressed for a while. Now the board of directors is firmly held by Ouyang Xingyue. shake.

When Ouyang Zhengren came here today, he was already bowing his head to Ouyang Xingyue. He had no choice but to bow his head. Now his plan is to hope that his son can regain power and hold the position of general manager in his How to be serious ? Is it possible to be serious? "Ouyang Xingyue said abruptly.

"Xingyue, only by putting Xiaohao in an important position to exercise can he be allowed to do it. No matter what, everyone is a family, I believe you should also hope that he will improve, right?" Ouyang Zhengren persuaded hard, hoping that Ouyang Xingyue could Agreed, in the past, where was the need to be so humble? You can directly put your son in an important position, and no one on the board will say anything.

Today is different! It has changed, everything has changed, Ouyang Zhengren feels that he is old, too old to keep up with the times.

"Family?" Ye Wutian, who had not spoken for a long time, finally found the topic, "Excuse me, do you two treat Xingyue as your family?"

Ouyang Zhengren turned around and said, "What do you mean? There is some misunderstanding between Xingyue and I, but it's all for the company, for the Ouyang family, and everyone is still a family in private."

"A good family, I have seen thick skinned people, but I have never seen such thick skinned people as you. Ouyang Zhengren, your father and son can't be regarded as human beings, and they are not even as good as sacrifice mouths. You dare to say that you are Xingyue just because you are scumbags. relatives? Bah!" (m)

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